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Posts by DariuszTelka  

Joined: 4 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 193 / In This Archive: 145
From: Norway
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21 Jun 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

Isn't it distressing to be a nazi, Seanus man?

I don't think EVEN the nazis had one of these on their controlposts....so leave Seanus, the PF nazi alone! (Joke).

See, now they can riddle small children with bullets without even coming out of their cozy army barracks...just eat their bagels and push a few buttons!!

  • Unmanned machinegun post in Gaza 1

  • Unmanned machinegun post in Gaza 2
14 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Brit Polonia fighting anti-Polish stereotypes [46]

Interestingly one of the articles linked to that page is : the story of how a Polish man in the UK five times raped a woman who was 28 weeks pregnant.

He didn't look very polish to me....maybe a gypsy.


Who would like people like that hanging from trees...a norwegian mass-rapist of over 60 children got 9 years in prison in Norway today. NINE years for 60 assaults on children! And one wonders why criminals laugh at our system.
10 Jun 2010
History / The Pogrom on Jews at Eishyshok (Ejszyszki) in Poland [68]

This is nonsense. There were at least 5 to 600 Jews amongst the ppl executed in Katyn.

Yes, and if this is true, they were murdered because they swore allegiance to Poland and the Polish people! So, what is wrong with that? Good for them, Poland gave them a home, a place to live and to prosper. I respect them a 100%! I wish more Jews swore allegiance to Poland and not the communist murderers who butchered their way through our country!

I said that I will adhere the Myer-Lansky approach to anti-semites, racists and neo-Nazis. Intolerant ppl in short.

Meyer-Lansky approach is even worse than the one in "Inglorious Bastards", it includes garroting, shooting, beating with baseball bats, hanging, death by burning, torture and other niceties. Not unlike his ethnic counterparts in NKVD did to poles during and after the war. About the sarcasm, sorry, but it's hard to notice any such details in your ramblings about how hateful and anti-semitic the poles are. I wouldn't think you would manage to fit funny and ironic in such texts, but maybe all this is a game to you. Just to fekk with other people. At least your are successful in that aspect.

Nice that you are the judge and jury on who's "racist", "tolerant" and "anti-semitic"! Maybe you should get off your high horse? Here you attack Polish people and our history, and then you attack Europeans for trying to keep their culture and protect their reputation, while you bang on about the Jewish fate and attack anyone who tries to put things in perspective. (Has another view). You really have it all figured out. Remember, todays history class is pretty one-sided and only the "accepted" versions are printed and put to the movie screen. Nobody made the movie Katyn, until the Russians finally opened the archives. So now they have to rewrite the history books. How many other lies are out there?

I would call you anti-European and anti-Polish. But I wouldn't be violent to you because of that, and our democracy gives us the right to say and write pretty much what we want. Too bad you only stir sh*t up, and make people upset. About your sarcasm, well, I know personally that people on "the left" like to use violence on their opponents, and since I caught you on it, you protect yourself by saying it wasn't what you really meant, but you know what, I think you did mean it. Shame on you.

10 Jun 2010
History / The Pogrom on Jews at Eishyshok (Ejszyszki) in Poland [68]

The norwegian collaborators who actively helped the germans during the occupation were executed or jailed both during and after the war. They lost their citizenship, their properties, their work and many also their lives staring down the barrel of a gun held by a home-army soldier. Why? Because they helped the enemy.

Why would the jews' fate be any different in Poland? We all know that a majority of them didn't identify with the polish culture, language or way of life. They enlisted in droves into the russians terror-apparatus and hindered the polish patriotic resistance at every level. Even the poles that actually saved them, risking their own lives, were executed after the war by the jews. Like Captain Witold Pilecki of the home army.


The jewish people of Poland picked out poles in execution rows, took their lands and jobs and had a major hand in the torture and deaths of millions of poles before, during and even after the war. That you then will find/read/hear about jews being killed by poles on sporadic occations is not THAT incredible to fathom. Poland lost over 3 million ethnic poles, officially, how many actually died can be debated. That is among the nations who lost the most of their population, over 8%. And how many pogroms and shootings happended against poles that have never surfaced? Maybe one day when the russians open ALL their files we will know.

Read my post number 195 in the thread "Why did Hitler kill so many jew's in Poland?". I give some examples on why pogroms could have happened. Like the fact that;

"In prewar Poland," notes Wladyslaw Krajewski, a Polish Jew, "... the majority of Jews did not regard themselves as Poles. Growing up for the most part in Jewish environments, they observed only the Jewish customs and religion, spoke only Yiddish at home, and generally spoke Polish poorly." [Krajewski, 96-97] Norman Salsitz describes growing up in a Jewish community in a Polish town and discovering that many Jews did not even know what the Polish flag looked like. [Salsitz, N., 1992, 73] In 1936, Jewish voting patterns in Poland (in their self-governing kehillah organizations) revealed a 38 percent vote for the Bund party (...)"

If you in addition to what I show abover here, sign up with the executioners of Katyn, and help them murder the ethnic people of the country you are living in, then you can't blame it on "hate" and "anti-semitism", if you yourself reap what you sow.

But it is also clear that a lot of these pogroms have been exaggerated and even invented to try and cover up the fact that jews had such a big part in exterminating the polish population. Just look at movies like "The Bielski Brothers", a bunch of low-life criminals who killed, tortured and raped poles at every possibility, and today they get a Hollywood movie glorifying them. That is propaganda and falsehood on a grand scale. How can Poland compete with the biggest propaganda machine in the world? Well, we can start by putting people like MareGaea and other "pole-bashers" to the test here on this forum. MareGaea said in one post that he would like to bash in the head of people he didn't agree with, just like the jewish character did in the movie "Inglorious Basterds". That is quite evil if I dare say so, and shows the attitude of these posters.

9 Jun 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

Maybe as a sidenote, but here's a up to date article about the german national team, which tells of three "polish" players in the german team. One of them sings the german hymn. another one doesnt'.

According to the article this has somehow sparked a debate in Germany, since "11 of the national team's 23 players are either foreign-born or have some immigrant roots".

Piotr Trochowski, Miroslav Klose and Lukas Podolski all have polish ties one way or another. It was said that Trochowski didn't sing the anthem, but Klose did. I also read that Klose and Podolski speak polish to oneanother when they meet up for practice with the german team..

I know this theme about polish born players, putting on the german jersey has been brought up before, but it's in the news again, so how can we avoid it..

Did Olisadebe sing the polish anthem??

9 Jun 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

Dariusz> LOL, niqqa suddenly realizin the heat on his Polish a$$. hahahaha, SLĄSK ain't no Oslo, but now this niqqa saying 'we norwegians' , betta go home for ur owns sake Osloeman

You need to be studied..do you speak as you write too? That is some serious f**ked up language, PolenGGGs.

And I'll gladly take Slask over Oslo 11 out of 10 times. (Oslo=Karachi).

25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

She was not a heffer. Cute actually. But the man must've done something to get shot.

He sold drugs. It's my outrageous claim.

By the way, how can a normal and educated woman in Poland, who knows how hard life can be, marry a african? For all you "racist" mongers out there, I'm serious, nobody chooses the hardest way to live a life. The obstacles by marrying a black person IN POLAND are too many to even mention. In Norway, you can get away with it, since the africans easily can get jobs, and the welfare money is good. I guess love makes blind. It can't be propaganda, like we have here in the west, she is too old to look at those magazines and watch MTV to get brainwashed.

And after how many years in Poland, her nigerian husband was still sitting in some underground station, with a cardboard as a table on the concrete floor, selling counterfeit shoes and shirts? How do you even feed yourself with that income? Let alone THREE KIDS and a wife? (clue: drugs).

That's why he ran. That's why he was desperate and that's why he in the end god shot. He knew it was either get away or go to polish prison for 8 years, and even risking getting sent out at the end.

25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Here's another newsstory about the incident in Warszawa,

"He (Police spokesperson) said market vendors threw rocks and paving stones at police officers, destroying four police cars, after the Nigerian was handcuffed during routine checks on market traders".

"He said police officers had tried to stop the Nigerian man bleeding while waiting for an ambulance but they were prevented from doing so because they were still under attack. Thirty-two people, mostly foreigners, were arrested in the fracas". - Reuters


With regard to the robbery, police was here within 10 minutes. So no complaints there.

