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Joined: 13 Aug 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Oct 2011
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17 Sep 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

The state election commission failed to register all their candidates on time. Seems like they have a strong case. And due to some loophole the party can't protest this until AFTER the elections.
16 Sep 2011
Life / My impressions on Poland I: The People, Politics, The Countryside and Infrastructure [39]

But you don't live here do you? You heard from somebody that this is how life is.

I do live in Poland, you on the other hand comment on the situation in both Poland and USA, while at the same time you said you are Canadian...

The fact is- in this country everybody has access to healthcare regardless of income.

Jesus Christ. People are waiting months (not 2, 3 months - more like 6-10 months) to get an appointment with a specialist when they are seriously ill. That's the idea of a public healthcare in a poor country.

you have to be kidding "some groups are privileged, while others are left to themselves or even discriminated against, all according to political agendas." this is the u.s to the letter- this is the very core of America.

So in both systems, capitalism and socialism, there are privileged groups. Looks like former Warsaw pact countries are a bit behind despite this apparent similarity to the USA.

you don't hear a lot of problems in Scandinavian countries- their taxes are higher, but they get other things in return- two years maternity leave and health care comes to mind. Plus a lot of other benefits.

I do hear a lot of complaints from Scandinavians. Especially those who are ambitious and entrepreneurial, those who finance that socialist paradise.

America is for the wealthy. Unfortunately the middle class make up the majority of its citizens and they are suffering the most at this moment.

Funny how we virtually have no middle class in Poland, at least not according to American standards. BTW go to some small town in lubelskie and ask people how many of them make "średnia krajowa" (country's average pay).
16 Sep 2011
Life / My impressions on Poland I: The People, Politics, The Countryside and Infrastructure [39]

Well, there is a DVD of a very beautiful concert that David Gilmour & Rick Wright did in Gdansk...There were certainly a lot of Poles at that particular concert.

Look at this:
That's the most famous Polish all times hit chart (of radio channel 3) - compiled based on the votes from listeners. There are 5 Pink Floyd songs in the top 20.
16 Sep 2011
Life / My impressions on Poland I: The People, Politics, The Countryside and Infrastructure [39]

Current USA problems have nothing to do with it not being socialist enough.
Also had a chat with some Swedes and Germans, ambitious, young enterpreneurs - they all said the taxes were killing them. Maybe if you are a social parasite...

The socialism in Poland pretty much amounts to: some groups are privileged, while others are left to themselves or even discriminated against, all according to political agendas. That's your socialist paradise in practice.
16 Sep 2011
Life / My impressions on Poland I: The People, Politics, The Countryside and Infrastructure [39]

but out of curiosity why do you think that Poland was socialist and not communist?

I do think Poland IS socialist. Redistribution of income, welfare system, state owned enterprises, priviliages for certain professional groups, heavy employment law accompanied with fiscal discrimination of those who work for themselves, government subsides, etc. Still, there are more socialist countries in EU than Poland.

Regarding the time before 1989 - I don't really want to engage in the discussion about terminology here.
15 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

If we wouldn't have Commonwealth, Lithuania would have all of that territory, or atleast half of it.

So you wanted to have huge territory which wasn't ethnically Lithuanian and you denied Poland the right to have Wilno, which was ethnically Polish?
15 Sep 2011
History / The strange destiny of Antoni Aleksander Iliński [32]

As a russian Orthodox general he would serve the purposes of Sarmatia much more properly.

Not really. At that time it was the Russians who occupied most of Poland. Ottomans were natural allies of Poles against both Russia and Austro-Hungary.
15 Sep 2011
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

Here is a nice article how Adam Michnik, the chief of Gazeta Wyborcza secretly buys flats through his friend, government official:
The article says that may be one of the reasons why Wyborcza keeps attacking CBA - the central anticorruption bereau, and mentions another case where a Wyborcza journalist, while involved in an corruption scandal, used Wyborcza to attack the CBA.
14 Sep 2011
History / The strange destiny of Antoni Aleksander Iliński [32]

Interesting story, it reminded me of another crazy story - about "Polish king of Madagascar" - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Benyovszky

they began affecting an Oriental style of dress complete with turbans

Are you sure about the turbans? That would obscure their Kozak haircuts ( which BTW have become popular recently in USA :D )
14 Sep 2011
News / Poles not promoting their own country? [9]


Western celebrities talk about Poland - promotional film from Polish foreign ministry

Found on Polish MSZ youtube channel: youtu.be/nM-p8PGn3CI
13 Sep 2011
Life / Articles of Jamie Stokes concerning an ex-pats life in Poland [10]

His style of writing - exaggeration - quickly becomes more boring than funny, but this is funny:

One of the first Polish humans was a guy named Lech, who invented beer. He had a brother called Russ, who invented alcoholism, and another brother called Czech, who invented talking like a five year old and putting jam on everything—they were an influential family.

