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Posts by johnny reb  

Joined: 30 Jul 2014 / Male ♂
Warnings: 4 - TTTT
Last Post: 16 Feb 2025
Threads: Total: 49 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 7923 / In This Archive: 2031
From: Helsinki, Finland
Speaks Polish?: Better than Milo, Joker or Lyzko
Interests: Worshiping on Sunday, Reading, Hiking, Travel, Fishing, Culinary, Chess

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johnny reb   
21 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

The damage of climate change is done already

No doubt we all could do better but the greed and the church of Meism is thriving.
Common sense and rules only applies to the other guy and not me attitude.
As far as climate change goes I personally think it is just a cycle that the earth and planets that effect the earth go through.

There is not a lot humans can do about it except have a good war that deletes about three quarters of the population off the face of the earth.

And as long as a big part of Poland's economy is about coal nothing is going to change anytime soon in Poland.
Aren't you glad we are old farts that only have another ten or twenty years to live Doug.
johnny reb   
20 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

We need to get The Chinese and Indians to act, otherwise we are just wasting our time.

Repeat that as many times like I have Milo and they will still refuse to address it.
When Trump walked out of the Paris Accord they all jumped on him for not wanting anything to do with it until China was held accountable.

The U.S.A. or any other country can't begin to compete with polluters like China and India as it costs big money to dispose of pollutants and put air filters on smoke stacks.

A year after the Paris Accord the U.S.A. has cut our carbon emissions by more than all the countries in the world put together.

What good did it do us besides cut into the citizens pocket AGAIN for the benefit of the rest of the world climate change while China INCREASED their carbon out put in the same period.

Poland hides their head to the real problem because they drag their feet to reality too. (No filters on coal smoke stacks)

I was saying make it the supermarkets responsibility - or put cameras there

Better yet, put some garbage barrels out so people wouldn't have to throw their waste on the ground.
And empty them every day but no that would cost the stores money to be responsible to have it hauled away.
It is against the law in the U.S. to burn any kind of plastic from bottles to wrappers. (Recycle it)

So they should be held accountable

So should China and India Doug as they are biggest polluters in the world but guess what.......nobody wants to PAY FOR IT !
johnny reb   
20 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Any climate change protests by school children in Poland today?

They should be protesting electric cars.
The strain they are going to put on the electrical grid in the future will create another huge problem.
Maybe the children could explain to their teachers that it takes carbon fuels (Coal) to create that electricity.
johnny reb   
20 Sep 2019
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

the church are the people, no idea what you looking for but I have pointed out plenty of faults,

She keeps repeating and repeating that Christians and Church members are hypocrites and sinners.
I have repeatedly told her that every man on earth is a sinner and sins every day but she ignores that fact so she can "promote" what hypocrites church members are in order to discredit Christians and the Church.

Very shallow on her part with her repetitious merry go round.
I think she may be trying to argue her way into heaven and that can't be done without accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior.

So simple but so hard for the so called atheists to grasp showing you just how powerful Satan is.
johnny reb   
19 Sep 2019
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

I wonder if you had God's approval for this idea of yours (expressed in another thread):

Oh for crying out loud Z.....are you being Polish again today ........ lighten up.
This thread is about the Importance of Religion in Poland for crying out loud.
Your remarks to belittle me have nothing to do with this thread.
AND even if it did I sure the hell would like you to explain to us why I needed any "approval" from God for my remark.

Do you think I said something sinful ?
If so..........please explain to us what you think it was as you obviously misinterpreted that I was bad mouthing Blacks which was just the opposite stupid.

You are starting to annoy me.
johnny reb   
18 Sep 2019
News / Commemoration of 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the WWII in Warsaw. Poland a full-fledged NATO member. [30]

I read some on this today.
It wasn't until September 17 with Polish government fleeing & forces defeated that the Red Army entered "Polish territories".
Russia's response to Poland takes on more significance because of Crimea in 2014, a move reminiscent of its invasion of Poland in 1939 which in both cases Moscow denied the invasion but claimed the lands being invaded belonged to them anyways.

Germany and the USSR invaded and carved up Polish territory between them, although the Soviet Union did not formally declare war.
johnny reb   
18 Sep 2019
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

I hate when smokers drop their fags on the pavement/street etc.

