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Posts by Marysienka  

Joined: 14 Nov 2012 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Dec 2016
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 195 / In This Archive: 149
From: Poland, Przemysl
Speaks Polish?: YES

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12 Aug 2014
Travel / Baggage size limit on Trains in Poland? [16]

I wouldn't count on room by your seat. If it's standard medium about 65/40/20 cm it should fit above your head but pack in a way that somebody else could put their smaller bag on it and not damage anything. Be sure you can lift it above your head. (Probably somebody will help you) If you travel Warsaw to Krakow most passengers will board with you and leave with you, but also there are many people who travel with little luggage . It depends on the day ( when exactly do you arrive ? last days of September can be crowded )

Also if your luggage is on two wheels you may have to carry it while on train

Intercity has tree types of carriages (that I've encountered)
with compartments for 8 people in two rows facing each-other , with place for luggage above your head (if there are full people there is enough place on floor for your legs and nothing else and no place under a seat.

- with compartments for 6 people ( those are new cars) as above but with more place as the same space is for 6 pairs of legs and 6 pieces of luggage

In both you can leave your luggage at corridor if necessary.

- - without compartments , looks like inside of a bus but half seats face one direction and half the other. Less space at shelf above you but there is space under a seat. You cant place anything near your seat but there are shelves and free space for luggage at the beginning and end of the carriage.

Regio is no compartments, less space above , no additional space for luggage and more people without any luggage ( depends on route)
12 Aug 2014
Language / Polish Grammar - ile - ilu ? [9]

I'd say mixed groups are mostly ilu but osoby, dzieci and niemowlęta are exceptions.

It's because usually there is a singular male form and sometimes female counterpart but singular "osoba" is feminine but means person regardless of sex, while children and babies are neuter.

The cited above book claims some specific rules but they are complicated. You can come back to them in few years when you will like to sound more natural, for now I'd say :

men and most mixed groups - ilu
women animals and inanimated objects ile

exceptions from mixed groups:
osoby- people
dzieci- children
niemowlęta- babies
12 Aug 2014
Travel / Baggage size limit on Trains in Poland? [16]

While it is said it has to fit above your seat it doesn't specify how big it has to be.
standard The biggest luggage bags not always fit above your head ( or to be more specific there is place for two of those where luggage for 4 pasangers should fit) but I've never seen anybody charged for it. Keep in mind you probably will have to put your luggage above your head yourself, so don't take more than you can lift.
11 Aug 2014
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

While I don't believe him to be homosexual ( more in denial than closeted) but if he were he would have to hide very well with being a leader of rather homophobic party with even more homophobic electorate
11 Aug 2014
Language / Polish Grammar - ile - ilu ? [9]

Ile osób przyjdzie osoba is female osoby are not masculine personal
Ilu gości przyjdzie gość is male goście are masculine personal
11 Aug 2014
Language / Polish grammar - do you have the same words for toes and fingers? [6]

toes and fingers are both palce ( palec, masculine)
yes it's teach somebody and teach yourself- learn. ( uczyć kogoś, uczyć się)

And play is other way where we have two words where English has one
Grać is more serious you play music, musical instruments and sports.
Bawić się is entertain yourself, or toy with something, or children playing, Dobrze się bawić means have fun
Bawić kogoś is entertain (somebody)

Girl smells roses Dziewczyna wącha róże
Girl smells like roses Dziewczyna pachnie różami

Wąchać is when an animal with a nose makes an effort to feel a smell of something (Sniff)
Pachnieć is to emit a pleasant fragnance
Śmierdzieć is to emit an unpleasant fragnance
Zapach is a noun smell

I like a smell of roses Lubię zapach róż
11 Aug 2014
Language / Polish Grammar - ile - ilu ? [9]

ilu is for human males, ile for females, children, animals and unanimated (there may be exceptions)

It goes with Polish Plural dividing nouns between masculine personal , and other.

And I never was learning Polish as it's my first language , but from this website and number of questions people ask while learning from Roseta Stone , please don't use it as your only resource, Polish is so grammar driven, you will be more confused if it's not explained.
9 Aug 2014
Life / Poland's Environment, recycling [79]

At a guess I'd say the green one is for recyclable waste, the black one is for non-recyclable, and they haven't got around to removing the old one.

Or old one is for non-recyclable and two new ones are for recyclable ( glass / paper nad plastic) or one for recyclable one for organic?
8 Aug 2014
Life / Poland no Unemployment benefits after paying taxes for 20 years [41]

it is, but there could be another article saying claiming the same as above, saying they paid taxes , but were refused unemployed benefits on base of not paying enough Fundusz Pracy, as so called garbage jobs and starting self-employed don't pay it.

