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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
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From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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15 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

The mainstream media seem to constantly attack PiS,

So which party do you think they should attack? The one that's accusing the president of having conspired with Russia to murder his predecessor or some other dodgy party?

30% of PiS supporters in Poland as whack jobs

If the cap fits, wear it.

The mainstream media

There's plenty of 'media' who support PiS. If you don't like what one nespaper says, buy another.
15 Oct 2011
History / Why have Poles contributed so little to Academics? (Particularly Science) [180]

They were in fact part of so-called Polish School of Mathematics. But I have already mentioned them before. To compensate for a disappointment, I attach a small fractal - Sierpinski's Triangle. Yes, this is the same guy. :-)

There are some amazing photos of those guys in the Academy of Sciences building. Stefan Banach too.
13 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Getting the most from my hard earned money (transfer money from England to Poland) [41]

Indeed. Yet just round the corner in the tunnel that leads from the LIM centre to Maccy D's there's quite a good one.

Also, the 24 hour one on Krucza sometimes has good rates. The best one I've found so far (for sterling) is visible to your left (sort of 10 o' clockish, just before the Spolem shop) if you're standing by the main entrance of Szpital na Solcu, where Solec and Dobra split, facing Skwer Czerwonego Krzyza. The entrance is from ul. Solec, near that upstairs bar (in itself quite fun sometimes).
13 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

In a wider context, Cejrowski suggests use of force, after PiS lost its battle via legal means. And if he did not exactly mean it, than he is doubly stupid and he should think twice before opening his mouth.

The guy makes his money by coming out with stuff like that. A clown whipping up ire amongst the inadequate.

those people who voted for Palikot are angry - they are often blinded by the hate for the Roman Catholic Church in Poland

More often disillusioned and preferring to fund a religious body through choice rather than taxes. For those who actually do hate the RCC there's a party just for them - APP-Racja.
13 Oct 2011
Food / Where can I buy cast iron pans (żeliwne patelnie) in Poland? [19]

I'm not sure which bit they're diggibg up now, but it's the bit due north of PKiN. Very good shop.

The best cast iron pan I've ever had came from a rubbish bin - I was just putting the rubbish out (in Warsaw) and noticed it had been put there to be thrown away. Perfect condition, really heavy and best quality. I still have it today. Whoever threw it out probably replaced it with something trashy.
12 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them" [195]

So what would be wrong with NI folk voting to unite with the Rep of Ireland and leaving Britain to the Brits? If Scotland gets a referendum for independence then why can't the NI folk get one for unification?

Nobody's stopping them. Indeed they vote in NI every 5 years and can freely vote for a party which wants precisely that.

Though the latest (Sinn Fein commissioned) opinion polls suggest that a referendum among the people of NI would support the status quo. Even that 'side' who might be expected to vote for union with the south don't seem to want it.

Because the Loyalists outnumber the Republicans in Northern Ireland.

Actually they don't particularly.
12 Oct 2011
Life / Question about hot water in Poland and the use of water heaters? [52]

One bad problem is people in apartment blocks installing their own gas water heaters and venting them through the buildings' ventilation. This can get blocked by other people (in Poland they are obsessed with draughts in winter) and evnd up spewing carbon monoxide into peoples' homes with tragic consequences. Something dreadful happens every year.
12 Oct 2011
Law / Need information about opening a Caribbean restaurant in Poland. Can anyone help? [13]

Someone I know was thinking about this - I'm not sure if he still is.

Such a restaurant would need huge capital outlay for shiny new high-profile premises, as well as a big marketing budget and money to see it through the first year. There have been a lot of restaurants in Warsaw that have come and gone because their concept was unfamiliar and they opened on a shoestring.
12 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Where do people get the idea that those who live in the USA are stupid and those who live in Poland are so much smarter?

This forum might be one possible starting point for that assumption...
12 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Very close. Pro-nationalised industry, pro-welfare, anti free-market, paranoid, mendacious and devious, willing to make a 'non-agression pact' with Giertych's fascists and Lepper's whatever. That's why they were thrown out of office at the earliest opportunity, not even completing one term and kept out of office by the electorate since.