What if you didn't have the 10 minutes...there was no police to help the people linked in the article underneath here, but the son of the family was armed and saved his mother and father from the three africans who were going to kill them. Maybe that's why polish police should wear firearms when entering areas dominated by africans? Having a gun saved this family.


24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

What is that ? Any comments please

This debate is actually in full bloom in Norway today. A comedian, but with a university degree in sociology, called Harald Eia, made a 7 part documentary about public opinion and political correctness. (Can be found on NRK.no, norway's public television network). He talked to the typical leftist professors in norwegian universities, asked them questions like; "Are men and women created equal", "Are we born gay" and "Are blacks more violent than whites?" (And almost got beaten up while doing the series in a black area!). Typical firestarters in any debate situation. Then he went to top professors and scientists in Europe and the U.S. and came home with some really politically incorrect answers, that put the norwegian professors and sociologists in a very unflattering light. The Norwegian professors and leftist establishment went ballistic, attacking him and the network for spreading "Hitlerism", (As is popular by some posters here if they feel uncomfortable with the truth), and for making people "feel bad"(!). "He should stay with comedy", they moaned and the professors interviewed went into super-defensive modes and tried to excuse themselves with answers like; "I'm not interested in that aspect of the science"(!), and some even claim they lost sleep over these allegations (the one most laughed at was Jørgen Lorentzen, a gender scientist). It made them the laughing stock of all the internet forums and debate shows in Norway, and the commentary sections went on for hundreds of pages on the biggest newssites. Finally someone had let the cat out of the bag! Not soon after a professor named Ole Jørgen Anfindsen, came out with a book that is called "The suicide paradigme", about the european states and their suicidal policy of opening our borders to millions of people, who, as he scientifically tries to explain in his book, are "Just not like us", and which "will in the end kill off the european society as we know it". So some scientists, in the year 2010, have actually come out and said that the africans do not only differ from europeans in looks, but also in behaviour, intelligence and other important human traits. They have been norwegian (Afore mentioned), finnish (Professor Emeritus Tatu Vanhanen), english (Richard Lynn), american (James Watson, J. Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen) and of many other nationalites. Some even receiving nobel prizes for their work with DNA like James Watson. All have been viciously attacked for their work, but as professor after professor have dared to speak their mind, the debate is now "out there", and although some of the names I mentioned can be "easily" confronted and brushed away as "crazy", there are hundreds behind them, waiting to take their places. From Wikipedia on Race and IQ; "The claim that the IQ gap has a genetic component met with widespread criticism in the popular media, particularly after the publication of "The Bell Curve", but has today gained acceptance by the wider academic community".

You only have to look at Africa Vs Europe to understand that there is SOME DIFFERENCE! Check the nobel price recipients for the last 100 years, look at the ancient lands of Persia, Egypt and the like and what is left today. The same poeple living there are obviously not the same ones who built what we today marvel at. Look at the buildings in Europe, the castles, the churches, the infrastructure and the high level of science, tecnology and philosophy. We're taking pictures of distant galaxies and transplanting hearts, while africans still haven't found out how to run a democracy! Or even make a car, or create or invent anything close to what we do. And everywhere they go, wether it's France, England or Norway, or across the ocean to the states or down to Australia, the story repeats itself. Bad integration, poor grades in schools, low income jobs- and housing, high criminal rate, high sexual disease rates, high drug user rates and so on. There is not ONE SUCCESSFULL african country! (As compared to any european country). And there is no multicultural success story in any country they have entered into. They do not achieve anything, where ever they go, apart from tension and hostility, and ultimately failing to make a positive mark on any white society. (Sports and music do not count). We are talking nation building here, not entertainment.

In Sweden they started pixelating the black criminals to look white in "unclear" photos in the newspapers and on T.V shows...they have been caught lot's of doing this, and there was a big argument on a live crime show the other day, where the presenter almost lost his temper when the other host called it double standards, since swedish television regularly post pictures of white criminals. The main reason was not to "increase resentment among swedes"...oh yeah, that's gonna make things work. Lie to the public.

But I will also like to give a small applause to the posters, "A J" and "Usefullidiot", who have been able to bring the level of conversation up a bit from the MareGaea's and Harry's who seem to be more into person-bashing than actual debating the topic. I'm ashamed to admit that I have stooped to their level of bickering and personal insults a few times. Now back to topic; It is not only the immigrants themselves, although they do commit the crimes, but ultimately it is our treacherous governments and corrupt politicians who in telling us that we need to open our borders for the poor and needy africans and arabs, have created the foundation for what eventually will be an open out civil war among muslims and christians/atheists in Europe in the not too distant future. But the recent revelation that that the ruling elite in Britain (The Tory's) willfully have imported millions of 3rd worlders into their land, because they overwhelmingly vote "leftist" and will keep them in power, puts a big piece in the jigsaw. (Big newsstory a while back after the document was leaked to the press). This is just a plain and simple fact, and it's the same political parties that have done the same thing to all the european countries! I have reserved the highest tree in my garden for them. We already see the small fires breaking out in places like Paris, Bradford, Malmo and Oslo. Just look at the EDL for christ sakes, they came out of nowhere and suddenly they are thousand strong marching in the streets! The same will happen in France, Holland and Germany soon. These countries are not as patriotic as the English, but it's coming! Right wing extremists as you leftist call them like BNP, Front National, Sverigedemokraterna, Jobbik and more of them are getting seats in all the parliaments. Why? Because something clearly isn't working. The social democrats have failed miserably all over Europe, and they are suddenly waking up to a new day in their parliaments, sitting next to the man, or woman, whom they never would even talk to only years earlier.

Regarding to the "poor" argument; in Norway we're pouring millions into immigration, free schooling, free healthcare, free education, preferred job treatment plans, free kindergardens, humongous welfare packages, but still the africans and arabs riot in the street, and 4th generation pakistanis as young as 11 harrass and grope grown up women in gangs in our parks! Police can do nothing, as they are underage. If poverty really was the name of the culprit here, why isn't it better in Norway, than say some poor suburb in England? We don't have extreme ghettoes as they do, yet, we're still in the beginning of getting white no-go zones and if there's a problem we pour money on it until it's "contained". But one day the money will run out, and what happens then? It's not really about poverty. That's just the latest excuse from the left side, who are now finding it harder and harder to explain why our cities are burning and why their multicultural dream is not coming into fruition, rather rotting like days old tomatoes in the sun. Oh, and by the way, we just got a chapter of the worlds deadliest gang "MS-13" in Oslo, founded by well educated, well-fed, healthy, safely brought up, sons of immigrants. How do you explain that, "Well-travelled-MareGaea"? Or "Seven-passports-Harry"? (Sorry).

Poland has been poor for many years, yet, the prisons are not overflowing with murderers, rapists, drugdealers and other scum. Yes there are plenty of violent and hardened criminals there, but they mostly do not even come close to the violence we experience from the africans or arabs. They would never stab a 90 year old woman and then rape her, or gangrape 12 year old girls after drugging them! (Happens on a regular basis, just with different africans/arabs every time). They would not start shooting with machine guns in a busy shopping district or give hundreds of women HIV! There are no race riots in the prisons, there are no ethnic gangs or wings in the prisons stabbing eachother in the ball-yard. Why isn't Slovakia, The Ukranie, Belorussia and Bulgaria gripped by horror of mass killings, witch doctors who kill albinos, gangs that riot in the streets and women being raped every 7 seconds like in South Africa (Or any other african country)? These european countries are not exactly rolling in money and wealth! Oh, and by the way, you leftists in here, have you heard of the new racism in South Africa, where blacks kill other blacks, because they are taking their jobs and money from them? I've yet to see a polish man put a tire around a slovak and set him on fire and then push him down a hill to his death, because he wasn't polish...or 10 polish men machete a family with children because they weren't from the same country. But hey, your favourites, the africans seem to have no problems with doing it to their "brothers" and "sisters". Downloaded any "kill whitey" songs with your pal Nelson Mandela lately? You know, the one where he clenches his fist and sings..."kill the 'AMA-Bhulu'"?(Whites).


Peace out!

