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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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12 Jul 2011
Life / What do Poles think of Indians? [35]

I would include Bangladesh people in the same group and you are previously (historically) same people, right?

Lodz,even the "Indians" historically are not the same peoples,the only historic link most of the subcontinent shares is a history of being "united" under various invaders from the Muhgals to the Portugese to the British Raj......its a fascinating part of the world though lodz so you will enjoy researching this stuff yourself :)

I have heard in West Europe, UK, they do not integrate as well.

Yes,and I have heard that the Moon is made from Chedder Cheese............
Indians dont integrate in the UK,lmao :) cant wait to tell that one in the office :)

Funny thing is though,I can tell you exactly how it will pan out in Poland,coz its happened here in the UK;
At first a few young get up and go types will arrive,mostly single men with good prospects. These will be seen less as some "threat" and more as a curiosity,some locals will find the "exotic" nature attractive and many will marry local girls. Same here in the late 19th early 20th century. Over time though Ranjit Singhski's second cousin from Mumbai will be offered a job in the family buisness,he will arrive in Torun say with his wife and kids,the kids will be engaged to their cousins back in india,when old enough those indian cousins will come to Poland to marry their Polish/Indian cousins..............etc etc

Now, Im neutral on that scenario,but,the bigots can make a case out of it undoubtedly.
12 Jul 2011
Law / Maintenance & Rights: Polish mother & child in Poland, Irish father in the UK [57]

Good for you for doing what you felt was right even with the obvious doubt as to whether this child is yours.
I did do a face palm though when you mentioned taking your current girlfriend...................I can understand why you did it,but,as a wild guess I bet you had to do a lot of "convincing" before your Mum and your G/F thought that was a "good" idea....

All the best mate,remember though,if the little one is yours,just take 5 deep breaths everytime you deal with her mum,no point in punishing the little one for the behaviour of her mother and grandmother.
12 Jul 2011
Life / Are there a lot of goths in Poland? [36]

So, Goths, generally smart people, most often from "nice middle class " families ,many Goth girls are stunning but most goth lads are,well ,not being an expert but,fugly. A bit childishly obsessed with skulls and death but normally unlikely to have had more experience of death than flushing Mr Goldiekins the Goldfish down the toilet when they were 8.....

They are British Goths, is this a universal truth re Goths?

Many Goths avoid to wear "Goth clothes" in public and only wears them on Goth festivals and so on.

Not a goth then.....but a fancy dress fan.
12 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

Do you consider this to be some kind of English phenomenon to live on welfare? Do you have any numbers on how many of your countrymen live there on welfare?

You see,its like this GW, the welfare payment versus earning a wage is complicated by the simple fact that,on welfare,while the cash in your hand each fortnight is a pittance as said before you are eligable for other benefits such as free dental treatment, help with rent payments etc, once you take a job,even if after tax and expenses you have little more in your pocket than you would have had on welfare all those other forms of help are pulled away from you. So,unless you can be 100% that the job you take will pay very well and be a secure position long term it is very often not financialy viable for a lot of people to bother coming off welfare.

Specificaly regarding agricultural work, farmers in general are greedy barstewards and,surprisingly enough lots of farms are in very low population areas. Im in farming country myself and I can tell you a simple reason why local farmers couldnt get local people to work for them......who these days with bills to pay and families to feed can afford to only have secure work for 4 maybe 6 months a year? No one of course,so,anyone who can and wants to work gets other jobs ,year round work, the Poles etc who do the jobs on farms are generaly youngsters ,many of them of course having uprooted a thousand miles across europe are unlikely to care if they get moved around the UK to farms that need their work or to live in shared accomadation.

Big corporations get their way through corruption we'd be paying double or triple for everything.

Yups, you dont think the NHS pays cost for its services do you? Thats why we hate the creeping privitisation of our health services,the more companies involved looking for a profit the more companies pump up their prices............ah well,at least if I loose my job then get the big C I wont have to sell my house to pay for treatment.
11 Jul 2011
Travel / Attractions in Wrocław: a Must-See List [117]

Anyone from Looblyn?

no,but Ive been to woodge.

Vrotswav looks really nice, Ive always missed it when passing as I tend to snooze to the german border :(
But definatly looks worth a weekend visit, the Kossak panorama will be on my To Do list for sure,about 15 years ago I found a Polish book on his life and work on an english flea market and have been a fan since,my biggest thrill about getting behind the scenes in a certain museum in warsaw was finding a huge kossak battle painting hanging in a stair way :)
10 Jul 2011
History / Warsaw Uprising - The Forgotten Soldiers [117]

I still think that Poland's greatest chance would have been to lie passive while the Soviets rushed on Berlin

Me too,but I choose appropriate forums for those sort of discusions,not a thread started by someone who has just lost a relative who may or may not have been in Warsaw in '44.
10 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

I watched a sky tv program here in Poland

Oh,well then,must be true if Rupert Murdoch says it then....

this program was about immigration and specifically targeting Poles- claiming that Poles undercut their business, offered for cheaper, they set up ghettos, churches etc etc.

