USA, Canada /
Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]
I really dont know. I am German citizen only using Polish passport becouse never planned to leave the US farther then to Mexico or Canada and had bad luck to be born in Warschaw.
You also got a university degree there, remember? Therefore you must speak Polish and you lived in Poland. You must have had a major booboo on your mind if you didn't even know whether Poland was communist or not at the time. It's not like the end of communism was a 5 minute event someone living in Poland could have missed because they happened to have gone to a bathroom to take leak. That was the biggest event in Poland since 1945.
Besides you claimed you were even talking about some government contracts between the US and Poland. Remember that? The money that was expected to be paid for your education in Poland? Remember how you mentioned that Poland was communist at the time? Or don't you even remember your most recent lies?
You also wrote you're just learning German and yet chose to write "Generalgouvernement für die besetzten polnischen Gebiete from Gestapo". Why not Polish or English?
I tking Adam Michnik says it was communist till 1992, my my first students visa was
SPLExes like chinees yet in 1992. It has SPLEX on it.
So if Michnik said Poland's official language is now Chinese you would believe too?
As I said, your story makes zero sense.
- You cross international borders based on a newspaper article.
- You claim to be a world renowned scientist and yet you need to send 25,000 letters ot get a scholarship in a graduate program
- You are really a German citizen but you hold a Polish passport
- You don't know wheter Poland was communist or not in 1991 even though you lived there
I can't see how a PhD is unable to come up with a plausible lie.
Honestly, my cat is a much better liar than you are.