History /
Poland's General Anders and one of the biggest "What Ifs?" of WW2 [31]
Sokrates - how come you are so intensely pro-Russian?
I'm not pro-Russian, i dont like Russia i think it was, is and will be a barbaric craphole but i'm all for historical truth, the truth is Russia won the war single handedly and the West stole that victory by creating a false image that lend lease was critical.
Germans obliged by it so they wouldnt have to admit how easily Russia put them down once it got into gear.
I think you might be overestimating the Russian power and underestimating the allies and the German side.
There's nothing to over or underestimate, we've got numbers and they dont lie.
came up with the Lend-Lease proposal to at least supply Europe with tools, vehicles, gas, weapons, etc. for self defense.
only about 92 locomotives were produced. 2,000 locomotives and 11,000 railcars were supplied under Lend-Lease.... Likewise, the Soviet air force received 18,700 aircraft, which amounted to about 14% of Soviet aircraft production (19% for military aircraft).[7
And thats exactly the Western lie we're talking about, notice how tendentional this article is.
First it gives a number produced as 92 and thats accurate, what it fails to mention is that existing Soviet stocks of railcars and locomotives made Russia completely safe, they had tens of thousands of locs and hundreds of thousands of railcars, sending 2000 locos and 11.000 railcars is a joke.
As for aircraft not even 1/5th of Red Airforce, as for trucks the article itself admits most of logistics was done by rail.
I'm not pro-Russian if anything i'm anti-Russian and definitely anti-Soviet but propagating a historical lie that West won the war or that Russia would not win without the West is just wrong.
Something else - had the allies de-nazified Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe and used their help in the fight against the Soviets I think the central and eastern Europe would've never found themselves behind the iron curtain. Russians had the numbers. Germans and the allies had the rest.
Go read about "Deep Encirclement" and "Elastic Defense" Russian doctrines that were the most advanced in all theatres, tanks like KV-85 or IS-3, Katyushas ... Russians had everything the Allies had and more.
Superior equipment, tactics, numbers ,determination, command, and you're telling me a few millions dispirited underequipped Germans who were already being steamrolled for more then a year would do a difference? Dream on and learn history while at it.
I'm not really picking on you, just curious.
Because i dont like the West "hogging" the victory when they were just a sideshow, having been abroad i've got a good idea as to how a typical Western European views history and its almost as focked up as hardcore Soviet versions.