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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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26 Apr 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]

You can argue as logically as you wish for or against the existence of the State of Israel,it doesnt matter though because the bottom line "justification" trotted out is always"we are gods chosen people and god gave us this land",frankly when you are dealing with that kind of BS what can you do but get p!ssed off? Simply saying,no,"you" stole it from the cannanites then the romans stole it from "you" then the christians took over untill the muslims took charge all the while plenty of jews were living there alongside everyone else.just doesnt seem to sink in. Nor does the irony that the reason the Jews stole land in the levant and displaced the local population through violence and rascism was down to the nazis doing exactly the same in europe...........
26 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state [129]

or a disability (obesity is the new disability) it goes into more interesting figures and you have to prove nothing,

absolute bollox J'. Anyone claiming disabilty benefits has to go through disgusting loops to prove their conditions.
My Grandma(bless her soul) had her first stroke and heartattack in the early 1960s after working as a head in a deaf school,in the late 90s she was asked to attend an assesment,after canceling the first apointment due to her being in hospital after another stroke the authorities sent a threatining letter demanding she attended the next apointment "or else". When she turned up at the offices she was told the interview room was on the third floor of a building with no lifts. Grandma was in a wheelchair,she could walk a few paces at a time but that was it. When it was pointed out that she couldnt possibly climb 3 flights of stairs she was told in no uncertain terms that if she failed to attend she would loose her disabilty benefit.

Now,are you still going to say being on disabled benifits is an easy life with no questions asked?
26 Apr 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]

When it smells anti-Semitism & when it sounds like it, So, there is no doubt at all - it is entirely a man with anti-Semitic opinions.

Nope,thats called paranoia,plain and simple. Plenty of jewish people would agree that the Israeli state is an abomination and an occupier of other peoples lands. Ultra Ultra orthadox Jews wont even set foot in Israel.are you going to call the anti semites too?Its a nation built on spurious grounds and forced into existence by terrorism and suicide bombings,now,when the locals fight back against european/american occupation with the same tactics you want us all to hate them and love you????
26 Apr 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]

I suggest you watch a great documentary "Der Ewige Jude

what a dumb fcuking polack.............I suggest you watch "Die Deutsche Wochenschau " am 1939 for an obviously unbiased acount of the german invasion of Poland....................muppet.
26 Apr 2011
Life / How could things have gone so wrong (Poland church dress code) [195]

So what if I was a devout Catholic Scot that went into a church here with a kilt on? Would that be considered as modest apparel? if there are no objective definitions then it is left to us to gauge the relevant cultural norm, right?

No,thats silly, the Kilt is widley seen as smart wear,or would be in the context of being worn to church. Shorts,on an adult man are just sloppy dressing and bad manners,especially at an obviously special time in the calendar.
26 Apr 2011
News / Polish people humiliated in the latest episode of Family Guy [51]

someone comes along says well all maltas
act this way,

Maltees. BTW, they have had more of their fair share of bad natured stereotyping laid at their door. At one point in the 50s to early 60s "Maltees"was basicaly shorthand for organised crime thug in British films and TV down to the fact that in amongst some fantastic people from that island who had come over to Britain were a few scumbags .

Pat',can I just ask why you talk as though you are some Yo from the Hood in this thread? Its quite funny if you dont mind me saying :)
25 Apr 2011
Life / How could things have gone so wrong (Poland church dress code) [195]

But Im conflicted,I sort of agree with a lot of his theological points and the whole bonkersness of men in satin dresses swinging pretty gold perfume spreaders around and chanting in a dead language..................but,its about respect. If Im invited to some hippy happy clappy come as you are worship in a park do,fine,i'll wear a t shirt a jesus sandels(not really,for illustrative purpose only ;) ) but in some ones building of worship,temple,church mosque or whatever,for a specific servive, sorry,but you dress with respect,no excuse.

Sure,nice hot day,you are out and about and suddenly get the urge to nip in and light a candle somewhere,why not,but not a special service, thats just plain rude.
25 Apr 2011
Life / How could things have gone so wrong (Poland church dress code) [195]

Sounds like you were making a point.....

There must be more to this story.
Ive been in Polish churches,not done any of the crossy things or bobbing up and down. I was even the only one sat bolt upright in the pews during prayers. I still felt warmly welcomed despite my obvious non catholic status............maybe its because I looked like i could be arsed to be there and hadnt got dressed in the dark.
25 Apr 2011
Life / How do you celebrate Easter in Poland? [29]

lols.....or just got there a few years after the target haad moved...thats what amazed me about that Polish guy posting himself to burgle places.......
25 Apr 2011
Life / How could things have gone so wrong (Poland church dress code) [195]

Christ on a bike...all HIS work is in vain because you woke up in a grumpy arsed mood,wore shorts to church and a few old bids told you off....talk about delusions of granduar.

Would you wear shorts to Chapel? Or is this part of some rebelion against the RCC?
25 Apr 2011
Life / How could things have gone so wrong (Poland church dress code) [195]

Why did Christ die???

Probably a combination of exposure and blood loss.

Seems simple enough to me.
You shouldnt go to a church in shorts if you are an adult but on the other hand no one should throw you out for it.
25 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you hate about England and English people? [142]

The "Brits bad teeth" thing;

Ive seen Deliverance!

lols,perfect,may I also add Jerry Springer and Mr Average Joe Six Tooth....

The main downside is crime amongst the young in some parts of the country isn't good and heavier penalties need to be looked into to stop gun/knife crime.

