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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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16 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

10%? Hah. More like 0.02% or if you count those who say they have some family ties to Jews, then it rises to about 0.25%.

The highest percentages of Jewish people is in the USA and Israel, that shouldn't be a surprise to most people.
15 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Interesting Lyzko. I am still yet to hear your opinion on Poland having to compensate Jewish people for the holocaust [in the other thread I asked you the question]. Do you think they should? Feel free to answer in the other thread.
12 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Don't be silly, there is anti-Semitism in every country.

I was saying it isn't a 'part' of Poland. As in, antisemitism isn't part and parcel of Poland - it isn't engrained in Poland.

As for there being antisemitism in every country - are you sure? Even those countries with no Jewish population? It's a helpful myth to push I suppose. If every country in the world can be accused of antisemitism, perhaps compensations can be received from those who never even had any Jews living there too.
12 Jan 2018
USA, Canada / Polish-Jewish survivor of the Holocaust celebrates her 100th birthday [29]

Evil is how these institutions skewed doctrine in order to justify hatred.

Ok. So as not to get too off topic here, as 'Polish hatred of Jews' is a different topic, let's stay on the topic. What do you think of this idea of Poland having to compensate Jewish organisations/Jewish survivors for what happened to Jews during the Second World War? Are you happy the senate has put through this 447 act to put more pressure on payments to Jewish survivors of the holocaust [or their families]?
12 Jan 2018
News / Priest from Poland claims Lego is "a tool of Satan" [35]


Poland's most famous satanist charged with disrespecting Poland's national coat of arms

I suppose each country gotta have their satanists. Glad he was charged. It would be even nicer to see this vermin in prison.

BEHEMOTH frontman Adam "Nergal" Darski has been formally charged by Polish authorities for allegedly disrespecting one of the country's national symbols.

The case, referred to court by the District Prosecutor's Office in Gdańsk, northern Poland, involves the band's "Republic Of The Unfaithful" tour artwork and merchandise, which is said to be "insulting" to the national coat of arms of Poland, a stylized white eagle with a golden beak and talons, and wearing a golden crown, in a red shield.

12 Jan 2018
USA, Canada / Polish-Jewish survivor of the Holocaust celebrates her 100th birthday [29]

Thank you, gentlemen, for making me realise how Jews hate Poles and Poland.

Better late than never kaprys.

It's usually quite obvious to tell what Jewish people [there are patriotic Jewish Poles too] hate Poland. Usually when you try to point out the positives and how Jewish people have thrived in Poland and were welcomed there, while other countries were kicking them out, they keep hitting back with all the negatives and how awful Polish people have been to them. It is no surprise then that if they keep going on and on about antisemitism, much of it exaggerated [particularly in the present day], eventually some people in Poland might begin to resent them, or at least, not trust them.

Church doctrine took care of that. Luther wanted the Jews to convert.

And the Jews "asked for" such treatment?? A simple nudge to assimilate gently on the part of the Catholic hierarchy would have been more than sufficient

What are you going on about? Why are you mixing in Luther and the Catholic church together? Luther was a rebel who led a bloody revolution against the Catholic church, murdering many members of the clergy in the process and robbing many churches. What he said about the Jews has got nothing to do with the Catholic church. But of course to you it doesn't matter, does it? It's the church and evil Christianity in general that has mistreated the Jewish people, right?
11 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

@Jon, how is stating that Jewish people owned slaves antisemitism? They did. Or are you one of those nutjobs who believes even saying the word 'Jew' is antisemitic?
11 Jan 2018
USA, Canada / Polish-Jewish survivor of the Holocaust celebrates her 100th birthday [29]

I have some serious issues with this whole idea of Poland owing money to Jewish families who were forced out during the war.

First off, any of those Jewish organisations that try to squeeze out money for themselves because their fellow Jews suffered in Poland - a categorical no. It doesn't work like that. 'Jews suffered here and lost their property. We're also Jewish, so compensate us.' No chance.

As for Jewish survivors of the holocaust who are still alive, or their families, this is a bit more of a complex subject, however I still don't think Poland ought to be compensating them.

