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Joined: 14 Feb 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Jun 2014
Threads: Total: 65 / In This Archive: 36
Posts: Total: 188 / In This Archive: 88
From: Poland, Krakow
Speaks Polish?: Mowię trochę po polsku, but I want to learn more

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22 Oct 2010
Law / Poland residency dilemma - illegal worker affecting my income [19]

It's not quite that easy, Harry - if I say or do anything, I risk losing my job at the school. Also, the illegal lad is popular with the other teachers - if word gets out that I blew the whistle, I could be ostracized. It's a very touchy situation.

I have always held a bit of a grudge that this cat stays here snug as a bug while I bust my hump to stay here legally, but it never adversely affected me before now. I thought the issue would be solved last year when he returned to the states for a couple of weeks - but for some reason, he was allowed entrance back into Poland! I don't get it...
21 Oct 2010
Law / Poland residency dilemma - illegal worker affecting my income [19]

I have no intention of calling him out - I merely think that the school should do more to satiate its legal workers when times are lean. And I don't think the school is paying him less than me (but I don't know this for a fact).

I broached the subject with my DoS today and he didn't seem to understand my point. His argument was that this guy has bills to pay as well. I replied that he doesn't have to pay ZUS like I do and that sort of shut him up, but it didn't seem to change his opinion.

To be honest, this feels like a lose/lose situation for yours truly...
21 Oct 2010
Law / Poland residency dilemma - illegal worker affecting my income [19]

I am a legal resident of Poland, own my own business, and teach at a language school in Krakow. As an American citizen, so I must re-apply for Polish residency one year at a time - one of the requirements is that I earn enough money to live, eat, pay ZUS, etc. Last year, the residency official almost denied my application because she was concerned about the number of hours I taught each week - she thought it was a bit too low but begrudgingly allowed me to stay.

Anyway, my language school has cutback everyone's hours this year, so I am concerned that this might adversely affect my residency status when it comes time to re-apply. I now have a dilemma - one of my colleagues at this school (also American) is living here and working illegally, and I feel his hours should be redistributed among the rest of us who are legal and in need of work. I hold no ill will towards this person and don't wish to deny him the opportunity to make a living, but it doesn't seem fair that I could face deportation due to an insufficient workload while he continues to stay and teach without doing the legwork necessary to be here legally.

I really don't know what to do next - has anyone else faced this issue before? I will try to find some hours elsewhere, but most schools want to pay me under the table and I need legal, above-board hours. Perhaps everything will work out positively, but I do not want to risk being sent away because I under-reacted.

Any constructive input will be highly appreciated - thanks!
20 Oct 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

Three thoughts:

1. Religion is a highly personal issue and should remain private - a 35-meter statue of Jesus is NOT private. In fact, it smacks of overcompensation - 'small penis syndrome' comes to mind.

2. My girlfriend is devoutly religious...but when she heard about this statue, she said, "I'm embarrassed to be a Catholic today."

3. I have always admired the Poles for not wearing their religion on their sleeves like we do in the States...but now, that admiration is waning.
18 Oct 2010
News / Palikot's "Modern Poland" and the Tea Party - how do they compare? Should be banned? [21]

yes, cut down the national debt by going after the middle class entitlements but ignore the costs of the two wars in afghan and iraq.

Bravo, CP - why do the supporters of this movement rail against health care but say NOTHING about the cost of the current US wars? Also, it was recently reported that America spends 48% of the world's military costs when the country in second place (China) spends a mere 6%. Why do these "anti-deficit" zealots choose to ignore this gargantuan portion of US spending?

I personally try to ignore this joke of a "party" - they typically regurgitate the venom that is spewed on conservative radio and TV shows instead of thinking for themselves.
16 Oct 2010
Food / Quince ("pigwa") in Krakow? [7]

I have scoured the stalls several times at Stary Kleparz and found nothing. If someone comes across pigwa in Krakow, please let me know - this is the time of year they are supposed to be available. Thanks!
29 Sep 2010
Food / Quince ("pigwa") in Krakow? [7]

I understand that pigwa is not appropriate - I am told to search for pigwowiec instead. Can anyone enlighten me on the differences between the two? Also, which would work better for creating membrillo?

Most importantly, are either available in Krakow - and if so, where?
28 Sep 2010
Food / Quince ("pigwa") in Krakow? [7]

Does anyone know where to find quince (quinces?) in Krakow? I was just introduced to membrillo and would like to try making some myself. Thanks!
20 Sep 2010
Life / I have experienced allergies since I moved to Krakow... [3]

I moved to Krakow two years ago - since then, I have experienced what I think are allergies each April/May and September/October. I am not exactly sure since I never experienced this before - no problems whatsoever while living in the States.

Over the past several days, I have either experienced allergy problems or a very light cold - sneezing, stuffy head, a slight sore throat, but no other symptoms. Are any "experienced" allergy sufferers having similar difficulties now?

Thanks for any and all constructive input!
7 Sep 2010
Work / Quiet Place to teach English in Krakow ? [24]

Merged: Word language school in Krakow. The pluses and minuses of working there.