Poland is to generous, do it in Thailand and a cop sees you do it you will pay a huge fine or go to jail.
johnny reb   
17 Sep 2019
Polonia / What are qualites of Germans? [60]

When I was in Germany my highlight was taking the cog up to the Zugspitze peak.
It was simply breath taking and well worth the $100 plus price tag that came with it.
I found the food rather salty compared what I am use to.
The Germans were very accommodating even when I spoke German with my broken accent. :)
johnny reb   
16 Sep 2019
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

Try harder next time.

I try to keep it simple for simple people like you.

you want to go personal

Oh and you don't weasel ? lol
The church is Poland's culture which makes it a very important part of Poland.
You however aren't able to grasp that fact and insist on dancing around it with your personal opinions of otherwise.
johnny reb   
16 Sep 2019
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

you have to get it to a small kid when they still believe what's been told.

Just like you have to teach a child not to touch something that is hot.
If you love them you teach them Polish culture.
Maybe God knew what is was doing when he didn't give you children.

It seems that might be a problem

And that is EXACTLY what the title of this thread is about genius.
Teaching Polish children the Polish culture.
You give Polish women a bad name by trying to destroy the Polish culture.
Now I have vegetables to harvest so you will have to argue your lost point with someone else.
johnny reb   
16 Sep 2019
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

My grandpa never prayed or visited a church after war.

She was probably to old to walk by then.

And I love that you used the word indoctrinated.

Indoctrinated means to "teach" in the contexts that I used it so what is there to love about that ?
You do give it your best don't you. lol
The future of Poland's culture depends on the teaching of Polish children Catholicism.
johnny reb   
16 Sep 2019
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

if I see hypocrisy in someone who tries to preach me it makes their words fake.

That would depend on if they are the hypocrites words or God's inspired words that they are preaching to you.

my own attitude towards God

So you do relate to God's existence.
And my attitude is that God knows my heart and my intentions even if they appear to another man as a sin or hypocritical. (Judge Not)

The church of Poland knows that if a child by the age of thirteen has not has not been indoctrinated to God's inspired word that there is little chance that they ever will have a personal relationship with God.

I remember my Polish father telling me about when he went through boot camp in the Army with all the big tuff guys professing to be atheists that mocked his Christianity like I get mocked here on this forum.

Then when they got to Germany in their foxholes and the German artillery buzz bombs started dropping in on them those same self professed atheist were heard out loud praying to God Almighty to please save their sorry souls.

Their is no such thing as an atheist Lenka.
johnny reb   
16 Sep 2019
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

Johnny- I don't care about quotes from Bible.

I was just trying to show you what is says about God's inspired words being silly to the Un Believers.
It is just as silly to me how a person could possibly go through their life without having any Faith.
I honestly do not understand that.

And I moved away from the church because first I saw the hypocrisy

And how many times have I told you that every man on earth is a sinner so what hypocrisy ?
Read between the lines girl.
You are not responsible for the hypocrites souls, only your own.

and then I started to disagree with certain things

Oh, so you thought you were smarter then God which would make you your own god.
I disagree with certain things too but I don't let them destroy my Faith as an excuse to pretend that I am in charge.
johnny reb   
15 Sep 2019
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

Seems like a pretty good network to me.

If that is true then why have you fallen away from the church ?
All that didn't seem to be enough for your faith either.
You can't debate or argue your way to heaven and you know that.
Catholicism saved Poland's culture and now you turn your back on it.
It is just so "convenient" to ignore spirituality in our cultures and daily life in this busy day and age.
People today are caught up in the tyranny of the urgent.
And to try and make an Unbeliever understand spirituality is a waste of time.
That's why scriptures says: Mathew 10:14-15
"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town". I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the Day Judgment than for that town.

Now replace the word 'town' with Polish Forums.
johnny reb   
15 Sep 2019
Life / Importance of Religion in Poland [187]

So now tell me what is your explanation for the slow downfall of the church?

Marxism being spread like a cancer by the NGO's that is be promoted by the Liberals in Europe to poison the brains of the youth.

You know.......Satan's biggest lie of "if you're not hurting anyone else it is o.k. to do".
johnny reb   
15 Sep 2019
Travel / Requirements for bringing a Dog into Poland [30]

Don`t be silly. Compare injuries by a brat and a big dog.

(How about a big brat with a little dog. lol)
O.k. lets..............listen and learn.
When a human bites you, there's a higher risk of infection than with a dog bite.
Class dismissed.
johnny reb   
14 Sep 2019
Travel / Requirements for bringing a Dog into Poland [30]

"Think" is the key word there.........do you think most Polish citizens would challenge you if you told them that ?
Especially with someone as convincing as Doug.
If the cops give you crap just ask them where in the law book does it say that it is an infraction to let your dog sit on a seat of public transit.

