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Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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9 May 2011
News / Kaczyński wants a people-friendly Poland [64]

what instults against PSL and SLD

Well Kaczynscy bros were always bad mouthing SLD, they often referred to them in sarcastic ways that covered their anti-communist emotions towards SLD. They tried to back out of it a bit and smile to the left-wing voters in the presidential election, when Kaczynski called Olksy "left-wing mid-old generation politician" which was a joke taking into consideration how they though of him as traitors and commie hard-hat.

What do you need examples for? If you lived in this country for the last year, this is all general knowledge for anyone...
8 May 2011
News / Kaczyński wants a people-friendly Poland [64]

Kaczynski's only hope is to hammer home the social message

Seeing as he grabs everything ( for instance the last football game ban mentioned by Tusk ), he will use everything he's got. I think the Smolensk plot is the pylon for his most conservative and old electorate, the one that will hang on with PIS whatever happens. He'll never draw the line between them. And they don't care about the social policies. He'll probably try to compromise.
8 May 2011
News / Kaczyński wants a people-friendly Poland [64]

people-friendly -> social
Social sells well as an election phrase, especially when they stay silent about where from the money comes and how it will impact future generations.

people-friendly -> no difficult reforms
At least until the "social" parts of the policy requires more money... as is PO doing right now with OFE.

It's all garbage and we will never have meaningful reforms because of politicians and because of the poor and undereducated who think about now instead of later.
8 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

and backed up by others.

Saying "Backed up by others" is just a huge generalization, by mentioning some unmeasureable, imagined amounts as an example. There are as many uptight people in Poland as there are anywhere else. Same with control freaks. It's easy to label people and omit those who act against said idiosynrasy
8 May 2011
Love / Poland wow wife [52]

World of Warcraft... that's what I though at first, eh I'm seriously damaged. Anyways I'm happy for the op.
8 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

Basing your opinions about Poles on behaviour of one of your friends. Right.
25 Apr 2011
History / Civilian life in Poland (Krakow) during the WW2. [30]

My grandma was living in Cracov during german occupiation of the city and its liberation by russians. From what she said she and her family got fake work permissions from some AK friends. They were living in a flat along with 3 older sisters, these sisters were building bombs and granades for the AK and at one time there was a wounded AK soldier living with them there. From what I remember about things regarding civilian life, it was all going to work and coming back home, there were constant checks and inspections on the streets... I could probably ask more...
25 Apr 2011
Life / How could things have gone so wrong (Poland church dress code) [195]

No problems with shorts in churches around my place ; o
It's actually quite weird to me. Church ain't a night club to have some kind of fency dress code, ppl from all walks of life can enter and pray.

I'd say it could have been individual thing of these older ladies you mentioned.
21 Apr 2011
News / The best Poland ever? [125]

Uneducated, ordinary

saw through the system

Right, good one, uneducated people vote for pis, uneducated people follow the voice of populism.
Some of the people who refrain from voting are really lazy therefore probably uneducated and stupid.
Some of them are educated and take a conscious choice not to vote.

higher education in Poland is the highest in Europe

Just because there was a tendency of getting high education which for 60% of these people is just a cheap piece of paper, you can't say that is actually means anything. It doesn't, there are morons getting management degrees from shady schools, from schools which will allow anyone to study and get the degree, going through courses on weekends.
21 Apr 2011
Language / Having difficulties to speak in Polish... how to improve my speaking? [19]

If you have pronunciation problems and don't have anyone to ask you can always try ivona.com

Just enter whatever you need into the textbox and hit play. If it's more about the conversation try finding someone, on skype or language exchange sites, who can chat with you every now and then.
29 Mar 2011
Study / Completing a Master's thesis / praca magisterska in Poland [4]

Wouldn't it be easier to look it up on Polish sites, and area of reasearch specific sites?
Besides it all depends a) on your uni b) on your advisor and so on and so forth.. I'd suggest asking people who were having their dissertation with said adviser and board ; o
21 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Business process outsourcing in the UK. [14]

I know of several Silesia based IT companies that are working over outsourced projects UK projects, programmers and project managers with 2-3 year experience earn around 5-6k zlotys. ( these are all small - medium sized companies )
18 Mar 2011
Language / "nazywam sie" to introduce yourself. [8]

Hi, you can use ivona.com to check the pronunciation, enter whatever you wanna hear into the textbox on the right and hit play..
23 Jan 2011
Life / Anybody from Sanok? Good, bads, uglies? [10]

My gf has got family there, says it's a place from which youngsters are rather moving out than staying. She says it is a place attractive to live in but not to work. You know fresh air, nice sights. But all her cousins from Sanok went for work to Cracov or outside of Europe.. so I'd rethink this choice if I were you.
23 Jan 2011
Life / Some Poles have fine houses [68]

This thread is rubbish, there are people who have fine and not fine houses everywhere in the world...
22 Jan 2011

My first thoughts, nasty but still, would be that he killed her for some reason and killed himself after.
Many of the murders commited on Poles in UK turn out to have Poles as perpetrators. Sad Truth..
20 Jan 2011
Travel / Pot holes on Polish roads - to swerve or not to swerve [26]

the worst time is after a freeze, couple that with the trucks constantly driving over the same areas and the roads really can be dreadful in a matter of weeks.

Yeah, especially, if you see the road crumbling in places then you can be sure, after what you've mentioned, there's gonna be a carnage later on.
20 Jan 2011
Travel / Pot holes on Polish roads - to swerve or not to swerve [26]

Depending on the traffic, I usually drive onto the opposite side of the road. If it's not possible I do swerve. But, I live in small city after one or two drives I know all the locations and where to be careful ;)
18 Jan 2011
Travel / Foreign beers in Krakow [18]

You might try Bomi, ul. Zakopiańska 105, 30-418 Kraków.

I never been to the one in Kraków but I did visit the one in Katowice several times at it has got a wide range of foreign goods ( in comparison to other supermarkets)
31 Dec 2010
UK, Ireland / I'm going to a Polish New Years Eve Party in England, help?! [12]

I fear I will feel like a outsider :(

Decent people know that if there is a foreign guest they should use the language which the guest knows best. , Knowing that you will feel like an outsider. they should have a friendly chat with you and try to entertain you. That's how me and my friends act if there's someone who doesn't speak polish among us... Hope you're gonna meet the right people and some boors.
22 Dec 2010

Well, politicians lie because they have to so do lawyers. Priests lie too. I hope it fills some of your gaps.