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Posts by wielki pan  

Joined: 7 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Jan 2012
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wielki pan   
23 Oct 2011
Law / Medical Malpractice in Poland - seeking accountability? [146]

Then why do you even bother to live in Poland?If Poland is not by your standards why dont you go back??

Thats probally sums it all up, the people who are critical of the health system are mainly non poles, ask them what the health system is like in GB or Ireland.. A person from the US knows that being sick without health insurance is very very expensive indeed. For those critical of the Polish health system a simple solution, stop freeloading on the public system and get private cover full stop. Foreigner4 sorry to say but Poland is not for you with your attitude.
wielki pan   
23 Oct 2011
Law / Medical Malpractice in Poland - seeking accountability? [146]

Until then, swallow and either digest or choke on your denial and learn from people's experiences.

Don't come the raw prawn with me, I'm not a supporter of the Polish Health system but all over the world doctors make mistakes, In Poland people don't see doctors for regular check ups and when they are sick they are better off attending the local mortuary than a hospital... Those people who are critical of the hospital system should enquire when there loved one last visited a doctors clinic for a check up!
wielki pan   
23 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

we are all still waiting for the 50-60% prices fall that Milky has been predicting

just heard on TV Polonia that real estate will fall by 50%!!!!.... I suspect they mean in the city area's.. not in the country... interesting.... they reason they sight is that banks will not lend money as a new financial crisis is upon us?
wielki pan   
22 Oct 2011
Law / Medical Malpractice in Poland - seeking accountability? [146]

[quote=Wroclaw]think again. there are plenty of reliable accounts.

may have been common years ago, sure, but things are changing fast in Poland, To be frank its a insult to ones intelligence to hear people saying they need to bribe a doctor etc, doctors are now pretty well off in Poland. I don't deny Poles still give a small gift ie flowers or chocolates, but this is only a gesture of appreciation... The issue of hospitals, sure they do not match those of the west and lack certain things, but Polish doctors are very skilled and on par with the west.
wielki pan   
22 Oct 2011
Law / Medical Malpractice in Poland - seeking accountability? [146]

Doctors take bribes all the time in Poland, never ever known a Doctor or nurse to turn one away. Ive even been to Doctors consultations where they request you leave bags outside, theyre worried you have a camera and will film them taking a bribe

lol... a bit of a general comment hey.. If doctors take bribes you can only assume everyone else takes bribes ie local government (getting planning permits) police etc....I don't think so.
wielki pan   
22 Oct 2011
Law / Medical Malpractice in Poland - seeking accountability? [146]

It is not today`s Poland, doctors make salaries 15000 -30000 zł a month . They really don`t need your gifts .

That's true, doctors are very well off in Poland and hearing stories about people giving a doctor a bottle of whiskey just makes me laugh...unless the doctor wanted to calm his nerves prior to the operation, I don't think the whiskey would have much impact on what he earns....might have been the case in the 60's but not now.
wielki pan   
21 Oct 2011
Travel / Is it safe to travel to Poland? [194]

Poland is really safe. You don't have to worry too much about idiots causing problems.

hmm, just a thought Seanus... a rich person is a person one of interest for those people who have little and support a drug or alcohol habit... otherwise Poland is as safe as any other country...
wielki pan   
19 Oct 2011
News / The cross in Polish parliament - Does it bother you? [100]

But elementary justice requires that it is accompanied by other religious symbols, equally good.

hmm Poland is 97% catholic... a 97% cross and a 3 % other symbol.... I think thats fair...
wielki pan   
18 Oct 2011
News / Poland Elections oct 2011/your feed back about RP Janusz Palikot? Poland is changing! [106]

The state returns my investment through a pension further down the line.

hmm if you think getting 900zl a month is a good pension, then you are easily pleased, you would be better off buying shares or real estate.

Palikot made his money from business transactions, by getting out there and building up his profile

sure but please explain how he got the money?
wielki pan   
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland Elections oct 2011/your feed back about RP Janusz Palikot? Poland is changing! [106]

