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Joined: 7 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Jun 2017
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9 Jan 2011
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

Looks like people can be easily distracted. I have to say it's ND has no problem with popularity it's GW who lost 50% readers within 4 years. And it's a positive sign, now only youngsters believe in GW manipulations and lies.
7 Jan 2011
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

I don't count "POLACK TODAY" as being Polish.

I'm sure you are familiar with name 'Kosher Zeitung' second in popularity contest just after 'The Rug'.

where exactly does GW demonstrate a premeditated

There is easy answer for such a question in Poland and it's 'w dupie'. You had so a lot of responses for your question but you you keep asking in hope some actually believe you.
5 Jan 2011
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

I have been reading GW longer then you imagine.

I can see. Here lazy one Radość w redakcji Gazety Wyborczej you can try to google arogancki Lisiecki.

you are such a lousy lier

I hear that my neighbour harasses my elderly father because he reads GW

5 Jan 2011
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

You are the one who mentioned

hmm let me put some examples:

the "reader"ship again for Julius Streicher's nasz dziennik

ups not this one

'Nasz Dziennik's' core audience have to move their lips while reading, the sound of all those false teeth stuck with crumbs of communion wafer and crushed laxative tablets can't be a pleasant sight

neither this one
some others like fascist has been removed by mods
5 Jan 2011
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

Check out the real figures

Keep crying. It's en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasz_Dziennik data not mine.
From 2007 GW lost over 120 000 readers . Really nice.

What ever. There was no crisis in 2010 in Poland. So unless you ready to admit that Wybiórcza and PO are lying you not allowed to use this argument. :-)
5 Jan 2011
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

Smartbum are you talking about numers as such:

- Type Daily newspaper
- Format Compact
- Owner Agora SA
- Editor Adam Michnik
- Founded 1989
- Political alignment Social liberal
- Language Polish
- Headquarters Warsaw
- Circulation 470,000
- Official website wyborcza.pl

According to the publisher, its circulation is about 150,000 with a sell-through of about 100,000. Alternate sources have listed its 1999 circulation at 250,000 [3] and its 1998 readership at 600,000.

5 Jan 2011
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

They claim to sell around 100,000 copies, about a tenth of Gazeta Wyborcza's

How do I know you are American?
cos you say 100 000 is a tenth of 334 129 nice one.
3 Jan 2011
News / Pole-basher Gross up to old tricks [284]

I am interested in connection between Gross and Michnik. I know you delphiandomine don't trust anything by Polish but you may be interested in this: Adam Michnik-The Useful Idiot in the "War on Terror"

I don't agree with author that he is an idiot, author should remember one thing Michnik get money for it.

I mean , Polish people doing anything wrong , its just not possible is it....?

Surprise, surprise English is using sarcasm. Find me any Polish on this forum claiming that Polish people has never ever done anything wrong. You should focus on your bean.
3 Jan 2011
News / Pole-basher Gross up to old tricks [284]

Let's go back to main topic. So you were saying Gross made up story on the base of one picture. I have to admit he is very creative no surprise he is half Polish: Jan T. Gross was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1947 to a Polish mother, who was a member of the Polish resistance (Armia Krajowa) and a Polish-Jewish father who was a PPS (communist party) member. Didn't you say AK is responsible for killing Jews?

Anyway can we return to the topic.
Here is something for you: Adam Michnik editor-in-chief of Gazeta Wyborcza and Jan Gross in 1967.
2 Jan 2011
News / Pole-basher Gross up to old tricks [284]

Are you telling us delphiandomine, that Gazeta Wyborcza and Gross are the one?

The whole book is based on one picture.

It must drive them wild that a Jew wrote a book on the basis of something written in Gazeta Wyborcza :)

I mean are you serious? Whole book is based on one picture? Such a statement is too radical don't you think? Again what picture?
2 Jan 2011
News / Pole-basher Gross up to old tricks [284]

Are you telling us delphiandomine, that Gazeta Wyborcza and Gross are the one?

