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Joined: 26 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Jul 2011
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Speaks Polish?: Llama
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24 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

LGBT people are not 'striving for acceptance'. We are striving to be ignored

Hardly. Always announcing their homoism... in-your-face lewd parades... endless activism... Hardly sounds like they want to be ignored.
24 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Where Polish in NJ live? [58]

What was the exchange rate before that? And the summer jobs market in Poland must have improved because no matter the exchange, a job in the US is still better than no job in Poland.
24 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Where Polish in NJ live? [58]

Every Polish student I knew here in OC when got in trouble was saying that he is Russian or Ukrainian.

24 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Where Polish in NJ live? [58]

Yes, the things has changed.It used to be worth but it's not anymore.

Maybe our economy and job market was the problem that changed things.
This is about when I knew the Poles in CM, before the recession crashed:

I didn't meet any Polish student here over the last 2 years and in 2006 and 2007 I knew plenty.

24 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Where Polish in NJ live? [58]

No,it is simply not worth it if you want to make some money.

I actually discussed just this with a Polish girl I knew who was working here one summer. And she said the same but explained that the summer job situation in Poland was much worse, as were wages, so it made coming here worth it. Plus she'd buy things cheaper here to take back home. Maybe things have changed as this was several years ago now.
24 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Where Polish in NJ live? [58]

I am in Ocean City MD,Polish students used to coming here in large number

Maybe the Polish employment service shut down? I've seen a number of Scottish and Russians in CM too.
24 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Where Polish in NJ live? [58]

A few bad apples is all it takes.

Yeah, but you can bet they're still not as bad as other minorities. They don't make the news. We never see them rioting or mugging or shooting people...
24 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Where Polish in NJ live? [58]

It is not happening anymore.

Really? Why not? I'll have to take a look around when I get back down there soon.

some of them were giving Poles here a very bad opinion.

Really? I never saw any of that. Maybe that was just a couple bad ones or just one grumpy pizza shop owner?
All the Poles I ever knew that worked down there were good peeps and hard working. The only problem I ever heard about was some of the locals resenting them because the Poles worked circles around them and made them look bad.
24 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Where Polish in NJ live? [58]

kilka rodzin mieszka w Cape May
Just e few.

In summer the Cape May Polish population grows as many kids come from Poland to work for the summer.
23 Jun 2011
Work / Salary, holidays - questions to employer during a job interview in Poland [47]

I have noticed during my job interviews in Poland they always ask me about my expectation of salary.SHouldn't be like they tell u how much is the salary and u'll say if u're agree or not ??I never know which kind of answer I have to give to this question !!

It's the same way over here. Sometimes companies have a salary in mind but hope to get peeps for cheaper. So they ask hoping that the applicant will shoot lower than their number.

But often times, unless it's a big company with its own HR department that hires all the time and is aware of what the industry standard is paying, sometimes smaller companies really don't know what a position is worth or what their competitors are paying for a similar job. So they really are asking you how much they should pay for the position, or how much they would have to pay you to take the job.

You should always know going in how much you have in mind, so just shoot a little higher than that.
And if the interview is concluding and still no one has brought up salary, it is fine to inquire as to what the position pays. Some peeps are afraid to ask this but it's ok to.
23 Jun 2011
Off-Topic / American Girl with A Polish Heart [29]

I appreciate the advice from both Bzibzioh and Llamatic! Thank you both!

No! Mine is better! :p

23 Jun 2011
Off-Topic / American Girl with A Polish Heart [29]

This may be true but why should she do that? The girl is just trying to embrace her heritage. Let her do that, explore and celebrate it, before mucking into all the other...

That's so sweet.

