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Posts by mvefa  

Joined: 21 Jul 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 591 / In This Archive: 111
From: Netherlands
Speaks Polish?: no

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16 Oct 2009
Life / Beggers namely Kurwa boys in Poland [70]

Son, do you have a crush on Shelley? Just wondering

nooooo, pray to all of my gods they i never fall in love with such person!

Then I went to the Gardai (Irish police),

. In other words, they were telling me to *peep* off and not cause them any work this time of night!

You should tell this story to RevokeNice, he will love to hear about Irish race supremacy!
16 Oct 2009
Life / Beggers namely Kurwa boys in Poland [70]

I knew the junky piece of $hite was lying..

he was the worst scum on this earth

the tw*t

Lovely girl, always using beautifull classy language.
16 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

But this can be said for people out side of Europe too.

Im sure he won't , he is 100% convinced that the white men are the only one who ever created something on earth. If you carefully read his posts, he mentions that every and i mean EVERY civilization was build by europeans, even chinese, mongolian, inka, maya, egyptian :P

I rest my case.
15 Oct 2009
Life / If I say POLAND, you say...? [100]

Well, how about Dutch?
Should they bare scrutiny ?

oh dear, we critize ourselves always, like about our famous stingyness, our liberalism, and all our bad sides, its much more friendly than just talking about our strong points...it gets lame when someone do that.
15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

As for humans... let them progress, let them realise their true nature....Kindness, forgiving, loving, compassionate, united, progressive, spiritual and social.

Does this also applys to homosexuals?

Again...you don't really want to have a contructive debate, but search for single words and passages that you can focus on...

Whahaha come one dude! the only reason i dont take you seriously is because you stated that all the civilizations were built because of the white people, sorry but that is just STUPID. So they found a white mummy in China! my god alert the church elders, this means europeans built China..really seriously? i think you can do better than that.

Vikings were known always as savages, so deal with it. Because of their violent, cruel, merciless behaviour they were hire for security. That's it.

And yeah, i prefer to be a liberal than being a supremacist, who try to find aaaaany possible reason to prove that the white race is the only one with intelligence and creativity. The rest is unworthy, unintelligent and plain useless, right? that is what you are implying.
15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Well consider this conversation over until you come with concise ( i mean not wikipedia or some blog) about the Europeans building the Inca,Maya,Chinese,Persian,Babylonian empires.

This is gonna be fun!
15 Oct 2009
Life / If I say POLAND, you say...? [100]

If I say POLAND, you say...?

unable to critize itself, everything from Poland is perfect.
15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

The difference between what I claim and what you claim is that logic is on my side. And you have words like idiot and ignorant. Congratulations.

No dear, it's just that you are really talking nonsense here. what makes you come to the conclusion that white people built the Inka empire, the chinese and other empires,, really? what? its just funny dude.

And let me tell you something, the reason is the following, empires have cycles, it goes round and round, they reach their top and then they come crashing down. Look at china, was a mighty and powerfull empire, then went to hell and now its coming up again as a super power. Some nations will, some not, its just how it goes.

Another example, the british empire, was once great and all mighty, ruled over 7 seas. And what is it now? a little pet from the US. if the president of the USA says jump, the prime minister of the UK says: how high?... you would have not expected this 100 years ago.

but just to finish, thinking the way you do, have only brought disaster to humanity, just think of hittler, the kukusklan. based on the same thoughts you have...so dont play with fire cause you might burn yourself little boy.
15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Why is this funny? You actually wrote the truth.

whahahahahaha man, we have here an empty headed people! Dude i have been reading all the bullsh*t that you wrote,,haha man, you claim white superiority but you are just showing plain ignorance.

Middle east was thriving , while white europeans were organized in tribes and wearing fur. What has the rest of the world achieved? well to start with Ink, gunpowder, paper, compass came from China, there were not white europeans there at that time idiot! haha Math came from the Arabs, medicine was way ahead in the middle east before the renassaince. Cirgury was practice in the Inkas empire while we did not know it all in Europe.

Agriculture was far advanced in the mayas/inka empires while there was starvation across Europe.