Right now if you have "Umowa o Dzieło" Umowa zlecenie" or "Kontrakt menedżerski" or pay reduced ZUS in first years of self employment you wont receive benefits. Just in case somebody needed that knowledge.
8 Aug 2014
Life / Poland no Unemployment benefits after paying taxes for 20 years [41]

Well accually just paying Taxes wouldn't be enough , but he probably also paid "Fundusz Pracy", which would have meant he would have been given 120% of "standard" benefits if he didn't miss the deadline. ( If he paid for more than 20 years).
7 Aug 2014
Genealogy / Jerzy Jasion - please help me find my best friend [11]

Or maybe you can tell us what you want to text them? or text in English? and try to listen to that recorded message again. Is it in Polish only? That means its a voicemail so leave a message in English. If the phone was disconnected the message would be in both English and Polish.

It's easy to search nk. you just type name in top left box with a looking glass and then see who was found. There are two people with that name but from central and West Poland.
7 Aug 2014
Life / Poland no Unemployment benefits after paying taxes for 20 years [41]

Let's be clear. With open boarders and all govenments have no interest in strictly enforcing 3 months rule , but it you want government help they can say, you should have registered, you didn't so we don't need to help you.

Can ALL posters stick to the thread topic please.
6 Aug 2014
Life / Poland no Unemployment benefits after paying taxes for 20 years [41]

In Poland, even if you don't have any entitlement to dole (or any legal income) you can register as unemployed (without that time limit) and that will entitle you to free healthcare.

that is true, you can also be beneficent of scholarships, courses and other programs for registered unemployed, if you fit other criteria like age, gender, place of living length of unemployment, disability etc.
6 Aug 2014
Law / How to register a new business in Poland [129]

A bit of advice : 1 ) whenever you go to an office applying for anything take a polish speaker with you, just in case.
2) you are going to receive letters from various companies saying that you need to pay for being registered, that is not true, and those companies are trying to fool people.
6 Aug 2014
Life / Poland no Unemployment benefits after paying taxes for 20 years [41]

If they have very low/ no income , yes. But I don't know the rules. I've been unemployed few times so I know the rules, but income based benefits are social care, and I never applied there.

I just checked and you have to be in bad situation, social worker comes and verifies.
6 Aug 2014
Life / Poland no Unemployment benefits after paying taxes for 20 years [41]

Well, as we are discussing Poland, Polish citizens need to have been employed for at least 365 days in the last 18 months to be able to get benefit in Poland. I guess this applies to EU citizes as well. Guy had almost half a year to register and he forgot?
5 Aug 2014
Life / What's the climate and food like in Warsaw? (I am a student from India) [10]

For whole year round you will need clothes for almost every weather that is on Earth. You come in September so most important would be Autumn outfits, sweaters, long sleeve shirts, waterproof jacket, waterproof shoes, some t-shirts. For winter just take some things you own and like, if you have good hiking shoes, you could take them. But heavier and bulkier stuff you can buy here.
4 Aug 2014
History / Why is the Battle of Grunwald celebrated more than the Battle of Lubiszewo? [29]

I would say battle was popular by then, Matejko's painting and Kraszewski's book already existed. And all that was written, painted while - Poland didn't exist on the map and was partially under German and Austrian Occupation and also 500 years anniversary was approaching.

Back to the point I think battle was very symbolic but also very real turning point at our history.
28 Jul 2014
Law / Proving to English family court that it's legal in Poland to put a false name on Birth Certificate [38]

I don't know any "legal words" in English", but

Jeżeli nie nastąpiło uznanie dziecka3) lub sądowe ustalenie ojcostwa

basically means: if nobody claimed paternity and or the paternity was not ruled by court

wpisuje się do aktu urodzenia dziecka jako imię ojca

It is written in Birth Certificate as fathers name

imię wskazane przez przedstawiciela ustawowego dziecka,

a name chosen by Child's Legal Guardian

a w braku takiego wskazania - jedno z imion zwykle w kraju używanych

if none is chosen - one of the names commonly used in country

oraz jako nazwisko ojca i jego nazwisko rodowe - nazwisko matki,".

and as father's surname and his family surname - mother's surname

z odpowiednią adnotacją w rubryce "Uwagi".

with proper annotation in "Uwagi" secttion
25 Jul 2014
USA, Canada / Why do Americans (and Canadians) hate Polish people? [226]

What you keep forgetting is that dollar is 3 zł, euro 4 and pound 5. And you can hitchhike home from EU. On the other hand people think why would I humiliate myself in ISA embassy if I can go somewhere else and spend my money there.
23 Jul 2014
Travel / Abandoned / Derelict places in Poland to visit [22]

Don't forget to see "szkieletor". This building site has been waiting for somebody to finish it for more than 20 years. It's not abandoned though.