Then when the cop asks you if your dog bites tell him "only when I tell him to."
johnny reb   
14 Sep 2019
Travel / Requirements for bringing a Dog into Poland [30]

Yeah well I have witnesses an out of control brat having a temper tantrum in public bite and attack another innocent child who was doing nothing to provoke the one that needed a good swat on the ass.

Should that child that went crazy and attacked be required to be muzzled and put on a leash while in public ?
His mother (and I use that word very loosely) claimed after the event: he has always been so good with other kids and this is the first time this has ever happened.

Now go to your safe room honey for a ten minute time out and never do that again.
johnny reb   
14 Sep 2019
Travel / Requirements for bringing a Dog into Poland [30]

I put dog on a blanket on the seat and refused demands to remove him

Good for you Doug.
You should have told them that he is an "Emotional Support Dog" and that legally he has every right to go where you go.
You can order those back jackets for dogs on line that say "Support Dog".
Put that on him and no one will screw with you in fear of getting arrested for illegally upsetting an emotionally disabled person.
(Not implying, just saying) lol
And knowing you I would bet that your dog smells better then some of the people on public transit.

because he is at my right heel.

Exactly and knowing you I bet he minds better then most children do.
Most countries however require a dog from a foreign country be quarantined for a period of time before they allow it to enter their country.

They also require a long list of vaccinations such as rabbi's, parvo, distemper, kennel cough, ect.
johnny reb   
12 Sep 2019
Travel / Poland's LOT Air Problems [43]

They pack you on the plane like sardines and my legs were falling asleep.

A recipe for a stroke or heart attack on a nine hour non-stop flight.
This is the number two reason that I no longer have any desire to visit Europe.
johnny reb   
4 Sep 2019
News / Poland's Trade Agreements with the United States on the new 5G technology [6]

These are the environmentally clean jobs that pay above average wages that Poland needs.
These are the jobs and industry that all countries desire.
Good job President Duda.
Jobs that keep the highly educated Polish citizens home in Poland working for generations.
The Poland - U.S. agreement states: "Protecting these next generation communications networks from disruption or manipulation and ensuring the privacy and individual liberties of the citizens of Poland, the United States, and other countries is of vital importance."

5G technology is the future.
johnny reb   
3 Sep 2019
News / Poland's Trade Agreements with the United States on the new 5G technology [6]

The latest trade agreement between Poland and the United States is a big one.
WARSAW, Poland (AP) - The U.S. and Poland signed an agreement Monday to cooperate on new 5G technology as concerns grow about Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei.

The Chi-Coms have been stealing technology secrets from the U.S. for to long.
A Chinese businessman who served as Huawei's sales director in Poland and a Pole who cooperated with the government on security measures were arrested in Poland in January on suspicion of espionage.

Trump has finally found a trusted allie to work with.
This should create a lot of long good paying technology jobs in Poland in return.
johnny reb   
24 Aug 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

and not only statistics.

Lets look at the Factual Statistics then about WHO is doing something about carbon emissions and who isn't.
"Paris Agreement" by the United Nations, is an international agreement reached in 2015 aimed at reducing carbon emissions, slowing rising global temperatures and helping countries deal with the effects of climate change.

Since then carbon emissions have sky rocketed around the world and that is why Trump walked out knowing it was a joke.
And the names you useful idiots called Genius Trump for not participating was just beyond laughable.
Since the 2015 Paris Agreement the United States has decreased our carbon emissions far greater then any other country on earth by more then double" with China increasing theirs by the most which is almost off the charts.


How are countries who play by the rules suppose to compete with those who do not ????
Anyone ?
johnny reb   
24 Aug 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Climate change has become reality and not only statistics.

You mean the statistics that the scientists admittedly lied about ?
I see you still haven't done your homework that I gave you Z.
[quote=johnny reb]I wonder if any of them have ever read their history books about the Maunder Minimum when Europe had no summers to speak of.This article explains it well.


The earths climate goes in cycles from cold to hot and hot to cold over time all by the acts of Mother Nature.
If you disagree then please explain the Maunder Minimum.
johnny reb   
24 Aug 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

This is the Poland section Johnny

The climate change propaganda by obama effected Poland by supplying false facts.
I merely pointed out that obama was busted with his hypocrisy.
And the useful idiots panic and get sucked right into these lies.
If I had concern about climate change I would be focusing on the fires burning in the rain forests in South America that supply 30% of the oxygen to the world.