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Joined: 21 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 27 May 2024
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Posts: Total: 668 / In This Archive: 202
From: Cetinje, Crna Gora

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27 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

The survey of Ukrainian journal Nedelya:

The survey on the streets of "liberated" Slavyansk, of Ukrainian Hromadske TV:

Do you believe Putin?
Do you believe Poroshenko?

27 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

Polish nationalists anti-Banderovci. Patrolling the Polish border with Ukraine. Some of them were already fighting on the side of Novorossiya.




The Polish paramilitary organizations referenced in the article have a strictly nationalist, right-wing political orientation, with many of its members motivated by the idea of re-creating a Polish Commonwealth within its 17th Century borders

27 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

Hmm, what kind of deal Russia would like to strike with Poland? Seems to me that they are not that interested.

These are pretensions of other states towards Ukraine.
26 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

*Area in red is where there are mass demonstrations in Ukraine against forced mobilization by the illegal Kiev junta

*Area in dark red is the battle zones

Beginning of the end of the Zionist Kiev junta.
The third wave of mobilization raised the bar up to 65 years. They also mobilize the disabled, who are "combat ready"...

Mass protests and blocking of roads across western Ukraine against mobilization.





Total uncertainty in the Ukrainian army:


Left in Lurch: Ukraine soldiers in despair without support and leadership

Over 400 Ukrainian soldiers desert and flee to Russia, ask for refuge


These are the true Ukrainian patriots.

They decided not to kill their own blood for Zionist cause.
26 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

the Russians have abandoned the Novorossiya project

Common tell me, how does Novorossiya still exists if the Russians gave up on it?

Ukrainians made short work of the idea of novorossija


'Sent to Die': Kiev's forces in E.Ukraine raise alarm over poor ammo, rotten food


'You abandoned us!' Ukrainian soldiers & families despair over Kiev failures


Neo-Nazi Aidar Battalion that was sent by the Kiev junta to attack the people of Donetsk and Lugansk.


They taught that this was like playing "Call of Duty". Those inflamed fools wanted a war and they got it.
26 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

On to Kiev and on to Lvov

Serbian Volunteers in Novorossiya during the battle for Debaltsevo - Crushing defeat for the EU-Kiev junta.


Serbian chetnik with the captured enemy flags


A volunteer from the USA is fighting for Novorossiya - member of Vostok Battalion

Perevalsk, Novorossiya.
Cossack National Guard: Celebration of the Victory and the day of the new Recruits
26 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

Novorossiya is an idea...



Novorossiya - a new bastion of nationalist ideas in Europe


Igor Strelkov - Commander of the joint armies of the Donetsk & Lugansk Republics, a hero of our time in the struggle against Ukrop Banderist Neo-Nazis.



26 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

I'd be in favour of banning anyone pro-Russia on sight.

I have a good idea, we should let you moderate Polish forums.

Do we have to put up with this Russia state propaganda?

You and 'facts'
And speaking of trolling no one does more of it here than you who is spending all day and night promoting anti Russian pro American government and mass media propaganda and lies.

Who is paying you? American government directly? Some local human rights NGO?

This isn't a debate, its a war- on Poland, the West and all of us/

You are one big provocateur who should be banned from Polish forums for spreading Zionist lies and slander against freedom fighters and true nationalists of Novorossiya.
26 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]


Messed Up Ukraine - Top 10 'Patriotic' Children


Ukrainian Member of Parliament Iryna Farion slamming 5 year olds for having Russian names

24 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]


Sahra Wagenknecht the deputat of German parliament about the EU Crisis and the civil war in Ukraine, criticises disastrous policies of Angela Merkel:

"Mrs. Merkel you are cheating the people!

If the problems of the crisis do not feel those that needed to cook up something like this, if poverty in Europe continues to grow, if social injustice can no longer be controlled - such a Europe will die. And for that you are to blame, Mrs. Merkel!

In Ukraine, Europe has already experienced defeat. The country is drowning in a bloody civil war, and how wonderfully sounded your nice promises you made a few months ago."

24 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]


Srdja Trifković interview on RT:
"In the end Ukraine cannot win this, we've seen that their soldiers simply don't have their heart in the fight."


F. William Endghal:
About the Ukrainian crisis, WWI, oil
Ukraine operation was made in Washington
WWI began because of the Berlin-Baghdad railway
23 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

Poles and Serbians side by side against banderists, again.


Polish and Serbian volunteers who came to protect the people of Donbass region from the Kiev junta have joined the Rusich Slavic Battalion.



What some people still do not realize is that we are seeing on the frontlines of Novorossiya the rise of one superior Christian Slavic civilization that rejects neo-liberalism, says no to cultural marxism, PC and western decadence. On the other side against us are the globalists from the US, NATO & EU and their proxies.
23 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

Official Poland support Ukrainian side


What the mainstream media is not permitting to be shown and censoring.


The US Army will begin training Ukraine National Guard battalions on April 20 at a site in western Ukraine, near the Polish border, according to an announcement made by the country's interior minister, Arsen Avakov.