24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Exactly. When the norwegian police last year confirmed that a 100%, yes that's a whopping ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of all the 144 REPORTED gangrapes were committed by 3rd world immigrants on ETHNIC WHITE WOMEN.

How about the fact that 70% of all immigrant inmates in prison in Norway are serving sentences that are longer than 1 year? Which means serious crime, in the lax norwegian criminal system. For you, leftist, that means robbery, stabbing, rape, drugs and murders. You know, "their thang".

The biggest prisons in Norway have over 70% immigrants incarcerated in their facilities, compared to 30% for the indigenous populace.

Africans score lowest on all work-participation serveys and highest on the crime and welfare receiving ones.

25% of all pakistanis in Norway were in one way or another involved in money-laundering, welfare-scams or tax-frauds last year. In one instance over 300 cab drivers were caught in one swoop. Total bill? 60 millon euroes scammed away in pakistani villages, where norwegian reporters found million euro homes, complete with cooks, servants and nannies.

Many schools in Norway are now almost 100% non-norwegian. Except for the teachers who receive extra benefits if they stay there and teach pupils who come to the school at age six without even knowing the language.

And on and on and on....have you read the threat "Mass immigration to Poland?"....many links there, not only from me, but also from other "racists".

I do not want this for Poland. Is that really so hard for you to understand, without calling me a "racist"?

24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Your claims? What claims?

The two-three dozens of links I've posted here on PF over the last year? The statistics about immigration and crime that is available online for all to see in whatever european country you reside in? The weekly stories about botched integration and violence? The muslim terrorist threat, you remember the London and Madrid bombings? Do you really refuse to acknowledge the fact that Europe is suffering under failed immigration policies and that Poland now are the next in line for this suicidal policy of mass murder of our women and children?

Obviously I can't beat a dead horse, MareGaea, but you seriously need to open your window and smell the kebab. And beware of the guy making it.

24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

You know the difference between you and an outright racist is that at least they say it openly. You don't even dare that. You try to hide it behind semi-intelligent drivel, but you're saying basically the same.

Is that your diagnosis, doctor left-wing nutcase? Nothing to rebute my claims, or ask for any links to my "racist drivel"? All you have up your sleeve is the "racist-card"? That is the last resort, of leftleaning, hippie-nonsense and shows that you have nothing to answer back with. I'm seriously fed up with people who can't argue the case, but has to argue the person.

I don't HATE black or muslim people because of their skin or religion. I HATE them because of their actions. If they just stopped breaking all our laws and treating us like dirt, then I would gladly accept them into my society. But so far, that doesn't seem likely to happen any day soon. And if you think they do all this because we whitey's are devils and racists, then you need to check you head.


Thanks for calling my posts "semi-intelligent"!! That inspires me to reach for new heights. Or lows in you eyes.
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

It's not like we expect Poland to be this super-nice, always sunny, crime free country, far from it. But isn't it enough with the crime our own people commit, do we really have to import people who have a tendency to be even more criminal? Where is the rational thought behind this?

When I turn on the T.V. in Norway, I expect to read about sharia police beating up people, some muslim complaning about his wife and 8 children being forced to take off the burka or some poor drunk norwegian woman being gangraped in a park. That's all part of my coffee and danish in the morning. But when I read this happening in Poland, then my heart just drops. I've already been forced out of my city of Oslo and out to the rural countryside in Norway, and now it's happening here too. So only Poland remains for me and my family now. This is indeed a sad day for all poles.

Better still, maybe jamies will escape the intolerant racist West for tranquil, utopian Uganda.

If only, richasis! On the contrary, all of the liberal, multicultural advocates actually are full of BS, they say they want a mixed state, but they take their children out of public schools, they relocate to safer areas and they only keep in contact with the 3rd worlders if they have to. In Norway this has been revealed several time just this last month in our daily newspapers. (Links can be given if wanted). It's the rest of us, the normal people who have to live in the actual mad world fantasy people like Jamies concoct up in their heads. He himself probably have never had a real black or asian friend. But he likes the pictures in the magazines, and the cool movies where the white and black actors are best friends and do cool things together, however forced it looks like.

These people were just like your fathers who immigrated to the US from Europe to find jobs... the Irish, the Italians... they also committed crimes too..but would you say that they love to commit crimes.... no way...they just wanted to make a living, but they were not given those opportunities. They sold in market places, they sold drugs, the committed murder, they stole....now it has changed. This is what comes with Immigration. I am talking about your father and grandfathers.

That is as far from the truth as one can come, Jamies. After 50 years in Europe, we are a divided people. In america, after 50 years, poles, italians, irish, germans and norwegians all moved into eachothers neighbourhoods, marrying eachother, working with eachother, building the country up to the most powerful force in the world. In Europe, the muslims stay seperate, move into their own areas, marry their own people and open their own stores with only family working in it. Big difference. There is no mixing as our european forefathers did. I'm of norwegian, polish and german heritage. My best friend is half serbian and half norwegian. The list goes on. But the pakistanis I meet. They are all 100% pakistani. Or iraqi. Or somali. You don't see a somali and a pakistani mix, do you? Only whites mix with africans, because they're told in school and by our media that it is "cool", or "in". But what comes from it? A child with a split personality without any real self-worth and home. My wife is catholic, I'm protestant, that's as far as our "split" go. Our child will never know or feel shut out or different, because of our marriage. In your society, Jamies, everyone will walk around feeling nothing, or just hate. Because they will have nothing to be proud of.

The very few who did were punished. American immigrants BUILT America. They died in service of their adopted country. Can the same be said today?

America of today, is mirroring the Europe of today, a complete mess, which is going down the drain so fast, it's gonna happen before our generation dies out. Poland, which we saw just now, is attaching itself to this destructive way of living. Why would all these nigerians get visas to come in and live in Poland. For what reason? To sell counterfeit nike's and drugs under their table? To be involved in shootouts with the police in our city streets? To become the topic of our discussion? I'd rather we didn't have this discussion! But you know what, because of people like you, we are having it right now.

And you call ME the hater?

24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Racism, Hate, Xenophobic attitude is what rules your world.

I know, the muslims and africans are really bad. Here we give them a new life, security, free schooling, free housing, free medicine and still they call us racists and bigots if we ask them not to break our laws!

Oh, wait, you meant, us, the europeans...WE'RE the haters and racists...um...eh...for giving them all the above. Yeah, we are really bad, bad people.

I guess I'd better pack my bags and move to Uganda, and demand a better life there. Wonder how that's gonna pan out.

24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Poland and Russia are the two places in Europe where Blacks risk getting beaten or killed.

I've read, and heard several times, that the immigrants that come from the 3rd world do not respect our laws and our society. At any level.

They say; we steal your things, we rape your women and we sell drugs to your children, but how do you punish us? By sending us to 4 star prisons with 3 warm meals a day, a TV and radio in our cell, a work-out room, a library and if the sentence is long enough, an education. That is not punishment, that is pure luxury for a person coming from the jungle or the slums of africa.

They laugh at our laws and at our weak society, where people are not afraid of the government or the police. Like one poster put it earlier in this thread, try running away or wrestling with the police in Africa, and see what happens. Try raping a woman or stealing something in any of their countries, and you will soon find out what swift justice is all about. Either by hanging, shooting, stoning, decapitation or anything else that will do the job.

In Norway, (I use Norway as an example because I live here), the criminals from the 3rd world laugh at the judge and the victims (If they still live to tell their tale), when the sentence is being read to them in court. They can't believe their criminal activity is being rewarded with a hotel stay and money in the bank. You actually get "daymoney", which equals 8 euroes a day, when you are in prison in Norway, which is more than the africans would get back home. In a month. So, for them it's a win-win situation. Do the crime, you get the money for it, do the time, you still get the money. And one wonders why they are coming in the thousands. I don't think they get too many zlotys in a polish prison, and the food might not be good either, but still, it beats living under the open sky in Africa.

Obviously, since the article about the incident in Warszawa mentioned several dozens of rock pelting africans attacking the local police, letting africans sell illegal merchandise/drugs openly in the streets, Poland has come a long way in meeting the "european" way of treating 3rd world immigrants with kid gloves. They would not dare to do this if they knew the consequenses would be disasterous. In Norway, (again), they made the downtown Oslo look like Gaza last year. No one cared. The police waited nicely until they were done, then the clean up crew came in and made everything look all nice again, so the german tourists wouldn't see what really happened the week before. The rioters, all africans and arabs, were given fines, reduced sentences and "don't do this again", to make them really understand that we have laws in this country!