It's a bit like if a woman loses her husband. He goes missing and after some time she thinks he's dead. She grieves for him, but some time later remarries and has a family of her own. It later turns out her husband didn't die. He's still alive and visits her. What is she to do? She loved him, but thought he was dead, so moved on. Should she leave her current family for him? That wouldn't be a nice thing to do.

The survivor situation is similar. Jews had to leave Poland, as they feared for their lives. In doing so they left property behind. Later on, other people moved in to these properties and have lived their with their families for many decades since. Now the survivors or their relatives want the property returned. Surely it would be very harsh to kick out the families who live there?

So the other option is then for the government to compensate them financially. That in turns means the people of Poland will compensate them, because the government operates with taxpayer money. The question is, why should it be Poland that compensates them? Why did Jews leave in such a hurry? Easy, because the Germans invaded and the Nazis wanted to kill them. Millions of [non Jewish] Polish people were also murdered and Polish infrastructure also suffered greatly because of this invasion. So much damage was caused, but so far Poland has not received a dime of compensation from the Germans.

So again, why should Poland pay the Jews that fled the country, when the reason they fled was because of the Germans? Even if some people will claim there was some antisemitism in Poland anyway - no Jew in Poland left all their stuff behind and fled, because of antisemitism. They fled because they feared being murdered by the German Nazis.

So since it was Germans that were the cause of them leaving their possessions behind, why not go to them for the compensation?
11 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

If you're not interested in honest discussion, I suggest you join your fellow travelers in the PiS or even the AfD

Erm, you do know PiS has forever been considered quite pro-Jewish, or at least, Jew friendly. That's actually why some groups on the right don't trust them. Heck some of them have even gone as far as to believe J.Kaczynski himself is a Jew.
10 Jan 2018
News / Poland's Party of Law and Justice (PiS) reconstruction [38]

Just realised the mods changed the title of the original thread on the government reconstruction from December [they seem to have a habit of changing thread titles] but just to note, Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc translates as Law and Justice, not Party of Justice.
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Funny Harold, I had a feeling of the multitude of attacks in around Europe, your keen anti-Polish eye would be quick to pick out the one committed by the Polish man. Of course this attack shows that not only is Poland inherently antisemitic, but so are Polish people.

Now care to mention all the positive stories/articles of Jewish-Polish relations? Oh no wait, that would go against your evil Polska narrative. I've still never quite worked out why you live there, since it is such an awful place full of racists, fascists, bigots and antisemites.
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

He had to dig into an article from over 10 years ago. How about reading about recent antisemitic attacks in Britain.

Yep. Lots of antisemitic attacks happening in many European countries right now. Britain, Germany, France etc. 'Oh but Polska zła. Rabbi attacked on streets of Poland over a decade ago. Let's focus on that.'
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Jon I know Harold is stupid but you don't have to follow in your mate's footsteps, please.
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

How surprising that you prefer to argue against what I don't say than to answer a question which shows what you do say to be at best mis-guided

By the way you never answered my question. How many accounts do you have on here?
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

How surprising that you prefer to argue against what I don't say than to answer a question which shows what you do say to be at best mis-guided.

I'd have to check, but I am pretty sure rabbi's have been attacked in other countries too, probably even in Israel. When I said there are many countries where Jews are far less safe than in Poland, your response was to ask me in what other country the chief rabbi was attacked on the street. So your clear implication was, 'oh yeah, safest place for Jews? Well where else has the Chief Rabbi been attacked?' So don't play stupid - you were implying Poland is far less safe than other places. Oh wait, perhaps you're not 'playing' stupid.

Your general ignorance of Poland and things Polish speaks volumes about that topic.

Says the self appointed expert

Good to see you resorting to insults, nicely underlines the fact you know you can't hope to argue based on facts, because the facts are against you.

Well if someone is behaving like a dummy, they deserve to be called out. I never said Jaruzelski was Jewish, yet you attacked me for saying that, which means you either can't read properly or just attacked me because you know, you like attacking people, it gets you excited.

Anyway, care to explain why you say about Jews and Poland "foreigners will always be treated differently to nationals"?

