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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
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Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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25 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

encouraging organisations and foundations

...bankrolled by the shadowy, sinister multi-billionaire Soros to destroy the very fabric of a country's society by contaminating it with alien concepts, practices, ethnicities and ideologies.
24 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

they just kind of died with nothing really taking their place

But now we've got numerous Soros-bankrolled NGOs including the Open Dialogue Foundation which renently circulated step by step instructions on how to overthrow Poland's government.
24 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]

Duda's surprise initiative

When announcing his veto decision, President Duda said he expected criticism from both sides, and he wasn't wrong. Many Law and Justice politicians expressed dismay that the veto would undermine the reforms, although they have yet to see the president's legislative proposals. The opposition was generally in favor, but Civic Platform leader Grzegorz Schetyna insisted that all three reforms must be vetoed. "We will not let this go," he emphasized. And on the streets some of the protesters continued to rant, chant and pound the pavement. Poland is not an easy country to govern.
24 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]

exactly what he would be at the next electio

Or earlier! Wałęsa has mentioned forcing the govenremnt to jump out of upstairs windows and helping them if they refuse. Komrowowski advocates whacking opponents with a wooden plank. Then there was the Laurel and Hardy of Polish sedition (Kramek & Broniatowski) with step by step instructions on how to bring down the Polish government. That included urging the creation of self-defence squads, switching off the electricity for the Sejm, Senate, government and presidential office and calling a general strike. Not very ballot-box-oriented moves, eh Atch?
24 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]

Duda vetoes KRS and High Court reforms

Except for the country's well-paid judges who consider themselves a privileged and untouchable elite, many Poles with different political leanings have criticized the existing court system as ineffective, sluggish and often corrupt. Even simple cases can take years to resolve unless the plaintiff pays a pre-trial "visit" to the judge. The judiciary is also riddled with older judges who had sent dissidents and Solidarity activists to jail in communist Poland.

Whether Duda's surprise initiative will remedy those problem and restore some semblance of calm to a nation torn by unending political strife remains to be seen. Poland's liberal Civic Platform party has never come to terms with its 2015 election defeat and has attacked every decision of the conservative government ever since. But thanks to a robust economy and people-friendly legislation, Law and Justice continues to enjoy the Polish nation's highest support. In many surveys it has been double that of the Civic Platform.
24 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]

explosion of activism

President Duda vetoes KRS and High Court reforms, offers to use legslative intiaitve to create his own version and present to the Sejm within two months. He also said the opposition had crossed the redline between the right to peacefully demonstrate and calls to ovethrow the authorities. The only place where the government can be overthrow is the polling station.
23 Jul 2017
Po polsku / Jaki jest program Platformy Obywatelskiej? [11]

Kościół w katolicki w Polsce jest znany z tego

...że zawsze był i jest po stronie narodu. W czasie robiorów, okupacji hitlerowskiej,PRL-u i także obecnie. Na wieki wieków. AMen.
23 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]

hypothetical scenarios

Should to situation get out of hand (something that cannot be entirely ruled out) with vioence spreading to different cities, is it inconceivable that NATO would agree to set up an internal peace-keepng mission to patrol streets with Polish police and army troops? Sounds outlandish, but history is full of surprises and unexpected twists. The advantage of this is that Polish protesters might be more reluctant to attack or disobey NATO or American troops. NATO might agree to that solution to avert distrubances along their eastern flank.
23 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]

government policies could help Poland to improve its economic situation...

The eocnomic situation is very good and still imrpoving. All positive inidicators are up and negative ones are down. Check around. Average Polesw are quite happy. Poland is not "warszawka"!
23 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]

further discussion is simply pointless

Wręcz przeciwnie, Kaprysiku, but it must be meaningful disucssion. Unfortunately, one gets the impression that most discussion on PF is similar to the idiots from PO and PiS trading slurs on opposite sides of the barriacade. What about seriously consdiering hypothetical scenarios:

1. Duda sends the laws to the Tribunal who point up a minor discrepancy, the Senate fixes it and Duda signs it into law. The protests soon peter out.

2. Duda sends the laws to the Tribunal who point up a minor discrepancy, the Senate fixes it and Duda signs it into law. The protests conitnue and turn violent.

3.Tribunal finds a serious discrepancy in one of the 3 laws, the Senate fixes it in a way favourable to the opposition and Duda signs it into law. The protests peter out.

4. Duda signs the 3 reforms into law and rioting breaks out. Rampaging protesters are joined by ordinary hooligans (as always happens) who loot shops and smash windows. The police are called in to quell the disturabcnes. Ringleaders are sentnced and fined and/or jailed.

5. Like point 3 except that coachcloads of football fans from all of Poland's major clubs converge on Warsaw to defend the government against rioting opponents. Serious clashes occur and the police have a hard time restoring order. Many are sentenced, fined and jailed, including PO and N MPs found guilty of sedition.

