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Hundreds of Chileans start to learn Polish to meet the Pope in Krakow [10]
Currently more than 600 chileans are learning polish to participate of the Catholic World Youth Day, in Krakow at July, and meet with Pope Francis.
The basic course offered by the Polish embassy at Santiago usually had around 25 to 30 students per semester, but this year the demand raised due to the fact that a thousand of chileans are expected to fly 12000 km to participate in the event.
Polish is one of the hardest languages of the world. [...] Marcelo Farias, a 21 years old student, had been planning his trip for months to Poland, a country with 38 million people. The polish learning, he says, will enrich his experience. "I Don't want to communicate only with gestures. I want to learn their culture and their faith"
The course is given by the teachers Thomas Sturm, chilean, and Ewelina Poleszak, polish.
Original news in spanish below:
Nice to know that the World Youth Day at Krakow is pushing so many people to learn more about Poland and Polish. If Chile, a very small nation of 18 million people, have 600 students wanting to learn polish due to the Pope, i cannot imagine others in South America (an entire catholic continent) are willing to do the same.
3 Years ago the World Youth Day at Brazil had 3.7 million participants (the second biggest christian gathering in history, just before the 5 million at the World Youth day of Philippines) and brought revenues to the city even bigger than the traditional carnival. This year it happens in Poland for the second time.