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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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18 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

I Really cant believe that our Army is strongest then the German one, for example.

Theres a joke about old nazi generals moving to south america in there somewhere......
18 Jul 2011
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

No they did not.

So why do they ofton segregate themselves in "ghettos" in north London and Manchester and Leeds in the 21st century then Harry if they dont like doing this? Why do observant jews in Israel segregate themselves from ethnic jews then?

See, Im agreeing with M' here so I must be convinced we are right.
18 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

HHHmmm, the balistic deflecting proparties of 2 by 4 is much underrated,as is the tactical genius of 3 people taking cover behind a street lamp....................better not take the p!ss too much as Ive a funny feeling I know the girl and the lad in the middle :)

But,a question,when I was with my students in Gliwice a few years ago one of the local lads was telling me about the firing range in his High Schools basement,mentioned Kalashnikovs...........still a popular after school activity in PL?
18 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK not a problem as far as i can tell [79]

He is an egotistical whack job who's scatter gun aproach to supporting every lunatic idea he comes across colided with syncronicity in the form of his tin foil hat ravings about America actualy being true in the case of Iraq and Bush ....

courage,strength indefatigably....yuck.
18 Jul 2011
Feedback / Language used here - how come this forum is all in English? [78]

only to cover their cowardice during the war .

love,you look old enough to have been around during the war,as a lawyer probably happily working for the law worshiping teutons................but,well,the rest of us were born in the 60s,70s or 80s....

But if you were a gent, then you wouldn`t point out my every mistake

and if you were a Lady you would never play on your gender.Or find quite so many people making

derogatory comments .

17 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK not a problem as far as i can tell [79]

Every time i step out side of my front door theres people everywhere and you can feel people watching you.

Well,bu**er off back to PL then and give us a little space mate.;)

Its really difficult to spot a fit looking 35+ year old woman.

No,its more of an art,a skill if you like,its a hobby of mine so.............:)

My wife claims people are rude to her once they realize she's foreign and i can believe that.

maybe,but,even in just the last couple of years people have seemed to get just a little ruder in general,more "me me me" focused.....sad,but hopefully just a blip down to the economy thing.
16 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

You don`t even understand my allusion

No,but we all understand your delusion,not to mention your badly disguised motivation behind your spikey little tet a tets with jonny.............move to strike all evidence presented by the biased witness m'lud.

You wouldn`t be able to read their ranks by looking at their uniforms

Isnt that what rank badges are for????? Stars and Bars are not exactly an impenetrable code for most people ........especially those used to decifering pips,crowns,swords,scrambled egg and wavy lines............................I dont think *you* will understand my alusion,ergo you must be a thicko......
15 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

[quote=Kazikowski]Poland needs to invest more in horses!

Quite agree old chum,we really should,in europe be reduced to those forces we have as ceremonial troops.
The battlefield would certainly look more colourfull, Red Coats advancing in a thin red line alongside french curasiars with their shiny breast plates ready to do mortal combat with a bunch of greek commandos in ruffly mini skirts and pom pom slippers :)
15 Jul 2011
Language / How do Poles feel about foreigners learning their language? [105]

the French, who feel affronted when a foreigner confronts them in French

Huh??????Never felt this when Ive used my school boy(+Spiral and le haine) french on them :)

Others think differently, of course. "If you don't have the pronunciation down pat, you won't be understood," I sometimes hear, although the folks that say these things have never been to Poland.

funny,the only people I have heard that from are native Poles....

:"Polish people don't think it's polite when foreigners use their language,"

again, turning this round completly ,the only snarky old bint I put up with once on a Warsaw tram did not like it when I was speaking ENGLISH as she couldnt understand what i was saying................badly bleached(that yellowy/orange tint) hair in a beehive............my mate didnt need to give her local insight on that particular "ladies" former political afiliations......

the thing is if people know you are English/American they want to practice their English 'on you' and are therefore reluctant to talk Polish and let you practice your Polish skills

Exactly,pain in the behind that was when i was trying to learn Polish,everyone just saw " native speaker" like I wore a sign on my forehead :)

Only people Ive known with shifty ideas about others learning their language have been Russians,and then only Russians of a certain,Cold war era, age.

frankly thats understandable seeing as my first Russian teacher was taught russian at HM Forces expense back in the 1950s ;)
15 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

The nuclear weapon is the single most evil invention in history.

Aye,but atleast the planes we'd have bombed the hell out of you guys with were sexys as sin......................

  • Vulcan,the last thing Ivan would have seen b4 the mushrooms
15 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]


A bit pointless though as the VDV would already be down the Ochota road fanning out from the airport and all over Mokotow fields.....

And it's nothing to do with slipping into the bushes with under age girls.

Well, Ive seen the marching................
15 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

Well,wild stab in the dark here,but,they blow the bejesus out of certain water spanning structures?????

the mounted company is the exact equivalent of various household and guard regiments in other countries like UK.

