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Joined: 29 Dec 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Jul 2013
Threads: Total: 27 / In This Archive: 3
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From: Scotland

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10 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Cancer treatment / healthcare on NHS in UK? [8]

It isn't as simple as getting a job and re registering with a G.P. Particularly if she hasn't been registered for a while. I'm sorry that I cannot provide any worthwhile advice.

If she was to be seen by a specialist here, they would have to agree on a course of treatment, such as trastuzumab (Herceptin). It is possible they may have a professional difference. Your friends prognosis and personal circumstances would also need to be taken in to consideration.

I hope things work out for the best.
18 Jul 2010
Life / Do Polish Marlboros differ? [21]

Even Marlboros within the United States differ.

Polish Marlboros seem a bit "lighter" than others.
18 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Not all is bad for Poles in Scotland! [167]


I agree.

the highlands

Nice to look at but pretty scenery doesnt put food on the table.

Despite having a plethora of natural resources there is a lot of poverty in the Highlands.

For example, despite Scotland being one of the largest oil producers, the Highlands have higher petrol prices than inner London.

To bring things back on topic - in the Highlands, a lot of the workforce travel south for education and jobs. They are replaced by retired( usually English ) people who are not in the work pool.

This leaves a lot of seasonal jobs to be filled in the tourist industry.

The Polish culture fits very well with that of the Highlands.
17 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Nursing staff from Eastern Europe about to 'flood' into UK ? [45]

Good nurses wont be let through the net that easily.


Due to the fact that

Scottish government are coming down hard on boards that are trying to make short term savings by not filling posts and using agency workers instead.

not because foreigners are training here

Training probably better in some other countries :-(
17 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Nursing staff from Eastern Europe about to 'flood' into UK ? [45]

One year job gaurantee

Agency spending down by £3m

Nurse training - going down the pan - many training placements are in the private sector.
16 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Not all is bad for Poles in Scotland! [167]

go to Scotland

Heres a szkocja.eu/sitppolish/CCC_FirstPage.jsp

Roll on independence for Scotland.

Well said Harry.

money from the English.

Scotland has a fiscal surplus of £3.5 bln a year - the UK national debt is around £900 billion - the union is costing Scotland dearly. The sooner we get out the better.

I wonder when a Scot will ever answer this question

The SNP do not vote on English matters, neither do Plaid Cymru - conversely, Scotland continually suffers from Westminsters policies.
6 May 2010

Conoco Philips is drilling in the shale beds near the bay of Gdansk.

Poland is estimated to have just over a million cubic metres of exploitable gas reserves.

Why can't Poles do it themselves?

Yeah, pop round to Biedronka and get a drilling derrick and a few jars for the gas.....
1 May 2010
History / Should visitors to Auschwitz pay an entrance fee? [82]

no enterance fee or no car park charge just a little shop that sold post cards and books

And now because of the number of tourists coming there is a multi million pound culloden experience centre which downplays much of the horror, staff dressed as redcoats, car parking charges, souvinier shops, kids stuff etc etc

An entrance fee to Auschwitz could be the start of turning the "Auschwitz Experience" in to something kitsch.
30 Apr 2010
History / Should visitors to Auschwitz pay an entrance fee? [82]

There should be no entrance fee.
Its upkeep should be maintained by the state in memory of all the Polish people ( and others ) that died there.

A warning from my part of the world..........

Culloden was a disaster for the Highlanders of Scotland. Thousands were massacred and ethnicaly cleansed as a result of the actions of the British Government troops and a way of life destroyed forever.

Nowadays you pay to see a sanitised ( Brit Gov ) version of events at the visitor centre, there are people employed dressed as the loathed Redcoats and you have to pay to park if you want to pay your respects to your forebearers at the graves of the clans.

Could Auschwitz go the same way ?
11 Apr 2010
UK, Ireland / Female health in Britain - Polish view [105]

Passed me by I'm afraid.

The thread title refers to British healthcare - the OP then goes on to describe English healthcare experiences.

Point being - there is a difference.
11 Apr 2010
UK, Ireland / Female health in Britain - Polish view [105]

Female health in Britain

In Britan there are four publically funded healthcare systems.

Yay for England....

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all have their own lines of accountability and their own health priorities.
6 Apr 2010
UK, Ireland / Female health in Britain - Polish view [105]


unfortunately has about 4000 young women a year who develop precancerous or cancerous cells under the age of 25.

The rest of the UK,

has decided that the extra cost of screening this age group is worth it.

England seems to have the "Philip Morris" view on cancer research.
1 Apr 2010
Love / Scottish & Polish relationships [229]

Witamy w Szkocji - a wee message from Scotlands Government and its First Minister, Alex Salmond.I dont believe there is a London government version of this or anything of its type.


One example of how Scotland promotes stronger links with Poland.

I dont think this has been posted before- its a website for Poles living in Glasgow.
1 Apr 2010
Love / Scottish & Polish relationships [229]

i think it will be a sad day

Why ?

Whoohoo - Eastwood branch SNP came up on the Google ads thingy !

The haters

No hate in any of my posts.
1 Apr 2010
Love / Scottish & Polish relationships [229]

To Scotland or to Britain?

For Scotland - the idea of "Britain" is alien to many.

do they look towards Gordon Brown or Alex Salmond?

Alex Salmond has achieved fantastic things in Scotland within the remit of the Scottish government - I can't wait until we get full independence.
31 Mar 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

Because he had Parkinsons and his finger got stuck on the "0" key on his typewriter.

"Coming for a pint Adolf ? "

" Cool, I'll just finish this letter authorising the death of 60 jews"
30 Mar 2010
News / Polish scientific breakthrough - breast cancer [8]

but you get used to this sort of literature after a while.

Hey !! I has brians too.

Also, 2009 and a randomised trail involving 25 women does not a summer make.
30 Mar 2010
News / Polish scientific breakthrough - breast cancer [8]

collecting the data at least 10 years ago.

Thats what I thought.

Its great that Polish scientists are working on this and its great to appreciate the work they are doing - but lets keep it in perspective.

Every little helps as they say, hopefully we are getting closer.
30 Mar 2010
Classifieds / Poland Tartan Army [19]

A post taboard.com/forum/index.php might get some interest.
22 Mar 2010
History / A rare Polish medal [14]

What does the front of this Polish medal say?

  • Mickiewicz