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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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14 Jun 2011

was with you for most of it......but,please, get the fcuk over empire mate......Im surprised that Poles and black people in the States dont get on better,what with almost all of todays problems being blamed on ancient history......

You know what, my lands were conquered and colonised at the same time....you dont hear many Scotsmen p!ssing and moaning if something goes wrong in their lives that its all the Duke of Cumberlands fault......

But,on the whole,Im with you, who made jarnowa and his kind the gate keepers of white europe...whatever the fcuk that is.....as far as I knew europe has always contained people from pretty much every corner of the then known world.....
14 Jun 2011
News / How long will it take for the first 9/11 to occur in Poland? [55]

delusional too.not to mention naive in the extreme.
there is only one reason Poland is less likely to be a target,less brown people to blend in with.
Funny,dessi would be the first to condem Chamberlin as a morally bankcrupt coward for abandoning czechoslovakia to hitler ,when,frankly,what was a bunch of half slav half germanic types to him,yet the usual doublestandard pops up here where we see the barely concealed anti semitism of the west coast so called intelekshooal......apparently ,treaty obligations only count if they are to the full advantage of Poland......
14 Jun 2011
History / WW2 - The other side. What USSR, also that the Polish government has made not to admit WW2 [45]

Heres mine to you: enjoy your hooked nose because the nazis are coming to get you.

You really are two cells above the level of amoeba aint you eh...how do you manage eh to switch on the computor thing eh withoot anyhelp eh.....

Friggin tin foil hat wearing knob jockey. " Bwah bwah Its the Zionists,bwah bwah eh,thats all aboot here eh Bwah mwah anyone eh who doesnt agree with me eh must be a jew eh bwah mwah..."

Pal, Im not jewish,I am european unlike you,so yes,I have something slightly more to say about europa than a moose molesting crybaby white power inbred retrograde learning disabled colonial......

So,without coming up with some crap about not wanting black people in a continent that has feck all to do with you,and blaming everything on some tinfoil hat theory of jewish zionists controling the world, just what the fcuk have you to say on the OP?
13 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / 4 teenage boys held in UK - murder of chef stabbed to death as he celebrated his 30th bday [24]

where the kids black?

Africa? Baltimore? Down a Coal Mine?

Which *still* doesn't mean that it's okay and that we shouldn't try to make this world a bit safer and better for everyone.

We should,fastest way to loose though is to demonise young people. That same pack mentality can be turned to the good.
Newsflash, white kids can be as nasty as anyone.
My best mate when we were teens threw a lad through the glass doors of a shopping centre simply because one of our group said they were sure they had heard the lad slag off my mates mum.........he's is a casualty nurse now.....
13 Jun 2011
Life / Theft of a Golden Mug in Poland [24]

Oh yes,dont get me wrong,it doesnt have to be a physical thing you do,but you do have to do something.And my "village" is about that size too......"smallish ,semi isolated country community" might be better descriptions :)
12 Jun 2011
Life / Theft of a Golden Mug in Poland [24]

Its a village,they dont do PC if it gets in the way.
Thats pretty much how people would handle things in my neck of the woods too. ( UK)
Dont worry too much,the Police tend to know these creeps and will rarely,in small communities take action against someone who takes reasonable retaliatory action.

The other point is well put too, if nothing is done you become a mark,a soft touch,yes,its all very John Wayne,but in the sticks nowt much changes.
12 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / 4 teenage boys held in UK - murder of chef stabbed to death as he celebrated his 30th bday [24]

95% of these kids have no fathers to look upto, hence they turn to gangs

p!ss off! I had "no father to look upto" and the only gang I joined was the Air training corps.....................Lazy answers here....its no dads,its chav culture,its blah de blah blah


Young thugs have been murdering weaker people since the dawn of time.

Have a look at the crime statistics of any city in the UK over the last 200 years or so and,frankly,our inner cities are as peacfull as they have ever had a chance at being....its media saturation,no more, its just one of a very small pot of Hot Topics that the hacks no spark the usuall " Its yuman rights gone mad/'ang 'em and flog 'em" brigade ranting over their cornflakes.

Them good old days eh,when all you had to worry about were mary bell or the moors murderers ...............
12 Jun 2011
News / Jerusalem Post: Poland's good intentions [30]

Legend. As a thoroughly modern Nazi what do you suggest would be an appropriate solution to what you see as the problem of Jews?

Classic :) Madagascar?
12 Jun 2011
News / Jerusalem Post: Poland's good intentions [30]

"The non-Jewish Poles as well as the Silesian Germans, White Russians, Ukrainians and Lithuanians were not subjected to these inhuman conditions, and relatively few found it necessary to leave their native lands."

Huh?Yup,because loads of germans were allowed to stay in Polish silesia were they?
12 Jun 2011
History / Polish martyrology during WW2 - today`s monuments [54]

Yeah, the typical PF reaction - why am I not astonished? If you cannot handle the opinion of others, then go live in a dictatorship

Not a bit of it. handle your opinions? huh?
You miss the point,I could care less for your opinions,what I do care about though is that this is a thread about memorials in Poland to the fallen of WW2 not a debate about whether they should exist or not,and frankly,anyone who has to ask questions such as you put does not understand something fundamental about Poland and her history;

There are definitely a lot, and for my personal taste too many.

Oddly enough its not about yours or anyone elses personal taste though is it.
Im surprised you dont realise how much of a fight it was to get half of those memorials put up? or the fact that so many of them couldnt go up at all untill the late 80s early 90s?

If instead of the devisive garbage of the post war period in Poland then A, more "communual"/"all inclusive" memorials would have been in place and subsequently , B,they wouldnt be so widspread and in places scattered every few hundred yards and,on in the case of an earlier unification in the national grieving process then , C, wounds would have healed faster.
11 Jun 2011
History / Polish martyrology during WW2 - today`s monuments [54]


says more about you I suppose. I think its called the arrogence of youth.If you want to prove how clever you are though,please do it in another thread.

Im not even Polish and I find your tone offensive rather than questioning.
You know your mind,nothing is going to change it so why comment on here?
If you have ever actually been to Poland you will know for a fact that its not a case of every garden having its own memorial,in some areas there does seem to be a lot of them,but hey,why dont we just plough them under,after all ,spoiled brat 20 somethings find them like,majorly depressing,innit.......
11 Jun 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

No,Im just suggesting the guys in the photos who have ,er, the big number 5's on their shoulders are representing the 5th.....this guy has a big number 16 :)

And mounted cav,were not wearing those style helmets,they wore the French adrien helmet :)
Kudos to my Polish re enacting comrades :)
11 Jun 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Almost. It is a reconstruction of 5th regiment of Cavalry Shooters, from Tarnow region, created in 1919

no it aint,......well,not the fella in the 1916 austro hungarian helmet anyway.
11 Jun 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

10th diw' PP 1939?

btw,loving the kiddies Uprising Helmets.....would have saved me stoopid amounts of cash if they had been around a few years ago :)

Those two look suspiciously like a pair of Shorts tuccanos,but I bet they aint :)
11 Jun 2011
Love / Do Polish men like to sleep with other men? [79]

Which is pretty mild compared to crap you have to deal with with women & sex.

If you are dealing with "crap" after sex with women maybe that should be telling you something about your actual preferences.........
11 Jun 2011
Travel / Polish trains often get frozen and are overcrowded? :-) [35]

On a boat is also acceptable. In a ship, not, it's true.

Serving ON submarines,at sea IN a submarine.......or sth like that :)

re the coffee? what is that white powder they give you instead of milk? Im sure its just some leftover from the building trade,and I dont mean the catering side of things ;)
10 Jun 2011
History / German Traitor And Polish Pig [96]

This makes them brutal and inhuman.

No,it makes them Human,no more,no less.

Yet again dessi bear has to turn this into his daily bash the brits fest....WTF is your major malfunction fella? Youve got some serious isues going on matey......
10 Jun 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

I guess this is what Your ancestors were thinking behaving like traitors and cowards again just like in 1920

WTF you prattling on about you wierd fish? 1920? My Ancestors? WTF? My ancestors in 1920 had just got out of 4 years of fighting in WW1,you know,that real war that happened a couple of years before those forgoton eastern skirmishes.....

Not sure just where you think I come from hunny bunny,but in 1920 WTF did irish or scottish people have to do with whatever the hell you are talking about?

edit,just read a few of your posts.....LMFAO,they read like some fooking PRAVDA lecture...dont worry about facts or anything,oh no,just make dam sure you paint Poland as the biggest fooking cry baby "me me me" moany wimpy ungreatfull bunch of lily livered ingrate whingers who bang on about mutual comitment and then sit on their arses while we cowardly westerners still do all the fighting.......so,get fcuked you silly cow,when I see Polish planes over libya or the death toll of Poles in afgan nearing 500 then maybe we can talk again.....
9 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. [231]

My family is 100% Polish to early 19th century (afaik).
I live in Canada but the fact is im fricken Polish.
I speak and read it. I eat Polish food. etc.

Nope, you are Canadian.Her majesty QE II is your Boss lady,part of NATO,a westerner,a North American....you have a hobby which involved learning a european language,thats it.

I have a Viking name, I speak dialect that sprung largely from viking times, I live within the boundries of the viking kingdom in england and I drink ale, Im not a Norwegian though....
8 Jun 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Yup, OV 10 (B?) last flew with the Lufftwaffe in 1990.
8 Jun 2011
Love / Cultural misscommunication, or is he trying to send me a message? Working with Polish dude. [34]

yeah dude,just man up and ask him on a date......or dont,its really simple,either you are up for it or you aint.

Im an ex Dancer so Ive had plenty of cases of dudes thinking I must be friends with Dorethy its either a 2 or a 3 word answer to their questions/advances,in my case,the 3 words were "Im not gay",for you the option may be "Im gay".

Come on Paul,life is way to short for you and him.
I know the States can be a few decades behind the rest of the civilised world when it comes to LGBT stuff,but Chicago doesnt screem to me bigoted small town America....

er,cultural misconception,hardly,if anything Polish guys tend to act far too "straight" ,if that makes sense,no,this guy sounds like he gotta thing for you :)
7 Jun 2011
News / Warsaw is the natural capital of Europe, not Brussels [67]

Well..Dresden as capital is nice too! :)

Yup,thats what my Grandad used to say ever since his last visit,mind, it was night and he was at 15 thousand feet at the time................;)

BTW,lovin the fact that ,as far as I can tell,most of the posters here are anti a united europe :):)

Also home of the Techno Viking :)

(or was that Hamburg? Hope he's off the beansprouts )
7 Jun 2011
Love / I was late and this Polish girl flipped out [36]

My wife is telling me she HATES the late comers because coming late indicates lack of respect towards the host.

Does this explain the Polish habit of just not turning up?
Is this down to long years of practice and realising there is less stress in just not going than going late ? ;)
7 Jun 2011
History / Teaching our kids about Poland's History [57]

It was not until after elementary school that I started to learn about Polish history and damn I loved reading about it... except the parts where we lost :D

Yup, Ive read that pamphlet too,its a fun read for sure ;)