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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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16 May 2011
Genealogy / Polish birth, death and marriage records in Russian scripts? [16]

I may be talking out of the place the sun dont shine from,but, Ive pretty basic russian,with a decent vocab' but even after 10 years can I buggery read handwritten russian :)

Im sure someone once told me the pre revolution Russian is closer to todays Bulgarian in many ways,maybe thats a path you could take?

Ive a lovely pre 1905 postcard which is in the Old russian(,it looks lovely but has a few extra letters ),a valentines card which I think was probably made in what should have been Poland as there is a kotwica not very well hidden in the photograph :)
16 May 2011
Work / Holocaust and gender studies in Poland? [33]

"hmpf" is that some new german armoured car or something?
Ok, for you BB, I wonder what the poster could tell us about the highland clearances and the aftermath of the 45....or what Cromwells boys got upto on their stag weekend in Wexford....
16 May 2011
Work / Holocaust and gender studies in Poland? [33]

shh, you know what I mean BB. I could have said belgians in the Congo but Ok, say a serial killer murders 15 people ,each victim gets a name check in the news but only one victim gets dozons of movies and TV shows made about them,thousands of books ,study courses,wideworld memorial days and the kids of that one victim get given the grounds and mansion of,lets say an arab busnisman as their own for life,while the other 14 victims might get a page on Wiki if they are lucky..................
16 May 2011
Work / Holocaust and gender studies in Poland? [33]

It would appear that Holocaust studies, particularly in the light of flagrant denial of same, here on PF as elsewhere, should be mandatory every place

Why? Tell me what you know about the holocaust in German South West Africa. Who made one set of victims from a century packed full of innocent victims the "supreme victims" ?
9 May 2011
Love / Poland wow wife [52]

So I take it from this, that the better side of your family (cough cough) is from Limerick? :)

Dublin actually,honestly,you really dont want to know my familial connection to Limerick ,basicaly,if you went to the Uni there,get orf my land !!!! ;)

i ain't as you say a mick either

nope,you are clearlly a self important pompous arse, you must be pure southern English. Well,good luck winning friends in Poland mate,trust me,they can smell a tosser at fifty paces.

You failed in Ireland,its everyones fault but your own,so,you slag everyone off then pronounce you intend moving to Poland. Top that off you ask for help moving there,like anyone living over there is wanting people like yourself going over and giving incomers a bad rep because the first time something goes wrong you'll be moaning about Polish arseholes and wanting to move somewhere else in europe........
8 May 2011
Love / Poland wow wife [52]

thanks for your last comment and being called an arsehole by you i have to say is an honour thank you so much for such deep thoughts

You are more than welcome ,may I say that to be paid such an honour by once such as yourself is indeed a rare moment to savour and one that I will cherish close to my heart or my name isnt Seaumus O'Malloy O'Tool

face it matey,you sounded like Tonto or mini haha or Idi Amin,those aint exactly the lyrical words of a man of limerick.

You could have at least started with;

There was a young woman from poland
she married a mick from an island
they gave it a go
the garda were slow
so now theyre both off to krakow........

People love to declare anyone "guilty" ... they feel a pleasure because for a moment they blind themselves of all the errors they have within their own selves.

You are getting all messianic again fella...I suppose you walk round bathed in a heavenly glow with bluebirds dancing on your shoulders and flowers blooming as you pass................
8 May 2011
News / 2011 Netherlands discuss Polish deportation plan [118]

deporting Polish migrant workers who lost their job is another.

Its not like you loose your job on a friday and your on the bus home on a saturday though is it.

The four cases, all of which have either been taken to court or are pending, involve foreign workers. In one, 44 mainly Bulgarian women were cutting up marijuana plants for between €3 and €5 an hour. They were locked into a warehouse at night. In another case, Polish women worked up to 22 hours a day for a mushroom grower. Complaints about their treatment led to pay cuts.

You think these are above the board Netherlanders owned companies? Bless,you do realise mushroom probably doesnt mean the type most of us have on pizza's?
7 May 2011
News / 2011 Netherlands discuss Polish deportation plan [118]

Why should Poles a few hours drive from their home be allowed to sit on their arse getting Dutch unemployment benifits? Might be OK if it was a genuinly reciprical arrangement ,but clearly its not,unless Polish unemployment benifits have shot up lately.....
7 May 2011
News / 2011 Netherlands discuss Polish deportation plan [118]

Its not targeted at Poles alone though is it. Its a blanket rule similar to the ones they used to have in place. When I was looking into going into a buisness with a mate in the netherlands it was clear that despite or maybe because of the "liberal" nature of the netherlands that it is far more interested in the full intergration and participation of all people who move there,and thats a good thing in anyones books. You have to speak Dutch to access services,you cant be third or fourth generation and still speaking some sub continent dialect like you can in many other EU countries.

In short, the Netherlands should have a right to boot out who ever the heck it feels like,drains on their sociaty with no strong ties to the Netherlands would seem to be a sensible place to start,as for deporting crims' ,seems entirely logical, those Polish animals that murdered the elderly couple in wolverhampton last month will now cost the UK Tax payer for the length of their hopefully considerable sentances.

Western Europeans really **** me off.

