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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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18 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Poland and Britain? What has caused the downtur in the UK? [28]

Two to three months?

Delays can often be to get the patient upto a better standard of over all fitness to prepare them for a better chance under GA.

I hope your Father stays comfortable till his op and ,as valuable or not as they are , my best wishes for you and him .

Polish children are still installed with the notion that it is essential to get good exam results to succeed in life

Yes,but its not though is it?
And exams that are passed under dubious curcumstances are maybe valued in Poland but are being "found out" in the wider world.
(edit,thats exams in any country where pressure is put on schools via tables,leagues,targets etc...)
18 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Poland and Britain? What has caused the downtur in the UK? [28]

What has caused the downturn in the UK?

We always grumble....nothing new. There was always a "good old days" normally either when you were about 5 or about 5 years before you were born.....

I think its an island thing, grumble,moan a bit, have a good old b!tch about something then just get on with life after you let the steam boil off :)

I think the secret is we like to talk glass half empty but inside we know the glass is half full and theres a new bottle in the fridge ....hopefully....probably have gone off or corked,but,hell,thats what mass immigration does...;)
18 Apr 2011
Life / Polish Hoarders? [42]

I dont think the zodiac has anything to do with her OCD lol

but I agree, she's off her rocker !

generally id agree,but,apparently obsessive cleaning and tidying is one of the "classic" ,er,symptoms of being Virgo :)

She just wants people to clean her house for her, isn't interested in getting therapy for it.

And,problem? Sounds like most lazy middle class women who hire maids TBH....

( Not making light of her specificaly,I know its a horrid thing for people to go through if its a serious case of giving up on that part of life....)
18 Apr 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

This is a great point that I think many people from the other side of the iron curtain miss.

Not if they know how many Poles were happy communists .......

It seems Communism offered no escape valve for people but when it did,restricted religious freedoms,then the cracks began to appear too so they were on a lose lose there in regards human nature. Basicaly they got there sums wrong. Sure,in theory it would seem a huge proportion of any population is happy to be sheep like and herded from cradle to grave but the population percentage not happy with that would be made up of the more inteligent sections of sociaty and only a set number would be prepered to work for the system or indeed the system would only have room for a limited number of people at the top.

stream of conciousness while distracted,if it made no sense...sorry folks :)
18 Apr 2011
News / Polish people mocked and humiliated in Season 7 of House MD [60]

Neither do the British when Hollywood comes up with version 8.05 of the "New Limey Bastard".

Unless theyre played by Anthony lapaglia or some other Aussie with a crap British accent ;)

My "fav" example is the scene in that mel gibbson film The Patriot,where the evil Red coats herd all the american civilians in a church and burn them.....in the UK people laughed at this and chuckled over the "yanks making up history again" (the only recorded massaccres like that in the revolutionary wars were carried out by continental militias against Tory villages).....in short,its only play acting,get a life and have a giggle about it :)


RoadHouse! ;)
18 Apr 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

It will fail anywhere and only by force can be kept alive

same is true for any and every system in place today ,yesterday or tommorow.
Some of us are kept on longer ,thinner leashes but there is always someone willing to yank on them if we step beyond what is "acceptable" in whatever sociaty we find ourselves.

Seems to me,Red,white or polka dot coloured banners its all the same,its always the few ,the rich and powerfull who controll the many whether thats the rich and powerfull communist in a Volga or the rich and powerfull capitalist in a Maybach.
18 Apr 2011
Life / Polish Hoarders? [42]

Anyone else collects stuff that others routinely throw away?

Ive a mate who works at a dump site/tip/household disposal site,what ever the heck the place where you dump the trash that doesnt get taken away from your pavement is called in whatever country your in....er... anyway, I could fill a page with the stuff he finds thrown out,but I wont,lets just say,some people never throw stuff away,others just dump anything. On those Antique roadshow programmes when people say "Oh,I was going to throw it in the trash but came here first....",believe me,they wernt kidding :(

Side note,walking the dog a few years back I found one of my villages old middens from the 19th century,had a dig around and within an hour had found 2 dozen intact glass bottles and jars,old wooden toothbrushes ,slightly chipped china cups etc. Rubbish at the time,now both fascinating and in the case of a few of them,worth a few quid too :)


I still have every bean can i ate from during my five years in Poland.....

Very handy,you can use them to make a chimney ala Stig of the Dump...:)

lol shut up, is there no making you happy??

Lols, I dated a girl once (virgo...) who seriously,was one of those who hovers around with a cloth all day,you lift your glass to your mouth the coaster gets a wipe......I swear,by now she probably has living room furniture still wrapped in plastic ;)
17 Apr 2011
Life / Polish Hoarders? [42]

Dont get me wrong, someone who hoards "usefull" stuff is not in the league of say that photo comparison.
The latter probably do need help,but help with what ever the root cause is not some new made up "condition"...
One is an ecentricity the other is a sign of something deeper for sure.
And its rarely a lack of inteligence either,think of the classic profesors room.......
On the other hand,obssesive cleaners,now they are fcukin bonkers....:)
17 Apr 2011
Life / Polish Hoarders? [42]

who need therapy.

lols.....and still the system grinds on inventing yet another condition to justify DSM V or whatever number its up to now....There will be pills soon for your Doc to sell to you.....