The Police show respect to little tw ats with no idea of what the word means.
Been watching a show called Police Academy UK where officers from around the world came on secondment to British police forces,really eyeopening seein just how soft our bobbies have become. Even in my day (15 ish years back) as a youth you knew when to just shut the hell up,if a copper gave you "that look" you either shut up or spent the night in a cell. I always shut up lol :)
25 Apr 2011
News / Drug Policy Reform in Poland [29]

Opiate based medicines are expensive yet our governments go round torching afgan poppy fields,putting the farmer out of buisness and into the arms of the talib....wtf?
25 Apr 2011
Life / How do you celebrate Easter in Poland? [29]

I watched Jesus Christ Superstar ,again.
At Easter I try not to go "phwoar" when the cute dancers appear in the Temple ;)

I loved Easter in Poland, although Im not Catholic I did like the fact that it is still a big deal and about far more than fluffy bunnies and gorging on nasty chocolate eggs.

I didnt go to church because,well,frankly Jesus seemed to hate organised religion in all its forms and I sort of get where he was coming from there but I do love the fact that so many people still find genuine comfort and community within the church families of whichever branch of Christianity.
24 Apr 2011
Life / Disco Polo - No No No No No! [95]

Remember that utter git Scooter

no,id forgotton,but thanks for that u twat,back in da house indeed.....;)
24 Apr 2011
News / Drug Policy Reform in Poland [29]

The government shouldn't have a role applying morality under the guise of "protecting individuals from themselves". It's a failed policy.

especially when so many governments have historical ties to drug pushing and running themselves.**cough Air America ***cough***Opium wars***cough***
24 Apr 2011
History / Civilian life in Poland (Krakow) during the WW2. [30]

Well,tbh,people fled TO krakow rather than from it. By the time they realised this mistake Krakow was encircled by the Red Army on one side and the Germans (and Slovaks??) on the other.

Krakow had been declared an "open city" ie,one that all sides had agread not to fight over or in so that probably drew in a lot of refugees from the countryside.

(but its late,and im not checking facts here so dont quote me on just how official the open city status was......)
20 Apr 2011
News / British man accused of molesting teenagers in Poland [74]

Its not all doom and gloom WR
Kids wander all over the countryside and the woods near me where I walk my dog etc ,but being british i hesitated before admiting I see unattended kids out in the wilds in case,like you say,I end up on some register....

But your right, I would never give a lift to a kid if I was on my own even when Ive seen kids in crappy weather,stood at bus stops and I might not know the kid but know they are locals,my impulse is give the poor buggers a lift home,that voice that warns of Kafka situations makes me speed past trying not to drive through the puddle.....
20 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them" [195]

Its a stupid question because only outsiders seem obsesed with it,them and a few nutty extremists.
But,benifit of the doubt I will expand;
Those sort of questions alway degenerate into bun fights, plastic paddys from America usually chip in with bollox that hasnt been relevent since 1923, catholic poles reflexedly take the republican side and all seem to forget that plenty,a majority of Irish people dont want a United ireland......

If you want answers watch Micheal Collins and The wind that Shakes the barley....both shoit but mildly entertaining if you like simplistic boos hiss arnt the brits evil sort of stories,they seem popular around these parts :)
20 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state [129]

In short, one might be tempted to go as far as saying that UK never had economy to speak off. Take away the effects of plunder by the British and do you have left? Haggis?

lols mate, you bumped your head or something? Your not usually one of the mouth breathers on here.............

and the Brits' land is now being ... colonized :)

Thank you for your concern....so tell me,how does it feel to be a part of the genocide of many nations?
I ask simply as,living in America you are no better than a german settler in occupied Poland yet you have the nerve to start accussing modern day british people of crimes commited centuries ago....we brits are living in our country,the one where our ancestors are part of the soil and have been for thousands of years.

You however are living in a land stolen from a people who were murdered and the few survivors marginalised to this day and yet you talk about empire, christ sake mate,the land you walk on is not yours,its stolen from others,the nation you live in was built on the blood and sweat of slaves and near slaves,you have "overseas" territories till this day that you have zero intention of giving back, I mean,fcuking Samoa? Not exactly mainland US now is it?....get some perspective....
20 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state [129]

Well thats just criminal then.
Incase you missed my tone I was sticking up for Immirants full stop.
Gets a bit tiresome when people sat at £500 + pcs and laptops can b!tch and moan so much about people wanting a better life for their family.

(and note the question mark at the end of the,er,question,I wasnt writing in an aussie accent :) )
19 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state [129]

Its sounds exactly like our problem with the Illegal Mexicans, but they sneak in!

Not really,"your" ilegals have not been paying tax have they? The Polish workers have atleast contributed,some Brits round here have never contributed a penny in income tax and still get welfare,so...........

Bet you didnt expect that from a Brit ;)

Quite honestly we owe the Poles more than they owe us. Who held the Ottomans off at the gates of Vienna?

oh FFS.......seriously,you think jacek the chav from posnan should have a job and welfare in britain because his great great great great great great etc etc etc Grandady might have been a Winged hussar? Get tha feck outa here...;)

Its the 21st C,no one alive owes anyone an apology or a favour because of 70 or 700 year old events ffs....but we are all in Europe,and hopefully slightly more civilised so......
18 Apr 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

no internet

this probably helped it rather than acted towards its decline....besides,I dont remember much internat over here in 89 either:)