Stick with this. ;)
23 Jun 2011
Life / Political correctness in Poland [210]

The problem with PC is it starts with silly word games but leads to very real policy shifts which create further problems. In this case, for their not wanting to hurt school children's feelings, they are dumbing-down the education process. But the kids will come out feeling better about their less educated selves. :s

Misguided, feel-good Liberalism always, always, always leads to harmful unforeseen consequences worse than the problem they were trying to address.
22 Jun 2011
Life / Forged parking ticket received in Poland [33]

I got caught using a forged parking ticket

I don't understand. What is a forged parking ticket? Does he mean a fake parking stub from a timed car park garage?
Over here I've heard of peeps putting a fake parking ticket on their car -the kind the meter maid leaves on your windshield for an expired meter- in hopes that the next meter maid to come past will think your car was already ticketed and leave it alone.
18 Jun 2011
News / Conservative-liberalism (Laissez-faire liberalism), another utopia for Poland? [99]

The Tea-party hype is liberal media trying to make republicans appear moronic in the eyes of floating voters.

Yes. Our Lying Liberal Media is doing all it can to cast the Tea Party as extremists and racists in order to marginalize them and their message while protecting Obama and his Radical Leftist agenda. This despicable calculated journalism malpractice the likes of which we have never seen before divides our nation. The Left truly will rip our country apart just so they can cling to power.
18 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

Hasn't it been proven that homosexuality is a mental disorder?

Yep. Gay used to be considered a mental disorder until they got their sympathetic Lib friends in the Psychology industry to change its classification, not based on any science. The Left doesn't have much use for science when it interferes with their agenda.

Generally nobody gives damn.

This is prolly the most real advice here.
15 Jun 2011
History / The Greatest King of Poland? [117]

The Greatest King of Poland?

The first one...

Mieszko I of Poland
14 Jun 2011
News / How long will it take for the first 9/11 to occur in Poland? [55]

It already happened..... 9/1/39 ... those blitzkrieg assaults...

Yep. Same crap different century.
If Islamies had the armies and the hardware they'd be marching on Europe to.

the stupid red necks will gladly turn their weapons in as it will be for their protection.

Lol. Not likely.
14 Jun 2011
News / How long will it take for the first 9/11 to occur in Poland? [55]

So anyway, that new giant statue of Jesus in Poland would likely make an inviting target for the terrorist Islamies.
Cue the Jesus-hating cowards to call for its removal so it doesn't upset their terrorist friends... :s
14 Jun 2011
News / How long will it take for the first 9/11 to occur in Poland? [55]

delusional too.not to mention naive in the extreme.

Indeed. It shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the problem.

But the real kicker is the absolute level of utter cowardice such a statement displays...
'Oh dear, so long as we are nice to them and appease them and we show them how multicultural tolerant we are maybe they won't hurt us. Boo-hoo-hoo...' [tremble]

What must such a person teach their own children about standing up to bullies? :s

Once cowardly simps start thinking like that the terrorists have already won. Because then the cowards vote for terrorist-appeasing Leftists as leaders which they are sure won't do anything to anger the enemy. Which brings us back to their failure to understand...

Let's get this clear right now: The Muslim scumbag terrorists hate and will kill Lib cowards just as much as they do others. There is no appeasing them, unless a country is willing to completely surrender to Allah and institute Sharia Law. Period.

Idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote.
12 Jun 2011
Life / Theft of a Golden Mug in Poland [24]

A dozen of the biggest and ugliest of them came with me to talk to the bandits , they got the crap beaten out of them , problem solved...

Good. As the system favors criminals, sometimes justice demands that we take matters into our own hands.
11 Jun 2011
Travel / THE VIKINGS ARE COMING...what to do and see in Poland....? [30]

they will camp at my farm , and no doubt a few Polish beers and Kielbasa will be slaughtered by the invaders....

Sounds like a good time.

you can,t ignore the fact that the Angels and a rival club in Sweden were shooting each other with guns and rocket grenades over a drugs turf war....

The difference between a biker gang and a riding club.

most of the Hells Angels are ok , if you don,t bother them , they won,t bother you

Mostly true. Sometimes not.

not sure my home made outdoor cooking rig will hold up to that , but we can adapt something

Ever try roasting a pig in the ground?

p.s.: in no way do I condone drinking and driving

Yes you did!

wearing those helmets with the horns on

That would be cool!

wear the vest

Over here many bars have a 'no wearing colors' policy, to avoid fights.