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Posts by mephias  

Joined: 14 Nov 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2012
Threads: Total: 10 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 296 / In This Archive: 181
From: Warsaw, Poland
Speaks Polish?: no

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7 Feb 2010
Law / Tax Declaration in Poland (PIT-11) [10]

Thank you very much.

But it seems this program is also very complex for my poor Polish skills. An agency seems to be the best option for me at least for this year.
7 Feb 2010
Law / Tax Declaration in Poland (PIT-11) [10]

I don't know anything about tax declaration in Poland. I have been working in here for eight months this month I got a form with my payslip, I asked some friends and colleagues but I am a bit confused about it. I would really appreciate some information from expats who are living in Poland for long time.

I am full time employee in a private company
- What is process about tax declaration generally for employees ?
- Should I demand some help from my company or is it employee's responsibility here ?
- If I need to deal with it is it something too complex ? Do I need to get some professional help for it ?
- If yes Do you know any agency in Warsaw who could help me about it ?
3 Feb 2010
Work / Salary, holidays - questions to employer during a job interview in Poland [47]

In big companies this is a tricky question and aim is to understand how much you value yourself. So you should always say at least thirty percent more than what you expect.

Salary for the position is more or less set before you go there, and they will make you the offer if they like your qualifications whether your expectation is high or low.
27 Jan 2010
Life / Electronics in Poland - what kinds are popular? [20]

Look at prices here to compare.

Do you know similar online store for computer hardware ? (To collect piece by piece, Processors, Graphic Cards, hard drives etc...)
24 Jan 2010
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

I attended to a course for four month. I am not even close to speaking but just learnt some basics like greetings, numbers some basic grammar. And self-study for a language is very boring for me. Good that almost all my colleagues are polish and I am listening it everyday and I can say I understand more each day.

Now it is winter and I am a bit busier than normal. But I will try to learn some more for sure after april. And this time I will try some private course which I believe will be more helpful.
24 Jan 2010
Law / Bureaucracy in Poland [53]

Or how patient must one be to complete a simple administrative procedure?

It seems you need to be very patient. I am trying to collect some documents and it is really difficult here. Three thing I don't understand here.

- You need to pay a lot of money to get a document (15-25 zloty isn't that too much ? )
- You need to transfer money using post office or a bank and you need to take receipt with you while making application.
- There are some waiting period for each document. Like after you apply you need to wait 7 working days to get a document and it will take longer since they will post the document to you.

In many cases you go to office, you pay there and get the document in same day in my country.
16 Jan 2010
Love / Well.. I got a Polish girl pregnant.. [88]


Just ignore that racist idiots. If you want to learn something about your subject this is the place (maybe from someone who has similar experience). But it can take some time, ignore the idiots and have a nice time.
16 Jan 2010
Love / Well.. I got a Polish girl pregnant.. [88]


Congratulations you will be a father soon and it is good to see you are carrying the responsiblity.

I don't think she will gain any right because of pregnancy best thing to do seems to get married and then searching for the way to move there.
16 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]

First of all polish girls are not so different than girls from any other nationality. Why you are especially searching for a Polish Girl. If reason is some rumours you heard, they are not true.

I do not live in Poland, so internet seems a good way to communicate with polish girls.

Generally internet is not a good way to start a serious relationship, but there are exceptions and you may be lucky.

Could I expect a real-world relationship someday by using these sites, or it is all about fun/chatting for site's members and being outside Poland would mean that there is no chance for me to find a polish girl?

It is all up to you and how important for you to find a Polish Girl anything is possible.

What things should I pay attention when I try to find a polish girl using fotka or other polish social sites?

You should be carefull about scammers. You should not get attached to someone who you did not see. And if you think you really like someone that you find there it is better to meet in real life as soon as possible.

Are polish girls positive to migrate to other countries in european union, generally speaking?

Some or some not (Where are you Seanus ? :) )

If there is a good chemistry between a foreign guy and a polish girl, is there a hope for the polish girl to migrate outside Poland?

