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Posts by Ranj  

Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 3 Mar 2008
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 98
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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10 Jan 2007
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

You just made my morning (I love the last statement), Frank! That definitely put a smile on my face:).
12 Dec 2006
Life / Alcohol problems of Polish people [141]

anyway, I dont mean to sound so stubborn, I just wont buy the genome project
as the reason for lifestyles.

You are totally misunderstanding everything I say. I'm not saying that genes determine lifestyle. Look at it this way, let's say in the case of a smoker---that's a choice someone makes despite the fact that we know it's unhealthy. Some people can smoke for 40, 50 and 60 years without developing cancer (of course they probably have emphysema or COPD) while someone else smokes for say 20 years, gets lung cancer and dies. Both people were smokers but only one developed cancer because that person was genetically predisposed to developing it. Same thing with alcohol. You can have 2 people who start drinking at the same time, and one will continue on without any adverse effect while the other crosses over into alcoholism. Both made a choice to start drinking, but at some point, one stop having the ability to control their drinking. I think this is where you and I differ in opinion. You think a person has a choice when they are alcoholic and in fact they do have the choice not to drink, but once they put the first drink in there mouth, all bets are off. This is my point. It is not an excuse for alcoholics to continue drinking, because there are things they can do to stop, but just because they stop drinking does not mean they are no longer alcoholic. It's like with diabetes---one may be able to control there blood sugars with diet and exercise, but once you have diabetes, you have it for life.

Damn, I have a headache---it's too early in the morning for me to even try to think before I have had my first cup of java! I'll continue later!:)
11 Dec 2006
Life / Alcohol problems of Polish people [141]

I never really cared what other thought of me, but what I think of myself.

That's a great way to live your life! I found as I got older, there were better ways to have fun, without having to get drunk. I know for me, I tend to experience the moments of life to the fullest when I have a clear head and body.:)
11 Dec 2006
Life / Alcohol problems of Polish people [141]

like I said, cavemen didnt drink, Hey, who knows when the first alcohol beverage was created??

Do you understand anything about the Genome Project?

First of all, congratulations, because you are not an alcoholic. You may have abused alcohol when you were younger, but alcohol abuse does not equal alcoholism.

Secondly, alcoholism is a very complex disease---of course social factors will contribute to alcoholism---if one is susceptible to it, the more prevalent alcohol is around them, the more likely they are to drink.

As for the cavemen, how do you know there were not any alcoholic cavemen? Fermented berries could have been a nice "treat" for our neandrethal breathren for all we know. Even if there were not alcoholic cavemen, the whole point of genetics and most diseases boils down to mutations.

The fact that you say you will never "buy" the story that alcoholism is genetic tells me your mind is closed and cannot be reasoned with, even when there's scientific proof, so I will not try to change your mind.

If you decide you would like to explore further, though, here is a link for you:

9 Dec 2006
Life / Alcohol problems of Polish people [141]

and it isnt genetic, no one forces that bottle to your lips. but once your body needs
it, your stuck forever.

This statement is right in the fact that nobody forces an alcoholic take their first drink, but alcololism is a medical condition brought about by genetics. People with the propensity to become alcoholic have a brain chemistry that produces the chemical, Tetrahydrolsoquinoline (THIQ). Moderate or social drinkers don't produce this chemical which is why they can stop when they want to. Once produced in the brain, it's there forever. This is why an alcoholic who stops drinking for any period of time and decides to drink again will immediately show the same symptoms displayed before they stopped drinking. Often times their symptoms are worse, because alcoholism is a progressive disease.

Unfortunately, the exact gene that determines whether one will become alcoholic if they start drinking is not known at this time, but there's more than enough evidence to show that if one member of a family is an alcoholic, then the potential for other family members to be alcoholic increase dramatically, compared to someone who has no history of alcoholism in their family. It's like many other diseases---if a parent or a sibling has some form of cancer, for example, the likelihood that you carry the gene that produces that same form of cancer is increased sometimes tenfold. It doesn't necessarily mean you will develop cancer, but your chances are much higher than someone who has no history of it.

Just wanted to add my two cents!:)
1 Nov 2006
Love / Nice Polish women photos [329]

Eeeeeew, that's Paris Hilton---she's not Polish---that's an insult to Polish woman everywhere!