All of which is true and supportable by evidence.....

The funny thing about this show

Do tell.....

the majority of the people commenting that were British- were of a visible minority

Yes,but British , something many non Polish "Poles" seems to think makes them second class,not really British.....sorry to burst the strange North American obsession but black yellow white or brown,British is British...........

I dunno, I have never lived in England-

Surprise surprise....

but as far as I know- a curry is not a British food- yet there is a window selling it on every corner.

Well,you know wrong then,just as Pizza is not Italian,the most popular curries in the west were generally invented in Britain by Indian immigrants....

Basically,your entire post should have been simply;

I dunno


I have never lived in England

Sorry,not picking on "you" pip,but,your post just sums up the problem perfectly. No Poles who have lived or worked in England have posted anything negative here,only people from over three thousand miles away who have never been to britain seem to have the "real insight" into how things "really" are over here (except the forums terrorist apologist,milky,the chap who supports unborn babies being blown up)............

Bit sad really,
10 Jul 2011
History / Warsaw Uprising - The Forgotten Soldiers [117]

Of course,this doesnt mean your relative did not take part in the Up-Rising.
Depending on which side of the Atlantic you are on etc there are various organisations that *may* be able to help you. Records were kept but often are patchy at best but even if your relative wasnt a formal member of the resistence this doesnt mean they didnt take part.

Just can't stop yourself, can you?

neither can you,tell me,just what made you such a bitter,tragic person that you have to denegrate the memory of dead children?

As for the leadership - whoever sent children into a completely unnecessary battle should have been executed for war crimes.

Id rather my child died on its feet facing its oppressors than dragged out of a celler to be shot clinging to its mothers hem................or burnt alive in a church...............or raped to death by a gang of ukrainians..............

So, delphi, p!ss off with the negativity,its unseemly.
Besides,as anyone with half a brain cell and no axe to grind knows that "children" were not encouraged into combat roles but support roles,in exactly the same way Boy Scouts and young girls were mobilised during the London Blitz.

Did some under 18s pick up guns and fight? Of course they did,I imagine street kids or traumatized kids in any culture would do the same in the situation.....
10 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

Is this topic about Polish racism or can't you read?

Funny,I thought it was meant to be about British racism.....its only you that has demonstrated any Polish racism....

You mean they like fishing and aren't always aware that taking the fish is illegal in UK?

I presume they are smart enough to read huge flipping signs in english that simply state "NO FISHING" ?

Which Polish political party openly demands expulsions of foreigners? UK surpasses Poland in xenophobia here, but nevertheless Britons would never miss an opportunity to call Poles racists.

Exactly, "openly".like them or hate them the bnp and all the other loony fringe parties are a symbol of our relative freedom..........where as in Poland parties with exact right wing views as the bnp are just as popular,only why use mass immigration to Poland as an issue as it is simply not a "problem" is it...

That's hate talk.

No,its history,not nice history,but certainly less "hatefull" than your constant labeling of an islands entire population....

Yes, small percentage of old ladies makes up a good representation of Catholicism. Again hate talk

yes,and small percentage of fake intelectuals or working class dimwits makes up a good representation of all the british people does it then loser?

(mods,by "loser" I refer to his screen name,not in an ad hominim attack, simply for a Pole to choose the name of the Confederacy's best general and then cry about "racism" is pretty funny...)
9 Jul 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Almost correct:
1360s -Gothic

To be honest I was thinking Gothic revival,hence 1890s :)

Where am I?

At your Mummy's house?
9 Jul 2011
History / Sabaton 40-1. Poland WW2 (updated with: Uprising) [39]

they could outrun Zulus, a fact shown by them outrunning the Zulus when they headed away from Rourke's Drift before the battle started

Yes harry,blah blah,the film was good,but its not a documentry.......the Zulus ran when the mounted troops from the main column arrived...........they didnt bugger off after 3 verses of men of harlech......

To quote Ian Knight:
""In fact, powerful though the image of a 'warrior nation' armed only with spears is, the truth - as usual - was far more complex. The Zulu army was already in possession of many thousands of firearms before the Anglo-Zulu War began. These had been obtained from white traders. Most were weapons which were 20 or 30 years old - long since obsolete in European armies - and they were often in poor repair

Yes, I always quote from the first page I find on bing too...............
read the rest of it,or another few sources and you will find that Ian Knight was talking about the entire Zulu army, not the small force that attacked rorkes drift.

Reading further on that same page it also states that the few Zulus armed with obsolete muzzle loading rifles did not know how to use them,many simply did not fire and,from other sources,were often more of a status symbol than something actually used in battle. Again,twist what you like, but ask yourself this,why am I a Briton dismissing you an Australians' account of a British battle,for what purpose?

please stay on topic
9 Jul 2011
News / Poland warns against deporting its workers: hypocrisy? [35]

Erm and who's fault is it?