10 Sep 2011
Genealogy / How common is it for other people of Polish origin to discover they are actually Jewish? [127]

Turns out you Poles didn't really want the Jews back.

What a bunch of lies. You people really need to be consitent when it comes to those "bad Poles" stories. I thought poor Jews were not allowed to get such high profile jobs in the Polish army... Also heard that bad Poles refused to give them weapons in 1939...

Those Jews that came back from Russia, yes, surely they were treated with contempt, for running the whole oppression apparatus for uncle Stalin.
6 Sep 2011
Genealogy / How common is it for other people of Polish origin to discover they are actually Jewish? [127]

What is funny is when some actual events surface which seem to confirm those stereotypes ;)
For example:


:D :D

Now, would someone be allowed to say: statistically Israelis are more involved in organ trafficking than other nationalities? :D

Also, I was really amazed when I learned how many famous Hollywood actors are Jewish.
5 Sep 2011
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

just tell me how easy it is "because you know Polish"

I got the idea what it is all about, with no prior Czech exposure. I did better than Czech->Polish google translation but worse than Czech->English google translator. The important thing to do is to try to get the sound right in your head and it starts falling into places (mostly).
5 Sep 2011
Genealogy / How common is it for other people of Polish origin to discover they are actually Jewish? [127]

It's the opposite of an anti-semite. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philo-Semitism

That would imply that Philo-Semitism = racism.

It seems that you are the racist, implying that Jews run every country they have a large population in.

No it is you who is racist implying that Jewish race in general is better than Poles.

I am ashamed of my grandparents generation's views on Jews, they never caused us any trouble and lived amongst us in peace for almost 1000 years. Many Poles really were really quite anti-semetic before the war with incidents such the Pinsk Pogrom of 1918 a stain on our history. Not to mention the Kielce Pogrom of 1946 which I believe Poland should officially apologise for.

I don't think you are a Pole with Jewish roots. I think you are a troll who came here for an opportunity to write about some "pogroms", which apart from being a ridiculous term, was always a Russian and Ukrainian specialty.

BTW the commie Jews are responsible for much more gentile deaths than all "pogroms" combined, not that I aprove of holding all Jews responsible for that.
5 Sep 2011
Genealogy / How common is it for other people of Polish origin to discover they are actually Jewish? [127]

and therefore technically I'm also Jewish. How common is it for other people of Polish origin to discover they are actauly Jewish?

You are who you want to be - not who your great grandmother was.
Still, it is interesting how people upon learning they have some Jewish blood in them, all of a sudden embrace it and act like it determines their identity.
4 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

You are some kido, who would have problems to make a zloty here If not that you were born in an English speaking family

That made me grin :D
There are kids like him among Poles too, but he is a guest here, he should know better, it always looks bad when a foreigner uses phrases like "subhuman Polish scum".
4 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

Untill Tusk, and whatever stupid government in Poland, realises, what a hell it is to, actually do business here, it will always be a backward country.

Poland has been ruled mostly by either post communists or ex trade union activists. Small business owners by definition don't make it into Sejm.
3 Sep 2011
Life / People living in Warsaw are rootless peasants! [41]


See the woods map:

I see that the wildboar population density is roughly consistent with the woods concentration.
But since you keep marking the old German border - are those wildboars German and reproduce accordingly?
3 Sep 2011
Life / People living in Warsaw are rootless peasants! [41]

Do you know why it is so?

Egkhm, more woods in those areas?
BTW your admirable Germans obviously didn't plunder their own forests, but did so when they occupied Poland.
3 Sep 2011
Life / People living in Warsaw are rootless peasants! [41]

You can't even spell it right idiot. Looks like you are a fascist in your own country but being an immigrant you'd like everybody to be a welcoming commie, so typical.
3 Sep 2011
Life / People living in Warsaw are rootless peasants! [41]

pawian: What are you trying to say? That "Poland A" somehow lives off pre war German accomplishments? You do realize how those areas were devasted in 1945? Do you know how Wrocław, Gdańsk, Głogów, Kołobrzeg etc. looked like after "liberation"?

And how exactly the fact that Wielkopolska is host to some industrial pork "factories" is a success? And do you know how many of those old German railway lines are actually used today?
3 Sep 2011
News / Polish Students Striking in Lithuania [80]

Polish minority in Lithuania are somewhat right wing

"Right wing" cause they feel they are Polish and don't want to be Lithuanians? For some people anyone who has some kind of national identity and is not gay is "right wing".