By shooting the african, maybe this will send a signal to the other africans, that if you break the law in Poland, you might get shot. Maybe this will make them stay clear of Poland's borders. Or is it still worth the risk?


(Of course in anyone want's any links, I will provide them for you for all the examples I mentioned above, just in case someone actually thinks I'm talking out of my a**).
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

OMG! that area of Warsaw looks like a fukcing jungle... negroes bez koszuly, bez buty.... Who is responsible for this $hit??? too late for Poland, last guy out, turn the lights off.....

Damn it..I'm escaping Norway to settle in Poland to get away from just this kind of multicultural experience...and this is what Poland has turned into in a matter of years? Where can I go, if not Poland to still experience the european way of life, free from shoe- and shirtless africans wrestling the local police? France? No. England? No. Spain? No. Holland? No. Germany? No. Australia? No. The U.S.? No. If not even Poland, then we're sh*t out of luck folks.


  • Poland 1990

  • Poland 2010
23 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

And according to the polish press, the nigerians/africans attacked the police, pelting them with rocks, metal objects, stealing their police radios, and finally, trying to steal the policemans firearm, which is maybe one of the gravest and dangerous thing you can do to a policeman on duty.

The press also mentioned that the area where the nigerian was shot is a known place to buy illicit drugs, counterfeit clothes and stolen goods.

The first rule when confronted by police, who identify themselves, which police are under law to do, is not to run. This will tip of the police that you are doing something illegal.

I'm white, and whenever I'm confronted by the police I always keep my arms by my side, I do not start screaming or cursing at them, and I do not, never have, run. The nigerian failed on all the above points, and paid the price of the police state.

I have many stories where white people have been harassed, beaten up and even killed by police. Why make this into a race thing?

Harry; what's up with the "whitey-bashing"?

17 Apr 2010
News / The sale and drinking of alcohol has been banned in Warsaw and Krakow on weekends! [30]

I just pray the one of the PF anti-Semites grasses me up before I have to get stuck into the 30-year old Hibiki!

What's with the "anti-Semite" remark all the time? You have to get it in every time, in every post? This is WHY people get FED UP with you and people like you, who always stick it up everybody's nose ALL THE TIME! It's quite simple psychology, if you whine and talk about something long enough, people are either gonna attack you for it or start fighting you on it. You are yourself contributing to anti-Semitism with your rhetoric.

Harry, you need to relax on the "poles are anti-Semitic" bashing, cause it just causes people to ******* START hating. Ok?

Besides, be happy you are not living in Norway, a REAL communist state, when it comes to people's freedom. Here, the government has a MONOPOLY on hard-liquor. Yes, we have special stores where you can buy wine and vodka, it's called the WINEMONOPOLY. They are only open 8 hours a day, 6 hours on Saturday. If you want beer from the convenient store, you can only buy it between 07.00-20.00 on weekdays and 09.00-18.00 on Saturdays. Sundays, it's VERBOTEN! Even if you're IN THE STORE, with the BEER IN YOUR HAND, and the clock is 20.01, you will be forced to put the bottle down and leave the store empty-handed. It has to be paid for by 20.00, or the store manager will have to manhandle you on the floor and grab the bottle out of your alcoholic fingers. I've seen absolut(!) HYSTERIA in stores if the cashier cannot swipe the alcohol quick enough when there's a line waiting and the time of prohibition is coming up. It's fekking UNBELIEVABLE. They want us to work 8 hour days, pay 40% taxes and go to war if needed, but giving us the opportunity to buy a bottle of wine at 8 o'clock on a Saturday, in case you get guests, or just FEEL LIKE IT, is forbidden! So, don't WHINE to much about not being able to buy liquor this weekend...you have it like a king compared to us up here in "the last communist state", which a Swedish politician once called Norway.

13 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

Well, Poles and Jews are so much alike. They both have issues with the past and always feel mistreated somehow.

Wow, MareGaea, I'm actually speechless. When I read your statement, a thousand things went through my brain. I could address your statement from ten different angles, but I don't know if it would do you any good. I'm trying to envisage what kind of person who can actually come up with what you said, and mean it seriously.

You know you're on a POLISH forum? You know you are being racist and hateful to people from another country, don't you? You know, the kind of thing you mentioned above is so superior in ignorance of a people and it's history, that I actually have yet to read something equalling it anywhere on this forum.

God bless you, MareGaea.

6 Apr 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

I skip you long posts, because I just need to read the first sentence, no, just see your name and I already know what it is going to be about.

Then how will you ever know if anyone else has a point or actually can make you see a thing from a different viewpoint? This is in my opinion not really being to open-minded, and, if I can say so, very leftist of you. You don't want to hear any arguments or read anything, just dismiss people, because of who they are or what the first sentence in their post says? I would have missed a lot of god books, articles and posts here on PF, if I thought like that. How will you ever know all the sides of a story? How will you ever progress in your intellectuality if all you see is what you want to see? Why are you scared to read other peoples views? I personally have both the bible and the koran in my book-collection, even though I am not christian or muslim. I have communist and national socialist litterature, even though I don't subscribe to either policy. I read both israeli and arab authors. I watch movies meant for white as well as black audiences. This makes me more qualified to understand and debate on all these topics.

I already said that that kind of approach is a way of compensating for something in my opinion, possibly a hardships faced by immigration of the parents/children at the early period. The reason I say it is because I have seen it a sufficient number of times.

Now who's generalizing....you're even more close-minded than you think I am! You are using the same arguments I am, but attacking me for it! "I've seen it sufficient number of times" aswell...so therefore it must be true. How can you attack me for using the same argument, just on other aspects of life? Holier than thou....

Why would I bother with more discussion if there is nothing overlapping in my and your views. I like to conserve my energy.

Then why have you registered to a debate forum? To comment small one-liners, where you see fit and just be annoying to other people who actually try to have some kind of contructive interaction? I have to tell you, every time I read comments and responses on pages like this, from one-liners like you, it just bugs me. Why do you even bother, to register, to log in, to actually sit down and type; "You're ignorant". Why don't you just read the posts and let it be, if you don't have any constructive to come with IN A DEBATE FORUM.

Do you think that if one does a research proving that actually hating any other nationality is grounded in reality it will make it less racist or less hateful? In my opinion it will not.

I don't hate anyone. I judge people(s) on their character and their actions. Word like "hate", and "racist", are just scare-words in which one can stifle and destroy debates. You seem to like them, even though you say you have read a lot, it doesn't shine through in your posts here. What kind of research have you been doing for the last 4 years, if I may ask? Since you put it out there. Would you use the same argument you used on the guy from Toronto for being hateful, on immigrants who say the same? That the reason they are not performing well in Canada is because of issues that stems from their feeling of inadequacy, their religious and family background? Or is that "racist"? Many of them also hate Canada and Norway, even though they live there. What's the difference between them and the white guy from Toronto, and why do you leap to the immigrants defence so fast, and condemn him for saying the same things?


p.s. Thanks for the long reply!! It actually intrigued me to hear what you had to say.
5 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

If you mean Lower Silesians then yeah, if you mean Silesians as in Silesia then no, most of them are natives.

My family comes from Silesia, and some of them are really patriotic about it. (Almost on the border of we are not poles, but silesians). If you look at the polish tv networks, you will find only two "local" TV stations available, that are available for me at least on my dish, TV Silesia and TV Warszawa...Warszawa is obvious, since it's the captial and caters to millions of poles..but I haven't seen any TV Opole or TV Malapolska, only TV Silesia, and they crank out that silesian patriotism all the time with music, programs and food-shows. And everytime you can sms something, it includes german numbers aswell. My mother is extremely sceptical to people outside of Silesia, especially people from Warszawa, and the ukranians. Where she get's this from, I don't really know, but it comes out right away, without any pause.

