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Posts by Matowy  

Joined: 4 Jul 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jul 2010
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Posts: Total: 293 / In This Archive: 190
From: United Kingdom.
Speaks Polish?: Only a little. Maybe 2% or so.
Interests: Few and far between.

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8 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

How come South Africa is one of the most violent countries in the world after Mandela took over, where they kill eacother over pocket change and rape women every 4 minutes?

I don't know the answers to those questions. Guess what? Neither do you. I would personally theorize it to being the seeds that the Roman Empire planted that resulted in Western prosperity, but that is just my personal thoughts. You, however... you take all of these complex issues and simplify them with "blacks are just stupid, whites are intelligent". Nothing is that simple, and if you think that things are that simple... well, you're just proof that white people are not as intelligent as you think.

And don't think I haven't noticed how you haven't backed up your pitiful theory with anything remotely scientific. You are just pointing to places and saying "Look, this place is populated by blacks and it sucks, obviously the blacks are stupid". If you want to be taken seriously, then provide scientific backing. Right now you just look like a racist who is trying to justify his views with pseudo-science. You wouldn't be the first.

How come all the areas the black and arab people occupy in our western cities look more and more like the places they came from? Where drugs, murders and rapes are daily occurances? It's not like that in my hometown, where 99% are white. How come?

My hometown is 93% white, and my work town is 99% white. Guess what? Drugs, assault, sex crimes, teenage pregnancy, poverty, underage sex, lack of education are all as high as they can possibly be in this country. Why is that? Who the **** knows. Let's not defile these matters matters by making dumb assumptions.

When I point out to you that the persian empire had it's golden time before the muslims conquered them by blood and sword, then you don't feel like talking about it anymore.

No, I said plainly that the period I remember from my readings on the subject took place during Islamic rule. I do not remember the name or exact time for this period, so I refrain from mentioning it. You can think what you want, I will leave you to boil and degrade in the hate that you accuse others of harbouring.
8 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

What you believe in is nothing more than foolish 19'th century pseudo-science which has been invalidated by further science in that field many times already. "The fairer the skin, the higher the civilization" - seriously? This isn't even racism anymore, it is just stupid. No scientific basis, no anthropological basis, no evolutionary basis (contrary to what you believe). White people have white skin because they moved to areas of the world where their dark skin was no longer necessary, so eventually they shed the genes enforcing darker pigmentations because it became obsolete. That's all. There is no scientific or genetic link between skin pigmentation genes and intelligence. You are simply a fool grasping at straws to justify crappy viewpoints. Do not get any illusions; science is not on your side.

Again, read my posts in the "Mosques in Krakow" thread and follow the link to get what I'm talking about.

No, not "no problem". It blows your stupid pseudo-science theory to pieces. East Asians have dark(er) skin, and yet they're more intelligent than whites based on IQ. Your pseudo-science theory is destroyed.

About the drawing...really? Have you thought this through? If he was black or dark skinned...

I was actually making a joke about the drawing, but WOW, you really do think that he was white because the artist didn't colour in his drawing? Holy ****....

Wow, you haven't really read any history at all have you. Persia saw it's golden age between 625BC and 650AD.

No, the period I'm thinking of is a bit later.

Why do you want islam to be such great religion? It has never been and will never be anything but a cult of evil.

I don't care what Islam does or does not do. It is simply a religion, it is nothing more than that. "Cult of evil"? No. The Muslim culture can be crappy sometimes, but so can Christian culture. I make no distinctions on this. What Muslims choose to do is not my concern either. I prefer secularization, but I respect peoples individuals choices, even if I do think they're poorly-informed.
8 Mar 2010

Basically, you are acting like an idiot. There are more important things in life than this. People are often going to criticize and generally not get along with other people - that's life. Learn to distinguish the significant from the insignificant, gain some perspective, and then you'll look back on this and either laugh or feel ashamed.

8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

How on earth do I explain something so simple? It is like trying to explain that all humans breath oxygen. Basically, can you think of any culture, any at all, in which racism has not existed? If racism is a learned trait, as you claim, then surely there are cultures out there that have not picked it up yet.
8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

Get real - she is famous because she is mixed race. Got it? And you probably newer meet or talk to her. Your lucky day has yet to come, I am afraid.

She's black, she's Polish - she fits all the criteria.

To say "She is famous because she's mixed race" is a huge simplification. Her rare mix of races gave her both Slavic and Negro features, making her features very exotic. On top of this, she is beautiful, and looks after her body. She is not famous because she is mixed race, she is famous because she looks exotic.
8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

And you - you are very dogmatic person. Your mantra "Racism is everywhere" would not become true thanks to repetitions.