It must drive them wild that a Jew wrote a book on the basis of something written in Gazeta Wyborcza :)

No surprise from my side.

I notice that no-one has yet denied the authenticity of the picture in question.

What picture in question? Can you expand it bit more?
2 Jan 2011
Language / Correct usage for 'going' in Polish [25]

Przyjdę (razem z wami) na spacer a potem pójdziemy do kina.

Pójdę (z wami) na spacer a potem pójdziemy do kina.
2 Jan 2011
News / Pole-basher Gross up to old tricks [284]

anti-semtism and Gazeta Wyborcza hating are indeed one and the same

Can you tell us something more about anti-semitism. For now I understand that in your opinion everyone who doesn't like Gazeta Wyborcza is anti-semite.
2 Jan 2011
News / Pole-basher Gross up to old tricks [284]

Interestingly, it seems that the source for the Gazeta Wyborcza article was the director of Treblinka site today. Are you telling us Polonius, that the director is lying?

Interestingly, it seems that you mix Gross with Gazeta Wyborcza. Are you telling us delphiandomine, that Gazeta Wyborcza and Gross are the one?
30 Dec 2010

Well, coming from such a genius as yourself, the word "ameba", doesn't exist, it is spelled, "amoeba."

Hey! Kike from your favorite wikipedia:

Amoeba (sometimes amœba or ameba, plural amoebae) is a genus of Protozoa.

Plus could you kindly explain, what does wasa means? Genius.

Bierut's last name wasa not Rotenschwanz

Another quote from Wiki:

Members of the former Communist Party of Poland (KPP) were returning home from the Soviet Union as prominent functionaries of the new regime. Among them was a highly visible number of Poles of Jewish origin, who became active in the new Polish Communist party and the Ministry of Public Security of Poland, among them Hilary Minc, the third in command in Bolesław Bierut's political apparatus and Jakub Berman, head of State Security Services (UB, Urząd Bezpieczeństwa) considered Joseph Stalin's right hand in Poland between 1944 and 1953.[20] Jewish representation in Bolesław Bierut's apparatus of political oppression was considerably higher than their share in the general Polish population.

All three communist leaders who dominated Poland between 1948 and 1956, Jacub Berman, Boleslaw Bierut, and Hilary Minc, Jozef Rozanski, Hersh Smolar, Stefan Staszewski and Artur Starewicz were Jews.

Boleslaw'aw Bierut (real name Boleslaw Biernacki, April 18, 1892-March 12, 1956) was a Polish born Jewish Communist leader, a Stalinist, and a Soviet ally, who led Poland in the aftermath of World War II. Bierut was born in Rury Jezuickie near Lublin, with both peasant and Jewish ancestry.

American can learn from Jewish communists how to torture people.

Tortured from April through October 1945, Kopf recalled that:

The interrogation sessions lasted 24 hours. The UB interrogators applied a variety of physical torture. That included hitting the prisoner, suspending him tied from a bar, tearing off his fingernails, beating him on the soles of his feet, applying electric shocks during questioning, and putting him in solitary confinement [karcer]. This was a closed cell two meters by two with a large, round hole in the middle leading to the septic tank down below which served as the main depository for refuse from the whole jail. The prisoner could only stand up in that cell and walk around that hole. The stench of feces and ammonia caused one's eyes to become infected. Standing caused one's legs to swell. If the prisoner was not able to withstand that kind of torture, he would fall into the hole and drawn. There were also instances of the prisoner standing in that cell and they hosed him with water. The present writer was sentenced to 102 hours of solitary confinement.

28 Dec 2010
Language / How to use time in Polish language? [20]

Poproszę (please) - you start the sentence with it Poproszę bilet autobusowy. (Bus ticket, please)
Proszę (please) - you end the sentence with it Przynieś mi koc, proszę. (Bring me blanket, please)
Proszę=here you are