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Joined: 27 Jul 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 31 Jan 2012
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Speaks Polish?: Jestem debilem i mam dosyć tego antypolskiego gówna

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8 Dec 2011
Travel / Whats your favourite Polish city and why? [132]

I'm actually suprised that you want to visit place like Białystok

Just to say I've been, really

but not Budgoszcz.

My ex is from there; and if she and her friends are anything to go by, it must be a dreadful place.


It's much better than it looks - put it that way.

My mum went to Uni there, so I kind of feel that I have to go there at some point. And I've got an interest in industrial history, so that's another reason ;)
8 Dec 2011
Travel / Whats your favourite Polish city and why? [132]

Warsaw: because I know it better than anywhere else in Poland, and I prefer big cities, having lived in one for most of my life. There's far more to the place than meets the eye, if you can look beyond the ugly concrete, but few bother to find out.

Wrocław: the friendliest, most easy-going city I've visited in Poland. I've only been three times, but even the flooding didn't spoil things too much. Would love to go back.

Places I really want to visit: Poznań, £odź and Białystok. Just to say I've been, really. And Katowice - mainly because I like Silesians.

Places I have no intention of visiting: Bydgoszcz. My ex is from there; and if she and her friends are anything to go by, it must be a dreadful place. Mind you, she wouldn't tell me what ends she was from, so I strongly suspect that "Bydgoszcz" actually meant "backward Kujawsko-Pomorskie village", so I may be wrong ;) Either way, I doubt that it can even come close to somewhere like Wrocław or Gdańsk.

Note that I haven't mentioned Kraków :D
8 Dec 2011
Love / Do polish men like career women? [60]

Possibly the best description of Polish male-female relationships I've ever read on here; it's so true (unfortunately!)

Whenever I hear about "overbearing Jewish mothers", I always think "lol, that's just like a Polish mum". :D I wonder which came first?
7 Dec 2011
Love / Do polish men like career women? [60]

A Polish man (or any man for that matter) probably doesn't mind it, when a career woman spends $ on him.

She still has to earn less than him, of course. Male pride, and all that ;)

Did I leave an impression of submissive woman, because if I did I do apologize. I am surely not.

And Serbs know how to be masculine while knitting ;)

I was thinking of the others, really ;)

You know how it works on here: Western men are all gay/effeminate/emasculated, because they have been indoctrinated by anti-Slavic, anti-Serbian, pro-Muja NATO-supporting EUSSR traitors ;)

or something like that ;)

7 Dec 2011
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

...if Christmas Eve is more important to you than Christmas Day (extra points if you open your presents after wigilia as well ; : ).
7 Dec 2011
Love / Do polish men like career women? [60]

Making this about gender is a little silly. I'm fairly sure everyone would love to come home to a cooked meal and the laundry done, no matter what gender they are. More important would be how angry the man or woman got if some things weren't done.

I remember newly-married guys in the UK telling their young wives "no woman of mine is going to work, I'm the earner in this household", and I'm sure some women loved that idea and some hated it. The same thing happens in Poland too, where it's male pride that insists the woman doesn't work, rather than chauvinism insisting she stays in the kitchen.

Your second sentence explains the problem in your first sentence. ;)

Of course everyone would like to have everything done for them by the time they come home - the problem is, there are still a lot of Polish men who still believe that this is a woman's job, irrespective of whether she works or not.

I couldn't care less if the Serbs on here will come out with their "effeminate/emasculated Western men" nonsense (sometimes they say we are effeminate/emasculated, then they call us violent, aggressive scum - so which is it?? lol) - it's not right for men to expect women to do their dirty work for them, especially if the woman works as well. That's not feminisation, it's fairness.

I remember once reading a book on sociology where a husband threw his dinner on the fire because it was served by his wife's sister, not by his wife. Thank heavens those days are almost over - should have been ****ing grateful he was getting fed at all! And if anyone disagrees with me, well you can **** off back to your Bernard Manning DVDs as well. It's not 1950 any more.

No-one, but NO-ONE touches my ironing. And if you try, I'll beat u up, blud ;) lol (jk ;) )

Right, back to marking coursework for me... lmao :)
7 Dec 2011
Love / Do polish men like career women? [60]

Most of the polish women I know give their menfolk a very hard time!

They do like to "try a ting" as we say round here :)

But as I discussed some time ago on here, the key is to know how to play them at their own game ;)
6 Dec 2011
Love / Do polish men like career women? [60]

I take it you've had a run in with "Staruch's" finest, they did a little bit of ************* and now you are taking it out on all Polish men.