Does anyone have any knowledge about or experience with Word language school in Krakow? It's never been on my radar, but I have an opportunity to work there - I'd like to know what the pluses and minuses are. Thanks!
5 Sep 2010
Polonia / Accommodations in Kiev, finding a suitable place to stay [7]

I am planning a trip to Kiev and am having difficulties finding a suitable place to stay - does anyone have any suggestions? I prefer staying in flats which are owned by individuals - I try to steer clear of hotels as well as the companies advertising dozens of properties. Any constructive input would be greatly appreciated - thanks!
30 Aug 2010
Law / Urząd Skarbowy, I paid too little on my last PIT? [26]

I have never underpaid, but I overpaid once - I was seriously worried that they would come after me for that! Another time, I waited until the 21st to pay - needless to say, I was worried about this as well. However, my accountant told me that they would allow me a couple of late payments...I hope she's right.
21 Jul 2010
Work / Resignation fee in Poland - any way to avoid it? [21]

Imagine it was your company trying to break the contract - I don't think you would be too happy if they tried to find a way to get out of paying you what they owed you.

Perhaps your choices are 1) pay the fee, or 2) honor your contract and stay the whole year. I'm assuming you agreed to these terms when you signed the contract...
13 Jul 2010
Life / Children in Krakow Apartment Playgrounds [21]

Plastic Pole:

Maybe your apartment shouldn't be so close by.

Now there's an astute observation - thank you so very much...


its one things, kids running around playing...its another thing when they are given 'aids. to make even more noise....

You see - this member actually took the time to read what was written and offer advice. Thank you vndunne for providing some constructive input instead of mindless criticism...
9 Jul 2010
Life / Children in Krakow Apartment Playgrounds [21]

I live in a complex of flats in Krakow that has a playground for the children of the tenants - my flat happens to overlook this area. My god - the noise is simply atrocious tonight! These parents allow their children to run around with horns and bells with absolutely no regard for their neighbors. I understand the need to exercise and wear down their children, but can't these parents do it without giving their little snot machines the added noisemakers? How can these people be so dense?

I used to live about 2 km from a busy airport in America - tonight, I truly miss the sound of jets going overhead every 2-3 minutes...
9 May 2010
Travel / Dinner place suggestion in Krakow [17]

I recently enjoyed a wonderful meal at C.K. Browar near Teatr Bagatela. Many of my colleagues are surprised by this, but it was absolutely the best restaurant meal I have had in my two years in Kraków. The wheat beer, however, was not very tasty.
9 Feb 2010
Travel / Poland to Romania (and back!) [18]


I'm flying to Iasi later this month if you want to catch a ride. Will then go down to Bucharest for a couple of days and then head back to Poland.

I might definitely be interested in that trip, depending on timing, cost, etc. - let me know the particulars and I'll check my calendar...
7 Feb 2010
Food / Pumpkin and Rhubarb in Kraków [15]

I know it's a long shot, but does anyone know where to buy pumpkins or rhubarb in Kraków? I want to make some winter pies, but apple and lemon are starting to get old. Thanks!
27 Jan 2010
Life / Lack of Spacial Acuity in Poland [69]

i've nearly creamed babcias (albeit at about 30km/h) in this place because more often than not they don't even pause for a wheeze at the edge ... on they go.

and so i look fixedly ahead hoping to goodness i've accounted for all the moving furballs (wintertime) in my peripheral vision ...

Pause for a wheeze...moving furballs...classic! Your humor is greatly appreciated by this observer...
21 Jan 2010
Law / Staying in Schengen - are American exempt from the 90-days-in/90-days-out rule? [23]

I know a colleague who has been staying here illegally for over a year. He returned to the States for Christmas...but when he came back to Poland, he was allowed re-entry. I thought for sure he would be busted, but nothing happened.

It kinda irks me since I am trying to stay here the legal way. For those of you who have gone through the residency process, you can understand how frustrating and time-consuming it can be. If the Polish (Schengen?) border patrol won't uphold the law, why the hell am I busting my hump to stay in this country legally?
2 Dec 2009
Law / Value of Computer in Poland [8]

I am knee-deep in my taxes and am trying to figure out the value of a computer that I 'donated' to my business. My accountant told me that the value is determined by the going rate in December of the previous year - does anyone know where to find this information?

Also, I need to find a website that lists the daily exchange rates between the złoty and dollar over the past year - any ideas here? Thanks!
28 Nov 2009
Life / Lack of Spacial Acuity in Poland [69]

Since moving to Kraków 18 months ago, I have noticed something about some Poles - they seem to lack spacial acuity when it comes to negotiating crowds. I notice it mostly in the large markets - especially during the weekends. And it's people of all ages - not just the older ones.

What do I mean? They seem to shop or walk with little to no regard for those around them. Many times a day, I find myself having to move out of the path of an oncoming shopper or pedestrian who seems unaware that there are others in his/her vicinity. Sometimes I feel I am the only one making any effort to avoid bumping into others.

During the weekends, Tesco and Carrefour are packed with such people - many times I feel a bit like the ball in a pinball machine! The people who bump into me are always polite and say "przepraszam" afterwards, but I would prefer they expend the energy it takes to apologize towards fine-tuning their radar.

Does anyone else sense this or is it just me? Thanks!
23 Jul 2009
Travel / Best method of transport to get from Warsaw to Kaunas? [14]

Sean -

We are returning from Vilnius on August 31 or September 1 (after spending time in Tallinn and Riga). Any suggestions on the best method of returning to Kraków?

As of now, we are planning to take a train or bus to Białystok, stay overnight, and take the train to Kraków the next day. However, the bus and train schedules out of Lithuania seem spotty - any input would be greatly appreciated.

Also - any suggestions for our brief time in Vilnius would be gladly accepted...