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Posts by dnz  

Joined: 2 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 710 / In This Archive: 252
From: poznan/poland
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: cars, socialising, skiing, surfing, travelling

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17 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Dedicated Phone Line/Data Line for remote access in Poland [7]

Get Vonage mate, I've used it for years and I pay £5.99 a month and get a little box that plugs into the router so you can plug a regular home phone into it, You also get a UK or Irish landline number so people can call you. for £5.99 you get free calls to all landlines in the EU.

It works exactly like a landline and its really clear even with our pathetic 2mb internet connection.

Go on vonage.co.uk

Its saved me a fortune over the years and even with calling mobiles a lot i pay no more than £20 per month. I'll show you the setup sometime if you like.
17 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / UK Ip address while living in Poland [14]

yourfreedom.com - you can use a UK server on there, download the software and in the config select a UK server.
16 Feb 2010
Travel / TRAIN JOURNEY..DRAWSKO TO POZNAN...help needed... [30]

They are great fun to drive if you don't need to really go anywhere, With a set of wider wheels and the addition of anti roll bars they would handle quite well. I guess polish tyres don't like sitting for any length of time,

Anyway enjoy the little beast :) Have you discovered the rev counter with the LEDs yet? Its somewhere in the footwell and is connected i forgot to mention it.
14 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / driving instruction in Polish (Gloucestershire area) [14]

It's just an observation, I'm not trying to have a pop at you. Learning to drive is hard enough and the standards of driving over here are not great.

Britains roads are the most crowded in Europe and we have among the lowest accident rates 4th from top for road safety.

With the amount of cars in such a small space this says to me that Brits must be fantastic drivers.

bmv.de/Bild/original_1096388/Population-attributable-risk-i n-the-EU_-2007.jpg
13 Feb 2010
Life / UK garage, do you get it in poland? [18]

yes you're right it's obvious, but i use win98 (OMG!), are there any good (ones where i can get the proper stuff) file sharing programs? i am sorry i am just bit behind like the rest of this country

I use limewire for downloading stuff, failing that you could always use a programme called u torrent, its fairly small and doesn't take up too much space. If you're in Poznan i have a copy of xp you are more than welcome to use also.
12 Feb 2010
Australia / Just got home to Australia, but I miss Poland! [47]

I'll be out there towards the end of April, Just waiting for my 457 visa to come through but I can't wait. I'll be living in Sydney so all is good,
12 Feb 2010

Thats really strange, I've just managed to get on to it and we have tpsa internet, Try logging on to it through hidemyass and see if that works as your ip may be blocked from their site.
11 Feb 2010
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Its definately safe to stop for fuel, They charge in Germany for using the toilets but there are rest areas with CCTV, Showers and picnic facilities all over the place,I've slept in the car there for a few hours on occasions and its perfectly safe. Also bear in mind its actually illegal to run out of fuel in Ze Fazzerland too.
11 Feb 2010
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

I usually do it in one go overnight and 16-17 hours seems about right, Theres also no border controls either, Make sure you have all the correct stuff in the car ie reflective jacket, spare bulbs, triangle, etc and adequate break down cover as its really expensive if something goes wrong.

Its also worth noting when driving through Germany that all your tyres must have a minimum of 3mm tread and all be the same type and brand. If the police stop you and you don't comply you will have to replace the defective tyres.

Fill up in the UK before you leave as fuel in Germany or anywhere with the euro is really really expensive.
10 Feb 2010
Love / Polish girlfriend going back to Poland if I dont buy engagment ring [85]

Do as Harry said! I've got a friend in the UK whos with a Polish girl who appears to be around 18 stone now due to her addiction to wotsits and frankfurters (24 bags of wotsits a day and 4 or 5 jars of frankfurters) Shes an absolute spitting image of princess fiona and has the worst personality of any female i've had the misfortune to meet and keeps pestering him to get married,
6 Feb 2010
Life / Do Polish people help one another? [40]

Generally the ones that have travelled a lot or lived outside Poland are really helpful as they seem to have absorbed some of the western european culture, The ones who havent seem to take more pride in causing problems for people than helping.
5 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Recently beaten up in England by 3 Polish guys [93]

The British Legal system is a joke they will only protect the offenders not the victim, It seems that the only way to deal with jokers like that is to take the law into your own hands.
5 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Recently beaten up in England by 3 Polish guys [93]

So if you know who they are and where they live, when your leg has healed go and find them 1 at a time and kick the living **** out of them. Apparently quite a lot of Polish men feel hitting a woman is acceptable when it clearly isn't.
5 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Recently beaten up in England by 3 Polish guys [93]

Pretty much, most of them are like it, I had one go for me the other week and after I got a punch in he phoned to get more of his mates, They really are scum of the earth, I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it. Just find out where they live and take them one at a time.
5 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Recently beaten up in England by 3 Polish guys [93]

I thought that was both illegal and very much un-British. Isn't that also illegal to try and talk people into committing a crime?
But then, you certainly have proven to have a gangster's mentality.

Illegal probably, Unbritish, well we didn't get an empire by sitting around letting people walk all over us did we? isn't it time we started standing up for ourselves again? I've heard of lots of Poles getting violent towards people in the UK and maybe if one got the **** kicked out of him enough for it to make the papers they would start behaving in a better manner.

Maybe we aren't hearing the full story, if the op stole some guys g/f then no sympathy whatsoever.
4 Feb 2010
Law / Using a foreign-registered car in Poland [13]

How can they?

You are allowed to take your car to any country within the EU for up to 12 consecutive months so long as its road legal in the country of origin. Its the Law and as much as Poland thinks it can adapt/break the law to suit itself it cant.

You shouldn't have any problems driving a spanish registered car here, Just be prepared to be stopped by the corrupt police quite a lot as they are very partial to bribes.
1 Feb 2010
Food / Do Polish restaurants use dead dogs fat as a delicacy for you to eat? [41]

I've recently realised that the word "delicacy" doesn't mean something which is really nice. It seems to be a title given to any disgusting food that can't otherwise be sold but as its called a delicacy it can be sold to people with far too much money and no taste.