I'm probably twice the age of the average PF poster; having grown up surrounded by Poles (at home and beyond), I'm perfectly placed to comment.

And I never said "all".

Someone's being anti-polonic.

See above.

Whereas you aren't even Polish, and you seem to like throwing around the occasional anti-Polish comment yourself.

Polish women deserve better, which is possibly why so many go with foreigners these days.
6 Dec 2011
Love / Do polish men like career women? [60]

What do the men of Poland want??????

Most "men of Poland" are still mummy's boys. They may "go gym" all day, and beat people up at the Legia match, but they always go running back to mamusia for some zupa afterwards :D Only Italian men are worse.

Trust me on this: almost all the women in my family married or live with these kind of losers. I'm nothing like this, though (thank heavens) - being brought up in the UK, Polish women love me for having the ideal combination of Polish background and Western ideas of gender equality. They know they will be an equal, and not a subordinate "mother-substitute" for some lazy lowlife. If you want sexist, Neanderthal men, then go to Serbia :)

A Polish man would always pick youth and beauty over intelligence.ambition, money. career anything, they want a beautiful young girl to stay home and look after them!

As if a beautiful girl would be content with that! Or has the blachara/WAG lifestyle passed you by? lol :)
1 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Why do so many Polish guys in the UK have a crew cut or buzz cut? [106]

The site is infected with anti-semitism, racism and general right wing penis waving.

True, but he could have just browsed the site for a few days and decided not to register, if he finds this site so offensive. I've browsed sites such as St*rmfront and Urban75 in the past (both equally extreme, right and left respectively) but I wouldn't even think of registering, because I don't like the content/policies.

without that what would the people on here talk about?

Football! lol
30 Nov 2011
Love / First Dates with a Polish guy who grew up in France [21]

Yeah, with im a slapper written all over it. Man thats some bad advice.


OMG lol, compared to the women I've dated from up North, that's almost "priestly" advice - they don't even bother with the bit about condoms haha :D
30 Nov 2011
Language / Is this proper Polish grammar? If it is, can you explain how it is? [32]

I just don't see how you can use była in a sentance that makes any sense when talking about eating cucumbers.

Because the verb być refers to existence, i.e., the situation which exists now (present tense), which existed before the present (past tense) or situations which will exist (future tense).

The existence we are referring to in this example is whether a cucumber is being eaten, was eaten at sometime in the past, or will be eaten (or, indeed, whether or not it should have been eaten!).

Hence if you wanted to say (a silly example, I know ;) ) "It's good to be a cucumber" it would be "jest dobrze być ogórkiem", but this changes to "dobrze było być ogórkiem" (i.e., it was good to exist as a cucumber in the past), or if you are planning to become a cucumber one day, "dobrze będzie być ogórkiem" (i.e., it will be good to exist as a cucumber, in the future).

Beyond that, I think you need a teacher to explain it; I'm definitely not a teacher ;)

Polish grammar often makes things sound complicated, whereas English makes it a bit more logical; but at least Polish doesn't have words with silly pronunciations like "Leicester" or "Cholmondeley" - difficult grammar is the trade-off for easier pronunciation ;)

but still dont understand what the hell this has to do with a cucumber...

Because in the context of the verb być, the situation the cucumber is in (past, present, future) is more important than the cucumber itself ;)
23 Nov 2011
Food / Pinto beans in Poland [17]

Why re-fry them?

They aren't "re-fried" - it's a mistranslation ;)
20 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Disgusting, fat and lying Polish women and Illegal immigration in UK [73]

The peoples of various European tribes have interbreeded soo much over the past 100s of years i don't think you can define anyone as a saxon or a slav anymore.

So how do you find it so easy to identify them, if they have "interbred" so much?

UK has plenty of illegals and they always target the eastern Europeans trying to marry them, because they're EASYYYY

It's more to do with the fact that these illegals know that Polish women have little experience of their ways.

They are unlikely to succeed with English women, who will have no problem telling them to **** off if they aren't interested. Polish women just aren't as aggressive or direct as English women, even in their own language/country. They also tend to pick the vulnerable, poorer women with poor English - women like this are easier for them to fool. This says far more about them as men, than it does about the women they target.

I can't imagine those games would work on someone like our own JustysiaS, though. lol :)

That is another myth. They are not easy.

The voice of reason, as always :)

What am I missing here?

hudsonhicks hates Slavs, yet he has a Slovak girl on Facebook, and claims to be bothered that she communicates with north Africans. He's so full of contradictory nonsense, it's unbelievable.