My Wife comes from Zgozelec, but her whole family is originally from the eastern part of Poland and has Bielorussian background and have names like Jakimowicz and Fizycz. They moved westward after the borders were moved in 1945, and settled in the "new" Polish territory in Lower Silesia, which is higher on the map..so why "lower"? They have NO german links whatsover, even though she can throw a stone over the river from her familys house and make it land on german territory. We also don't look alike at all (good thing since we got married), she's super-pale with dark eyes and hair, while I easily tan and have blondish hair and green eyes. But we both come from "Silesia"...but as I explained, her family decends from the old eastern part, where her traits were possibly more common. (Anybody here from those areas want to elaborate on that..?)

I didn't even know this "hate" existed until I grew up a bit and started reading about it and started travelling around in Poland and Germany. But I have to say I experienced some double standards from both poles and germans when I joined the patriotic movement here in Norway and got to meet some patriots on both sides of the Silesian border. The germans had bands like Landser who had lyrics like "ich diese scheissvolk hasse", and how they ran over our country in 18 days, but then they ordered and printed all their clothes and regalia from Polish printer shops and manufacturers, because it was illegal in Germany...double standard anyone? And then I met Polish patriots who had polish tattoos, but wanted to put up signs written in german at football games (at Ruch Chorzow, which I support). I have to admit, people don't really seem to know where the line is drawn. For me it's easy, I come from Silesia, which is in Poland, ergo I'm Polish. Not German. Maybe my great grandparents were, but that time has passed and I don't walk around going; I'm Polish, but with German heritage. The german patriots "accepted" me since I came from Silesia and actually used this as an "excuse" every time they wanted to introduce me to someone and I said my name was Dariusz.."it's ok, he's really german, he's from Silesia"....eh. Well, not really. That all happened over 10 years ago, but I guess things are the same today..

Anyways, anybody else have some hands on experience with this Polish/German Silesian canundrum that seems to get people so worked up? For me it was never a big thing since I grew up in Norway and we always are greeted with smiles wherever we go, nobody hates us. Except Greenpeace.

4 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

Guzzler, thanks for the story, it's always interesting to read such events and histories!

cry me a river. If I was a mod, I would suspend you for racism and spreading hate.

Thank the higher powers that you're not then...this forum would be rather dull. It would be you, Lodz the boat and Rock holding hands singing "Kum-ba-yah". Everyone else would be suspended because they hurt your feelings.

Please point out to me where I have been racist. You know, by today's standard, you're a racist too, from the post you just wrote. You attacked me because of my ethnic minority background. Should I "cry me a river" to the moderator like you do, or should I just get on with actually debating. I find links, I tell personal stories and I give actual facts when I say what I say. What do you do? You whine and cry and say words like "racist", and you know you've lost the debate when the racist card comes out. That's the card that comes out when you don't have anything else to contribute to the debate and just want to shut someone up. Racist...racist...racist...The word has lost it's meaning. Why don't you actually debate me instead of calling me names.

according to you Poles are victims of Jewish people and how could Jews do that to Polish people since Polish people gave them home, blah, blah.

"Blah blah"? This is what you say after thousands of polish patriots risked their lives to save YOUR family, other poles' families AND jews? Their reward was a bullet in the head and being dumped in unmarked graves! And you call yourself a pole? You should f**ing show some respect, aphrodisiac. If it wasn't for them you would have been named Vladimir or Gunther, and there would be NO POLAND, where you could sit on your ass in your complete ignorance, having the freedom THEY gave you. You are truly a disgrace to your country, and your history teacher should be suspended if he or she didn't make this clear enough for you.

What I meant about the jewish people not assimilating into polish life is that still after hundreds of years in predominant catholic country, they still maintained their religion and their culture. That takes determination and a collective mind. This does not always come out positively, but it does as far as keeping your faith and your people being jewish. But it also shows the ethnic people of that country (The jews lived in many different countries for hundreds of years), that they are not accepting the country in which they live in, their religion and ways of life, and that they want to stay seperate and keep their own traditions. This is fine, but this will bring animosity or scepticism from the general population, which in times of war can come out in the ugliest forms. On both sides. How do you come to the conclusion that I think it was a good thing that Hitler killed the jews? First you concoct up something I never said by "reading between the lines", then you conclude that I'm an anti-semite, a racist and a hater. I know people who debate like this. They are usually communists or staunch anti-racists who see racism behind every bush. Are you such a person, aphrodisiac?

I don't dislike your posts as much as you dislike Muslims, Jews so far.

I don't dislike muslims because they are muslims, and I don't dislike jews because they are jews. I dislike people who act in such a way, as to undermine the land they live in, break the laws of that land, and betray the people who have given them shelter. Muslim, jewish, Sikh or whatever. In this category many muslims and jews unfortunately can be found. If I point this out, am I the hater? If I show you concrete examples, dozens of them, even hundreds of them, is it my fault for sharing them with you? Do you not want to see the truth, even it hurts your feelings? If it goes against what you believe? Do you want to live in darkness, like the muslims? Do you want to live in eternal pain, like the jews? I don't, and I don't want them to bring their religious and historical baggage into my country, and use it against me and my people, in order to somehow carve themselves out a lifestyle on my countrys behalf. Which at a later date will become the death of my people, like it did with the jews in Poland before, during and after the second world war.

Poland would not have an Auschwitz as we know it today, if not for the jewish people. There would be no Katyn massacre, no Koniuchy Massacre and no Naliboky massacre, just to mention some. There would be no dark cellars where polish officers, soldiers and patriots, men and women, young and old, met their fate alone. Where threats to kill their families, with gruesome torture by the jewish NKVD, was followed by a bullet to the back of the skull. Betrayed by the same people they fought so heroically for to save, while risking everything themselves. There would be no trains to Siberia where life would end in the cold winters. Why was it that the jews who lived closer to the Soviet border would greet the russians by kissing their tanks and preparing welcome seremonies like "flowered arches", for the red army when it entered Poland? Why did jewish gangs and thugs kill polish soldiers and innocent poles in the cities they lived in, when they knew they could get away with it? Where was their "humanity", that they so often ask for themselves?

Stories about jewish murderers of poles;


The names behind communism, the names behind the murders and the names behind the real hate, in my eyes, are not polish, but jewish. Let's turn it around, and let me give some praise to the Tatars who in the eye of the storm protected Poland from her enemies. If the jews fought alongside the poles against the germans and the russians all the way, until the bitter end, then maybe there would be no "Jedwabne" or "Kielce" pogroms. Maybe the jews would be seen upon with great respect and admiration by the poles for protecting their common land. Like the Tatars are today. Why are these pogroms so focused on, while the jews' role in killing hundreds of thousands of poles, just because they were christian poles, overseen? Why were jews overrepresented in communist organizations, by counting for as many as 65% of the communist membership in Warszawa before the war, and over 50% in the communist youth of Poland? This even though they only constituted for 10% of the population!

Here are some well known jewish communists who operated in Poland;

Jozef Swiatlo, - Izak Fleischfarb - Who arrested priests and sent them to torture camps, like he did on 25 September 1953, when Stefan Wyszynski, the cardinal and protector of the Armia Krajowa, was imprisoned in the monastery in Komancza, in the Bieszczady Mountains. While imprisoned, the Cardinal observed the brutal torture and mistreatment of the detainees, some highly perverse in nature.

Roman Romkowski - Menasze Grünszpan - Kikiel - Worked for the butcher Levrenty Beria, responsible for the Katyn forest murders, where 22 000 officers, soldiers, doctors and priests were brutally murdered by the NKVD. He was a close ally, and was his personal contact in Poland after the war.

Jozef Rozanski - Josek Goldberg - Who personally tortured and helped murder one of polands biggest heros, Cavalry Captain Pilecki, and who was known as one of the most brutal secret police interrogators, tortured and helped murder hundreds of patriotic poles.


Boleslaw Bierut - Who sentenced hundreds of polish war heros to death, including the aformentioned "the hero of Auschwitz", Witold Pilecki. He also arrested and imprisoned General Stanislaw Tatar.

Jacob Berman - Stalins right hand and responsible for deciding who lived and who died in Poland for almost ten years. (The choice of Berman to head up the polish secret police by Stalin, was connected with his Jewish origins, which exonerated him from suspicion of Polish patriotism and advocacy of Poland's independence. Stalin regarded the Jews as cosmopolites, whose loyalties would be to Zionism rather than the country of their residence ... [KORBANSKI, p. 73]).

The Bielski gang - killed, raped and looted thousands of polish peasants and resistance fighters, and participated in the treacherous disarmament of Polish partisans by the Soviets in 1943, helping directly in the executions of polish soldiers.

Julia Brystiger - Julia Preiss - Who claimed that all intelligensia of Poland needed to be exterminated and helped in doing so.

Anatol Fejgin - Tortured and helped murder numerous poles. "Symbolized", Stalins terror in Poland.

What do all the above have in common? They were all born in Poland. They are but a small contigent from the thousands that existed. What would you call them? I would call them traitors.

"Stephan Korbanski also notes that the Soviet Communist secret police-team assembled by Berman [whose brother Adolf was chairman of the Jewish Committee in Poland till 1947, when he immigrated to Israel] [CHECINSKI, M., 1982, p. 85] at the beginning of his rule were all Jewish -- Vice Minister Natan Grunsapau-Kikiel (Roman Romkowski) [who once interrogated Korbanski], and other high officials like General Julius Hibner (David Schwartz), Anatol Fejgin, security police chief Joseph Swiatlo, Joseph Rozanski (Goldberg), 'Colonel

Czaplicki,' and Zygmut Okret. These were not the only Jewish officials who oppressed Poles in the name of communism. Victor Klosiewicz, a member of the Communist Council of State, has stated that 'it was unfortunate that all the department directors in the Ministry of State were Jews.'" [KORBANSKI, p. 78]


Our neighbouring countries had their own, Russia had Lenin, Trotsky, Apfelbaum, Wallach, Andropov, Sverdlov, Yurovsky, Kaganovich, Bronsteins, Frankel, Firin, Rappoport and thousands more. Hungary had Bela Kun, who machine gunned all the hungarian prisoners of war who refused to join the red army, and Rakosi, Yugoslavia had Moshe Pijade. Estonia had Hans Grabbe who murdered most of the estonian officers, and it was Herman Gutkin and Viktor Feigin who marched through the streets and tore down estonian flags replacing them with the soviet red flags after the Soviet army took over in 1940. Hirsch Aisenstadt, who was the chairman of the Jewish cultural autonomy in Estonia admitted that the jews were the worst perpetraters of crimes, amongst other things they had Stella Schliefstein, who torturered her victims by "Tearing up their victims arm and leg muscles", and the jewish dentist Budas, "Used to scald victims' hands and feet in boiling water so that their swollen skin hung loose like gloves or socks". But I'm digressing, back to Poland;

"As Piotr S. Wandycz of Yale University observes, "The average Pole could not but notice in the Stalinist era that the two most powerful men in the country-Berman and Minc-were both Jewish as was the dreaded security official Rozanski." (N.Y. Review of Books, Aug. 18, 1983, p. 51)."


"Chodakiewicz noted that some 3500 to 6500 Poles died in late 1940s because of Jewish denunciations or were killed by Jews themselves".

"A recent study by the Polish Institute of National Remembrance showed that out of 450 people in director positions in the Ministry between 1944 and 1954, 167 (37.1%) were of Jewish ethnicity, while Jews made up approximately 1% of the post-war Polish population."


Of the poles killed in Katyn were; An admiral, two generals, 24 colonels, 79 lieutenant colonels, 258 majors, 654 captains, 17 naval captains, 3,420 NCOs, seven chaplains, three landowners, a prince, 43 officials, 85 privates, and 131 refugees. Also among the dead were 20 university professors (including Stefan Kaczmarz); 300 physicians; several hundred lawyers, engineers, and teachers; and more than 100 writers and journalists as well as about 200 pilots. In all, the NKVD executed almost half the Polish officer corps. Altogether, during the massacre the NKVD murdered 14 Polish generals. (From Wikipedia). "Blah blah", aphrodisiac? I wonder if you would say that to the last survivors of the generation that survived the slaughter of our finest men and women.

Some exerpts about jews and their lives in Poland;

"In prewar Poland," notes Wladyslaw Krajewski, a Polish Jew, "... the majority of Jews did not regard themselves as Poles. Growing up for the most part in Jewish environments, they observed only the Jewish customs and religion, spoke only Yiddish at home, and generally spoke Polish poorly." [Krajewski, 96-97] Norman Salsitz describes growing up in a Jewish community in a Polish town and discovering that many Jews did not even know what the Polish flag looked like. [Salsitz, N., 1992, 73] In 1936, Jewish voting patterns in Poland (in their self-governing kehillah organizations) revealed a 38 percent vote for the Bund party (a group emphasizing a Jewish, as opposed to Polish, identity), 36 percent vote for Zionist lists (the return to Israel group), and religious Orthodox (religiously anti-Gentile) and "middle-class" groups at about 23 percent. [Gitelman]"

Chaim Bermant notes:

"In Poland, the Jews became so numerous, prosperous and entrenched, that
they began to lose something of their caution. Their whole economy was based
mainly on the arenda system under which they became tax farmers and collectors
for the crown, or lessees of the forests, estates, mills and salt mines of the
nobility. Some operated on a large scale, many on a small scale, leasing a few
acres of land, or operating a small distillery or tavern, but their utility to their
superiors rested in their powers of extraction. The peasantry, the work force,
the cattle, the land, were all regarded in much the same light and were pressed
for their maximum yield, and if the nobility were thus the ultimate exploiters,
the Jews were the visible ones and aroused the most immediate hostility. Rabbis
warned that Jews were sowing a terrible harvest of hatred, but while the revenues
rolled in the warnings were ignored. Moreover, the rabbis themselves were
beneficiaries of the system." [BERMANT, C., 1977, p. 26]

There can be many reasons why the average pole did not look too favourable upon the jew, and the two links I just posted can maybe answer a little bit of that. Imagine, a people that lives among you, people that you see every day, they are found to be overrepresented in the ideological nightmare called communism, supporting your biggest enemy. They partake in the fall of the russian empire and the installement of revolutionary men like Stalin, Trotsky and Lenin, who's ideological leaders Marx and Engels' professed that "slavs are to be exterminated". They are all the masterminds and responsible for the Holodomor, where millions of ukrainians are murdered by either bullets or starvation. Where whole villages were wiped out in the late 20's and early 30's. After this, they move on to your border, they start agitating and becoming more and more involved in the same politics in Poland. The everyday pole would be very wary of these people and their ways. You know what they did during the russian revolution, the bloody purges, the starvation and the inhumane behaviour. You know that many of them are jewish, and you now know that they are in your own country as well. Imagine after Katyn, how would you feel if you knew some of the killed there? A captain, maybe your uncle or your neighbour. A priest, maybe the priest from your town? How about the local doctor who saved your little sister when she was ill. Now they are all gone, brutally murdered and thrown into nameless pits. Who does this? and why? They were killed because they were ethnic and christian poles. You know that this idelology was created by jews, that they have the highest positions in the secret police and the army. That they control the personal papers of all you countrymen, who get's to live, who get's to be tortured and who get's to die. You know their names. When a time comes for you to take revenge, will you not do it? Will you remain silent and let someone else do the justice for you? It's the second world war, and your country is in ruins. Concentration camps are everwhere, to the west the germans kill you, and to the east the soviets do the same. The secret police can come knocking at any time, will your neighbour give you up for food, money or for their safety? When people who were born in your country, that grew up in your neighbourhoods, who went to school with your and who's family reaped the benefits of your generous country, can turn against you in such a way, does that not tell you something about them? Will it not give you scepticism about them? Resentment? Hatred?

If this goes on for hundreds of years, in the end the friction, the suspiciousness and the bitterness from the locals will culminate. As it did during the second world war. If this afterwards is called "anti-semitism" and said to be done "just because they were jews", is for the individual to decide. It's like only getting to know one side in a courtcase. Many a times I have sided with the person who got to tell his grief, but that was until I heard the other side, and which put a completely different light on things. This is human nature, and I believe many people only get to hear the jewish side of things. But when you read about how the jewish people acted for hundreds of years, how they made a living, and in the end, how they treated the same people who were willing, and who did give their lives for them, one has to understand how those things came to happen. Why did the jewish people experience expulsion and condemnation from all over Europe throughout history? Kings, popes, priests, historians, mayors and farmers have all told their stories of their encounters with the jews, and it is not a pleasant read, nor does it put a favourable light on them. Were they all anti-semites? Hitler and national-socialism did not exist in Norway, when they drafted the constitution in 1814, the second paragraph concluded that "jews are not permitted in Norway". What about the Egyptians? Were they nazis too?

