UK, Ireland /
Hand washing at public toilets in the UK [75]
I tend to wash my hands in copious amounts of soap and hot water,
So do I. I wouldn't have it otherwise. Part of my job involves Infection Control and it's er...interesting what kinds of bugs live in these public toilets. Wetting the fingertips does absolutely nothing, they'd be as well not washing their hands (considering they probably picked up even more germs by simply touching the tap).
I do know what you mean though Magdalena, I see it often too and mothers telling their kids just to "rinse their hands under the water". I'm not sure why people don't wash their hands properly. Sometimes the handsoap in these toilets can be a bit harsh on skin but it's better than not washing at all.
use the antiseptic hand wash that I tend to have with me. This avoids MRSA too.
A good alternative back-up but shouldn't replace handwashing overall. Battles MRSA but doesn't touch C-Diff. Luckily you shouldn't find too much C-Diff lurking in public toilets. :)