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Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]
a story in three parts:
Trump won the part primary by running against the Republican establishment and won the national election by continuing to do that (and running against H Clinton as an establishment candidate).
The Republican party establishment is bound and determined to continue policies that the American public doesn't want and Trump, being an outsider, doesn't have the leverage and/or know how to circumvent them.
If he doesn't get a wall built or stop foreign neocon military meddling or coddling banking interests he will be a one term president
As Shirley Bassey so memorably sang: It's all just a little bit of history repeating...
1976 / 2016 One party fields an outsider (Carter/Trump) who wins over an establishment legacy candidate (Ford/Clinton) who won the primary only after a bitter struggle against an intraparty insurgency (Reagan/Sanders).
1977-1979 The outsider is continually foiled by his own party and can't get his own agenda through (being an outsider and all)
1980/2020 The previous failed insurgent candidate takes the presidency and establishes a new political order? (Reagan/Sanders (or a new Sandersite democrat).
Both parties are fighting the realignment, the party that can get ahead of public sentiment (Repubs in 1980, maybe Dems in 2020) will be able set the agenda for decades...