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Posts by Szalawa  

Joined: 12 Apr 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Aug 2016
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 239 / In This Archive: 158
From: Emigrantski republik
Speaks Polish?: basic Polish
Interests: Politics, Geography, Science, Music, History

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22 Jul 2014
History / Restoration of Poland's Monarchy? [40]

Are we talking hundreds?

No, could be anywhere form 5-15 % of the entire population of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth.
22 Jul 2014
History / Restoration of Poland's Monarchy? [40]

Yes, Poland had an elected Monarchy after the Jagiellon's died. Corrupt Magnates working for foreign powers where a big problem in the latter years, however most of the szlachta where OK and could veto any move the king made that seemed corrupt. see executionist movement :

21 Jul 2014
Genealogy / Where did most Germans live in Poland in the 19th century? [26]

Was it? What made it a "German city"?

At one point in History lots of German immigrants settled there (however Lodz had small population at that time). As the city grew, the Germans quickly became a minority being overtaken by both Poles and Jews.
16 Jul 2014

He worked there because of his uncle, and Warmia/Ermland not only fought against the Teutonic Knights but also against Poland, because it was a semi-independent state between two bigger powers.

any chance Copernicus was involved in any of theses raids against Poland? I don't think so. "idiotic comment"... maybe post your source.

Warmia was under the crown of Poland.

16 Jul 2014
Travel / Trips around Wrocław and in Lower Silesia region [11]

wrong region Crow, I spent a few months in Dolno Slask. separatist are almost non-existent movement
Crow, its very safe... I hop from Dolno slask and slask by train to visit family. I don't bother with Opole (not so interesting region). This is probably where most separatists are, but again nothing to threat and I am not aware of them being violent.
16 Jul 2014

Actually you did say Timbuktu,

I used the word, but not in the content you are referring to.

And whether Polish, German or a bit of both, he was definitely part of Mitteleuropa.

Mitteleuropa, a Germanic term.
I praise Copernicus service against the Teuton dogs(hostile back stabbing knights from "Germany" which did not exist back then). Thank you copernicus for keeping Poland safe from such hostile forces.
16 Jul 2014

Yes, actually, you did

Because I did say Muslim scholars, and he does. However I did not say the cite's Timbuktu. I mention Timbuktu because of you have a fallacy that west is better.

since they were all from Spain

Muslim Moors, not Spaniards.

I don't like the games you play.
15 Jul 2014

the lost scrolls of Timbuktu.

Did I say he cites the scrolls of Timbuktu, or did I say Muslim Scholars? I mentioned Timbuktu to give praise to its scientific achievements that were ahead of its time.

This is the second time.You like doing that? Keep on trolling.

If Copernicus had had the misfortune to come from further east, we'd doubtless never have heard of him since higher learning was not valued (if it existed at all)

BS, we would not hear of him for the same reasons we do not hear of these influential Islamic scholars.
15 Jul 2014

Of course we don't learn about the Moors? Nor Timbuktu? a little research and you find that Copernicus cites Muslim scholars as sources for his work, very western indeed. You know what Jon, I am sick of this western superiority you guys think you have. Copernicus within Poland gave the conditions he can publish his book without being persecuted that heavily as he would have been in very "liberal" west.
15 Jul 2014

There is a reason why Germany has contributed far more to science than Poland has.

Your full of it, when your Germanic countries are busy contributing to science, only Russia had true independence. Nikola Tesla, Marry Curie, Dmitri Mendeleev. all extraordinary Slavic scientist.
12 Jul 2014
History / Was the Polish/ Lithuanian commonwealth a European power? [111]

No, relations are messed up now. you got the authoritarian Belarus which try's to minimize the Polish minority (lots of Poles in Belarus, more then statistically reported), Oppressive Lithuanians and last but not least Neo-Bandera Ukrainians

Unless things change, most people don't want a union with such hostile countries. There are those who wan't Kresy back, but that's not quite the same thing.

Its National pride, the commonwealth was Poland's golden age.
12 Jul 2014
History / Was the Polish/ Lithuanian commonwealth a European power? [111]

i am very interested in this matter and want to learn as much as possible about back then Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

I recommend reading Poland: A history, By Adam Zamoyski It gets into detail about the intricate culture and politics of that time. Szlachta culture (Sarmatism) is also a very interesting/important topic.

other then that, you could watch/read the trilogy with fire and sword , but that is mostly for entertainment and visuals.

Don't let the west fool you they hated the Sarmatism and lots of negative things where written about it as propaganda.
for example in that video, when he say's 2%, it was really at minimum 5% but most like around 10% of people had voting rights
Sarmatian culture was not based on wealth (for the most part) but strictly on lineage, you had to have a Sarmatian ancestor.
Also by reading you would understand the atrocity the Swedes committed on Polish culture and well being. Destruction of Commonwealth came within the Commonwealth through Sigismund Vasa organized by malicious Swedes. read Deluge.

