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Posts by vetala  

Joined: 10 Jul 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 22 Feb 2011
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18 Jun 2010
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

I also don't see what the fuss is. I've seen much more insulting and misleading things in the press. But if so many people are bothered by it then I guess it would be better to be more careful.
14 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Brit Polonia fighting anti-Polish stereotypes [46]

Read the recent Jewish thread and see the anti-semetic behaviour.

In ethnic Poles? Born and rased in Poland? Funny, I actually got the opposite impression.
14 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Brit Polonia fighting anti-Polish stereotypes [46]

having spent a considerable amount of my time on this forum

How many Poles are on this forum? And how many out of them show antisemitic or homophobic views? Numbers, please.
13 Jun 2010
History / Leon Feldhendler: A hero murdered? [37]

That might be very well the reason, but if they weren't the perpetrators, who was/were?

Could be anybody. I guess we'll never know.

I was just wondering why there could be a relatively successful uprising in Sobibor (and relatively early as well, 1943) and not in other camps.

There had to be someone strong-willed and with large following who would organize and lead it. Perhaps there was just nobody like this in other camps.
13 Jun 2010
History / Leon Feldhendler: A hero murdered? [37]

Other accounts state that four Polish resistance fighters pleaded guilty and were executed in Lublin Castle, 12th of April 1945. I don't find that very reliable as it would be too swift to happen, especially in the chaotic days right after the war.

They were probably used as scapegoats. The communist government used whatever excuse it could to get rid of the resistance fighters.
11 Jun 2010
Off-Topic / What language is this? [5]

Hutsuls are simply Ukrainian highlanders from Carpathian mountains of which part is in Poland so some of them might have been Polish citizens. Galicia was very multi-cultural, it was inhabited by loads of nationalities. But first you should check the dialect of Polish Carpathian highlanders, it differs from regular Polish as well and is pretty similar to the dialect used by other Carpathian highlanders. In fact, all Slavic languages are pretty closely related so what you wrote could be in any Slavic language and dialect. For example in regular, dialect-free Polish it would be "siadła baba na barana jechała na..."

If your grandfather said that he was Polish then he probably was. Especially if he was a Roman Catholic. Knowing songs in foreign languages and dialects doesn't change a person's nationality.
11 Jun 2010
News / Next 100 years - Poland as great power? [35]

Poland won't become a major player in world's politics with the way things are right now. There's just nothign that would set us apart from other European countries, we're too average. I see several options that might change it:

1. We find a lot of oil on our lands
2. We start a mass production of rare, high-quality, valuable items (technology, not ham. Nobody gets a world acclaim for pig farms)
3. We change the way we look at politics (as in:we stop electing people based on their level of patriotism instead of actual qualifications and shaping our foreign relations through the prism of likes and dislikes rather than profit)

4. There's a third world war. That would change a lot of things in politics and economy.
3 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

Marry me. Immediately.


Don't you think that other women think that way yet still bite the bullet?

I can only feel sorry for them.

How about the thought that you could be more youthful when your child is growing up?

I don't want to waste my youth sitting at home 24/7 waiting for my children to come back from a school trip and tell me about all the exciting places they've been to which I'll never get to see and they didn't like because they're more interested in touring playgrounds than museums. My mother and aunts were younger than me when they had kids so I know what to expect from motherhood. It's not something I'm looking forward to.

Please tell me, do you imagine yourself without having kids for the rest of your life?

Perhaps one day nature will kick in and I'll start wishing for kids. It won't happen anytime soon, though.
3 Jun 2010
Love / Inside polish women's psychology and mind [109]

I can't speak for every Polish woman but I don't want to have children for the same reason why I don't want to have a dog - too much trouble, filth, costs and in addition to that I wouldn't be able to leave house whenever I want for as long as I want for some 20 years. No, thanks.
2 Jun 2010
History / Poles and Russians -- love-hate relationship? [209]

So tell me Poles, why shall I carry a shame any government on this territory deserved in the past three centuries?

I don't know. I wasn't the one who said it. And it's not like I can change the mind of a person who did.

I was brought up to be friendly despite of the race or nationality.

So was I.
23 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

But then again, the truth is probably rather different.

Lol, what truth? How do you know it? Are you a witness?

Let's hope the killer is brought to justice

Who needs courts? You've clearly already judged him and declared guilty.
23 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

I can't believe what I'm reading here.

What the news say: Police chased a man who was selling something illegal. They caught him and then a bunch of other people started throwing stones at them and assaulting them. The policemen took out guns to scare off the other attackers. The man tried to wrestle the gun from policeman's hands, the man shot - accidentally or not , we can't tell yet.