I'm saying in any countries foreigners have to do more to earn trust and respect, wherever they be from. Fortunately for you, quite a few of the people in Poland still unnecessarily suffer from an inferiority complex, so when they see a foreigner, they think he/she is better than them and fawn over them. They shouldn't.
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Care to name the other European nations where the Chief Rabbi of the country was attacked in the street?

Are you seriously implying that Poland is the most dangerous country for Jews to live in with that statement? That must be why the most tourists visiting Poland last year were from Israel?

I do understand that you've never spent more than a day or two here, but please at least try to think before writing.

Stop making clueless statements. You don't know how often I go to Poland and how much time I spend there.

Or did you mean that he was a communist who joined the Polish army?

No dummy. General Jaruzelski was my example of a Polish national who worked for the commies. You know, when I said there were Poles who defected to the Soviet side as well? Learn to read more carefully before you attack people. I know you find attacking people fun and enjoy provoking, but seriously, take a deep breath, read everything, understand it, then reply. Or better yet, don't post anything.

By the way, how many accounts do you have on this site?
10 Jan 2018
News / Poland's Party of Law and Justice (PiS) reconstruction [38]


Poland's Party of Justice reshuffle

Following the change at the top last month [Mateusz Morawiecki for Beata Szydlo] the rest of the reconstruction under the new PM was announced yesterday.

Any thoughts on it?

To me there were not many major surprises. Witold Waszczykowski was rumoured to be going for ages, so it was expected. Antoni Macierewicz I think is the one true surprise, although he did have issues with president Duda and that might have been the reason for his dismissal. It has annoyed many people though as he was popular with many on the right and apparently many in the military too.
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

there is anti-Semitism in every country.

That's my point. Some people act like antisemitism is ingrained in Poland - part of its DNA. It isn't and there are many countries where Jews are far less safe than in Poland, as I have already mentioned.

Perhaps you'd care to explain why the percentage of Jews in the Polish army was pretty much the same as the percentage of Jews in the population of Poland?

Zydokomuna isn't fantasy, there was and still is zydokomuna in Poland. Now they are probably more known as leftist Jews, but some still refer to it as zydokomuna, from the communist times. I never said there weren't Jews in the Polish army who fought for Poland, nor did I say there weren't Polish communists. Heck, general Jaruzelski is probably the most prominent of them. My point is, foreigners will always be treated differently to nationals, no matter how much we mask it. If in Britain, a handful of Poles commit awful crimes, it is easy for there to be a lot of anti-Polish sentiment and distrust to Poles because of it, even if other Poles do nothing wrong and even like Britain a lot. I'm trying to explain where the mistrust comes from.

Anyway, I think if this 447 act for uncompensated survivors gets signed by president Trump and leads to a mass onslaught on Poland from America, about paying money to Jews, Polish Jewish relations will break down again. Poland and Israel are seemingly very friendly with each other for now, but I think many Polish people are waiting for that moment when suddenly Israel and the USA starts demanding money. If this happens, the trust will be gone again, and once again Polish people will believe Jews are only about the money. Hopefully this won't happen and the good relations can continue.
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Jon you keep talking of this chicken and egg. If you believe, as I do, that there were events and stereotypes that caused a dislike towards Jews in Poland, then you also admit that antisemitism isn't a 'part of Poland,' like Poland = antisemitism. Some people on here are making it seem like, if Poland exists, then antisemitism must also exist, as if there is no Poland with no antisemitism. There was a time, when there was no antisemitism in Poland.

The trouble with Jews is, for so long they haven't had their own land and have been scattered around the world, and people in other countries, have often had their suspicions about them, often rightfully so. The belief is that Jews don't given two hoots about the country they have settle in, only to make lots of money there and create a good life for themselves. These Jews are thought of as still seeing Israel as their real homeland and wouldn't fight for any other country but Israel. I.e. their allegiances lie elsewhere.

You say that Poland is as much theirs [the Jew's] as it is the Poles', but I'm not sure there are many Jews who love Poland that much. Would they fight for it? Would they die for it? Or would they do what many did when the Soviets invaded and kiss Russian ass, turning on the Polish people?
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Pilate could have refused.

