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Posts by Barney  

Joined: 26 May 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 18 Oct 2024
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2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

Ifor for the umpteenth time, the BBC has a duty to be impartial, using Campbell's opinion reinforced their suggestion that football hooligans are some how typical of Poland and Ukraine as a whole. That was clearly wrong, it's not a question of censoring Campbell it's a question of impartiality. The BBC chose to broadcast his opinion thus adding weight to it and didn't offer a contrary opinion. That is biased and sensationalist.

It doesn't mean that State broadcasters must not broadcast strong opinions it means that the editorial procedures need improved.

The very definition of prejudice is attributing particular behaviour onto a whole group that is what the BBC did.

There is no conspiracy theory, I have patiently explained the errors the BBC made and the point about the FA and the Euros was an aside as I made clear when I posted them. If you cannot understand that or understand what an editorial process is I cannot help you.
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]


The racist attributes clearly belong to the racists not Polish and Ukranian people at large.
Sol Campbell was given star billing as pointed out before his opinion was broadcast by the BBC giving it additional weight. As the broadcast clearly went through an editorial process someone decided to include both of these things that makes the programme biased because the first is untrue and the second is an opinion without a counter opinion.

I'm beginning to think that you may need a bit of help in understanding basic concepts.....The broadcast said one thing and a different thing happened, is that not evidence of lazy sensationalism?
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

But have produced no evidence whatsoever to back up your claim

My claim is that the programme makers found evidence of severe problems at these football stadia and ascribed the problems to Poland and Ukraine as a whole and used Sol Campbell to warn visitors to stay away. I have been very clear on this all afternoon.

The comments about the English FA were clearly an aside when I described them as a suggestion.

You made the anti British stuff up nothing I typed could have led you to that conclusion. You have a history of abusing Irish posters and clearly don't like the British media being criticised. Is it that difficult to believe for one second that someone else may have a different opinion?

The attitude displayed is indeed exactly the same as the attitude ascribed to Polish people here by several prolific posters.

I have clearly demonstrated the sensationalist nature of the broadcast, they suggested one thing and another thing happened.
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

I said that the programme was biased and hence a propaganda piece (which I believe it was), the comment about needing to secure support for any English FA bid for football tournaments was an aside as I made clear.

The rest you made up in your mind.

Using some ugly scenes at a match and the existence of Ultras to warn people ahead of a major tournament was the very definition of sensationalist. I pointed out that the programme suggested black and Asian football fans would be attacked, that didn't happen so it looks like the programme was indeed sensationalist.

You don't think the program was biased, I didn't therefore suggest you were a British nationalist "my country right or wrong" type yet you felt free to suggest my differing opinion made me anti British. I said that the reaction you had was similar to the reaction you accuse Polish people of having.

If you have a problem with anyone commenting on a programme by any British broadcaster or voicing an opinion different to yours you have a major issues. The irony is that that is the attitude you accuse Polish people of having
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

You are 'shooting the messenger here. Why, because the messenger happens to be from your least favourite country?

Oh god not another one displaying exactly the same attributes they feel all Polish people have. There has been no evidence produced for these beliefs beyond "a bloke told me" produced here.
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

Ifor you are not quite as bad

The English made great strides in removing hooliganism from the grounds, that however is a side issue to the programme.
Something doesnt have to be untrue to be propaganda just that the weighting is not balanced and I'm suggesting that the programme was not balanced as evidenced by subsequent events.

I have no problem with Sol Campbell beyond his treachery for Spurs my problem is that the programme gave undue weight to his words.
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

The programme suggested people "of colour" would not be safe in either country, black and Asian people (not many) were among the English fans how many were attacked as the programme suggested they would be?

The point of view was that Asian and Black people attending the tournament would not be safe in either country yet that turns out to be wrong

There was no political strategy just a lazy journalist making a very weak biased piece.

was 1996 decades ago?

30 years between 66 and 96 is 3 decades and 96 is almost 2 decads ago

Oh dear

Oh dear Indeed
You insinuated something that wasnt true when you said

But hey, blame it entirely on the foreigner rather than admitting any possibility at all that any Pole might at any way even slightly at fault.

2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

As Poland/Ukraine had just staged a tournament, they would not be in contention again for some years.

That is correct the English FA need to build support if they wish to host the Euros again that's how the politics of football works remember the English FA have to compete against UEFA policy. The chances of England hosting are close to Zero, they may get a city but they have to work at it. Ask yourself why England never had a championship for decades was it because they "invented" football or was it because of their fans reputation?

I have not said that the Panorama programme was factually inaccurate I said the programme was a piece of propaganda that insinuated something that wasn't true just as Harry insinuated something that wasn't true with his story about the Irish football fan. Both were pieces of propaganda.

Its the easiest thing in the world to point a camera and get the footage you want then make massive assumptions about the country that is what Panorama did.

Sol Campbell was used as a poster boy for that programme because he had been England captain and was Black, he was urging people to avoid the two countries. Now his opinion carries no more weight than any one else because he doesn't have a programme behind him.
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

Yes even though they (UK teams) have four votes they do need to build backing and there is a lot of politicking involved.

Try using the line we invented football as your hook to secure a tournament and see how far you get.

I wouldn't for a second suggest that the outraged reaction of some British posters here was typical of British people as a whole however with Polish people the reverse is true. A tournament is not the same as a local Polish Derby for example and so I don't agree that so called "Ethnic minorities" should avoid either Poland or Ukraine they just have to be extra cautious.