You are in denial. Racism is a part of human nature. Where there are humans, there is racism. We do not need to go through the history of every civilization on earth and dig up examples of racism. It is tedious and unnecessary.
8 Mar 2010

Thanks for dispelling that myth. I REFUSE to believe that the Poles would do anything on the same tier of legendary as Indiana Jones.
8 Mar 2010

******* hell man, do you even realise how stupid this sounds? You probably intended this to sound very noble and inspiring, but I can tell you that from an external perspective, it's just retarded.
8 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

By that logic, everyone in Europe from Iceland to Croatia must be English then, because they all use the Latin alphabet. "Persian" is a specific Middle-Eastern ethnic group. Not Arab at all.
8 Mar 2010
USA, Canada / Dual citizenship - US doesn't care if you don't give up Polish passport [103]

The rules are, if she wants to become an American citizen, she has to renounce her allegiance to any other states. That is what citizenship implies.

That doesn't necessarily mean renounce citizenship, though, does it? I was under the impression this oath of allegiance is just some glittery tradition designed to give a warm fuzzy feeling inside, like most American traditions.
8 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

"Caucasian" is a dumb political correct term coming from the US.
Somehow people calling "White" was not anymore allowed.

Please, I would never indulge in sub-standard American substitutions.

You seem to be unaware of the real meaning of "Caucasian".

Iranians are generally considered arabs

No they're not, they're considered Persian, or more broadly Middle-Eastern.
8 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

What exactly do you define as "white"? You seem to be using the "modern" (but obsolete) definition of "Caucasian" which encompasses Europe, North Africa and the Western half of Asia, but you seemingly shift this definition to your liking. So are you saying that only the Caucasian peoples are civilized and educated? If so, where exactly does East Asia fit in with your view of the world? Japan is far more advanced in technology than ANY Western country. The Chinese far more intelligent. South Korea can go either way.

Also, the drawing is white because it's drawn in pencil on a white paper...


Must be heart-breaking to know what Persia could have been, if not for the muslims.

Persia already went through its golden age. At one time, it was the world centre of riches, mysticism, philosophy, science and civility, and this was when Islam was already widespread throughout Persia. Even Europe marvelled at its grandeur. Like all great civilizations, it eventually ended. I don't remember the exact time frame for this golden age, but perhaps Darius knows. I doubt this matters, though, as this golden age in Persia's history probably doesn't fit with your worldview.

Namecalling is also popular. Too bad for them it doesn't work on me.

We never called you anything other than "Racist" (which by your own admission you certainly are) and already you threw a tantrum. I am inclined not to believe you when you say it "doesn't affect you".
8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

According to this definition - calling somebody "Czarnuch" .

I have no commentary upon that word, as I have not lived in Poland and do not know its context. If I ever meet a black Polish person, though, I'll be sure to call them "Czarnuch", if it really is as innocent as you say it is.
8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

Your definition of racism is (as I presume) when somebody express contempt or dislikes someone of other race. Too broad IMHO.

You presume wrong. Racism is a prejudice directed towards people of a specific or broad ethnic group. Further meanings can include prejudice based on culture, nationality, or stereotype enforcement.
8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

In our tradition (Polish, Catholic - I am not sure how to call it) there is no room for real racism.

That is so incredibly flawed. First you distort the definition of racism to mean only "considering others sub-human", then assert that since Poland is a Catholic country, nobody can be considered sub-human, therefore racism is not possible.

8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

In India there are "lower castes". In Japan - Buraku communities. They looks exactly like the rest of the population.

From an external perspective there are no visible differences. An Indian or Japanese person would be able to look at someone and immediately determine their caste from ethnic features and skin tone + colour. Incidentally, the lower castes have the darkest skin, and the higher ones have the lightest. If anything, the Indian caste system is everything to do with colour. Black Americans also get better general treatment if their skin tone is light, as opposed to an African type black.

Therefore a real racism is rather new idea in Poland.

Then why does Poland have a reputation for being a bad place for black people to visit? Even this thread is evidence of that.

Except some loony-psychos, this situation is non-existent in Poland. Even more - It never existed in the past.

A narrow textbook definition of a certain type of racism. That is not the entire definition of racism, it only describes a certain kind that has risen in the West through slavery and Nazism.
8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

Matowy - until you decide to stay on topic an refrain of expressing your opinions about myself - I consider discussion with you as closed.

I have expressed no opinions about you thus far.

Being rude, offensive and aggressive is not the same as being racist. Being nice and kind doesn't equal of being tolerant and open-minded. I am sorry, I have to repeat this. Few post ago I described precisely my understanding of phenomena of "racism".

That would be why I said this on the last page:

I think it has little to do with where someone is from, as much as it is to do with what someone is like. There are good and bad people from every place, and there are open-minded and small-minded people from every place as well.