So,a bunch of drunken class A drug users with a tendency to de flower under age girls impressed by their big swords then?
15 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

do you think there have never been Jew/Black quotas in british schools and universities? A hell of alot more recently than pre war

sources? evidence? BS?
14 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

Well, you know what I mean :), Not "you",just what you said,again....:)
Ive sat with the scions of rather grand families and had to hear them tell it how it is,how everyone not as succsesfull as them is simply lazy or badly motivated...................happily forgeting Paters fortune and connections in the old boys club.......

Sort of like cameron and his bint claiming to be "Middle Class"...yessssss 30 million of dads money in the Bank,the bint has a job in a stationary company who's budget range diaries go for a measly £350.oo .................................but,of course,the GBP (tm) are all lazy..............
14 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

Luck is a part of it, but it more or less comes down to hard work.

Funny how its more often the lucky ones who claim this..................
Dont work hard,work smart,seemples.
14 Jul 2011
Language / Unique names of cities/town/villages in Poland [58]

@ Gumishu
Im on the border of Danelaw myself. In fact,the area I live in has always been border country so we have a fascinating mix of place name origins

Doncaster started as a tiny settlement at a crossing point of the Don,the Romans arrived and named the settlement Dano,the Fort their Danum or Caer Danum, anglo saxons named it Don caister which became Doncaster.

Just down the road from me, about 3 miles away in fact is a place called Slay Pits lane running near Ancient Lane,now, the reason why Slay Pits lane,and the the fields around it are called the Slay pits is quite simple ;

The Battle of Hatfield Chase (O.E. Haethfelth) was fought on October 12, 633 at Hatfield Chase near Doncaster, Yorkshire, in Anglo-Saxon England between the Northumbrians under Edwin and an alliance of the Welsh of Gwynedd under Cadwallon ap Cadfan and the Mercians under Penda. The site was a marshy area about 8 miles NE of Doncaster on the south bank of the River Don. It was a decisive victory for the Welsh and Mercians: Edwin was killed and his army was defeated, leading to the temporary collapse of the Northumbrian state.

After the battle was over the enemy turned on the village, murdering everyone they could find. The church, the palace and all the houses were looted after which they were set on fire and burnt down. Only the stone altar of the church survived.

More than 10,000 bodies, including King Edwin and Prince Osfrid, were left. The King’s head was cut off and sent to York for burial in St Peter’s Church.

The only reminder of this momentous event is the name Slay Pits Lane, reputed to have been the resting place of all those who perished in the Battle of Hatfield.

Bit grim,but around here isn a bit like living in Sunnydale,if the brutaly killed all rose up on one night we would have one hell of a population problem :)
13 Jul 2011
Language / Unique names of cities/town/villages in Poland [58]

I haven't thought that a thread can be spoiled by a few five-year olds. The title clearly says

another humourless bugger.....................cri' sake mate,every bloody place name on the planet has its meaning you plum...................

...Thorpe...=the place of...
....caster/caistor....=walled town

Doncaster = Fort on the Don river
paris=place of the Parisee tribe
Stalingrad= Stalins town.............................

River names are a chuckle,especially in places like britain because it turns out that most names such as The Humber etc if written as the River Humber translate as the River River...........so many languages have simply named rivers "the river" that these days most are The River River....
13 Jul 2011
Life / Are there a lot of goths in Poland? [36]

Dont worry dessi, i wasnt seriously suggesting they take after Goths, Like you say,its Gothic,or rather Gothic revival (wow,used that term twice in one week on PF,must be some record) from Gothic horror etc. :) or,rather,in keeping with the Goth theme. : {
13 Jul 2011
Life / Drinking before clubbing in Poland? [25]

Geez, you colonials ( cept dessi ) are a bunch of softies :)
mind, i see M's point, strange guys in strange land offer strong booze.hhhhmmmm,maybe just have it on the table,let them decide.
13 Jul 2011
Life / Drinking before clubbing in Poland? [25]

mate,the two of them will have been drinking while they got ready for the night long before you and your mate get to them with baby portions of vodka ;)
13 Jul 2011
Life / Are there a lot of goths in Poland? [36]

What is a Goth? A descendant of the Visigoth??

I think the Polish Goths are descendants rather of the Ostrogoths,or "Goths from the rising sun" ie, east goths.
their greatest ruler invaded Rome and bought off the Pope in the 500s,funnily enough he was an Arien himself...............

Stay out of the sun and exist on Bats blood and you might just make it...:D

And cut a convenient wrinkle hiding fringe in my hair ;)
well,off back to Whitby soon so .......
13 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

I come from Australia

Where the women glow and the men chunder?

living among disgusting, aggressive thieves

You'd better run,you'd better take cover.
12 Jul 2011
Life / Are there a lot of goths in Poland? [36]

...As for the girls...are you kidding..stunning is not a word Id use..sorry..

Yeah,right bunch of mingers........................I look this good in my 40s i wont complain.;

  • Genuine Alt girl :)
12 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

Lazy people don't achieve anything

Exactly,it does make me chuckle. A vibrant econamy that has spare jobs to offer is seen as attractive to people from a 2nd world country,yet,of course the peoples of the more finacialy sccsesfull country must all be lazy hey? I mean,after all,membership of the G7 countries must prove that ,right?

What you should have said is some farmers are tight barstewards

You are of course correct Daisy,I retract any implication that ALL farmers are XYorZ.