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Posts by Wulkan  

Joined: 28 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 24 Apr 2018
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Posts: Total: 3136 / In This Archive: 2062

Speaks Polish?: yes

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2 Dec 2017
News / Confessions of a paid hater / troll in Poland [42]

I didn't know you are a conspiracy theorist jon

That and fake news spreader.

The use of troll armies in PL is well enough publicised and fairly overt.

Very interesting, too bad there is no reliable source to back it up, as usual.
29 Nov 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]

Also what's wrong with what I wrote?

Well he likes to believe that underage prostitution is something what you use because he doesn't like you so that fantasy suits his agenda.

Tha'ts not what this thread has been about and you know it

Yes it is, stop being in denial "Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor"
29 Nov 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]

Firstly I'm concerned that you feel you have the knowledge to make such a statement.

Almost everybody living in Poland with common sense has this knowledge.

Secondly I'm concerned that the moderators here think it's a suitable post to be made here.

Underage prostitution is a serious problem, you don't want to discuss it? Feel free to leave the topic.
20 Nov 2017
Life / Are there any Muslim areas in Poland? [173]

yes there are Muslim areas in Poland and hve been for centuries.

Tatars are not a true muslims, they are not radical nor aggressive.
13 Nov 2017
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]

Except that they pronounce the r's in words like 'car' and 'park' which is not mainstream British usage

That's good, we don't have "r" phobia, it's a nice sound, no point skipping it. What he meant is British vocabulary which is "rubbish" for "garbage" etc...
13 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

I'm not playing your silly game

What game, I know that you find debating hard when don't have the facts to back up your points.

It happened in Warsaw

Your link is from 2015 and has nothing to do with the march. You failed again.

your fellow "American patriots" used to call Poles and Irish white n's, remember? The same people who scream MAGA these days...

Wrong, those people are long dead.
13 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

You guys only read Breitfart.

I haven't read it even once but sure must have more credibility than the fake news that you have given the links for.

The news are all over the web. Just google.

If it's so all over the web then why you only managed to find it on the fake news web sites?
13 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

. and a ton of other sources if you don't like the above.

Let me have a look: Fake Newsweek , Washington Compost and Very fake news aka CNN. So do you have any source of your claims?
13 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

Perhaps Trump would do better to look at cleaning up his own back yard before imposing travel bans.

By saying it you shoot your progressiveness in the foot, vast majority of those shootings are carried out in black ghettos, like sought of Chicago.

The people who prayed for an "Islamic Holocaust" in Warsaw yesterday

Are you suffering from schizophrenia? I hope you're not dangerous to your surroundings.
12 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

Go for a few recruitment meetings and if you get the chance raise your views over a bottle of wine and see the reaction you get.

You mean the recruitment meetings would look like this?

28 Oct 2017
Travel / Krakow Escape Room [18]

He thought it was hilarious

At least he saw the funny side of being robbed.
28 Oct 2017
Travel / Krakow Escape Room [18]

He removed it and the door opened.

Sweet Jesus he must have got badly triggered! good that you looked after him later.

Im thinking Combinator and Scary Hostel from now for next time.

You should also put Maze Krakow - Escape Game on your list.
27 Oct 2017
Travel / Krakow Escape Room [18]

Better get a life instead of being headache to people's topics.

Just ignore him, he's had a hard life that made him like that.

Do you know nice escape rooms in Krakow?

Combinator Exit Game is the best IMO
25 Oct 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish career criminal gets six years for rape [43]


Summary translation in the right wing dailymail:
