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Joined: 15 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jan 2014
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2 May 2011
News / "Poland is flourishing" [62]

Spending your way out of debt is quite a normal tactic in business.

Regardless, the debt is still there and Polands stability is only surviving thanks to EU funding. They already begged the EU for the same amount of input they recieved from the later budget, from the forth coming budget.

When that comes to an end. Which it will. The circumstances can be likened to Greece, Portugal and Ireland.
Can,t predict anything 100%, only time will tell, as it did with those mentioned.
2 May 2011
Work / Price per day... private painting and decorating in Poland [23]

no such thing as real gloss paint in Poland

Well I,m sure they don,t use varnish or stain on metalwork,aswell as woodwork that needs hard coating. Of course there is gloss paint in Poland, but where is the primers and undercoats to go with it as per manufacturers specifications. It,s like trying to bake a cake without one of the ingredients.
2 May 2011
Work / Price per day... private painting and decorating in Poland [23]

' some helpfull tips '

Materials in Pl are alot different to the UK, Cekol is used as a substitute for plaster and sucks like a sponge. One unibond coat is insufficient to seal the surface. Extra coats means it,s more time consuming, aswell as using more materials.

Primers and undercoats are a rarity, and vastly inferior to BS standards.
There is also little choice with colour ranges for gloss paints and again no undercoats ( no colours ).

These are but a few examples of whats facing you. Be sure to take this into account when pricing, or you could be shooting yourself in the foot.

Good luck.
2 May 2011
Life / Realistic grocery budget for a family of three in Warsaw? [20]

If you add skwarki to smalec, you need extra 10 zlotys.

Now you,re talking upmarket budget. lol

........ but it,s worth ther extra 10 zeds I think. ( afterall we all need a bit of meat in our diet ).
25 Mar 2011
History / Warsaw Uprising - The Forgotten Soldiers [117]

I think Poland would had fared much better with much less losses of life.

Problem is,...... they don,t teach such facts in school history lessons. As BB says, one must research these facts, and what better way is there than the internet.

Actually another way is to obtain knowledge at first hand, for example talking to those who lived in those times. Personally I have blood connections on all sides of the borders ( what a mixture ), that actually experienced both wars.

So take it from me, it,s hard to accept the truth when you have been brought up in a brainwashed society, but what BB is saying, is not without substance. I concur with the above quotes and I,m not German.
25 Mar 2011
Life / Only the poor Poles are buying at Biedronka? [32]

Bottom line is that prices in Poland have soared in the past 4 years. Then some dumb statement comes out that Poland has the cheapest food prices in Europe, which of course is laughable when I can purchase cheaper in most other EU states. Not to mention, they fail to reveal the earning potential elsewhere.

Biedronka is the largest supermarket chain in Poland, doesn,t that speak for itself ?
It,s one of the leaders on the Warsaw stock exchange. So maybe Kaczyinski is correct, there,s so many impoverished Poles that they are able to keep Biedronka ahead of the other so called high society supermarkets. In other words, they haven,t much choice where to shop.
24 Mar 2011
Travel / Camping in Zakopane (is it popular and what to expect) [7]

Here,s a couple of sites to start you off.
The first gives you choices of b+b,s around Zakopane.
The second is one of the choices, where they quote prices from 30zloty/night, to 17zloty for group bookings.
Back packers or campers don,t usually have any problems in Poland. Most camping facilities are adequate, but if things didn,t meet your expectations, the locals are only to willing to make your visit a pleasant one and will find you alternatives.

15 Mar 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland in May - what should I bring? [28]

Stop it !
You,re making my mouth water, the thought of some good Mexican nosh. Lucky for your in-laws.

Just an idea as you are in Chicago, can you still get things from Mexico ?
I think some Mexican folk craft would make good gifts too. Like those corn dolly type things etc.

Good luck Gonzalo, hope your visit turns out positive.
6 Mar 2011
Law / Germany and Austria to fully open their labor market to Poles in 2011. Economic growth? [49]

while the morons would sit at home crying about how it's not fair.

Exactly, " not fair ". eg. British welders were earning 15 pounds an hour until migrants turned up and started working for 7 pounds. Workers who paid their dues 20-30 years suddenly found themselves stabbed in the back.

As for

people who would take advantage

Mainly existing businesses who could now exploit the labour market, NOT those starting businesses.

If this sort of trend was to hit Poland, would you work for 5 zlotys an hour delph ?
I don,t think so.

