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Posts by jeden  

Joined: 30 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Sep 2015
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From: Kraków
Speaks Polish?: yes

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21 Jun 2010
Study / High school entry - exams, points etc in Poland [7]

Are there still max 200 points for everything???

50 for math part

50 for humanities part


and the 100 for "rest"
the language part??? Interesting!

If you want to send your child to good high school he/she has to have about 175 points...

Some years ago was that. Unfair? I don`t know I could get to the best high school in the Little Poland.
18 Jun 2010
News / Who are you voting for in the 2010 Poland's presidential elections and why? [82]

He feels women shouldn't get so smart or leave the country. It's called reading between the lines.

or leave the country???

he is against women right to vote, not right to candidate. Ofc it is rather showing desire.
there is no real posibility to introduce this idea, due to our constitution. I would like to remind you that Poland introduce women's suffrage before UK did it. Don`t worry about it.

His point of view on women is controversial and imho we should focus on other more importatnt things than unreal ideas
18 Jun 2010
News / Unbelievable but, its truth. Poland is finally happy to share border with Russia [57]

It`s no about religion.
It`s about the fact that Russia still traets Poland like her property. Russians don`t like us even hate us, and we also have not positive feelings toward them. After 120 years dependence, and two world wars we can`t trust Russians. My grandpa always says:

"Don`t trust Russians their, words are load of ****!" ( i don`t know is it proper english).
16 Jun 2010
Life / A Girl Told Me You Have to Be Goodlooking to "sustain" in Poland. [30]

Jeden: Why you think only slavs can drink vodka?

I think poles and even russians need still bit more practice of it :)

It is a joke; "Z alkoholem nikomu jeszcze nie udało się wygrać, jedynie Polakom udało się zremisować."

many people drink alcohol. i dont understand.its soo bad for health na? but still they drink...

ok if you want but later don`t blame them ...
15 Jun 2010
Life / A Girl Told Me You Have to Be Goodlooking to "sustain" in Poland. [30]

First of all, people like exotic features in others, therefore italians love blonds and I like italian girls;)

2) You look avarage, even quite handsome but remember that appearnce is nothing, the more important is your self confidence. aha ... I also thought that You are 15. :)

natural red hair..natural!!!!! wooooow

it`s true ;) my sister has red hair.

PS extra advise:
DON`T DRINK VODKA WITH POLES ! I`m serious- only other slavs can do it.
30 Apr 2010
News / Brown's 'Bigotgate' and the debate about Poles [63]


If we look on the XX century, Yes Poland is / was east europe Country. No doubt.

But if we look on the whole history ( from IX to XXI) Poland definietly belongs to Western Europe, Western Civilization.

There are free feature :

-Christianity ( mainly catholicism, or protestant)


-Roman Law.
30 Apr 2010
News / Brown's 'Bigotgate' and the debate about Poles [63]

That's just part of being an immigrant. I pay a serious amount of tax in Poland but apparently have no right at all to even make any comment about how that money should be spent.


You can vote in Local election.

I feel there is some sort of witchhunt going on at the moment, showing furious Brits on the TV and expressing their opinions on the radio about Poles - I really feel that I am unwelcomed here and frankly want to leave England for good. I have a British partner, and it's not as easy as just packing my suitcase, but I really feel like doing just that.


I understand Brits very well. There are a lot of rude an no polite Poles in UK now. Their steal jobs. In crisis the english behaviour is understandable.
20 Apr 2010
Life / What Polish people think about the Italian and Spanish men? [39]

Italian men -they look like pedos, sometimes agresive, use knife to solve problems ( but probably only in south Italia) Generally optimistic, friendly people they look very old. ( in comparison with Poles)

Italian women rather cold , they don`t look in eys ( French girls also), but they like my blue eys and blond hair ;) . Cute

French - French girls are most beautiful in the World !;)

Spanish they don`t manage with pick up . ( I have seen Spanish boy who was running through the club shouting espana espana)

This is my opinion . I could be wrong ;)

EDIT: Polish girls generally love Spaniards and Italian men.
20 Apr 2010


An Germans pay for your economic problems ;)

where is EURO there is recession, the only benefit of having euro ( for Poland) is that The UE don`t want to "print" money opposit to stupid Bernanke policy in USA
17 Apr 2010
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

This is a joke, right? Oh, like the West. :)

no like in Najjaśniejszej Rzeczypospolitej...

The Greatest Republik (Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth or The Republik of Both Nations)
was multicultural country. It was very significant when foreigners asked typical ciztizens...

--who are you

-I`m Lithuenian

-but you are fighting for Poland!!??

-yes coz I`m Plish too,

-so are you Pole or Lithuenian? What is your native language?

-Ruse ( Belarusian)

14 Apr 2010
Travel / Stag Parties in Kraków [119]

Polish girls are cheap

so you have to buy women?? Sorry.

Poles work much harder than I could ever be bothered


As for the women... why do you think we are going to Poland LOL you are also welcome to the cream of the British pie eating munters!

Sorry I don`t know what is 'munter' but probably your countryman Shelly won`t agree with you.:)
5 Apr 2010
Life / Are people in Poland 'made' to give money to their parents? [25]

No, it had NOTHING to do with a promissory undertaking about a house. This is simply and purely based on the fact, that now as children have a better lifestyle than their parents, they should look after the 'less well off parents'.


sorry, my mistake. There is this kind of law in Poland...When parants have no money to live
( niedostatek). Children have to help them. I think it is good

art. 133 par.2 KRO
5 Apr 2010
Travel / Krakow a safe and friendly city for foreigners? Read this! [161]

I believe you are not Pole as well there is some strange about you.

wcale nie musisz, niemniej jednak mamy takie samo zdanie na temat polskiej "miłości" do policji ;)
a i co jest takiego we mnie dziwnego??;)
5 Apr 2010
Travel / Krakow a safe and friendly city for foreigners? Read this! [161]

Any places more off the beaten track?

In Cracow rather not, This is small town.

but there are a lot of attractive places oot of Cracow, You should look tiny towns.

Kalwaria Zebrzydowska


Sometimes , I stop in the village, and see wonderfull manor house from XIX century. People still live there.

So you have to search
5 Apr 2010
Travel / Krakow a safe and friendly city for foreigners? Read this! [161]

She only knows the main landmarks. Any recommendations for nice little finds in Kraków as regards shops or sightseeing?

1)The center of Cracow is beatiful ( starówka)

2)You should visit salt mine in Wieliczka, is quite near.( 45 from center by bus)

2)If you are interested in Jewish tradition an cultur, go on the Kazimierz ( is part of Cracow)
There`re some jewish tenements. If one is lucky may meet some cracovian jews , but there are only few of them ;(

3)Nowa Huta will be in future very popular coz it is only one typicall comunits city.

As far as shops are concerned there are some shoping centers, but if you want to go shopping go better to Paris, Milan or Warsaw.
5 Apr 2010
News / Official language of EU (is not Polish) [119]

UE is the delicate institution, so we should take care about well ballancing. Therefore language of every nation is officicial and this is good idea, looking for national pride.

There should be some working languages ( like english german, french spanish and iatalian)
but there wouldn`t be onle one official language.
5 Apr 2010
News / Official language of EU (is not Polish) [119]

I have no problem with that Polish is not a major language in EU.

For example UE court use as working language-- french.

I`ve been in Brussels and I know that English and other language ( French German and Spanish) are required.

But I think that German as a only officiall language of UE, is not a good idea.

BB have you ever been in France ?? Try use there english... This is a big mistake.:)

"...."Poles will riot instead of learning german"...

I didn`t say it.

the problem will appear when you try to force teach german like english is teaching now.
The riots may appear when you announce that UE is German( when you tell that german is only officiall UE language)
5 Apr 2010
Travel / Krakow a safe and friendly city for foreigners? Read this! [161]

Where is the policing, jeden?


police is always on the Market Center, visitor wrote that Police were there, but like I said before

Poles have other tradition with police, administration and State in general. For houndreds years, States ( Russian, german, etc, nazists german, russian communist`s, ) were our enemies, so we don`t trust State, Police, administration. It is changing now, but Poles still don`t like police ( in general ofc)

So sometimes police is afraid of Poles ;)


I only tell you what i see everyday, maybe people who stay in expensive hotels don`t
**** of our monuments, at 3 o clock am
5 Apr 2010
News / Official language of EU (is not Polish) [119]

French don`t speak foreign languages , If you ever have been in France you shoul knew it.;)

Studing German is not use it as oficcial, one language of UE.

I'm quite satisfied as it is, with German, English and French the official languages of the EU.

I'm quite satisfied as it is, with German, English and French and Polish too the official languages of the EU.
5 Apr 2010
Travel / Krakow a safe and friendly city for foreigners? Read this! [161]

In a hostel? What planet are you on? What about all the expensive hotels and restaurants?

the majority of visitors in cracow stay in cheap hostels, even people who arrived from New Zeland stay at hostel. ( the flight has to be expensive)

-II- drink beers, and devasting my city, ( especially englishmen)

So you have to understand me that I`m fed up of those kind of poeple.