Now that Sol Campbell has been recognised as an unimpeachable source his insistence that Britain is a Racist place is correct is it?
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

But was it not a propagation of information or ideas by an interested party, esp. in a tendentious way in order to encourage or instil a particular attitude or response?

Yes it was.

And how would this programme have helped them to achieve this?

By portraying Britain in general and England specifically as a good place to have a tournament unlike places further east. It wasn't about having the last one moved I never suggested that, its laying the ground work for future applications. Of course that is just a suggestion

You still have yet to explain what was wrong with the programme,

The program asked people to stay away suggesting families would not be safe in either country. It was about much more than the actual matches.

If you point a camera at a bunch of hooligans you will get the footage you want. Sol Campbell is now saying that Britain is racist

Harry you need to either chill or start rabidly typing IRA stuff cos you are making no sense.
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

default to your 'blame the Brits' stance.

Where did I do that?

I wasn't a piece of 'propaganda'.

I believe it was.

The English FA would love to have an other tournament soon, as the chances of it being a world cup are zero the Euros is their best opportunity.

The programme proved to be wrong as events showed.
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

Barney objects to the presence of far-right thugs interrupting university lectures, yet not their presence at just about every professional football match that takes place in Poland.

At exactly which point did I suggest there was not a problem?

I simply said that the BBC broadcast a sensationalist programme that was effectively a piece of propaganda. The reaction of posters here is very similar to the reaction they suggest is more likely to be found among Polish people

Either the programme accurately reflected fans' behaviour, or it did not.

The Programme was about much more than that and if you didnt see that its a good job you are not a journalist.
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

Barney lives in Ireland,

I'll ask again at exactly what distance from ones home does ones opinion become worthless? As a supplementary I will ask for your credentials as a clairvoyant.

I watched the programme I found it to be sensationalist and biased and indeed a piece of propaganda.

Poles are rather more likely to be over sensitive.

And at this point I must ask for fully referenced sources not some feeling or bias or even a story told in a pub but real sources for your idea.

Thank you Adam.
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

The program was a hatchet job it was unbalanced and was indeed sensationalist propaganda.

I imagine it was the DM attack on Ralph Miliband to which Barney refers?

It was indeed

The accusation that Polish people are overly sensitive can be made equally about any other nationality including the British.
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

From what the autopsy said. And from what the police said off the record.

So a bloke in a bar told you.....

But hey, blame it entirely on the foreigner rather than admitting any possibility at all that any Pole might at any way even slightly at fault.

There was no evidence of foul play in this young mans death despite crude insinuations...

You are dismissing a programme you haven't actually seen as 'propaganda'.

I saw it and it was crude propaganda though not quite in the same category as the Mail and its attack on a Jewish refugee of Polish extraction who happened to volunteer to fight fascism but it was propaganda none the less.
1 Oct 2013
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

The Other
You can argue all day about something that didn't happen remember You started the fantasy history.....

That would be like demanding that the Soviets also got their hands on the Sudetenland...

It's not demanding anything, the German empire was defeated and it was in the gift of the Soviets to do as they wished.
1 Oct 2013
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Ever asked yourself what would've happened to Poland if the Brits hadn't declared war on Germany?

You could argue all day but probably It would have made no difference to the outcome. The Soviets would still have destroyed the vile German war machine and their genocidal aggression.

What if histories are just bollox.

Of course the generosity the Soviets showed towards the defeated German nation cannot be underestimated, by rights the whole of their German sectors in Germany and Austria should have become part of The USSR/Russia like Kaliningrad. Poland should have received more land as reparations from the German Empire, the Soviets were kind to label this land recovered territories instead of calling it booty.
28 Sep 2013
News / How do Poles feel about the outcome of Germany's elections? [90]

My point is simply that in certain European countries, national pride remains an open wound!

That is something they are going to have to work out for themselves nationalism is not a problem in the vast majority of European countries.
28 Sep 2013
News / How do Poles feel about the outcome of Germany's elections? [90]

If Germans feel they're supposed to feel guilty about being culturally patriotic as Germans, how then do the Poles feel about being Polish?

That is what makes it impossible to define either patriotism or Nationalism, What I meant by flag wavers is more a manifestation of political extremism but this is unsatisfactory as you end up with both parties calling each other extreme.
27 Sep 2013
History / Khazars and their crimes in the Slavic lands of Poland [63]

Fact: there was a group of people called Khazars. Some of the people converted to Judaism.

And there the mystery ends, There cannot be studies comparing DNA of Jews with a people who no longer exist so there is no hard evidence suggesting anything here.

if you'd bothered to read the whole thing

I have read the whole paper and it is not a study comparing "Jewish DNA" with "Khazari DNA". As I said there cannot be any such studies.
27 Sep 2013
News / How do Poles feel about the outcome of Germany's elections? [90]

Flags are grand in their place but the conversation was about flag waving nationalists who I suggest are frowned upon just as much in Poland as they are in Germany or other European countries.

The Other, I don't think Germans are more or less patriotic than others
27 Sep 2013
History / Khazars and their crimes in the Slavic lands of Poland [63]

My point entirely.

You said there were studies etc and they were on this site debunking the Khazar myth I would like to see them.
You posted a paper about something else that states that there is a measurable difference between middle Eastern and European Jews which would tend to support the Khazar myth.

There is no point being a bitter nasty person when your errors are pointed out.