3 Sep 2018
Law / Inheritance Law in Poland (protecting myself from in laws) [25]
@johnny reb
You nailed it JR,very good wording and we will be putting those in our US & Polish wills ASAP.Infact I also have a clause that my 2kids can never sell any property or mortgage it until the older one is 44(lol if at that age they still don't know how to manage then they deserve to blow em)
@OP,I am sure Irish courts are quicker to decide the execution of will after death before Polish courts.You can take the judgement to Poland and get it enforced being in the EU.
@johnny reb
You nailed it JR,very good wording and we will be putting those in our US & Polish wills ASAP.Infact I also have a clause that my 2kids can never sell any property or mortgage it until the older one is 44(lol if at that age they still don't know how to manage then they deserve to blow em)
@OP,I am sure Irish courts are quicker to decide the execution of will after death before Polish courts.You can take the judgement to Poland and get it enforced being in the EU.