8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

French are nation of lovers.
Germans like everything clean and in order.
Czech are laid back - they love beer.
Italians are noisy and hot-tempered.
Poles are great at improvisation.
Gypsies are travelers and musicians.
Nigerians are good at marathons.

Which of this statement is racists and why?

Those are national stereotypes. Not racist, just poorly conceived.

You see - Matowy. You can't deny that people are different.

Never have done. I don't divide people based on country or ethnicity, though. I divide them based on personal merit. I realise that people who are lazy and naive like to divide the world into black and white extremes, but that is not how I choose to do things.

Western culture in order to fight "racism" pretend that all people are the same, robbing them of identity and individlity. Basically - the Political Correct answer to racism is: "Lets pretend that we all are white".

Race is a superficial detail, so I fail to see how it factors into "individuality" except as a fashion statement. In fact, conforming to standards set by your country or ethnicity is the very epitome of non-individuality. If some people are so boring and lifeless that they need to derive identity and sense of self from their country or ethnicity, then I would name that person a simplistic fool, and nothing less.

In Poland we see it other way. People are different and shall be proud of it. That is why we are freely call black guy a black. We expect him to being proud of it. Exactly the same way that I am a proud white Pole.

I have repeatedly stated that the word "black" is something inoffensive and acceptable as a common term to describe a black person. I do not know why you keep bringing it up.
8 Mar 2010
USA, Canada / Dual citizenship - US doesn't care if you don't give up Polish passport [103]

Yea... but it's an oath. An OATH.

As long as this remains the 21'st Century +, I don't think an oath is going to matter. At all. It's pretty crazy that a modern country like the U.S still does oaths. The Pledge of Allegiance is nothing short of fascist, in my opinion.
7 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

The Sun is a HUGE symbol in esoteric mystic traditions symbolizing the great single one divine Being. Our Western concept of "God' doesn't come close to the significance of this "Sun" god. It is a very widespread and powerful symbol of divinity.
7 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

That simply because as a Polish I see no shame in the fact that somebody is black. For that reason I can't see nothing wrong in describing somebody as such. And I've never said this is nice. The same way - describing some overweight person as "fatty" wouldn't be nice. But we are not talking about what is nice and what is not. We are talking about racism.

I have already said that the word "black" is not remotely racist in most contexts, as it is both a method of identification and a racial designation. In the UK you will find it on any form that asks you to state your ethnicity.

In my eyes (and I think I can speak in the name of majority of Poles) - racism is not about being nice or not. It's not about name-calling, liking or disliking. Racism started when someone dehumanize some group of people and deny them a status and right of human. This is non-existent in Polish culture.

No, that de-humanization is a specific type of modern racism that came about through slavery and pseudo-scientific ideologies such as Nazism. It is not the sole definition of racism, and certainly did not begin there.

And Matowy - I also think there is nothing wrong if someone dislike certain people or group of people. You don't have to love all the Humanity simply to prove that you are not racists.

There is most certainly something wrong with it. If I hate Polish people, simply because they're Polish, then I am basically saying that I hate 40 million people who I have never met based on next to nothing. There is nothing wrong with it in that it is personal choice, but you cannot say that it is right or proper.

The most common type of racism is assuming that someone's ethnicity determines what kind of person they are. This is obviously incorrect for reasons I don't even need to mention. This is not about "loving all humanity", it's about common sense and respect. It is both unintelligent and disrespectful to judge someone solely by their ethnicity. You can dislike them for all sorts of reasons, but race has got to be one of the dumbest reasons to not like someone.
7 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Photos about Polish Newcastle [4]

I know two Polish girls in Newcastle, but looking at these pictures, I think they are too young to be hanging out in those places ;)
7 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

If there are black people living in Poland, then yes, it can be used to insult.

Btw - single out and ridicule is not racism according to The Great Polish Code of Conduct. :-)
Its good fun

Let's not be naive here. Racial slurs are just words, and they carry no venom in them on their own. Those words are used, however, to denote a dislike, disdain, or disapproval towards a certain group. There is no line in the sand here, that is simply how they are used. Use these words enough times, even if they carry no ill-will and are just for "fun" then you give the impression to yourself and others that it's OK to dislike a certain group, because the way in which you refer to them is derogatory. Derogatory language is what we use when we want to dehumanize any sort of group, especially in war time as it is then easier to kill them without immediate remorse.
7 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]

Once more - they are racists in your eyes, and by your standards. They don't seems to have any problems with "racists" remarks simply because they are not racists in their own eyes.
Just for one second try to understand that your point of view is not the only one that exist.

There is no point of view to be had on it. I haven't even told you what terminology they use. It is not ambiguous terms like "black" or "coloured", it is VERY extreme terminology that implies hate and disgust. Someone who refers to gay people as "faggots" is referring to them with a derogatory name that implies hate, no matter if you're from Poland or San Francisco.