All of this is not written because of my "hatred for the jews", as posters like "aphrodisiac" would say, but to bring light to the cause of the events that would happen in Poland when jews either lost, or regained power, and there was civil unrest. You are right on one thing though, aphrodisiac, there would be enough tears to cry us a river for our brave men and women who died at the hands of those they thought were their friends. And by the way, it's not the jews that I'm "afraid" of, they are not ethnic poles, they don't want to be, and never will be. I don't expect anything from them. But you aphrodisiac, you're the one I worry about, because if Poland can't depend on her own people to protect her, like you, then we are doomed to repeat history.

On one hand it prides me that my little country by the sea was the most tolerant state in the world on the other hand it doesn't surprise me at all. We've always been ahead of everybody else in Europe. :P

You sure you want to go that this way, MareGaea? Why didn't you include the fact that your country will soon look like one of your former colonies, and that tolerance only goes as far as critizing the muslims, when if you do, you will find yourself in front of a judge, faster than you can say "Hot verdomme!". Or maybe dead on the street with a knife in your chest with some arabic writings on it. A once great nation reduced to third world immigrants rioting in the streets and a right wing extremist as your next prime minister. (If he's not in jail for hatespeech). That is way ahead of anybody else in Europe! Yey!

2 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

aphrodisiac: please TELL me how your post relates to the topic, please TELL me.

The thread is about "Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland?". How come Hitler chose Poland as the place to kill jews = The best place to kill jews was Poland = Poland allowed Hitler to kill jews in Poland = Poland killed jews on Hitlers order = Poland is responsible for all the jews that died during the war, not Hitler = Poland invaded itself to kill jews.

This is the way I see many debates here on this forum come to an end. So, who made you the moderator on how a thread develops? Maybe the thread-starter doesn't mind if his question turns into a full and interesting debate on a wider sense of the topic? No moderator has deleted or pushed all these posts into the "random thread". It's a debate forum, not your little sim city game where you get to control everyone, aphrodisiac.

Many polish people and the polish army were fighting to preserve the jewish life in Poland, both before, during and after the war. But since the jews were so heavily involved in communism and mostly kept to themselves, not integrating into polish society and everyday life, they were easy to point out. They did not support Polands right to be a sovereign nation, they were not part of the catholic church that is so important to the majority of poles, they kept their language, their religion and their customs. I don't blame them for that, but if you choose to do this in a foreign country, even though you have lived there for centuries, you know that this might be your downfall one day. This is human nature. The polish nation is not unique in any way in this sense, just pick up any history book and read about minorities and tribes living side by side throughout history, and what happened to them. It happened to the jews before they moved to Poland, and it happens to dozens of minorities today. What happened to the jews in Poland is NOT unique. But the fact that so many of them chose to be willing executioners of the bravest men and women of Poland after such a horrendous war, shows that one must question their motives, their morale and their trustworthiness.

Aphordisiac, I don't know which country you originate from, but imagine, your country having a small, but succesfull minority for hundreds of years. Your king granted them liberation, the possibility of free religious tolerance and the chance to prosper like never before. For hundreds of years, things seem to go along nicely, then suddenly this minority helps your countrys biggest enemy, working for their secret police, military intelligensia, they gather information about your countries military secrets, defenses and weak points. Where all the intelligensia lives and their political viewpoints. As this enemy sweeps in, hundreds of thousands of your countrymen are murdered in cold blood, whole families are wiped out, cities destroyed, women raped and children are left alone to die. The enemy now has taken over your country, controlling every aspect, the state, the military and the institutions. The same people you lived with, the neigbours you smiled to, the guy at the mayors office are suddenly hired to uphold the new conquerors laws. They are the new police chief, the new mayor, the new principal at your local university. They help arrest and imprison thousands of you countrymen, sending them to slave labour camps in Siberia, to exectuions in dark cellars or to just vanish never to be seen again. The same people you hid in the cellar, the same people you thought would fight along you against the opressors, are now working for them, taking your country and freedom away from you. This is how I FEEL the jews have been acting, and you know what, I have the facts to back it up. You might call me anti-semite and a hater, but I am just a patriot who tells it as I see it.

Since many posters in here are not polish, not even half polish, and some haven't even been to Poland, it might not be too easy to identify with Poland when it comes to how poles think, feel and react when somebody attacks them. In whatever shape or form. War or a debate forum. When I read about the jews that helped build up the terror-regime of the Soviet Union, when I read how they helped the secret police, the army and the fifth column movements all over Europe, how their people financed all the sides of the war, to make it happen, you have to excuse me for being a bit apprehensive about their ways.

As to my post, that you disliked so much, let's turn it around, why did the jews help kill poles that sacrificed their lives to save the jews? Why did thousands of Smetanskis, Romkowskis and Rozanskis beat, torture and in the end execute the same people who tried to save the aforementioned's families from the same fate in the concentration camps and ghettos? As this is a Polish forum, I would think that would be a more interesting thread.

1 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

Comes from a person who who say's on their profile that their country/city is "Mother earth"...

and manages to write this in the "mosque in Warszawa" thread....

"what makes you think that 11 000 Muslims living in W-wa are not normal Seanus?"

Maybe you should come down to "Mother earth" first, Aphrodisiac...

1 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

There comes a point when things become an unhealthy obsession. Have you thought about counselling to work through your issues?

I'm sorry facts get's in the way, Jonni, I'll try and not use to much of it in the future and talk about the weather and more important stuff like that. I know you don't like it when people start looking at all sides of the story, and actually try to find out WHY things happen, instead of just "letting things be".

Can't you post more about dogturds and post some more pics or sausages in mashed potatoes? I bet that is more interesting for people in here.

Unhealthy obsession with history...hehe. If you don't like the discussion, go to another thread, Jonni.

Oh, here's another link Jonni, I won't mention the word Is***l or J*w, which you obviously don't like and you can maybe send the people behind this page the same advise you sent me? Do you have any other names I can use instead, so you don't get so upset? That is very "1984" of you.


1 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

ust a question: why can't you Poles accept things you've done wrong in the past WITHOUT saying: "yeah, but THEY..." ? It sounds so childish, you know.

Because of incidents like this?

Witold Pilecki, one of Polands greatest heroes who risked his life on numerous occations and in the end paid the ultimate price, by jewish hands, for trying to rescue them during the German occupation. He even volunteered being sent to Auschwitz undercover where he set up resistance groups and where he gathered information about the ill-treatment and murders of poles and jews. He escaped and sent his intelligence report to the allies, who refused to believe him and left the Auschwitz camp unscratched. Maybe you should blame them a bit more for what happened there, after all they KNEW.

The same people he tried to save from torture and certain death, put a bullet in his head after the war as, "thanks". How can you trust a people that will do this to you?


"Ten days later, on May 25, 1948, Witold Pilecki was executed at Warsaw's Mokotów Prison on ulica Rakowiecka (Rakowiecka Street)[2] by Staff Sergeant Piotr Smetanski. Nicknamed by the prisoners the "Butcher of the Mokotow Prison," Smetanski is believed to have been paid 1,000 Polish Zloty for each execution he carried out. Smetanski emigrated from Poland to Israel in 1968."

Willing executioners of Poland's finest men escapes to Israel...no trial for this man.

Who gave the order to kill Pilecki?


"General Roman Romkowski (born Natan Grinszpan-Kikiel) (May 22, 1907 - July 1, 1961) was a Polish communist, and second in command (deputy minister) in Poland's Ministry of Public Security (MBP) during the 1940s and the beginning of the 1950s. A Jew, he was responsible for the workings of departments: Ist (counter-espionage), VIIth (espionage), Xth security in PPR/PZPR, and more."