If as Pol3 claims 80% of 'polonia' who have votes supported them it does make you wonder how they can claim to be somehow Polish yet be so out of touch with Poland.
11 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

PiS (at least in theory) is traditional, nationalistic, Catholic things the Highlanders adore. They are proud of their region, faith and country. Come to Chicago you'll see.

So let PiS emigrate to Chicago and run for office there. In Poland, we chose something else.
11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

transexualism is not medical condition in my eyes but a mental one

Fortunately most experts, including the pioneering team at Johns Hopkins disagree with you.

oh they KNOW IT ALL about gender trust me

To be fair to them, they've had to think about it more than most people.

I seriously wouldn't know how to behave around the guy (hmm lady) - I guess many PiS members will be equally baffled

PiS members being baffled and not knowing how to behave? Business as usual then...
11 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

As was pretty much noted yesterday, your post was edited by a moderator because it was too on-topic and terms such as "jackasses", "scumbag" and "ponces" are entirely on topic.

To call somebody a 'ponce', i.e.to accuse them of living off immoral earnings and facilitating prostitution is actually slanderous and in many jurisdictions including Poland, actionable per se.

This is a prime example of someone who doesn't understand the Polish laws, the Polish people (whatever their ethnicity), the Polish culture, the Polish weltanschaung, the Polish economy or, let's face it, Poland but believes people thousands of miles away should choose the government.
11 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

why do you need to ridicule PiS - why can't you just accept that there is such a political movement?

They ridicule themselves quite adequately. And fortunately that political movement lost.
11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

I* don't know what that's got to do with the price of fish. More like trying to change the subject.

Transexualism occurs in nature. Doctors have developed procedures in connection with this. Get over it and find something else to be small-minded about.
11 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Because she is a citizen of Poland. Poland is country not a business run by stockholders.

Yes, Poland is a country. With residents who pay their taxes. Fortunately the EU are in the process of sorting out the voting rules to stop such anomalies as non-residents voting.

She is a citizen and can vote

Though her 'vote' is registered in one electoral district only and statistically is worthless. And in any case, once the new rules are in place the only thing she'll be voting for is 'Poland's got talent'.
11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

it's the same reason having your noses and lips 'improved' (save for some serious things that really complicate people's lives) should not be refunded

Not the same at all - or health services would hardly make the complicated clinical decision to get involved with such treatment.

a gender changing operation creates more problems than it solves

In your opinion. Fortunately doctors are a little more sensible.

HRT is expensive

Yet thousands of women (and plenty of men) receive it for years.

Should the health services fund gastric bands or Y-sections, I wonder? They're highly dangerous, have long term effects and are expensive.

this is what wikipedia says about Human male lactation - Human male lactation

The phenomenon of successful human male breastfeeding has been credibly observed in several cases.[5] However, the cases are not sufficiently documented to allow distinguishing of possible pathologic galactorrhea.

Right. Wikipedia. Gynaecomastia is more common that you think. And irrelevant to the discussion.

You can always spot "your sort" a fcukin mile off too, pompous proclamations and a slight God complex that they are the only ones with the key to life, hey,take a day off,no need to be a pr!ck 24/7. Relax,open your mind,you may learn something..................

Very well said.
10 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

give me one reason transsexuals should get a rebate on their health insurance?

Give me one reason their procedures shouldn't be refunded. If someone pays for services, they get access to services.

as far as I know there is no medical condition in males that will make them grow proper female breasts

There are several.
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

"You've got to pay to play" is a hookers motto.

Most of us wouldn't know that.

Polish citizens should be disenfranchised because they travel.

'Travel'? 'Travel'?? We're talking about people who emigrate to the other side of the world, throw their lot in with an entirely new country and settle there permanently. Not travel. You really should get someone to explain this to you. Perhaps a Civics course at your local community college.

republics that should be immune from the faulty electoral advice

Most people would say that someone who lives in a country should have a greater say than someone who doesn't...