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Posts by s2good2  

Joined: 12 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Apr 2011
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 72 / In This Archive: 69
From: Highlands Ranch, Co
Speaks Polish?: Very Little can understand some more
Interests: Cooking, Flying, Motorcycles

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16 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Again ! Thank you all so much for your input !! I wish she would not be so scared and change her mind ..... But there is only so much I can do, I offered and if she does not take it.. well .. then her bad! Again, Thank you ALL!!!


Ok, I do not know if anyone is following this thread anymore but, My question... My wife said (apparently she is thinking of moving again (Wow the up's and down's of having a wife (Polish)))My son needs to be in a Private English school. She says it would be easier for him to transfer to Poland and then back to USA. It costs 1036 zl/month. Is this really necessary? He speaks Polish fluently, of course he does not know every word, just like every six year old. When he was in Poland a little over a year ago, he attended Kindergarten and adjusted just fine and loved school. Please tell me what you all think.

Thank you,

14 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]


I did and it states:

Work permits
Working legally in Poland

Since Poland has joined the European Union, its rules and regulations regarding labour mobility are changing as they come into line with EU directives.

Citizens of EU member states and their family members do not need a work permit for Poland. Most non-EU citizens need a work visa and work permit in order work in Poland.

That is from the Polish Embassy!

It just comes down to she is scared to move from US. Oh well guess I do not have to worry about it anymore!
14 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

This post is Because we "just" got into an argument about going... I am the one willing to move from the US to Poland and she is giving me ultimatums??? What?? yes it is true as with ANY job it may end at sometime HOWEVER we have been doing this job for over 6 years now.. I think it is more of her trying to find a reason not to go back and to blame it on someone(ME) or something else! She is scared and does not want to admit!

Anyway thank you all for your help and opinions but it looks like she made her mind up and we are not going !

Again thank you !
14 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Otherwise traffic will kill your spirit fast... I mean USA is kind of culture derived around car

Very Good info..Thanx !!!!! You are right! here I use the car to go to King Soopers (Food Store) and it is only 5 mins walking or by car 45 seconds! I know I will be doing a lot of walking there (too expensive to ship car) but it will be good for me ! and public transportation is GREAT in Gdynia.

I simply fly back and do shopping there for the stuff that is not available in Poland

DID not think of that! I was thinking "holy crap, I have to fly back to America to get what I need or have someone in America ship it to me" but you are right I can go to UK or for that matter any where in Europe to get to hard to find or "cheap" things ! NICE YOU ALL are starting to make me feel a little less worried about this move THANKS!

I've sent you an email if you want to make contact.

I got it and will email soon ! thanks!

Why I moved back to Poland from Canada" by Aphrodisiac.

Great Site ..Thank you !
14 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

As I have said , I will not be... Un-Employed while in Poland I have a Business that I would be able to run while in Poland. I will have approx. 3000.00 to 4000.00 dollars after tax to live with my wife and son. We also have family in Gdynia that would most likely help us out to start. I am more concerned with (Now after all of your kind remarks on this thread) Is ...what changes will I have to deal with, what are the customs in Poland, What not to ..or what too talk about. What will I have a problem dealing with. This is what my Polish wife is worried about for me? She does not want to move there and then have me say...2 months later.. "I can't handle this I want to go home." <----- exactly what she said. So I want to be prepared when I get there!

Yet again Thank you ALL for your comments.... They are really helping us !
13 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Thank you ALL so much for the GREAT info.. Please keep it coming !! Can you also address the living situation? From what I have seen, While visiting, The flats seem to be very small. How hard it is to adjust to the smaller living conditions? The house we living right now is about 2800 Sq ft. and the largest place I was in (when we were visiting) had basically 3 or 4 rooms. My wife grew up in a flat that had only 1 "Big room" That was the bedroom for mom and dad and two brothers. It was also the living room and the dining room. Then there was a small room (wife's bedroom) which also doubled as the playroom. A small kitchen and small bath under 800 sq ft. for 5 people. I still have a hard time believing how they did it! I am sure I can adapt just wonder how you are not on each others toes all the time. Is this the norm? or was I just introduced to the smaller places?

Again, thank you for all the info ! It is appreciated !
13 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

We are Commercial Cleaning Contractors, With National Contracts for retail (most Malls) We save Sub-contractors that actually go out and do the work. All of our work is done on the phone and we have an International (works where ever) Cell, So when our contractors call (Colorado) it will ring where ever we are. We also have a 1-866-xxx-xxxx fax number, so when someone sends a fax to that number it sends it via email to us. Sub-Contractors are faxed work orders and when they complete the job they fax back the signed work order... Kinda simple huh?

My son did go to school in Poland (briefly) 5 weeks, Last time he was there. I know that is not a lot of time but he did very well at adjusting and LOVED it! Maybe just because it was only five weeks ??? do know but you bring up a great point! thank you!

Threegigs: Thank you did not know that ! Thought that since my wife was Polish and we are married I could just stay ! Good info .. Will check into that tomorrow !
12 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

I am American And Wife is Polish. We have been married for 11 years and have a beautiful son (Lukas) who is six. My Son Speaks English as well as Polish (even translates for me when we visit. Currently we live in Highlands Ranch, Co and have our own business. Our business is one that we could still run from anywhere in the world.

Ok so now for the problem I need help with. My wife's parents are getting very old and her father's health is going down. Even though she has 2 brothers the in the same city as her parents, (Gdynia) She wants us to put all of our stuff in storage and move to Gdynia for a year or two. I speak VERY little Polish and my wife is worried that I would not like it (to live) in Poland being that I was raised in the USA and being 43 that I am set in my ways. She tells me that Poland is VERY different (even though I have been there 3 times to visit. Like I said we have our own business and would have (varies) between $ 3000.00 and 4000.00 Dollars a month in income. We also have 2 other businesses that we would have to give up. Sooooo Is it really that different ? Do you think I could make it (as a 43 year old Man(and kinda set in my ways)) Would we have enough money to live? Would people be less than nice to me? I would love to be able to do this for my wife and her parents and can not afford to send her and son for two years and me stay here in the US.

Anything you have to offer as far will be appreciated !


Sorry my post was a little scattered but I have a lot going threw my head right now.