6. The opposition make use of their well established snitching channels and relay to the outside world texts and images portaiyng Poland as a fascistic police state although police had to be deployed to prevent even more destruction and bloodshed. bloodhsed.toichign channels nad cretae
23 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]

"ulica i zagranica"

Intelligent people do not accept things at face value or take propagada and PR as gospel truth but try to get to the bottom of them. This is not about any constitution or Supreme Court, logging at Białowieża or the managemnet of the Janów Arabian stables. Every pretext was good if it gave the losers a shred of hope that it might enable them to regain power. They are ranating, chanting and raisng a rumpus not over legal niceties or imponderbales which do sound good in sloganeering but are driven by resentment and frustration over their lost political power and the perks and privileges that go with it. Now they have shifted into top gear and are openly calling for a coup which may bear the hallamrks of a hybrid war. Sophisticated political PR specialists (probably bankrolled by Soros) have even started employing astroturfing. They get addresses off social media and attribute the same message to hudnreds of thousands of posters creating the impression of a world-wide wave of protest. It turns out that numerous posters from Latin America are opposed to PiS and the judicial reforms. Except those who were contacted by Polish journalists said they knew nothing about and were totally ignorant of and disinterested in Polish affairs. The opposition is now desperately trying every trick in the book and gearing up for a no-holds-barred assault on the democrataidcally elected government. Naturally, they will fail. Totalny obciach!
23 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]

we have every right to accept the system

And to support the democratically elected government and oppose those who want to illegally overehrow it. If the opposition were truly democratic and not just "mocna w gębie", they would start planning to win the next election. Instead they are working to turn voters off -- the protesting elites may be loud and vulgar but they are a tiny minority in the coutnry.
23 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]

total contro

Care to explain? Thta is the misleadingly erroneous version of the opposition. In actuality, do you know of any country whose judiciary is a privileged, untouchable caste accountable only to itslef and devoid of public scrutiny? Most judges in other countries are appointed by the government, justice minister or parliament. Those are all "politicians" so you can say that political control of the judiciary is the EU norm. Even Timmermansland parliament appoints judges and the king rubber-stamps it.
23 Jul 2017
News / Coup d'état taking shape in Poland with Soros in background? [59]

non-communist system...

History always repeatds itself. The names and places may vary but the basic principles remain the saem. We are in an alt-colonial situation. The elitists are the colonial landowners, slave-drivers and exploiters and the Polish nation are the downtrodden natives. Colonial reality ended asfter WW2 when the tables turned and the colonialists had to high-tail it home. One wonders where Poland's elitist opposition will go atfer they get defeated.
23 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]


Wałęsa -- the man who stopped de-communisation in 1992 allowing the vicitmisers to live out their days in undeserved luxury on fatcat pensions while their victims languished in poverty. Thanks to Wałęsa, the Polish nation will never know who beat, killed and jailed their ancestors in teh service of the Evil Soviet Empire,

Way to go, Lech!
23 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]

Nobody believes you

Nobody believes a Soros brown-noser. BTW are you saying that no instructions on how to overthrow the Polish government are being currently ciruclated by Kramek and Broniatowski? That Wałęsa has not called for the arrest of 15,000 people?

Totsal denial like Wałęsa denying irrefutable evidence that he was a paid SB informer.
23 Jul 2017
News / Coup d'état taking shape in Poland with Soros in background? [59]

tried to carry off a coup

Yes, but it was the Wałęsa-led plotters that actually succeeded. And that was what launched the never-ending Polish-Polish war that has poisoned the country ever since. Probably it would be impossible toe ven rekaibylk estimate the maoutn of tiemn, national welath nad humna energy that has been wasted when cooperation was overshadowed by antagonism. And to think de-communisation could have been carried out within a coupla years, allowing the new free Poland to be built on a solid foundation, untainted by the residue of Soviet occupation and the totalitarian past. Unfortunately, people such as the sons of Stalinists, Soviet-trained generals and others with a vested interest in upholidng the values of the ostensibly defunct PZPR regime were given too much say and now 27 years on, we are still fighting the painful and wasteful Polish-Polish war.
23 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]


Of course not. Soros is on the way to the poor house (ROFL). And even if he still had all that money. he woudl never use it to influence a market, bankrupt a country or the Bank of England, topple a government or promote some political movment in various foreign countries (ROFL)!!!!
23 Jul 2017
News / Coup d'état taking shape in Poland with Soros in background? [59]

Coup d'état

AMid Poland's currently tense pre-putsch atmosphere Wałęsa has come up with his own unique presciption to resolve the situation, He wrote on Facebook:

"To protect Poland agaisnt civil war 15,000 people from the governingn camp should be arrested as soon as possible including politician Rydzyk."


"Aby uchronić Ojczyznę od wojny domowej trzeba jak najszybciej aresztować około 15 ludzi z obecnej władzy w tym polityka Rydzyka" - napisał na Facebooku były prezydent.