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Posts by magpie  

Joined: 10 Mar 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 133 / In This Archive: 107
From: The UK & Opolskie
Speaks Polish?: Not very well

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19 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / UK citizen visiting Poland - any restrictions on entering the country? [22]

It certainly used to be the case, and the police can ask for ID at any time, but nobody is ever prosecuted for not carrying one.

Good. I'm glad I know that, as I'd hate to loose my bottle and blurt out a whole list of things I've done wrong, and, not have an ID card. I find it difficult enough to remember to carry the papers for the car when I go to buy milk.
19 Oct 2011
Life / 'Urząd' - Is anyone Polish old enough to remember this? [4]

No, I don't think that they were actors. I don't think it would be easy to fake the despondency on their faces.

Yes, I should have said mrs m laughed in a 'Oh my god! I remember that drudgery' kind of way. She gave me some examples that matched the video, especially the bit about providing a third bit of paper to annul the second one you showed me. :(

Yes Pawian, that's it. Not sure why the link didn't work. Me, no doubt.
18 Oct 2011
Life / 'Urząd' - Is anyone Polish old enough to remember this? [4]

A friend sent me a link to this five minute film by Krzysztof Kieślowski from 1966. I wonder how he got it made? He probably said it was about the hard working office staff. Anyway, it made Polish mrs m laugh. The aged mother in law couldn't see what was funny about it.

BTW, If it's been on the forum already, then apologies, but I couldn't find it.
18 Oct 2011
News / Amnesty to Illegal immigrants in Poland [102]

Are you asking me as an Australian? In which case the answer would be that.... I'd probably try and sell it to them.

But Hythorn is right, there would be a lots of mumping and moaning, but I doubt that there'd be blood in the streets. That's a more continental way of resolving things. That and blocking ports and burning things. And, we'd never hear the bloody end of it from the Daily Mail.

And I think you're over simplifying thousands of years of complex history and fluid borders. No? Or did they all really turn up one day and demand it?
18 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / UK citizen visiting Poland - any restrictions on entering the country? [22]

if thinking of entering at the head of a column of troops, it is an entirely different matter

Hahaha! I laughed so much, my Greek delight made me feel queasy.

frickdapop, I was going to send you a link to the bit on the Polish Consulate in London's visitor information page, but it is presently requesting a username and password, which is:

a) irritating
b) probably means the server is being updated or some other technical thing
c) so funny! Being asked for a password to receive simple information. It's probably a new initiative to deter immigration.

Bugger, where did I put that password application?
18 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Who designs houses in Poland? [66]

No, but those financing a project are rarely remembered for being visionary, usually for mediocrity as a by product of maximising profit. As are the builders (developers)

Slightly different from comments on people vision, but, a friend of mine was one of the project managing team of a £5,000,000+ project in Aberdeen a few years ago. For those who don't know, Aberdeen is known in the UK as the Granite City due to it's architectural history as a result of the local building materials. The developer imported granite from China in order to save £3000.

What they should have done was got far more than £3000 in PR by making a big thing about it, but no, it was better to import the stuff, which doesn't even look the part.
18 Oct 2011
News / Amnesty to Illegal immigrants in Poland [102]

i can tell you that similarly started Serbian problems with Kosovo.

Illegal immigrants? Weren't they citizens of the country, but just the wrong flavour?

BTW, I stubbed my toe earlier. Was that the fault of NATO? Was it the Kosovites? Will it feel better after the uprising of the Slavic brotherhood?
17 Oct 2011
Study / The worst of Polish education. No wonder Polish universities are bottom of the list. [142]

That makes me feel better.

Actually, to be honest, I find it really worrisome. Mrs magpie was recently diagnosed with cancer and over the last two weeks we have met with four specialists: 2 x oncologist, a radiologist and a surgeon. I keep wondering which ones cheated at school... 75% of them based on the anecdotal evidence in this thread.

Given that she was given the all clear 18 months a go by a local specialist who apparently couldn't read the f'king scans properly (a cheat?), I seriously worry about it after reading the comments in this thread, especially those condoning cheating.
17 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Disgusting, fat and lying Polish women and Illegal immigration in UK [73]

moaning, in true Aussie fashion

She did say that she has British citizenship, by birth.

And by the way, as a child, my English next door neighbours never stopped complaining about the heat. It especially annoyed them when they were sunbathing. If we are getting into generalisations, I may as well join in.
17 Oct 2011
Study / The worst of Polish education. No wonder Polish universities are bottom of the list. [142]

OK, but with respect and in all fairness, it is in line with the theme of education in PL which leads on to university. And OK, maybe "The level of education here is PISH!" is a generalisation, but I was very disappointed.

If that type of thing - either wholesale class laziness - or teacher apathy exists for a class of 14 year olds, how can it not travel upstream into higher education and therefore university, which is not and cannot be isolated by that which precedes it?

But, at the end of the day it's your forum and you shall make decisions as you see fit.
17 Oct 2011
Study / The worst of Polish education. No wonder Polish universities are bottom of the list. [142]

Right, that's it. The level of education here is PISH!

