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Cameron's EU reform good for Poland [95]
However the positives far, far outweigh the negatives.
PS: There was a chap in the UK who bet hundreds of thousands on the Scottish referundum, some of it as generous as 4-6, believe it or not. He made an absolute fortune from the bookies.
The same story here, as the ridiculous scenario of the UK leaving the Union (as with Scotland leaving the UK) is a big fat zero. The majority have some education and brains after all.
The Tories would have turned Britain back into some Dicksionian nightmare land years ago if allowed to run riot without EU legislation - good old Edward Heath understood the importance of a Social Charter, and realised the importance of a fair society, without some of Harold Wilson's barking policies.
What EU succession would do for Poles I don't know - they would find Britain a less appealing place than it is right now anyway, with the lunatics ruling the asylum.
Maybe they would feel right at home?