Man really, before you open your mouth, read not only european texts, but universal ones, you will find out much and much has been achieved by other peoples than europeans, its just a fact, so stop being a little white-trash idiot who bashes other races out of ignorance.
8 Oct 2009
Polonia / What About The Poles In The Netherlands? [102]

So you think now that you can have the place for yourself, eh?

Offcourse, i will rule once more over the seven seas...! :P

By the way, i met a polish guy in train on monday, he asked me how to get to central station, his english was so cute.

But indeed where are all those 100.000!!!
8 Oct 2009
Polonia / What About The Poles In The Netherlands? [102]

the fact that they are closing down the Red Light District and most of the coffeeshops in A'dam has to do with the fact that the city of Amsterdam wants to clean up their act and desires a "clean image". Nonsense, but that's their reasoning. However, if that is what you're looking for, you can still go to Rotterdam or The Hague as this policy is not a nationwide policy, only in Amsterdam.

It has already begun :D Me very happy, no more stinky teenage american/british/spanish drug tourist stumbling by my door, littering everywhere.

Amsterdam should indeed clean a bit its face, there are some areas which just causes shame, dirty, filled with souvenirs shops, dirty coffeshops and wrong tourists.
8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

When Poland finally gets enriched with mass immigration, I hope the only person the cultural enrichers rape and murder, is you. You deserve it.

It looks like you live in a very very bad neighbourhood. All criminal inmigrants live in this areas right? so you are confronted with it everyday, so you must live in one of these ****** up neighbourhoods. Why? can you not afford a better place to live? do you live in minimun wage? ah i thought all you Irish were so superior that you only have the high-paying jobs, what happened there?
6 Oct 2009
Polonia / What About The Poles In The Netherlands? [102]

I have not seen too many poles here, there are some in Eindhoven (south of the netherlands) but their numbers are not as significant as in the UK.
29 Sep 2009
Law / Bureaucracy in Poland [53]

That way the police can identify you and give them a job too ;)

which job? :o oh oh oh

ahahaha Kidding seany.. baaah
8 Sep 2009
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

I think we all do, we losen up a bit.

She hasn't accepted it in the ear yet ;) ;)

Keep trying, she might say yes someday!

This is so softcore for children

Hahahaha good one~!
8 Sep 2009
Law / The Euro, is it a good idea for Poland? [66]

Indeed the southafrican banknotes look cool, would be a variation than the usual Heros/reformers we see in most of the countries.

That Thai king is really a god indeed. Somebody should put him down from his cloud...
8 Sep 2009
Law / The Euro, is it a good idea for Poland? [66]

Rhinos? yaaay, thats the last thing you wanna see in a banknote haha,, well at least is better than the chinese yuan, all the banknotes display the face of Mao, aaaaall of them! lame!
8 Sep 2009
Law / The Euro, is it a good idea for Poland? [66]

My local shop keeper was soooo mean she would tear a jelly baby in half, for your half penny hahahahahahaha

Hahahaha yeepers, what an stingy old lady..

Yeah, nice dark wooden frame and on green felt, looks good.

I was thinking of a light coloured wood with a blue background, huh,, i might have to reconsider..
8 Sep 2009
Law / The Euro, is it a good idea for Poland? [66]

I have the old Irish currency framed hahaha.

really? haha that's a great idea i will do that, they will hang over my fireplace :D
8 Sep 2009
Law / The Euro, is it a good idea for Poland? [66]

P.S. the Dutch Guilder was the greatest looking currency I had ever seen :)

Yeps, we loved it, i still have some left somewhere in my boxes. They are gonna be worth a lot later on, they said :D
8 Sep 2009
Law / The Euro, is it a good idea for Poland? [66]

Do not know about you, but the introduction of the Euro in Holland, caused the prices to go up quickly and to double, triple.

Do you think it is a good idea for Poland to change to the Euro? what are your thoughts.
25 Aug 2009
Love / Is Indian/Polish relationship possible? [370]

as for yoga, I would rather not imagine you in any position. Well, maybe a downward dog;)P

You mean doggy style with his boyfriend behind :P hahaha