Now that he's also starting to go on about "East Europeans" as well, I'm starting to think that he's actually King Athelstan/noimmigration under a new name.
19 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

I prefer Indian curry to stinky polish sausages that you can buy in Lidl, or Aldi

Oh, I forgot: "cultural enrichment" is OK as long as it means better food and restaurants. lmao!

Lidl doesn't sell Polish sausages - they're German sausages. In which case, you "Anglo-Saxons" should love 'em :p

The Pakistanis have been here for years. There lack of integration is kind of acceptable now because they're from a stone-age backwards society.

This has got to be the dumbest PF statement of the week. Well done :)
19 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

And what is wrong with "Polish" if it's clearly understandable?

It's not about being "understandable", it's about whether you are willing to allow your children to integrate into British society. Sounding like your immigrant grandparents suggests an insular upbringing.

Poles have always integrated well over here; Pakistanis often do not, even though they have been here almost as long as us. There are still parts of this country with shops which have signs written entirely in Urdu, yet every Polish shop I have ever seen (in many different cities) always have "Polish Food" or something similar on the sign. Polish business owners actually have the manners to write something on their signs in English, even though many Asian businesses do not.

the Brit sounded like a person with impeded speach

judging a person by an accent is xenophobic as **** and very close minded

Pot. Kettle. Black! (przyganiał kocioł garnkowi) lol
19 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

I agree Seanus, he does have a point (as do you).

But why does he attack Poles so much, when
(a) I suspect his town is simply not as affected by Polish immigration as others are, and
(b) there are other communities who deserve far more ridicule for non-integration than Poles do.

I can guarantee that he will never meet a second-generation Polish child/adult with a "Polish" accent, yet there are many British-born Pakistani adults with immigrant grandparents, who still sound like "Asians". Additionally, coming from a non-English speaking family doesn't seem to hold those Polish children back in education or the workforce, yet other groups (who actually come from English-speaking backgrounds) say that being "ethnic" holds them back!

Furthermore, if he went on asianforum.co.uk etc., he wouldn't last five minutes before being banned. Which makes you wonder just why the mods seem to love reading anti-Polish views so much.

1 Million Unemployed young people in the UK
1 Million Eastern European immigrants in the UK

Simple maths. We don't need you.

And how many more African, Carribbean or Asian immigrants? Are you a journalist or something?

Come back when a group of Polish men do a "drive-by" in your village, "stab u up" for "disrespect", or beat up your sister for "under-dressing".
19 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

I'm not sure why you are calling me scum ....

You like to dish it out, but can't take it yourself:

One day the Slavic human trash will be exiled from this once Celtic/Anglo-saxon green and pleasant land :)

your attitude is exactly why you will always be a second class Slavic slave :)

How does it feel to be from a nation of scrounging exiles?

19 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

Polish businesses existed in this country decades before you were even thought of. I was born walking distance from several Polish shops, a Polish church and community centre, and I'm not exactly in my teens or 20s.

However, as you probably live in a "hick town", you are aptly named, so it's not surprising that you don't realise that many British cities had large Polish populations many decades ago.

I can guarantee that you would not be able to tell that my parents, our other Polish immigrant relatives or friends, and their descendants (including myself) are actually Polish, so your complaint about "lack of integration" is nonsense. Virtually all of the 250000 Poles who were here before 2004 have fully integrated, and do not walk around dressed like chavs or gold-diggers.

Those who have arrived after 2004 may or may not have integrated, depending on how long they have been here. Those who refuse to learn English, and contribute nothing, should be deported - they are not wanted or needed, and they do nothing for the Polish community who were already here, except give us a bad name.
17 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Slough & Elsewhere UK [23]

The Pakistanis I knew were nice and unassuming, you just have to avoid the radicals.

A lot of it depends on where they come from. Many are from villages in the middle of nowhere, so they would struggle to fit in in Karachi or Lahore, never mind in the UK. So it's no wonder that they become insular, because that's what they're used to. Just like not all Polish women are the same, not all Pakistani Muslims are the same.

My wife doesn't underdress, it's just not her.

Just say "well, I think your wife is overdressed" lol :)
17 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Slough & Elsewhere UK [23]

Dziennik Polski: first published in London in 1940.

The Daily Jang: first published in London in... oh, about 1952 iirc :)

We win :D

Some Pakistanis should be reminded that they have a country called Pakistan.

Unfortunately, they've also got a city called Bradistan lol :)