The likes of Palikot come and go, ceases to amaze me why so many stupid people voted for this clown,,, whats this guy stand for??? easy to get a few votes by putting the boots into the catholic church or support gays and other low lifes.. when Palikot goes the ones who support him will be exposed as idiots.
wielki pan   
15 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Getting the most from my hard earned money (transfer money from England to Poland) [41]

but he has an obligation to report the income regardless

Mr D having money in the bank account is not income, I think you are making up a lot of stuff as you go around which is sad because your information is generally good... understand son that Poland has a tax agreement with about 60 countries, which means you cannot be taxed twice ie if you had money in the bank account which has been taxed well thats yours..keep in mind the governments have access to what is in bank accounts etc...the polish tax system has links to peoples tax information for purposes of compliance, I'm not sure if one is obliged to inform the polish tax department everytime he transfers money.. I doubt it but would need to provide verification if so requested...The issue of moving large amounts of money in a suitcase to another country is generally to stop money laundering and people who don't declare have that money taken away. Its interested to note that the Polish government has done nothing to stop the black economy ie people paid cash etc, these same people are usually on some sort of Disability payment..
wielki pan   
14 Oct 2011
Food / Where can I buy cast iron pans (żeliwne patelnie) in Poland? [19]

found some online, but they are either SKEPPSHULT or Le Creuset...wow the price is just killing me. Anywhere maybe in Warsaw

I think its a world wide problem finding a decent fry pan, I have come to the conclusion that the best fry pan is the De Buyer mineral B pan (made in France) there cheaper than most non stick pans which are just rubbish and overpriced..check it out
wielki pan   
13 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Getting the most from my hard earned money (transfer money from England to Poland) [41]

(bit stupid to transfer money into a Polish bank account without declaring the source of the income, though)

Mr D how many times do I have to tell you that if you have paid tax in GB and transfer money you cannot be taxed again, stop this nonsense about telling people to tell the polish tax authorities about money transfers....If the money was earned in Poland he would have to inform the tax authorities in the usial form....pls stop giving wrong information to people...
wielki pan   
11 Oct 2011
Law / Not earning yet but spending from previously earned money and other Poland tax issues [22]

Best to seek professional advice on this one, I was only trying to highlight the double tax rules, ie a person living in Poland receiving a pension from the UK say is taxed in the UK, he cannot be taxed again in Poland.... A person transferring money to a Polish bank account from the UK cannot be taxed on that amount, it has already been taxed..if it were otherwise nobody would bother relocating..... you should read the tax agreement between Poland and the country you come from..
wielki pan   
11 Oct 2011
Law / Not earning yet but spending from previously earned money and other Poland tax issues [22]

Poles can be jealous types

Sorry Mr D have to challenge you with this one, my understanding is that if where you come from a country which has a taxation agreement with Poland you do not pay tax unless the money earned was derived from Poland, the agreement is such that a person should not be taxed twice... are you telling me that tourist have to pay income tax
wielki pan   
11 Oct 2011
Life / Looking to immigrate to Europe. How is life in Poland? [116]

Seanus take the top of the class for your comments, I tend to agree, but remember that its horses for courses, some people are doing very well thank your very much but they are of the minority, interesting enough that bloke that got 10% of the vote, I would love to know his claim of fame, part owner of polmos and ex communist thug I suppose!! How did he get his hands on polmos probally purchased at a fire sale from the ones in the know in government. One thing is absolutely clear Poland is NO place for young people thinking of a career path (may be OK if living in Warsaw). People returinng to retire in Poland with a nest egg, its still very attractive. One thing people who have not lived in Poland have not experienced is the red tape around everything you do, especially in business. A person on 3000zl a month will never be able to afford to build, whats changed hmmm nothing I suppose they couldn't afford to build under the communist system...
wielki pan   
10 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

In most democratic countries voting is compulsory, you should stop making up the rules as you go along...its time for a reality check and realise that most Poles are not even bothered...why should outsiders like you even bother...
wielki pan   
10 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Nearly 50% of the electorate voted, or around 15 million from 30 million. Not a small percentage at all.

Its not a small percentage Mr D but a very small perecentage...less than 1 in 2 bothered to vote!!!! what a democracy... lol
wielki pan   
10 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

[quote=pgtx]about promises.. in 2008, Kaczynski "promised" to leave the scene if his party doesn't win the 2011 elections...

Who cares what he does, and people can change there mind, the sad fact remains that only a very small percentage of the population voted....I don't think the election result reflect a accurate picture..
wielki pan   
9 Oct 2011
Life / Looking to immigrate to Europe. How is life in Poland? [116]

Anandi, just my two bobs worth, a lot of the comments from forum members is pretty good, but sometimes when you fall in love with a place immediately its a bad sign, to really enjoy Poland its a very slow gradual process, ie you don't really like it but it grows on you. I can understand that leaving a place like SA any place is great, but what will you do in Poland and how is your kasa, how much money do you have? What are the prospects of getting a job, Jobs in Poland or good jobs in Poland are rare, most jobs are low paid and be aware of the hidden crime rate in Poland, many new comers to Poland have been caught with their pants down so to speak, and please never trust anyone with your money, seek professional and independent advice.. good luck for now. Have you been to Praque?