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Posts by RubasznyRumcajs  

Joined: 29 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Oct 2023
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 495 / In This Archive: 265
From: United Kingdom, Cumbria
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: computers, IT

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30 Jul 2016
Life / Polish rock bands from the 70's and 80's. [16]

Closterkeller is nice. it's not from te 70', but late 80'. pretty much till Cyan got released in '96, they were playing good, proper rock (although, some people may classify it otherwise- new wave, gothic etc).

Bajm used to play rock as well (it doesn't anymore)
15 Jul 2016
UK, Ireland / Polish in Britain - will I get decked if I speak Polish to these people? [63]

but that is fine, we don't mind you slaughtering our language, we are used to it.

clearly, I've made a mistake. mea culpa (name of the IM app obviously sneaked into my mind).
Where else have I slaughtered (your words, not mine) English language?

and ad topic:
well... I may not be the friendliest of people (especially not to the strangers), but the vast majority of cases someone (non-Polish) spoke Polish to me were when they wanted something (mostly tips) from me, or were smirking in patronizing way- you know, when they were surprised you read the English newspapers (some crap like daily fail, but in the work the choice is limited sometimes) etc.
15 Jul 2016
UK, Ireland / Polish in Britain - will I get decked if I speak Polish to these people? [63]

He hasn't needed to learn though. He lives in a polish area. Works for polish boss. Polish friends. Shops in polish shops.

congratulate him living in the ghetto then.
funny thing is, that most people like that would the whinging as **** if the migrants to Poland (all dozen of them) would behave in similar way.

personally- i find it a bit pathetic and incredibly patronising when someone tries to speak "Czesc, jak sie masz?" in Polish to me (when they wouldn't even understand the answer)- pathetic because in most cases they mis-pronounce it (so they have to say that again- instead of much quicker "how are you" or "what's app?") and patronizing because for me it seems they don't even believe that someone else has mastered, actually, a decent standard of English.
25 Jun 2016
UK, Ireland / Dual nationality: British and Polish [68]

your wife would have to apply for it.
here is more info gov.uk/becoming-a-british-citizen/if-your-spouse-is-a-british-citizen
TBH I see no reason why would a Brit wish to apply for Polish citizenship and passport (assuming one doesn't live in Poland of course). Do you speak Polish?
31 May 2016
UK, Ireland / Should an English website in UK have Polish translations? [12]

No, it should not.
Longer story: unless you can provide a quality translation (no, Google Translate does not count!) for every language spoken by >1 person within the area (good luck with that) you should not just give either prefferentional (or discriminatory- because that's the way it may be received) treatment to the (possibly the largest) minority.

That will not only save a lot of money, but it will also ensure that migrants shall learn language quicker (than if they would serve everything in their lingo).
21 May 2016
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

YOu know what, Iron, even if I wanted to rent a room in London, as a native Londoner, I would be discriminated against.

please, elaborate how would you be a discriminated against (and by who)!
spare no details, I insist.
21 May 2016
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

You have zero understanding of the British. What the British object to is unelected socialism and undemocratic behaviour by the EU.

brits shouldn't have any problems with being ruled by unelected rulers... after all- I don't remember voting for PM nor the queen.
15 May 2016
Po polsku / Czy polskie PF jest reprezentatywne? [13]

Oj, widzę że kolejny który wszędzie widzi żydów...
Używając twojej składni- jak się forum nie podoba, to...
26 Apr 2016
Life / Number of church attendees in Poland [54]

Did you pull that number out your ass? Nah, don't answer it stinks.

oh, Catholic love for the brethren I see?
And yeah, my bad- I mistook those who attend the mass (dominicantes) with those who eat the cracker (communicantes). The former are just below 40%, the latter one just above 16%.

25 Apr 2016
Life / Number of church attendees in Poland [54]

afaik ca. 15% of population attend the churches regularly.
the others are "wierzący- niepraktykujący" (lege: mostly atheists who christen their kids because of "co ludzie powiedzą?" and don't give a damn about Church's family talking yet wish to have a church wedding).
1 Apr 2016
UK, Ireland / Getting British Passport issue! Old name. I am Polish by birth and just received my British citizenship. [8]

actually, it's not really a truth.
if you decide to go from Jan Kowalski to John Smith you **have to** use documents stating that you are John Smith; you have to cease using documents with and "old" name. If you are Polish citizen (I'm not sure about laws of other countries, especially Commonwealth ones), the only way to do it is to change the name. but there is a haczyk (;)) - you can, in Poland, change into name like that only if you are actually using it abroad (i.e. in other country) and you can prove it (by driving licence or passport- prefferably the latter one)- you need to write them, and basically ask them and explain why you wish to change the name.