"Józef Różański (b. Józef Goldberg) (1907, Warsaw - 1981, Warsaw) was a communist activist in Poland, member of Soviet NKVD and Polish communist Ministry of Public Security of Poland. Born into a Polish Jewish family in Warsaw, active in the Communist Party of Poland before WWII, he joined NKVD and later, Polish communist security apparatus. Involved in torturing opponents of the state (including anti-communist activists and more liberal communists), he gained notoriety as one of the most brutal secret police interrogators. He personally administered torture to Witold Pilecki, one of the Righteous Among Nations.[1] Arrested in 1953, and sentenced in 1957 to 15 years in prison, Różański was released in 1964, having served seven years."

Pilecki was REPEATEDLY TORTURED befor the "trial", and then executed with some of his friends and martyrs of the polish nation. Do you think the execution was carried out with dignity? Do you think, Pilecki and his friends were given time to talk to their families and have a dignified end to their lives? From what we know executions in the communist controlled areas were swiftly done, without any dignity. Bodies dumped into pits or holes and then just filled up.

"His place of burial has never been found. He is thought to have been buried in an unmarked grave near Warsaw's Powązki Cemetery's garbage dump."

THIS IS WHY I DON'T GET ALL EMOTIONAL EVERY TIME A JEW CRIES HIS TEARS ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST. I save my tears for my own hero's and my own kind first.

Maregaea, there are hundreds, if not thousands of stories like this, not with highly decorated and brave soldiers like Pilecki and his men, but with ordinary men and women, young and old, who sacrificed their lives for a free Poland, to not only save themselves, but also the jews. After the war, this is what they were repaid with.

23 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

Haha, Harry. This thread is not about your reports, it's about Israel asking for the worlds pity and acting like nazis themselves. You can go on and on about reports and telegrams and all the other forgeries you have found on the internet. But how about the money you could collect from actually proving the gassing. You haven't adressed that, so let's leave it at that, Harry. (Go to the holocaust was a jewish invention thread for that, I'll meet you there).

Harry, you claim you have no Jewish blood, but by god, what a crusader they have in you.
They must be shouting out "Lechaim!" every time one like you races to their defence. You are the perfect manchurian candidate and all the propaganda and books really have made an impact. Why don't you address all the hate the state of Israel has done since they first set their feet on their holy land after the second world war? Nazi like marriage laws, non-jews not being allowed to become jewish, the spitting on christians in Israel, why arab israelis can't buy land in Israel, why they drive bulldozers over peaceful protesting women, why the israeli soldiers pose smiling infront of their newly shot to death vicims, and all the humane treatment of sick and elderly palestinians who can't even get to the hospital and dies at the check point after waiting 5 hours to come through. This happens today! Why do you care so much for something that happended 60 years ago? Wouldn't it be more productive to protect and defend actual living people, than somebody that died that long ago? Why this support-Israel at any cost tactic?

As for "hate" sites. It's in the eye of the beholder, and since you are surely a cardholding ADL memeber and get the SPLC report in pdf format every year with a personal thank you letter from Mark Potok, you no doubt have a great knowledge about who's hating and who's loving out there.

Loving your own people if you are white and christian = hate.

Loving your own people if your are jewish = not hate.


p.s! This just in!! British people are dogs! Best regards, Israeli knesset member Arieh Eldad;


Don't you just love those israelis....
23 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

So, now you're crying...bigots...anti-semites...haters...they visit "supremacist" sites. Actually I didn't go to either of the sites you mentioned. There are dozens of sites with these quotes.

Let's see, you say there was a final solution against the jews, but can't find any papers it was ever signed or discussed...but you want us to believe it...but then when others say your leaders planned evil things or said disgusting things, then it's just "fabrications" and "propaganda"...too bad there are too many people listening and having freedom of speech out there, huh?

It's like when stories about organ thefts into Israel coming forth...you deny it...but lampshades and bars of soap, now that was real...

Israeli government involved in human trafficing of eastern european girls, torturing them and selling them like cattle (Hmm, where have I heard that term before..oh yes, the jews said it about non-jews).

Every time a rumour is not in your interest, it's "false"...but if something is working for you, then it has to be real...even though you can't prove it. And anyone "denying" it or even daring to question it....ooohhh the hate, the lies....holocaust all over again...better get out that violin and striped dress from the closet...and press play on the camcorder! Better yet, put them in jail! What you say? You're an 90 year old, bed ridden soldier from the second world war? We'll send you half way around the globe, have you put in court with your oxygene mask and sentence you to life in prison! Justice is what you want. What was that? Send our own criminals to other countries courts for their justice? No way! Israeli citizens will never be sentenced for any crime!

Israel has refused a Polish request for the extradition of Solomon Morel, 87, alleged to have committed crimes against humanity as the head of a labour camp holding ethnic Germans in Poland's southern Silesian region immediately after World War II, Poland's Rzeczpospolita daily reported Wednesday.


How does it feel being on the other side of the table, trying to defend yourselves against slander, lies and hate? (Or are all those quotes real?).

How about these apples?

"We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters." Yitzhak Rabin

"There is no such thing as a Palestinian." Golda Meir

"The Intifada is the Palestinian's people's war of national liberation. We enthusiastically chose to become a colonialist society, ignoring international treaties, expropriating lands, transferring settlers from Israel to the Occupied Territories, engaging in theft and funding justification for all these activities.. we established an apartheid regime." Michael Ben-Yair, Attorney General of Israel

"The blood of the Jewish people is loved by the Lord; it is therefore redder and their life is preferable." Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg (Wow, even Goebbels has met his match here!).

The hate didn't start the minute the state of Israel was concieved...a jew by the name of Ilya Ehrenburg wrote this to encourage russian troops;

"If you kill one German, kill another - there is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days; do not count miles. Count only the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the German - this is your old mother's prayer. Kill the German - this is what your children beseech you to do. Kill the German - this is the cry of your Russian earth. Do not waver. Do not let up. Kill." Ilya Ehrenburg. Sound familiar?

Now exchange the word arab or palestinian with "jew" or "jewish" and put a German name behind the qoute...there would be a movie, a book and a theater play. But since it's about some dirty arabs, not worth one israeli fingernail...then....who cares.

This quote is totally manufactured. If you believe that Menachem Begin actually said this then you are an idiot. Where is your source, Stormfront?

No, but why would this not be true? He often referred to white christians as "Goyims", a derogatory term. Why wouldn't he use derogatory terms on arabs as well? They killed hundreds, if not thousands of arabs back then, they blew up hotels, british army barracks, attacked american naval ships and arranged for massacres of men, women and children in consentration camps that Israel controlled. You established what is in reality an apartheid state, you condone torture of prisoners and the Talmud makes Mein Kampf look like a childrens book! So why don't you just accept that you are the new South Africa anno 1960 and get on with it.


Who now knows Harry has to have jewish blood as he pounces on every post that critizises Israel and immidiately throws out names like "supremacist" or "christian" against those who dares to discuss his beloved Israel!
20 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

Dariusz - before I go - for every Israeli fanatic you've just quoted there are at least 100 or more Arab fanatics with even more venomous speeches.

I agree. The arabs are ten times worse, and I understand the israelis. I would do the same thing! And I have said this in previous posts. But I expect more from a highly developed society. I'm no supporter of the arab mentality and islam. But that's not the point here. The point is that Israel and the jewish people of the world are trying to be the "ultimate victims of the world" and at the same time act as they do in the middle east. I just feel it's such hypocrisy. If I'm a staunch polish patriot, who shouted "Poland for poles", but at the same time would marry a thai girl and have kids with her, and then hire illegal immigrants to work for me, that would make me a hypocrite! This is what Israel does, it's citizens and jews around the world promote the holocaust and hype up anti-semitism to such a degree, it can be found every day in one form or another on our TV, radio or the internet. But at the same time they are killing, bombing and oppressing millions of people the same way they were treated by the nazis...it just bugs me.

But if the israelis said, listen we're not better than anyone, we just defend ourselves, and act accordingly, (not using white phosphorus, shooting kids and torturing prisoners, taking more land, amongst a long list of things), I think there would be less hate or critizism against them.

So the fact that a Jewish professor, who actually comes from Israel, can say something like he said, about sending nuclear missiles to Europe, it just shows that they just don't know when to stop.

I know if Poland would find herself surrounded by muslim states, we would have to have nuclear weapons aswell. And be ready to use them.
