Love /
My Polish wife went out the other night and didnt come home till the next day [22]
my polish wife went out the other night and didnt come home till the next day
wife says she is going to leave me and go back to poland with brother
Adam and Eve were not married and had children
She wants name on bills, morgage, and business
Polish girlfriend is trying to claim working tax credit
Do Polish women fight about everything?
In Polish relationships who is the boss?
My Polish girlfriend's mother called her a prostitute because we live together
what documents does a polish girl need to marry in england she lives in england 4 years
breaking englishmans hearts
my polish girlfriend gone for week in poland
brother and sister relationships in Poland
Do Polish couples live together without being married?
she has everthing but say i do nothing for her
Are Polish girls forced to marry by their parents?
Polish girlfriend going back to Poland if I dont buy engagment ring