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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
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From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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19 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / UK citizen visiting Poland - any restrictions on entering the country? [22]

By law (in theory) should they be carried at all times in PL? That is the law in France, but most people ignore it.

It certainly used to be the case, and the police can ask for ID at any time, but nobody is ever prosecuted for not carrying one.
18 Oct 2011
Law / What are chances for Poland to join in Eurasian Economic Community? [100]

smarties, it wasnt for voting...

So it isn't democratic? Who's supposed to decide about joining this 'eurasian'/Russian thing - the people by a referendum or something less transparent?

[quote=sascha]the aus intelligence service spied on 800.000 fb users, randomly selected....that guy/hacker u may call him is giving lessons all over the globe for companies/institutions which wnat to make their it net more safe...hes 28 years old.[/quote

At least a/ people know about it and b/they have access to Facebook in the first place. Many millions of computer users round the world (in countries with extreme political ideologies) aren't so lucky.
18 Oct 2011
Law / What are chances for Poland to join in Eurasian Economic Community? [100]

....and nazi one. u forgot them.

Similar enough. Cynical idealogues.

very rarely, just the news agencies i am following, about what is happening. for the rest of info its better to use the net, sources 'u can trust'....

There's something in that. No accident that repressive regimes tend to hate Facebook and Twitter.
18 Oct 2011
Law / What are chances for Poland to join in Eurasian Economic Community? [100]

i was just refelecting that the fact u living in pl is not shown in ur comments, rather than just the quotes of the know mass media. nothing authentic from u. null.

Maybe because the 'mass media' sometimes get it right. You probably have more exposure to the 'mass media' that I do nowadays, so perhaps you'd know. Remeber, the people who write newspaper copy or TV news scripts are ordinary folks. No invisible censor. Not in the West, anyway.

he is the voters choice. why disagree? do u? u live there, right? what r ur impressions of his politics? the majority seems to like his course...

The economy's reasonably stable, nothing disastrous has happened and he seems to be a leader of great integrity, if not vision. A technician rather than a demagogue, but that's no bad thing.

ufff, dude, that coming from ur 'mouth'...better take a mirror. ;)

Enough of the textspeak. Dosyć!

ok, we'll see where the marriage with the west/eu/us/nato will guide them. let the history tell us.

This will be true. History has already told us about the horrors of Russian domination. At least in the West when there's a knock on the door at 6 am, you know it'd FedEx.
18 Oct 2011
Law / What are chances for Poland to join in Eurasian Economic Community? [100]

i was mistyping...wanted to say the knowN and so on...

It still makes no sense!

yes, the eu/nato/us puppet.

You mean the one you disagree with.

that would demand an open mind.

Something you have amply demonstarted you do not have.

why not to join that eurasian community

Why join it? No reason to join and every reason to avoid. One starting point would be that almost every interaction between Poland and Russia over the last millenium has been a tragedy for Poland.
17 Oct 2011
Law / What are chances for Poland to join in Eurasian Economic Community? [100]

the know main stream media bs

The what?

no critical view of urs at all.

You seem to equate a 'critical view' with your own set of beliefs.

tja, sometimes the abstractive point but open minded is much more relevant than other. ;)

Rarely. Poland is a reality not an idea in the mind of outsiders. Especially ones who seem to be suggesting that Poland joins an 'economic community' dominated by Russia.

if mr tusk is continuing his journey in the anglo hinterteil, of course not. we'll see.

You mean the guy they just re-elected.

i think that there are also other views to this questions, less absolute than ur statement in the polish society. i dont think they eat all what they get currently served, no matter the suspicion for the russian aspirations...

This actually means nothing.

And less of the 'ur' 'r' 'u' 'ru'. This isn't an sms.
17 Oct 2011
News / Poland Elections oct 2011/your feed back about RP Janusz Palikot? Poland is changing! [106]


And given the high tax rates, the increasing cost of living etc, it's no surprise that a) excellent teachers (whether native speakers or not) need privates and b) the 'informal economy' is so strong. Poland's economic growth is partly at the cost of skilled professionals whose income doesn't always match their abilities. It's why I'm sitting on a ship in the middle of the ocean dreaming of getting back to Poland in a week or so. Lots of Poles working in the UK (or indeed on this ship) can say the same.
17 Oct 2011
Law / What are chances for Poland to join in Eurasian Economic Community? [100]

unqualified view.

Given that I live in PL and you don't, I'm rather more qualified to speak than you who have only an abstract view, and trolling at that.

What are chances for Poland to join in Eurasian Economic Community?

Zero. This so-called Eurasion thing is Russian expansionism, abhorrent to Poland.
17 Oct 2011
News / Polish Diaspora - many of these 20 million actually speak Polish? [79]

And beautiful photos taken by people pointing their camera at the best bits, and a print of Zakopane or Lwow on the wall. To be fair, foreigners with Polish roots aren't the only ones who do that. Go into your average Indian diaspora family's house and you're far more likely to see a picture of the Taj Mahal than the slums of Calcutta.
16 Oct 2011
News / Polish Diaspora - many of these 20 million actually speak Polish? [79]

perhaps they thought they might receive better treatment in the States if they 'marketed' themselves as being Polish

Or even that people knew something about Poland and the Polish but knew nothing about Lemk, Boyk, Kaszub, Galician, Slazak etc.
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland's 'oburzeni' (indignant)? [41]

soft option for those of slim inteligence

Generally something one does if they can't get on a science course. However as usual, Dessie is trying to take the thread off topic.

The so-called oburzenie is very much a copycat thing. There is genuine discontent, but not enough to bring people out on the streets. Basically, PL has a stable economy, a popular government and (the capital at any rate) is growing. But in Poland people are aware of what's happening elsewhere and the jeunesse doree don't want to feel outdone.
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland's 'oburzeni' (indignant)? [41]

Effectivly giving Church Sanctuary to the protestors against the so called forces of law and order

Very true.
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

More probably because he's the founder of the party; the party bears his name and unlike most of the other parties (I'm especially thinking PiS and SLD here, though PO are by no means immune) there aren't factions, camps, cliques each with their own spokespeople jostling for a place in the limelight. A dearth of spindoctors too.
16 Oct 2011
News / What do PO voters expect from the new Polish government ? [32]

That's a fairly normal figure for Polish elections. If anything, it's the older generation who are more likely to vote - remember the 'hide granny's identity card' campaign a few years ago. Some of this is this is to do with the meldunek system - people are often registered as living (and voting) somewhere they don't actually live. It's possible to switch one's vote to the city, but as usual in PL, it needs documents, rubber stamps, queues etc.
16 Oct 2011
News / What do PO voters expect from the new Polish government ? [32]

constant stream of hatred and derision against Poland B

Largely in your mind.

better-to-do parents who could afford to educate them?

I think you'll find that most of the people who voted PO were not privately educated. Though figures show that they are more likely to have finished high school than PiS voters.

A bit of humility wouldn't hurt.

I wonder if Jaroslaw Kaczynski has ever realised that...
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland's 'oburzeni' (indignant)? [41]


I wouldn't call him that. A showman maybe, but he is very shrewd and increasingly popular.

The protest in Warsaw wasn't a riot, it wasn't like the protests Spain (with 40% youth unemployment), it wasn't even another Greece.


This has long been the case in some European countries.

In Poland, the mass emigration to the UK and Ireland was a safety valve - it helped ease (though didn't solve) a lot of problems more or less overnight. That option has gone now.
15 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Theoretically in modern democracy media should provide information and scrutinize a party being in charge.

And they do.

Not attacking opposition

So they shouldn't attack an opposition party? They should only attack the party who just won? They did plenty of that when PiS were (briefly) in government. Are you really saying that a newspaper or other media outlet shouldn't support a particular party simply because the voters chose it? Weird.

Define plenty and define support!

Exactly. The market decides. As do the voters.