If you wish to change driving licence, you need to send deed poll to DVLA, same with banks etc.

oh, i've found some info deedpoll.org.uk/WhoCanApply.html#Nationality

but to OP:
yes, either contact lawyers (which aren't cheap) or go to your local Citizen Advice Beauroux (how the crack spell it?)- it's free, more information can be found here citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/how-we-provide-advice/advice/
1 Apr 2016
UK, Ireland / Getting British Passport issue! Old name. I am Polish by birth and just received my British citizenship. [8]

Me and my mum are both Polish by birth however we have just received our British citizenship.

Good for you!

(btw, sorrry for that, but i was getting errors in posting)

We know the Polish government does not accept dual nationalities however my mum does not want to cancel as it takes to much hassle.

that's false. Polish government has no problems accepting dual (or multiple) citizenships of its citizens. However, in Poland, only Polish one matters.

My mum is married

(edited as quotes cannot be longer than 50 words)

if your mum got married (and change her surname) before being granted the citizenship, then it was her duty to change the name on Polish ID (by updating the birth certificate, and applying for new ID cards)- she couldn't change it here in the same way british citizens can (as she wasn't one back then).

ok, it would be easier if you could clarify few things:
1. How did your mum changed the name (I've assumed that because of the marriage- correct me if i'm wrong)?
2. When did she do it (before or after the marriage)? How did you do it (by registration as a british citizen or otherwise)?

Untill the (Polish) birth certificate is amended, the name is not changed in Poland, according to polish laws.
In UK one can change their name by executing the deed poll, no birth certificate changes are required.

And yeah, I've got naturalised as well, and as well i've changed my name (in PL and in UK).
29 Mar 2016
Language / How many tenses and cases in Polish? [33]

Człowieku, co ty gadasz

haha, I see what you did there ;)
I meant of course spoken language, not the official "correct" one.
28 Mar 2016
Language / How many tenses and cases in Polish? [33]

it's worth to notice, that the vocative (Wołacz) is somehow obsolescent from the everyday Polish. Nominative is used instead of it.
1 Mar 2016
Life / What don't you like about Poland or Polish People? [117]

Yes, you can get sick if you go out in the cold and you feel cold, that is what the elderly Polish mean.

I don't think he is the stupid one here.
You can get ill when your immune system is down (well... lowered). Being in environment where temperatures changes rapidly is a factor in it- but not the cold itself.

One of the funniest-and-saddest thing with Matki Polki is overclothing their children, as if they always have to wear socks (even on the bloody summer!) + 5 layers of clothing.
20 Feb 2016
Life / How can Polish immigrants complain about other immigrants? [65]

I think the word "kombinować" is unique to Poland.

in the case mentioned above, what they did was also illegal.
and yeah, a lot of Poles have kombinowanie in their blood... bloody bastards :S
25 Jan 2016
News / World's 'most wanted man' (a Pole) found working at British Subway restaurant [43]

considering, that one can buy Polish ID card on allegro.pl ("for collectors only"), and also the fact that British beaurocracy is, to put it mildly, not always competent, then I am not surprised that he was working there.

and even if his colleagues knew the truth about him (or even a part of it), than a fear of being labelled as "konfindent" could've stopped them from reporting it to the police.

@Crow: please, tell me how was his situation a provocation from the government? I'm dying to hear your reasons.
15 Jan 2016
Off-Topic / Which PF expats are corporate "sleepers"? [55]

Bóg Honor Ojczyzna was the motto of Polish Forces in the West in WW2 by the decree of the Govt-in-Exile.

only after 1943. Honor I Ojczyzna was a motto for much, much longer- since Bonaparte times.

Polish DNa is a skrót myślowy for the R1a haplogroup of which Poland's population has the highest level. Only Wends (Lusatians) have more. BTW there are companies that analyse your ethnic DNA.

it's as much Polish as central asian.
not to mention that the stating that polish dna exist you pretty clearly state that almost 50% of polish population aren't really "True Polish".
15 Jan 2016
Off-Topic / Which PF expats are corporate "sleepers"? [55]

Bóg - Honor - Ojczyzna are the supreme Polish values.

That's ********, you know that as well as everybody else. if anything, it would be "honor, ojczyzna". Bóg was added recently(-ish)

They plus DNA determine who is and who is not a Pole.

oh, please tell me what's a "Polish DNA".

A Pole is a someone who consider himself as a Pole and is also a Polish citizen.