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Posts by Miloslaw  

Joined: 5 Mar 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 1 Feb 2025
Threads: Total: 20 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 5111 / In This Archive: 790
From: London,England
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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1 Oct 2019
Food / Oils and fats in Polish foods [34]

The main reason is that Margarine is but one molecule from being PLASTIC..... yummy !

I hate margerine and don't eat it.
But your post is an urban myth.
Please Google more carefully and more deeply.
I am not a chemist so not an expert on the subject but if you Google this you will find that butter is just as close to plastic as margerine.

One molecule can be so far away as to be a completely different product.
Having said that, I would not encourage people to eat margerine, and even butter should be used sparingly.
28 Sep 2019
Food / Need some Polish dessert recipes [47]

A friend of mine makes Sernik Wiedeński which is quite heavy, and she puts raisins in it too.

Polish Cheesecake is one of my favourites, especially with raisins.
28 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

If I lived in a country that supplies to me smoke for free, the last thing I would do is smoke

I don't think that there is any connection between pollution and smoking.
It is only relatively recently that both have been found to be harmful to health.
One was seen as a necessity and the other as a social thing.
27 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

If that sad Greta child gets a Noble Prize the award will lose all its prestige

Couldn't agree more.
She, or perhaps more importantly, her parents, are a disgrace.
26 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

They may have a clue

I truly believe that they don't.
They are just consumed by this overiding fear that we are destroying the world.
Which I don't believe we are.
26 Sep 2019
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]


What the hell are you babbling on about now??

I didn't understand your post at all...... just drunken nonsense.

Too much nice spirits in Serbia..... ;-)

I don't touch spirits, except for Christmas.
I advise you do the same........

Please back on the topic, everyone
26 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Global warming religion has become child abuse


she was and still is a tool


That girl believes in what she's doing and is acting accordingly

She does, but as you say, she is just a kid, who is being manipulated and used..... it is disgusting to see.

I think it's a put up job by her show biz parents...

Maf,as you so often do, you nailed it......
24 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

As Dirk posted, people will adapt. Or die. Darwin at work

It is all just PC gone beserk.
Stop eating meat.
Stop eating fish.
Stop eating all dairy products.
Stop flying.
Stop driving cars.
Stop using so much electicity.... that doesn't sound too good when they want us to switch to electric cars......
It's all insane and won't happen.
Because life just won't be worth living.
24 Sep 2019
History / Does Poland deserve credit for the 1989 Revolution? [87]

Hhmm, I always thought it was Poland who showed the path for other communist countries in 1989

Without question.
If it were not for Poland, half of Europe would still be under the yolk of Moscow.
East Europeans owe Poland a great deal of gratitude.
23 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Rich, it's not just about taxes now, they want us to stop driving petrol and diesel cars, stop flying, stop fishing, stop production of all dairy products and stop eating meat!

From my perspective, life would no longer be worth living.
23 Sep 2019
Life / Cosmetic surgery in Poland... [40]

Do they?
I don't think too many of those exist.
And if they do, yes I would critisize them for being vain and shallow..... and having small dicks..... :-)
23 Sep 2019
USA, Canada / Any Poles in Texas! [61]

For example in Dallas I found only 1 Polish shop

Too hot?
23 Sep 2019
Life / Cosmetic surgery in Poland... [40]

They mucked you her tummy tuck

I have no sympathy for people who are vain enough to have cosmetic surgery.
23 Sep 2019
Food / Need some Polish dessert recipes [47]

Polish cheesecake, I will always have a couple of pieces at a time :)

That is one thing I love about Polish cakes.
They are generally not overly sweet, but they can be quite filling and heavy on the stomach.
23 Sep 2019
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

The Church and the state will be seperated, that`s all

They will and that is as it should be.
21 Sep 2019
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

The Jewish term bagel is another name for obwarzanek.

So are bagels originaly Polish or Jewish?
20 Sep 2019
News / What the Polish government do to bring back home Polish immigrants? [116]

Well, it will certainly matter when a million Polish expats return home all of a sudden

Good point, but that ain't gonna happen, because most Poles will never return, just as they never did in the past.
They know when they are better off.
20 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Well one point is that Polish cities would have cleaner air

Poland is probably the most air polluted country in Europe.
Southern Poland especialy.
It is a serious health hazard and needs to be addressed, but it will not make a difrerence to "Global Warming" or "Climate Change" even if sorted out.

We need to get The Chinese and Indians to act, otherwise we are just wasting our time.
20 Sep 2019
News / What the Polish government do to bring back home Polish immigrants? [116]

Very logical.
But when you spend, say, ten years or more abroad, however often you visit on holiday or watch TV from your home country,
you still lose touch.
Many people are shocked by how much their country has changed when they move back there.
20 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

China and India might be quite different in 10 years

Lenka, do you want a bet on that?
I don't know many Chinese, but I know Indians very well.......
20 Sep 2019
News / What the Polish government do to bring back home Polish immigrants? [116]

PiS lies all the time and about everything. Their encouragement to emigrants to come back is only a cheap propaganda trick

I don't really follow Polish politics so can't comment on PIS.
But from my experience here in England, the only Poles who are considering returning to Poland are the highly skilled and childless Poles.
Which is good for Poland, because they tell me they want their children to be born and grow up in Poland and will bring their talents back there.

The unskilled workers see no future for them in Poland.
And the ones with kids that were either born or grew up here know they can't return because their kids are more British than Polish.

It is a real dilemma for many.