Its a "fault " that the west pays decent benefits to its unemployed is it? Or that Poland dumps its unemployed on the west because Poland pays naff all unemployment benefit?

Come on,get real........why should the west lower its standards just so the east doesnt feel left out? Shouldnt the east raise its standards to the wests?

Deporting its workers?

The point here being its not " workers" but "shirkers" it wants to deport.......simples :)
9 Jul 2011
History / Sabaton 40-1. Poland WW2 (updated with: Uprising) [39]

Without diminishing the role of that battle, it's probably a joke to compare the two battles

We have found concord at last on a subject M' :)
Both Heroic actions,hardly comparable.....
lets even forget that Rorkes Drift was attacked because we noble British had renaged on a treaty with the Zulus and invaded their country........

And could it be that they were not in the film because they rode off before the battle started?

Several thousand is a small handful?

Im not going to call you a liar,simply,ill informed.

Funny how you forget about the other thousands of unmarried men.

No where near Rorkes drift.

Natal Native Horse were cavalry?

er..............you may argue semantics here,but, a Zulu just saw an enemy on a horse who could out run him.....
9 Jul 2011
News / Poland warns against deporting its workers: hypocrisy? [35]

Poland gives so big benefits that you can find bigger in the streets of London this is main reason why foreigner don't bother to ask for them.

After consulting the codex............... Erm,you do realise this is prescisly why Poles out of work in other eu countries are staying in them and not going home.......

I think a better solution would be to put people on the social welfare to work.
Cleaning graffiti, filling potholes, gardening etc... If any nationality is ridding the system, the system should use them.
There is virtually a whole army of people on the social welfare that could benefit society as a whole.

And what happens to all the people that do those jobs as an honest living?
Of course its tempting to say make them work for their hand outs but that can only ever work to the good of sociaty if there is already full employment for all those who want and need it.

Ironside: Not sure whatever you agree with me or not ?
Yes, I agree of course, there are no boarders and if you kick someone out, they can just come back, like in France.

A simple register of workers would mean anyone re entering would not be able to work legally............

The more I look at things

when you rip your gaze from the Burgers and Fries that is........
9 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Brits dislike freshwater fish? [11]

Polonius,are you on a Diet at the minute mate? You do seem to have a sudden obsession with all things foodie :)
9 Jul 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

So,hey,that church is cheating...!!!!!! How many eras? how many rebuilds? :)
9 Jul 2011
History / Sabaton 40-1. Poland WW2 (updated with: Uprising) [39]

To be fair harry....................WTF?????
Rorkes drift,possibly 3 thousand old men and reservists from Chetswayos army,only armed with asagai's and clubs with a small handfull of 60 year old muskets( unlike in the film,the real Zulus at rorkes drift had been nowhere near ishlwandlana and did not have any captured Martini Henry's...) harrassed and attacked a fixed defensive position that was supported by a troop of cavalry (again,not in the film...) manned by over 100 well armed riflemen.....hardly comparable to having even a weak a**ed 1939 Wermacht division or two assaulting you with armour and heavy arty is it?

BTW......40 to one is balls.....that would only be true if every single soldier in the german forces fought.........it is unlikely that even a third of that force were combat soldiers.......

Oh,and erm,didnt the Spartans deaths kinda lead to victory in the war?
8 Jul 2011
History / Sabaton 40-1. Poland WW2 (updated with: Uprising) [39]

I don't see what's wrong with using cavalry?

Did I say there was anything wrong with using cavalry? It was just a call for this myth of charging tanks to be put to bed finally :)

staged by the Polish Army and filmed

Its very famous footage,no one claims its of the war either as it was used in pre september 1939 newspapers in britain to show how "strong" the Polish forces were.

(and sorry 1jola,the nerd in me cannot resist ,that photo of german cavalry is pre 1936...)

  • Still from pre war newsreel
8 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Brits or Poles more eager to try new foods? [17]

I don't know about their sizes in your area

Well,they tried a full aisle but so many specialist Polish shops opened up in the Doncaster area that they have now scaled down to 1/4 of an aisle but thats still genuine Polish brands,they missed the trick about fresh bread though,the small shops caught on and for once little shops have beaten the evil empire,Yay! :)

It's an opportunity for the Brits to try something new, too.

for sure it is,my old mum is now addicted to pierogi serem (?sweet cheese?) :)

In general, I'd say yes. That'll apply to working class, usually conservative

Same for UK,probably universal to be fair.
8 Jul 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Yes, giant hairy ticks left behind by the dog owners:

there are two old english sheep dogs that get walked near me,the last couple of weeks the path looks like some sheep has been torn to shreds by a fox with all the clumps of fur.........................
8 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Brits or Poles more eager to try new foods? [17]


maybe I got more colourfull in my description of sour milk now I think about it..................I do try and avoid that out side of off topic so if thats the case....could Mods maybe "man up" and put their name to their work? Would make things less puzzling and easier to get to the bottom of,failing that,maybe remember that not everyone spends all day working on line and terms like those used are not instantly obvious to everyone.