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Joined: 26 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Jul 2011
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Posts: Total: 140 / In This Archive: 103

Speaks Polish?: Llama
Interests: Llamas

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9 Jun 2011
News / Polish robots in race for Mars [24]

Remember for in the 80s they were saying that by this time we'd be living on Mars, what a crock of ****.

Lol! Yeah, and where the hell is my flying car?!
5 Jun 2011
Life / Mental health problem or one of the grieving stages? Death and denial in Poland. [93]

Oh boy. That's pretty bad. Think of all the thought, planning and effort it took to execute this little exercise. That's a whole lot more than just some denial. And certainly her condition is not an act if she's going to this extent.

I've been thinking about this in regards to this poor girl...
Lets assume for the moment that indeed people have inside of them some mechanism of denial which is automatically switched on in order to preserve us from severe psychological harm; we go into denial so as to prevent ourselves further damage of complete breakdown. Ok? Now, for this girl's mind to trigger such a reaction and go into that -what we'll call "brain safety mode"- over the death of an old and ill father, this would seem to me to indicate that she likely had some sort of serious issues even before her father died and these recent events. I mean, sure, a loved one's death can be traumatic -devastating even- but for her to go off the deep end over it certainly seems extreme in the extreme, an overreaction to the expected event. I think this shows that the death of her father may be immaterial here and in reality may have had little to do with her present condition; if not his death then something else was likely going to set her off anyway. (Much as NoNonsense didn't need any particular traumatic event to set her off into loopy mode.) Does this make sense? There was nothing else in this girl's prior life that would indicate that she was, um, a little 'off'? No other instances when you thought she was maybe not normal or completely balanced?

This is as intriguing as a movie case. If I were you I'd consider contacting a psychiatrist on your own and buying an hour with them and telling them this girl's story. Maybe you could introduce this person to the girl as a friend and just get them talking?...
1 Jun 2011
Life / Mental health problem or one of the grieving stages? Death and denial in Poland. [93]

I too think that the drugs can be bad and are over prescribed these days. But also they can and do help some people. For some the drugs are their only hope for a normal life. And the more extreme the case the more likely meds might be necessary, imo. A professinal should decide.

I would answer if I were her: From a logical point of view I can prove you he is still alive, when I will be ready to realise he died, I will inform you.

See, but you're looking at it from a normal person perspective as to what a normal person might think and do. This girl is clearly not normal at present.
30 May 2011
Life / Mental health problem or one of the grieving stages? Death and denial in Poland. [93]

imagine false realities like she is and make up delusions to comfort herself. She knows deep down inside that her father is dead, but she's just separating herself from reality with the delusions. This is common in people of certain personalities, its just the way they cope with extreme stress when they break down.

I suspect this is bang on but due to the amount of time she's nursed this delusion there may be more at play. This is a pretty severe case no matter how you look at it.
28 May 2011
Love / I met a Polish guy but wonder what his intention is.. [35]

"You're not my guy and Im not your girl and you never say anything about it and then you want to kiss me!"

Excellent! Good for you! More girls should stand up for themselves and make such demands from men.

Im sure you have some doubts about me and Im not expecting that you will accept at this moment, but I made up my mind, I dont want just to be your friend, I want to be your guy.

So sweet. Sounds like you landed a good one!

What a lovely story, SB. Thanks for sharing it. Good luck into the future.

You better use that lips first to say what's the real score

Lol. I love this. :)
27 May 2011
Genealogy / How Polish am I? What is the correct formula? [58]

While today it's more about them embracing/ asserting their blackness against whitey, what you guys are referring to is what was/is known as the One Drop Rule. One drop of black blood and you are black.

1/8 Polish means there are eight parts and only one part is Polish. That's like having a dash of salt or sugar.

It's more than a dash. Any recipe that calls for 1/8 of the ingredients to be salt or sugar would be either very very salty or very very sweet!
27 May 2011
Love / I met a Polish guy but wonder what his intention is.. [35]

Just want to update this thread.Everything went well for us and now, we're married!!!

Holy crap! We often get such stories here but rarely get to hear what resulted.
So sometimes it does work out...
Good for you, SB. ;)