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Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 16 / In This Archive: 11
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From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: tak

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21 Apr 2010
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

Yes. Żubr has really changed - it used to have a very distinctive hoppy taste but now just seems like Żywiec, Tyskie, Okocim etc, all pretty well indistinguishable from each other.

I think I've mentioned it already but try Ciechan - it's a little different from the rest.
19 Apr 2010
Life / Standards of Living in Poland [42]

Are you saying it is cheaper for him to live in Germany and commute to Poland? Really?

Better accommodation for his money.

And shopping trips on the Szczeciń side of the 'border' for those (increasingly fewer) items that are cheaper. A lot of people do that.
19 Apr 2010
Life / Standards of Living in Poland [42]

You mean full of gay bars

A few godd ones in Szczeciń. Though not nearly as many as in your country.


As for the money, Szczeciń is a little cheaper than 'Western' Europe, but the gap is narrowing and the taxes are high - also good accommodation isn't cheap. Have you considered living just across the border and commuting?
19 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

stop philosophying about what Polish people think. He was a very poppular president

20% approval ratings. So in fact unpopular.


This appeared not long ago as grafitti on a newly painted wall near me. No doubt scrawled by PiS supporters.

the GW readers and the "progressives",

You mean the cultural and intellectual elite.
19 Apr 2010
Law / How to get a private NIP number in Poland (for a foreigner) ? [28]

The thing is that, on the akt notarialny, indeed there is no mention of a salary for the "prezes"

There usually isn't - board fees are decided yearly.

You can just either employ yourself as prezes (or anything else you like -what your lawyer quaintly calls a "kontrakt menedżerski") in any case taking no salary as prezes (as prezes zarzadu you dont need to take a salary from that role - only larger companies do it that way) or do as I have and take it as drawings. You should have a board meeting (on paper only is fine - no need for a lawyer) to agree the amount. Though if you're the only board member or shareholder the world won't end if you don't hold a meeting real or not.

It does sound as if the lawyer has done it this way either through incompetence or so you'll have to pay for more time.
18 Apr 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

Why don't you check them out.

No need, I have dealt with them often. It relates directly to some business I do.

So have you ever thought why all of them "suddenly" decided to use Polish Licencjat

I'm surprised you need to ask that. If you indeed work in "British academia" you will be aware how universities and other HE institutions are funded.
18 Apr 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]


Check out NARIC. It is a government agency.

I do not want to defend the quality of Polish qualifications

Sensible of you.

all these British Universities are wrong

They decide only on their own admissions policy. The Bologna Process (far from finished and critical of standards in PL) and NARIC decide on recognition. No-one else.

here to prove your English superiority

I don't have a vested interest - my qualifications are not in doubt. You still haven't said why you're trolling.
18 Apr 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

Haha, when you start seeing my references

The point, as you well know, is how diplomas are officially recognised, not how individual institutions organise their admissions - a changeable system at best.


No doubt you will since you've been trolling on this topic for a few days now. What exactly is your motivation in this; what makes you trawl websites for hours in order to distort the truth? You haven't mentioned yet. And since your user name is 'bologna', what is your connection to the Bologna process? Which, as I'm sure you know, is proving a bit of a shock to Polish HE institutions.
18 Apr 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

When you say British, you include Scotland, England and Wales.


MA (Hons) is an undergraduate degree. Is it still a Masters? Yes, a Master of Arts.

Yes. Remember that 4 year taught MAs exist in England too at a few universities and that not all Scottish universities offer the traditional 4 year MA.
18 Apr 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

It seems you have a vested interest in manipulating the truth. I repeat, as others have and will, that a Polish Magister is not the equivalent of a British Masters'. Did you check out the UK government's policy as implemented by NARIC?
18 Apr 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

A Magister degree, all diciplines/grade 4 or 5 is the academic equivalent of a Bachelors Honours degree (BSC, BA) from the UK i.e. full Level 4 status. A 2:1 grade is seen as the minimum grade one should achieve.

This is true. Perhaps the 'Magister' degree should be renamed. Or British degrees renamed instead, inflationary though that sounds.
17 Apr 2010
History / Poles in the Napoleonic era [224]

Example that says Wellington won at Waterloo please? Preferably non-british:)))))

Cohésion meilleure que ce qu'on pouvait attendre de l'armée de Wellington, pourtant composée de troupes de multiple provenance.

French losses

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. France lost Waterloo.
17 Apr 2010
History / Poles in the Napoleonic era [224]

He has beaten the british at every engagement

Most historians would disagree with you, while simultaneously pissing themselves laughing.

Napoleon lost.
17 Apr 2010
History / Poles in the Napoleonic era [224]

When he confronted Napoleon himself he suffered a tactical defeat.

Right, a "tactical" defeat. Meaning he won.
17 Apr 2010
History / Poles in the Napoleonic era [224]

Wellingtons army was completely incapable of anything but defence.

Yet they won repeatedly. From the Peninsular Wars to the fields of Belgium.


Coming from the biggest twat of a key-board warrior on the whole web!

Change your name login in name you do the man a great disservice by posting drivel under his name.

Or just swallow hemlock.
17 Apr 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

AFTER the signing of the Bologna declaration

Ah... the declaration. The important thing is the Bologna process itself - when it's finished that really will be interesting.

By the way my colleagues BA was accepted as a magister after the 1999 declaration!