I thought I would help my 14yo stepson do his humanities/social science homework. The task was to read some newspapers, look at current events and summarise what is going on.

He went to three newspaper websites, copied the first few lines from a few articles into a word document and...and....and.....that was it. I told him that my daughter in the UK does the same thing, but in addition, she must summarise it in her own words, to show that she understands what she has just read.

His response to this is that he should do the same more or less, but everyone in the class does it this way and he gets a '5' every week for it, and so he should, as it should be grammatically and factually correct in it's summary, being written by a journalist wit 30 years experience.

This means that:

a) the teacher doesn't read them
b) the teacher doesn't care
c) i don't know what other interpretation there is

I am so disappointed, I can't describe it. Oh, I just did.
17 Oct 2011
Study / The worst of Polish education. No wonder Polish universities are bottom of the list. [142]

Is there a Polish version of the Times list?

The rankings are actually based on things such as academic/original research etc, patents created and so on. I take all of the lists with a pinch of salt, as not all of the lists can be correct. And, they tend to generalise too much, as in they don't take into account specialisms, after all, how do you rank a uni that focuses on medicine and law against one that focuses on mechanical and computer engineering?

And that one created by the Spanish guy is so crap too. He has the first 17 unis as American with Oxford below the university of Tallahassee or some nonsense. He must be after a visa.
17 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Who designs houses in Poland? [66]

Visionary? The Chinese were visionary in advance of the Olympics too: Doesn't mean it isn't crap.

Actually, like the drawings of potential Dubai crap, its all quite adolescent really, in a "look at us, we're your equal" kind of way. And like I said earlier, nothing is new, it just depends how it's presented.
17 Oct 2011
News / Amnesty to Illegal immigrants in Poland [102]

you would not legally be able to keep them out

Eventually, but not immediately. Usually between 'Illegal' and 'Citizen' there is the state of 'permission to remain' or something similar.

Not to long ago the Italians gave a whole bunch of French speaking African's some special visa that allows travel in the EU, knowing fine well that they would immediately bugger off to France. Which they did. So the UK isn't always the final destination either.
17 Oct 2011
Study / The worst of Polish education. No wonder Polish universities are bottom of the list. [142]

It's based on the number of bloody website hits! Doh!

From the "About us" bit:

4icu.org University Web Ranking Methodology

Universities and Colleges are ranked by our exclusive 4icu.org University Web Ranking.

The ranking is based upon an algorithm including three unbiased and independent web metrics extracted from three different search engines:

Google Page Rank
Yahoo Inbound Links
Alexa Traffic Rank


We do not claim - by any means - to rank organisations or their programs, by the quality of education or level of services provided. The 4icu.org University Web Ranking is not an academic ranking and should not be adopted as the main criteria for selecting an higher education organization where to study.

Ha, that's actually really quite funny.
17 Oct 2011
Food / Anyone recommend a nice strong Polish tea(bag)? [11]

the teas available in Poland tend to be a little on the Reptile's Bland Blend side

Bland! I thought I'd get used to it, but I can't. When out, I choose coffee so as not to offend.... it's different here, obviously. ;)

And, I'll be bringing a LHD transit from the UK in a few months and was considering filling it with stuff like this, but wouldn't bother if there is a local alternative.

I'll give Mardas and Yunnan a try if I can find them. Thanks.

Not sure what else to bring, as an almost empty van seems like a really bad idea.
17 Oct 2011
Food / Anyone recommend a nice strong Polish tea(bag)? [11]

I'm running short on Punjana and fear that using seven teabags of the brand herself buys may be prohibitively expensive, as the local brands that I've tried have been really tasteless.

Any recommended brands?
17 Oct 2011
Study / The worst of Polish education. No wonder Polish universities are bottom of the list. [142]

My step-daughter told me about this happening in her school and the Mrs magpie - a school teacher - was really surprised when I said kids fail the topic in most Anglo countries or get suspended etc.

But the following are amongst those rated above York:

The University of Nottingham
Newcastle University
University of Southampton
University of Glasgow

17 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Who designs houses in Poland? [66]

Some of the designs look like that of a cocktail lounge.

That's putting it politely.

Elioug, The video is great and made sense in general. :)
16 Oct 2011
Real Estate / Who designs houses in Poland? [66]

Yes, you make good points, but the problem is that nothing is new (e.g. the Sea Towers = Malaysia's Petronas Towers from 1998) and if people have a normal job and can afford a normal mortgage, then probably only want a normal house, so buying a plan from a website makes sense.

And especially with architecture, if you compare it to fashion or say hairstyles is that once the novelty of flared jeans or blue hair wears off (i.e. stops being modern) you can throw them in the bin, or get your usual hairstyle again. As an extreme example, it's a little difficult after you've spent $20,000,000,000 on garish buildings such as in the eyesore that is Dubai.

I saw one of these pics a while ago and thought it was some teenage boy fantasising about Metropolis or something. All of them are modern and unique (unless you look at the one next door to it) but is anyone really better off for it, other than the agents who sold them?