How long would I last in Poland if I was charged by the Police with anything? id be marched to the nearest airport/border crossing wouldnt I ,so get a fcukin grip!
7 May 2011
Love / Poland wow wife [52]

also my first post was looking for advice on moving to poland i thought i would get from people that had made the move seem from the posts here not many have made such a move

nope,your first post was a semi literate rant. Plenty of people have moved to Poland,very few would be interested in helping someone who came across as a complete arsehole in their first post though,would you?
7 May 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

The Soviets were not sure about the so-called victory and put two flags: the red and the white (in case of defeat - to show their giving-up and not be shot at). From the street it looked like a Polish flag.

lols,typical lefties,always hedging their bets :)
7 May 2011
Life / Water from wells in Warsaw - Safe to drink? [24]

Water paranoia .... a Polish thing

Glad you said that not me...........seems all the brits who go to warsaw see no problem with the Tap water while the locals act like Chernobyl went off again...........it makes me laugh that even people in brand new buildings still struggle home looking like mamas in an african famine zone with huge bottles of water.
6 May 2011
Love / Poland wow wife [52]

people would prefer to live if they had a choice between Ireland and, say, Pakistan?

.....................Holding post while I think of something witty to tie in with Osama being found in Pakistan....................
6 May 2011
Love / Poland wow wife [52]

love your use of English, you could be an illegal immigrant who arrived into Britain hidden in a lorry. are you?

or just English TBH :)
6 May 2011
Love / Poland wow wife [52]

What stands at the end of butt hole road?

there is a pretty sweet Norman castle, the one featured in walter Scots Ivanhoe :)
well,its down the hill and across a valley,but whats actually at the end of Butt Hole road is fields at one end and a bland residential street at the other :)

  • Conisbrough_Castle1.jpg
6 May 2011

Why are some people complaining so much. We have a society with practically no minorities. Cannot hurt to have small minorities. Certainly a few hundred Africans coming to study or even live is almost a non topic.

funniest thing is,one of the first Polish people who moved to my village in the UK back in 04 was of Angolan descent and,pardon the phrase,as black as the ace of spades ,but as proud Pole as Ive ever met.
6 May 2011
Genealogy / Tony Ivinisivich - Trying to locate member of Polish army (WWII) [11]

Well, the 12th Polish Field Ambulance were based in Arbroath at some point,they left a thank you plaque to the town in 1945 if that helps :)


or maybe this site will help;


any more and i charge for research time :)
6 May 2011
Life / Best place to buy winter clothing in Warsaw [11]

Sounds like clothing prices are still stupidly high in Poland then,Id go for layers in the states as said above ,cheaper no doubt and light weight enough not to be a hassle carrying to Poland.
5 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Living in Edinburgh and looking for work [5]

Sorry, I havnt been home in over 10 years,cant help with specifics jobhunting in Edinburgh Im afraid,just wanted to give a little encourgement as I know how much it sucks to be out of work for a bit. Again,all the best to him.
5 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Living in Edinburgh and looking for work [5]

there is a lot of people not wanting to hire anyone more like Im afraid. Good luck finding yourself a job, hope you dont have too long to wait.
5 May 2011
Law / PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF SWASTIKA AND NAZI SYMBOLS in Krakow, Poland - Where I should report them? [56]

As an incidental to this, I a few weeks back bought a DVD of a film called Eichmann,no prizes for guessing who that was about (again though,Thomas Kretschmann must get so bored of playing nazis...) , I discovered it has a reversable cover for the DVD case,the one on show had a huge swastika the one on the inside,presumably for softie euro countries had not a trace of a swastika or any other naziness anywhere.........
5 May 2011
Law / PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF SWASTIKA AND NAZI SYMBOLS in Krakow, Poland - Where I should report them? [56]

Polish organisations also used swastikas

Highlanders unit badge;
(The swastikas which appear in unit's logos have no relation whatsoever to the swastikas used by German Nazi movement. Swastika was a common geometric ornament in the folk culture of Tatra mountains and for that reason the it was adopted by highlander units of Polish army. The usage of swastikas by highlander regiments of Polish army predates the rise of NSDAP.)

5 May 2011
Law / PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF SWASTIKA AND NAZI SYMBOLS in Krakow, Poland - Where I should report them? [56]

Calm down! :)

Never mind calm down.my mouth is full of humble pie and flat cap...............seems the Gladiator was called Valentinius,and was attached to one of the legions on the Rhine........so,maybe a local,maybe not..................:)

How many of you are actual LAWYERS?

Quite a few people on this site are TBH.

But,incase you refer to my posting a big 'orrible nazi picture.tough cookies, Im in the UK ,the site is hosted in the USA ,neither countries yet have ironic laws outlawing symbols in the name of freedom......
5 May 2011
Law / PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF SWASTIKA AND NAZI SYMBOLS in Krakow, Poland - Where I should report them? [56]

are you blind???? How many german warriors do you think went on gap years to India in 170 AD?
Why the argument BB?
Have you been told that every single one of Hitlers archeological discoveries were faked? maybe they were,this one was found in Colchester,and not by Himmler........no nazi buried this vase to make a connection between the swastica of old and new did they..............sheesh.
5 May 2011
History / Polish flag over the Reichstag first? [399]

and on it rolls......................... I wouldnt bother you newbies to this. To many Poles its feed like milk from mamas tits..............mwah,britain and france mwah betrayed us mwah mwah.........................its like telling a gleaming eyed evangelist that his mama is descended from the Apes,they just dont want to hear fact.
5 May 2011
Law / PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF SWASTIKA AND NAZI SYMBOLS in Krakow, Poland - Where I should report them? [56]

er,that aint sanskrit, thats some gladiator called Germanicus the impaler (ok,he's not,but he is a german gladiator), Im not disputing the nazis had various reasons for choosing the crooked cross,maybe they just really liied Finland or Ravi Shankar music? But, its cleary also an ancient germanic symbol despite what todays new age hippies will tell you :)

(or not tell you,in the case of the guy on the BBC doc the other week,showing this vase he describes both the gladiators,names,skills ,the lot,its all written on the vase,even after pointing out the guy was a German warrior the lack of mention of the swastica on his sheild was almost laughable,like a big elephant farting in the room :) )