Your kids a bit energetic,therepy then dope him...
Your kids a bit creative,therepy then dope her....
Someone isnt a sheep,therepy then dope them....
Someone thinks they are a sheep,therepy then an operation....
17 Apr 2011
Love / Torments me my boyfriend had a relationship with a pole-how do I get over this [28]

I keep thinking of her, looking at her on facebook etc

Have you considered you may fancy her yourself?
because thats another thing that Poles do over here you know,they turn straight girls into lesbians ,watch out,you may end up invited to special Polish pies eating contest,thats their pies not ours,very fatty and quite chewy,especially if you get the tail.....
16 Apr 2011
History / Civilian life in Poland (Krakow) during the WW2. [30]

The Polish Army uniform was predominantly an Earth brown colour (though summer uniform and that worn at westerplatte was a pale tan colour), Four pocket with stand and fall high buttoned collor and 7 buttons down the front.

of course,for civilian life in Krakow thats pretty irrelevent .......
What did women wear? Well,not " Polish costume" thats for darn sure :),not the city women anyway,they would be in pretty standard European fashion of the late 30s

Any particular questions i'll be glad to help or point you in the right direction. :)
15 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

Read the treaty, as BB said, which NATO member is under attack? As for civilians getting slaughtered, it's a tribal civil war.

Granted maybe,but lets reduce this to human levels, NATO,essentially a bunch of mates,some closer friends than others,but when the push comes to shove mates stick together,they dont pretend to agree then once the sh!t kicks off suddenly hide behind semantics.

What on earth threat was Iraq to Britain (or the US for tha matter)? We still went in with our US allies though didnt we? So did Poland,but,as Ive heard,Poland got paid by the US to be in Iraq.....US not picking up the bill,is that the real reason behind Poland now playing the letter of the treaty game?
15 Apr 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

North Caroline; about three months

lets say that I had been exercising extensively

ooh,ooh,I know,but Im not going to brag about it ;)
15 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

whatever g',thats the way you roll,fair enough,like I said though,proper European countries are trying......not just sitting on the side lines whinning.....
15 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

pretty devoid of bitter malice :P ;)

unless someones an uber nationalist then humour fails me ,whatever country they think the sun shines outta its sewers;)
15 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

well, you could have supported Poland much more in the EU than you have (I mean the UK) - we have plenty common interests -

for sure,probably. Got to admit,I dont bother much with Politics but wasnt part of this down to us having a left wing liberal government while you had,well,not a left wing liberal government? ;)

(ps,in case people didnt guess with my reference to ancient soviet war planes,Im sorta playing devils advocate here,mostly.)
14 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

HHHHmmmm, Poland signs a treaty of mutual military assistence and then sits on its hands and does nothing...............kharmas a b!tch,just dont ever whinge about '39 again as you have demonstrated your worth as a full ally......

btw white dawg.....Ghaddafi started it,the rebels fought back,and the civilised members of NATO are trying to stop civilians getting slaughterd.....shame on us for trying eh.............
13 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

Poland is in NATO no? Ok,where the fcuk are the vaunted Polish Airforce that we Brits are always being told about then? Whats the matter,Uncle Sam not paying the bill for this one so the Polish merceneries are staying at home?

You all do seem to love having your cake and eating it...part of EU when it suits you,part of NATO ,ditto,when it suits you.......when it looks like the money is tapped out its,no thanks,but please still save us from mother russia if the time comes......................
13 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

By now the soldiers should have defected from the dictator and there should be uprisings in more cities.

any german uprisings then,or did you all love the one who shall remain nameless?
13 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

Maybe therefore that those soldiers fought for UK?

er,nope,nice try,they fought for the government of Poland (In Exile).
12 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles top the UK's EU crime figures [78]

Most of the crime probably goes unreported. Other immigrants tend to be the main target of scum bags.
Most of the reported stuff will be average young lads away from home getting a bit silly after a few beers.
But of course there isnt an outcry in Poland about it,why would they complain,its only their problem when the Polish Police have to foot the bill for its weekly Con Air flights :)
12 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

"The Polish Interior Minister described them as “economic immigrants” who are merely seek better job opportunities."

The parasites,how dare they leave their country for a better job,what scumbags.Im sure atleast a million Poles in my country would agree with me.......BTW,how is the war in Poland going,victory in sight yet?
12 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / John Drennan: "Poles in fear of starved Irish influx" [15]

country where "20,000 horses" are starving by the sides of motorways

LMAO,and? Im guessing the Irish pikeys treat their horses as well back home as they do over here....

Lets look at Poland eh? Last time I was there I still saw those signs on Motorway slip roads ,nice little pictures of old peasant carts,to be sure those were just there for fun.....hhhmmmm, a country that needs warning signs to stop peasants driving their horse carts on the motorway should maybe remember that thing about people in glass houses :)
12 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles top the UK's EU crime figures [78]

Thousands of British have emigrated to Spain and other countries....or is that different.?

Crap argument,most British expat workers are profesionals but most expats are retired.....no presure on local jobs. Show me how many Brits on the Costas work in Spanish factories......
12 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

Why should Poland

lols, how many tens of thousands of Polish refugees scattered all round the world after '45?

Poland is ready to receive up to a dozen

How fcukin generous eh......