This Jesus was causing a lot of unrest among the Jewish population and if he had done nothing, he would have had a lot of unhappy citizens, who may have started to turn against him, so it was a lot easier for him to have Jesus killed, in order to appease the masses. It was a cowardly act, but to act like it was nothing to do with the Jews and all Pilate's doing, is dishonest.

I never suggested this act is what brought some of the Jew's hardships on them, but who knows. For those who are religious, the scripture states that Pilate washed his hands of the killing of Christ and Jews shouted 'his blood on us and our children.' Some Christians believe that the hardships Jewish generations have suffered since then might be partially down to this. Some even believe Hitler was one of these 'punishments.' I personally wouldn't go that far, as it would be an incredibly cruel thing for God to do.

It seems you think that the Catholic church has a lot to do with Jewish problems and suffering?
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

@Lyzko you're the one who is wrong on this. Read the Bible. Pontius Pilate was pressured in to crucifying Jesus by the Jews. They wanted him to be killed for blasphemy - for calling himself the son of God. They didn't want to do the killing themselves though, so got Pilate to do it. Yes he ordered the execution, but only because they wanted him to do it.

Unless you don't care much for the Bible and have some other document you get your information from?
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Why did Jews choose Poland?

Yes this is the interesting question. Even if people want to argue that in the past Jewish people were already here and then the antisemitism started, why do they keep returning? I mean Israeli representatives seem desperate to have a good relationship with Poland and it seems they want to do a lot of business with Poland. If Poland is such an awful country with deep ingrained antisemitism, why would they not just stay clear of it? Why not just cut ties until the country sorts itself out?
9 Jan 2018
Law / Illegal in UK but moved to Poland with Polish wife help for residence card [65]

Sami if you think the UK was strict, you have no chance with Poland. The UK takes people in by the bucketload, while Poland is generally against almost any immigration, unless from Eastern Europe. Haven't you followed the news? Poland is one of the few countries in Europe refusing to take in non-European immigrants.
9 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Sadly, when truth tellers such as Jan Gross come to the fore, they're vilified as haters of all things Polish, traitors etc.

Erm, J.T.Gross is a lying troublemaker and he fits nicely along with other Jews who do indeed hate Poland and attack it at every opportunity. People such as Jan Hartman, Anne Applebaum and Michnik and his whole gazeta.

The Catholic Church always blamed the Jews for killing Christ.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure the reason Christ was crucified was because of the Jews, even if they didn't do it themselves. This doesn't mean if you meet a Jewish person now, you ought to despise them, but reason the church preaches that the Jews killed Jesus, is because it happened. Anyway I go to church every single week and the subject of Jews practically never comes up.

A lot of people make up lies about how antisemitic Poland is. Sure there is some antisemitic sentiment, but generally speaking, Jews are probably much safer on the streets of Poland than any other part of the world. As for antisemitism in Poland in the past, I think a lot of it originated from land and business ownership. Jews used to own a lot of the land in Poland and many businesses. They were foreign, so many workers resented them. Eventually they were seen as the cause of all the problems and mistreatment.

It's a bit like how Black Lives Matter generally stirs up hate directed at white people, as the privileged oppressors. Many white people are not oppressors, not racist and don't have any privilege, yet they are thrown in to the same group, as the evil ones. BLM even encouraged its followers not to buy anything from any white owned companies at Christmas. It's insane, but it's from a negative stereotype formed about by nasty groups like this that some people buy in to. I think that similar things have been done with Jews and some people just see them as bad now.

Overall though I don't think there is a hatred of Jews, just a distrust, that a Polish Jew will always be more loyal to Israel and other Jews, before Poland.
2 Jan 2018
USA, Canada / Polish-Jewish survivor of the Holocaust celebrates her 100th birthday [29]

Yes indeed, it was passed in the senate on December 12th. Interestingly none of the mainstream media picked it up, right or left. I had to find out about it through other, non-mainstream channels.


Holocaust industries is showing no sign of letting up.
30 Dec 2017
Life / Top 10 Poland fashion brands [25]

Fair enough. I'm not blaming them for not being known outside Poland. In fact, it's probably more to do with the how uneven things are and how hard it is to get your brand out there, even if it's good quality. Some big brands would like to have a monopoly on everything in their ideal world.