The conclusion of some of the commenters here - those dirty, racist, nazi Poles murdering "Untermenschen"!
17 May 2010
History / Casimir the Great (Kazimierz Wielki) started anti-Semitism? [101]

Poles did not get ride of royalism until it was once and for always overthrown by the Nazi German.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean here. Poland didn't have kings since it was partitioned and even before that for many centuries kings were elected and had little power. It was the Szlachta who ruled in Poland.
17 May 2010
History / Casimir the Great (Kazimierz Wielki) started anti-Semitism? [101]

Vast majority of Poles at the time were peasants and peasants back then had no nationality. It's like yehudi said - Jews were a class. Germans, Armenians, Tatars, Cossacks and other nationalities had "extraordinary priviliges" too, why focus on Jews?
17 May 2010
History / Casimir the Great (Kazimierz Wielki) started anti-Semitism? [101]

why the f*ck do people like Polonius and other sockpuppets feel the need to obsessively discuss the topic on forums about Poland?

I'm wondering about this too. Ever since I started writing on this forum I've had three nightmares with Jews in them. These threads are driving me insane!
11 May 2010
History / Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles. [78]

Half of the Germans have not blond hair...they weren't discriminated either...

Because they weren't Slavs.

Nazis believed that Jewish blood was poison, Polish blood was worthless and German blood was like the specialest snowflake. Polish blood was worth something only if it was mixed with German blood. But even one drop of Jewish blood was enough to poison even the superior German blood. Get it? Or should I give you some three hundred quotes?
11 May 2010
History / Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles. [78]

Here's what Jan Karski was told by the representatives of the Jewish underground, very interesting and true statement:

"You other Poles are fortunate. You are suffering too. Many of you will die, but at least your nation goes on living. After the war Poland will be resurrected. Your cities will be rebuilt and your wounds will slowly heal. From this ocean of tears, pain, rage and humiliation your country will emerge again, but the Polish Jews will no longer exist. We will be dead. Hitler will lose his war against the human, the just, and the good, but he will win his war against the Polish Jews. No -- it will not be a victory; the Jewish people will be murdered...."

As we all know, this is exactly what happened. Not only Polish jewry was annihilated but Jews in many other countries as well. And that's why Holocaust is mainly a specifically Jewish experience.

Blond slavic babies are still slavic babies.

But they were the only Slavic babies allowed to live. Nazis believed that blond hair in Poles was a sign of German blood. Don't try to deny the obvious Anti-Slavic sentiment of the Nazis, there's too much evidence of it.
11 May 2010
History / Thinking of changing Wikipedia's Holocaust article to include genocide of Poles. [78]

Funny, that's how I view it too, difference being that I think of Jewish victims as "other Polish victims" less biased that way.

Funny, I thought the main difference between Jewish and Polish victims was that a Polish person was in mortal danger whenever someone accused them of being Jewish or hiding Jews. I haven't heard of a Jew under Nazis who would be in mortal danger due to being mistaken for a Pole.

As every Pole, I feel bitter that polish victims are often forgotten but let's not pretend that we had it "just as bad" as Jews, it's a lie. A lie.
10 May 2010
History / Anita J. Prazmowska's "The Polish Century" [24]

non-existent polish anti-semitism and ignores the crimes of Jews on Poles that triggered polish retaliation

...I remember the time when you still made sense. I could expect that statement from joepilsudski but it's really disappointing to see it coming from someone who still manages to sound sane from time to time.

Antisemitism of the Poles is often exaggerated but to say it was nonexistent one has to be channelling some fantastic alternate reality.
10 May 2010
History / Anita J. Prazmowska's "The Polish Century" [24]

I don't like historians who write about a country they have personal links to. It's impossible to be 100% objective, the bias, no matter how small, is always there and even if there isn't any then there will always be people who will believe that there is a bias and demand proof from another source for every argument used in a discussion.
5 May 2010
Life / What's wrong with you, Polish people - is it an inferiority complex? [120]

Polishforums may seem like a good place to discuss Poles but it's not a good place to talk WITH Poles. The opinions expressed on this board come mainly from non-Poles or people with some sort of Polish ancestry who have never lived in Poland. My advice is to check the profiles of everyone whose opinion you're reading - if the answer for the question "Do you speak Polish?" is "no" or "some" then don't act like that person's opinion is somehow an opinion of a Pole or the entire Polish population.


PS: also you see obseessed with Jewish, why??

I've never even thought about Jews before I started posting here. All those conversations, guilt tripping and blame games now made me obsessed with Jews or rather with the thought that a great deal of Jews hate Poles and have a warped view of Poland and their opinion is only reinforced by the foreigners who keep posting antisemitic crap here and are for some reason assumed to be Poles which results in lurkers and newcomers wondering wtf is wrong with the Poles and their 'obsession' with Jews.