The US role in training and equipping paramilitary forces that openly venerate Ukrainian nationalists and fascists exposes as filthy lies the US claims to be championing democracy and human rights in Ukraine.



«We are assisting with that» - Yankee G.I. in Ukraine
23 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]


US - NATO instructors with members of Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Battalion Azov


Svoboda marchers commemorating Stepan Bandera's 105th birthday in Lviv


Activists of the Svoboda (Freedom) Ukrainian nationalist party shout slogans as they take part in a rally marking the 71st anniversary of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) in Kiev




John McCain with leader of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party Oleh Tyahnybok


Nuland, "Klitsch", "Yats" and...Oleh Tyahnybok?

CIA: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953


23 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

as splitting Ukraine between Poland and Russia is a dream of some in the Polish far right.



Polish Volunteers fighting in Novorossiya often mention the term "Kresy", which refers to the former territories of the eastern provinces of Poland.



Polish-Hungarian Joint Statement: Ruch Narodowy and Jobbik Demand Self-Governance for the Indigenous Polish and Hungarian People living in the Ukraine

23 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

have you got any updates on these alleged volunteers, and how can you tell for sure, that all the men in the photo are Polish?

They are members of Polish Falanga

Falanga supports "an independent Poland in the continental security system."


Bartosz Bekier in Donetsk:

"The European and Eurasian blocs need to cooperate closely for the common good, and for that we need to do away with the American influence, which all over the world is a precursor of bloody conflicts such as those in..."

Poles join the Novorossiya militia in large numbers




Bartosz Bekier and Denis Pushilin Chairman of Donetsk People's Republic (DPR)


American And Polish Volunteer In Novorossiya
20 Feb 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

desperate kremlin troll comments on this forum

I am no kremlin troll, otherwise, I am a Serb on Serbian soil, but you are and always will remain in Poland a national minority.

You have spotted many members of your family on these pictures. Bravo!

Even greater luck is that not all members living abroad of this forum are "polutani", so that they impose other people's interests as ostensibly Polish.
19 Feb 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]


Updates from Donetsk and Lugansk

Dejan Berić: Famous Serbian sniper about the situation in Novorossiya



Russell 'Texas' Bentley: Advice to foreign volunteers coming to Donbass
19 Feb 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]


Trump: Djukanovic is a part of international mafia.


George Soros & David Rockefeller Foundations = Main sponsors of NATO propaganda in Crna Gora



the topic is about POLAND
19 Feb 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

YOU are with your daily Russian propaganda.

@Johnny "Rebel without a Cause" LOL

In this moment the Russians can match or even surpass America's nuclear weapons potential. The Chinese can at least match (or by now have even surpassed) American land forces. What nobody can compare to is America's "soft power" meaning the brainwashing of the masses with Hollywood, CNN, BBC, CBS, FOX News, NBC, CNBC.


So in this propaganda department nobody can compare with America. About this there is no question.


Newly-appointed chief of US Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), Andrew Lack, has named RT one of the agency's main challenges alongside extremist groups like the Islamic State and Boko Haram.



Still 4 Hill

As for the "Russian conspiracy" to assasinate Milo Djukanovic (a ruthless dictator, puppet of the West and a traitor to his people) sometime such nonsense could have passed, but not after Assange and Snowden, this just shows how much time has caught up with the intelligence services of Great Britain and America, and confirm that they have neither the idea nor the power to prevent Russia and China to become superpowers.
19 Feb 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]


Who about what then the English about Russian conspiracies... and so it goes on an on for xxx years...

If the Daily Telegraph reports this then it is surely so...

It's always the same story, "information" is given by a source without a name and surname. Unfortunately there are always those who will believe these fabrications, especially in the West where the mere mention of Russia reminds us of the evil and danger which is the goal of this propaganda.

The vast majority of Orthodox Christian Slavic population of Montenegro - Crna Gora oppose NATO membership and are for close ties with Serbia and Russia.


In such a situation in which Djukanovic saw that he was losing the elections, he took a desperate move - plan B, which was previously planned in detail. For this kind of fraud, he needed help. With the assistance of the US Embassy, he got it.

Milo Djukanovic - Prime Minister of Montenegro - OCCRP 2015 Organized Crime and Corruption 'Person of the Year' Award
18 Feb 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

Russian Nazi


Serbian intellectual Dragoš Kalajić

"In this world of occupation, mondialistic occupation, when they label someone as fascist, 99% of the time that means that the labeled person has irrefutable arguments and that entity or person who labels him admits in that way that it is powerless to counter his arguments and the truth."
17 Feb 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

Why you here commie?

This comment only shows that you understand absolutely nothing. Because ultimately communism was exported from the United States to Russia in order to destroy Russia. American bankers financed Lenin, Trotsky and company.

"Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" - Anthony C. Sutton
5 Feb 2017
History / Most important Poles and Slavs that ever lived [74]


Tesla Monument at Goat Island, Niagara Falls, New York.

Gift of Yugoslavia to the United States, 1976. Nikola Tesla designed the first hydro-electric power plant in Niagara Falls. This was the final victory of Tesla's Alternating Current over Edison's Direct Current.