In most cases Ending up in Poland is also a possibility. Is it ok for you.
15 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

Why do you say that please? do you know something

If she was a scammer she wouldn't text you internet would be enough for her. If she is regularly replying you and answering all your questions in the way which makes sense for you it means she is not a scammer. And trust yourself a little bit more don't get attached too much before seeing her. Internet is not the best method but still there is chance to meet with good people.
11 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]


You seems to be a humanist guy. But starting a thread like this in this forum more like trolling. It is obvious it will turn into a racism competition from beginning and there are many threads with similar subjects. Anyway I hope your intention is good. For the free world!


I am in doubt second post joined on november. Nick superior Briton it seems you are a clone.
11 Jan 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

In my opinion ... the world should be open and people should be free!

Agreed. But it is utopia at least for our age.
The world needs too much time for it.
10 Jan 2010
Life / Poland's Environment, recycling [79]

Yes, in my apartment there are different containers for paper and plastic and other rubbish. And they are recycled I guess.
10 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]


If it is a scammer, some of your questions will be ignored. Try to ask them again if you are not getting any answer 70 percent she is a scammer.

And generally scamming done in semi automatic way. Send same e-mail twice if you are getting 2 different answer most probably it is a scam. If love words started in second e-mail it is scam again.

Another method could be googling e-mail texts and file names she sent to you(Scammers use exactly same text for many people). There are forums against scamming, if it is not something so new some other people may share it on those websites.

if she asks you for any financial help before you meet in person - assume it's a scam

If she asks for any financial help before meeting, it is definitely scam.

If one or two of the above fits your case it means it is scam, it is not hard to understand, you can easily understand it in 2 e-mails.
8 Jan 2010
News / Recent Polish Scientific Discoveries... (Scientific News) [19]

So we will be able to play some fantastic video games? :)

Hehe, they actually just make calculation without any display.

My computer is slow too ;)

An average home pc is not even capable of calculate or display water flow (in small amount) in full realistic scale.

I would argue this point, after all it is not infallible, to error is human.

Yes but again it should be done by scientific way and research not with funny rumours.
7 Jan 2010
News / Recent Polish Scientific Discoveries... (Scientific News) [19]


Please do not pollute very promising thread with rumours which is not even proved. Everyone is free to believe whatever they want but modern science today has very solid methodology and there is no room for discussion unless you want to believe rumours not truths.

I don't know what it does but it looks impressive :)

These computers are used to simulate some physical and chemical experiences. Like for nuclear exploisons some tests maybe very difficult and dangerous to do but it is possible to simulate and calculate energy come out without even really testing it.

Or they can be tried to test some new design for an aircraft without a real flight. They will produce very realistic results in future (Still they don't have enough processing speed to simulate all parameters in the real world).
7 Jan 2010
News / Recent Polish Scientific Discoveries... (Scientific News) [19]

Finally a thread worth to post something :) Thank you Sean,
Poland is also has a good place in supercomputers. This computers generally built for some specific calculations in chemistry and physics.

Poland has the most efficient supercomputer in energy consumption according to green500.org.

And has many supercomputers.

It is not suprising there is an experienced IT work force. And many big companies are investing in Poland not only because of cheap labour but also qualified professionals who wants to work in their homeland.
3 Jan 2010
Love / All Polish women can't be nutters can they? [257]

this is pure truth

There are few like this more good cases.This is your truth, if you want to believe it believe. Anyway it is going off topic. I know your opinions I just think different way and I think discussing it won't change anything so it is useless.
3 Jan 2010
Love / All Polish women can't be nutters can they? [257]

hmm, what are those values which are not used for money yet?

I am sure you know them family bounds, friendship there are too many things in the world which you can't scale with money. It is only important where you stand in your life you can either see good or bad. And people often make choices which one to see.
3 Jan 2010
Love / All Polish women can't be nutters can they? [257]

i get it like "make enough money first to buy a girl who will fit your budget" OR "be a socialist who will claim money is less important than human."

because you are obsessed with money not me. Luckily there are still values in this world which is more important either than money or than political choices.

The point is that we were just friends, I actually am seeing another girl. So I just wanted to keep this girl as a friend only

Are you just a trol ? Or what kind of relationships do you have ? If you are with someone have respect it is part of being a man at least a good one. If she is your friend only you should not care if she says I don't want to see you anymore.