You only need to look at how people behave in inbred villages in Poland

Nice sentiment " inbred villages " Sir Delph. lol
So would you employ an " inbred " farmer to work in your office ?
That,ll be the day !!
6 Mar 2011
Law / Germany and Austria to fully open their labor market to Poles in 2011. Economic growth? [49]

the "Big 5" cities

Typical Polish way of thinking. The cities, be it one or ten does not make up the entire country. Often poles refer to London as being England. Look a bit further.

There's certainly no lack of skilled workers in these cities - many of whom have a grasp of German.

If their grasp of German is anything like their grasp of English, then god help the Germans. When you mention skilled. In what industries ?, or do you consider that all these skilled Polish workers will walk straight into office jobs.

Have you seen their award letters?

Maybe they should show me what colour underpants they wear.

A few comments from some idiots

Firstly it,s not a few, and second, their grieviances are fully founded. People don,t become resentful for no reason, otherwise they would be as you say " idiots ".

Get a grip delph, if Ukrainians, Belarusians, etc started to influx Poland, how do you think the Poles would feel ?
6 Mar 2011
Law / Germany and Austria to fully open their labor market to Poles in 2011. Economic growth? [49]

We have a boom in Germany right now....

What makes you think Poland can offer skilled workers, when they haven,t trainned their own people because of lack of jobs. You can,t substitute experience with a piece of paper. Every country have their own uni grads without adequate job vacancies. The truth is that the jobs available will be the menial unskilled crap that no one wants to do.

So - how many Polish people claim British welfare benefits?

You again !
Well, of the Poles I know in the UK, and that,s considerably many, I would say 90% are currently unemployed, hence claiming benefits.

Really? I'd like to see some empirical evidence for this.

From my own personal experience of travelling around Europe some 15 years ago, to present day, various nationalities were less resentful to foreigners. Now you only have to speak with a eastern european accent to be tarred with the same brush and get labelled as " f,ing Pole " or " polnisch schwein ".

And don,t deny this Mr Bratwurst because I have heard this with my own ears. ( not once )
6 Mar 2011
Law / Germany and Austria to fully open their labor market to Poles in 2011. Economic growth? [49]

Hopefully a few hundred thousand will leave the UK for Germany and Austria as well.

What makes you think that there is so many jobs available in Germany and Austria ?
Many migrant Poles all over the EU have found themselves unemployed.
What do you mean, " terrible money " ? Don,t you listen to the news and Polish press, how great the Polish economy is, and how employment is on the increase, not to mention the rise in wages. Why should anyone want to leave ?

None will leave the UK, they wouldn,t get better welfare anywhere else. Especially Poland.
It,s all political bullshit, so anyone discussing the topic on here is just wasting their time.
It,s all to do with the free movement of people, pi55ing off other people whose jobs are being taken and the tax payers getting pi55ed off aswell subsidizing spongers. Wont be long before the riots start in europe. It was a better europe when people stayed within their own borders, did their own jobs and hence aided their own economies.

"Multiculturalism has failed...." ~Angela Merkel

"Multiculturalism has failed...." ~The Hitman "

14 Feb 2011
Study / The worst of Polish education. No wonder Polish universities are bottom of the list. [142]

The only country in the world where you need a uni degree to be a toilet cleaner. lol.
Having qualifications but not knowing diddly squat about the subject is worth just about nothing and underlines the fact that the result was obtained fraudulently, either by cheating oneself or paying for someone elses services.

In the long term, just try and sort simple bureaucratic issues in Poland and see the level of Incompetence you come up against.
14 Feb 2011
Law / The risk of investing in Europe has risen and Poland has suffered accordingly [90]

And no way should it give up the Zloty for the Euro.

Do you think the Polish economy would be where it is TODAY without the aid from the EU ?
If they tried to go it alone since the fall of communism, I think we would still see the grey ruined Poland of yester-years.
Poles financially insecure, new report shows: /thenews.pl/business/artykul148964_poles-financially-insecure--new-rep ort-shows.html

Leaders in Warsaw can't cover up EU budget rift: It has been estimated that Poland needs at least the same amount of structural funds it received in the years 2007-2013 (67 billion euros) in the period commencing in 2014.

Wrong government with inappropriate policies, who have done little if nothing to change Poland for the better since their term in office, other than to line their own pockets. FACT !!
23 Dec 2010

Well, your heart,s in the right place, so I sincerely wish someone returns your goodwill someday.
All the best for xmas and the coming new year.