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Posts by Marino_Kat  

Joined: 7 Feb 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 22 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 113 / In This Archive: 105
From: Pyrgos / Greece
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Sports, Fitness, Health, History, technology

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13 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]


Spare me that nonsense. As i said, i can only laugh about that. You must have some heavy chip on your shoulder. Nothing to do with Hitler, that slavs arrived only around 550 in that area that is today FYROM is a fact and can also be read on old church documents.
12 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]

Alexander was greek as was Macedonia. Look at the writings. Evrything is in Greek. Culture is Greek. Religion is Greek. Art is Greek.

The slavic people later setteled in the area, roughly around 550 after christ. This was first ignored, because we were at war with Persia. But then around 600 emperor Maurikios striked back in some heavy campaigns


We dont push FYROM. They should accept a proper name and not try to steal from others and we can be good neighbors

@Dirk diggler
With the money its strange, that you get $. I would have thought to get € ha ha. But thats no problem. I pay most stuff with card, even in stores and i assume in a big city most stores offer card payments.
12 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]

Well we will see.

I wont comment the rubbish posted by some here about our history and just laugh about it.

That said, how does it work with money over there? Is banking cards ok? Or advice bringing money?
11 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]

If someone mentions Macedonia i would simply say that this is for a greek like someone would say polish deathcamps, to show that person that this is a sensitive matter.

In general i believe it is always a sensitive thing to debate foreign politics.

As i said, i have nothing against catholics.

Are there orthodox churches in Poland as well or only catholic ones?

Also whats favorite food there?
11 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]

When someone claimed wrong things about Alexander and our Province Macedonia and also sided with FYROM, i got angry. I have nothing against catholics, even so our history with them is not that positive.

I dont think people start such discussions when there.
11 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]

When someone insults my home, this person disqualifies to be a friend anyways. Its important to be respectful with each other and i assure you, i give the respect that i get.
11 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]

I see insulting Greece, our history and greek historical persons as extremly offensive as well. One thing we greeks have in our blood is, that we dont accept insults.
11 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]

Slavs did not live there and arrived almost 1000 years later. He was a hellenistic Macedon.

To say otherwise is an gigantic insult and my country made clear it sees this as action of war. Thats teh reason why FYROM starts to give by.

And i expect polish people to respect our history.

You dont want people to say "polish concentration camps". Thats ok but i expect you too stay at reality.

Slavs reached the area around the year 600 after christ.

Besie that Alexander needed no "translator". The language spoken there was a greek dialect

11 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]


FYROM not only stole a name but also made claims on greek areas / provinces which hold the name Macedonia. Thats where the fun ends.
Stick to the topic of the thread please
11 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]


History is a complex thing. The Macedonians were seen as a greek tribe and state. Just as Athens, Sparta or Thebes. There was heavy internal rival ideas back then. You can put it all under the label Hellenistic world.

What do you mean with "what happened to Byzantine Empire? Its a part of hellenistic history and a very sucessful one.

For many hundred years it was center of science and art, while Europe was mostly in dark ages. It also kept Islam out of Europe for many hundred years.

Unfortunately the rest of Europe betrayed our ancestors when we needed help. This betrayal from the catholics led to my country be under occupation and opression for 368 yers from the Turks until we broke free after heavy fighting in 1821.

But we live in 2018. I´m only 23 years old and i dont hold young catholics accountable for their ancestors being false, cowardly and evil snakes.

As for language, i propably will try to learn some easy sentences, like who i´m and where i come from.
11 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]

I dont think someone from Poland should interfer in this discussion between Greece and FYROM. Macedonia is a greek province. FYROM has nothing to do with Macedonia and just took the name. We dont allow that for obvious reasons.

1. FYROM tried to make claims on our norther provinces, which are the true Macedonia. Of course we fought that.

2. Slavs arrived in the area they live now in FYROM only in the year 600 after christ. That is a fact. Our emperor Maurikios ended their settlements and kicked them out, so they settled in what is now FYROM

We want them to stop to try stealing our fame and history and we make zero compromise regarding that. And it works. They now stop to name their places after our Alexander the Great and if we push more they will also give up the name Macedonia. The region they live on i called Carantania. Thats the name they can use.

And no, i speak no polish. aybe someone can teach me a few words?

How would i introduce myself?
10 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]

What exactly do you mean with dark skin? Greeks have no dark skin, we are not africans.

Here is what i look like:


We look like all other europeans i think.

Out of interest whats the general opinion about Greeks and Greece in Poland?

To be honesty we dont learn very much about Poland here. I know its very catholic
10 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]

No argue please ha ha.

Is there anything to do there? Some advice?
7 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]

Greeks have no dark skin. :D

But what i meant is, it sounds pretty drastic on the website so i was unsure. Of course you can get trouble evrywhere.
7 Feb 2018
Life / Poland safe for a Greek? [93]


my name is Marino and im from Greece. I work as fitness animateur and do live blogs both in english and greek channels and i got a 2 week contract in Krakow in Poland.

It would be in April and from what i heared i´m kinda nervous. Our foreign ministry says that we must hold our gurd up there because lots of racism against foreigners. I only speak greek and english so how big can the problem get there? Are there areas to be avoided? Im happy for any advice.