This is what destroyed The Commonwealth, not Sarmatism (true Poles) but propaganda will try to tell you otherwise.
9 Jul 2014
USA, Canada / Why do Americans (and Canadians) hate Polish people? [226]

Since I live in Canada, and I am Polish myself I will tell you something about Toronto, it is full of immigrants from all over the world. Polish people that refuse to assimilate are disliked by the so called "Canadians" but since Toronto has a very diverse population, you don't have to assimilate because almost nobody does that. remember that Canada is a very artificial country.

They think that they must, that they have right.

yes, they think they have the right to destroy culture, but it will never happen if we keep reminding people about their culture and ethnic heritage.

indoctrinated since their birth to hate everything Slavic

If they are Slavic, they can resist this brainwashing but it can be a slow process.

their self-given right to control, grab and rule.

If they did not, There would be no such thing as America, Canada, Australia etc.
2 Jul 2014
History / Why does the idea of a "Slavic Union" with Poland seem so popular on this site? [96]

Its for comfort, I myself am a open Pan-slavist if you show interest in talking about it, I will gladly speak about it. Its a hobby you can say. You know the constant fighting between Slavic people going on right now and the dislikes some people have for each other, it helps to speak about unity and peace with each other to help mend the wounds. Some people on this site try their best to fan the flames, trying to incite more hatred and violence between Slavic people (I see it on this site alot). so speaking about these things are very necessary to restore peace.
29 Jun 2014
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

actually you're whinging

I think the correct term is raising awareness, In Germany almost no one knows they exist. Which is sad because they are the last few remaining Wends (Polabians).
29 Jun 2014
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

You seem to be whinging

again, that is in the article and not my own words
29 Jun 2014
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

The Sorbs are perfectly fine, dude. They don't need Serbian, Canadian or Polish right-wing nuts to tell them what they have to think or do.

That's whats in the article, I am not telling them anything.

And now a look across the border...

The point is their home land is rather small and putting a coal mine there has been the major source driving them out. their population has been declining, that's not what you would call prospering
29 Jun 2014
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]


About 500 Sorbs demonstrated in Berlin in May against cuts in public funding and the community is stepping up its campaign in the coming months with another demonstration and a petition against the planned bulldozing of further villages to make way for mining. Open-cast mining for brown coal - a cheap but highly polluting source of power - has forced 30,000 people and 136 Lusatian villages to move since 1924.

however all live peacefully and happily where they are.

According to this article, pollution does not make them happy, and bulldozing away villages is not peaceful.
If there is 70,000 Sorbs now, 30,000 Sorbs is a huge percentage.
29 Jun 2014
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

"Polabia back to slavs"
1.first it needs a larger Slavic Population (to make a majority for referendum)
2.needs a incentive for independence
3. needs support and backing from other countries (Slavic countries preferably to fund the new state)
4. needs E.U to go on board (needs slavic countries to collectively put pressure on E.U)
5. Needs Sorbian culture and language to flourish among newcomer slavs
Germans can stay, but they will be a minority...yes they can stay. and the ethnic majority will be Slavic and all cities will have Slavic names. Poles and Serbs can form this new country if they work together, yes it is possible and will bring closer ties between the two countries. Germany would also develop better relations with Poland and Serbia (EU pressure) too and everything would be ok.

This is just for fun and this is just a what if scenario, But hey, anything can happen.
In fact this is kind of fun, I might do more of these sort of things

29 Jun 2014
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

not much point dwelling on Crow's nutty obsessions.

who's to say its Crows nutty obsessions?
29 Jun 2014
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

well Crow did not start this thread, so other people must share the same curiosity it appears.
28 Jun 2014
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

Because I seen Crow posting stuff about Poland flexing its muscles and liberating Lusatia, so I was interested and looked around the forums, you know healthy curiosity

+ someone revived the thread about giving land back to Germany
28 Jun 2014
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

I did not start this thread, and surprisingly neither did Crow.
This will only happen if people are really dedicated to it, which is currently not the case now. But this is what the thread is about. Let enough slavs in Germany and let them clump in Lusatia and it really is good leverage for Poland for those Germans demanding "German" land back
28 Jun 2014
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

not saying they want to, but its the only feasible situation where at least part of Polabia will be returned to slavic people
a lot of these people are "German citizens" so I am assuming they are staying in Germany now.
Its a good counter-attack if the Germans insist on that "German land" they want back.
28 Jun 2014
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

"Polabia back to Slavs?"
Slavs in Gemrany
Poles in Germany - Could be up to 3 mil
Serbs- around 700,000
Croats- around 350,00
Sorbs- about 60,000
+ many more
If they all clump together and hold a referendum in Lusatia then you can get that area back.
However that requires a lot of dedication and the Germans will be ****** off.