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Posts by czar  

Joined: 3 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Aug 2012
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 143 / In This Archive: 114
From: usa, nj
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18 Apr 2010
News / Poland back to reality after Sunday ? [30]

I don't know which anti-Catholic satanic sect you belong to, but it takes time to become a saint, due to needing miracles and proof.

this really shows your holier than though moral standards, i was simply asking and my questioning was insinuating that he should be by now, ok thanks getting used to that here onPF.
17 Apr 2010
News / Poland back to reality after Sunday ? [30]

how come john paul II is not a saint yet? the current nazi pope is under heavy fire it could be his lasting legacy.

crow will this sarmatian confederacy overthrough russia?

just dont vote Tusk or anyone he backs
16 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Lets nuke em now....the world will be in ruins...but Olga will be happy..it will be worth it...!

pardon my ignorance but does poland have nukes?

i sware there are more germans and russians on this site so i notice

youd press me to find the quote but Mr Grunwald said Putin fetched coffee in the KGB*sigh
16 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

The 737 doesn't have a problem landing with full fuel, neither does the Tu.

i have heard of a fuel dumping option that costs more but i couldnt back track a source, maybe company that did upgrades on December ovrehaul

im no aviation expert but if bull**** was electricity i would make a powerhouse,
are there any pics of downed power lines/communication tower *laughable.

[quote=Jed]I've seen the opinion that something could explode in the plane - oxygen cylinders or wheels may be?

while in flight even?

is it normal international protocal to fire at witnesses? if so then how normal should we assume the investigation is going?

@Crow consider a topic along the lines of former eastern bloc countries ally in war with russia
if poland cAlls for action and no response will it pull from the EU?

im not saying much here just lets wait and see but no longer than 50 years.

eh i effed up the quotes on my post again.
15 Apr 2010
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

also i believe 60%+ of British ww2 documents are still secured
and if you think that Germany did not benefit from ww2 your wrong.
but back to topic some people are realized after death.

thanks aphrodisiac
15 Apr 2010
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

oopsie daisy, my bad. Poland got an IMF loan of over 20 billions approved in 2009;(.

im not questioning you but if you can source a link to that effect thanks, i find the opposite in the bloomberg report but please people, consider the source, please.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

the plane cant dump fuel but this just shows discrepency in accounts.

anyway if putin contributed to this forum what then

because it was afraid of any new Russian aspirations

check and mate, hah i just wanted to say that but no, i cant joke im letting humor creep in as a coping mechanism.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

i have to go back and read some, but the coincidents add up, even if its 50/50 chance what would you bet, now i know that doesnt mean much but i like if/then predictions like if this was an accident then...and if this was an assassination then... let me go on as Katyn was called "the crime and the lie" in this instance the crime is simple while the lie can be complicated, I know this is still not enough to go on but I predict all were involved and Iran will not be an issue by the end of the year.


still new here so i admit that, but this stuff is like whack a mole, pressure here makes something pop up somewhere else.

i read that preliminary findings would come out wed/thurs anything?

olga we love you your doing a fine job
13 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

more like fog of war

olga you forget control of polish officials

would an overeaction from poland be worth the truth?

who would Kaczynski blame?

already accounts are mistaken: final approach/fourth try + russian speaking/or not + clipping radio beacon/ or no? airport was closed/ or no? i can go on about discrepencies of reports.
13 Apr 2010
News / New Polish president and Russian/American relations [37]

Russia did it. They know Poland is close with the US, so they assassinated those on the plane, and Putin rushes in to find out what happened!

i just wanted to say that this is what i believe and well said, now if its true or not we may never know but then again never say never. if not an accident it defenitly angered many who would otherwise not care.
19 Mar 2010
History / Which nation were the biggest pussies of WWII? [120]

Oh dear you really do not understand

sorry that was my writing, i was mentioning three differant things in one sentence.

fact is no reparations were paid to poland in fact it was left to sabatoge
19 Mar 2010
USA, Canada / Where can I buy Polish Beer in SC? [26]

south america uses cane sugar i would guess, ive never had a real coke but its on my bucketlist, not with mexican water though, corn syrup kills, its in everything; corn crops suck up every nutrient and mineral out of the field like a sponge leaving the soil dry, but i dont really know so.

anyone know any good wheat beers, i cant stay on topic sorry.
19 Mar 2010
History / Which nation were the biggest pussies of WWII? [120]

It's easy to say that now as time has past but, at those times nobody knew of the holocaust except those who was experiencing it every day or those who were informed of it.

like the vatican right

Seriously? Really? So which countries were the biggest pussies during communist times?

i dont underndstand, yes I was looking for a serious answer, during communist times? not poland right with solidarity and all, I mean money was given to rebuild germany and japan and england but not poland.

Hell, the Jews weren't even an organized country, just a group of people.

I get its polands fault all the jews died, but the jews were not polish, they were just looking for the best host body. pre ww2 poland also fought in the russian revolution when stalin was infantry. pre ww2 poland jews were very much in segregated communities like they are now.