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Joined: 23 Dec 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 13 Oct 2012
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 1077 / In This Archive: 273
From: Los Angeles
Interests: growling, biting, stalking prey

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9 Feb 2011
Love / American woman falls in love with a charming Polish man upon his visit to the U.S. [36]

Finally he sends this message:
"I want you to stop writing. I don't want to receive your mails any more.
You are molesting me.
I'm hapyy in a relationship with a woman I love."

It's always hard to tell the tone of someone's "voice" in an email. It sounds like a polite email with a simple request. He's in a relationship and doesn't want to receive emails from you anymore.

The word molesting simply means "bothering" in other countries. It's not the same thing as child molestation in the U.S.

My advice is to look at his email again and see that it's not hostile. It's polite.
27 Jan 2011

Mind you the UK does not have such a good record on letting go of people who go on to kill again..

Same thing in the U.S. They get out of prison and kill again and then everyone complains that they never should have been let out. The weird thing about this guy is that he didn't care that the neighbor was watching and it wasn't the usual murder. It was overkill.
24 Jan 2011

It's good that he didn't run away and that the police were able to arrest him. He's going to be considered for release from prison in 15 years? That's crazy.
10 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / American Marrying Polish woman - visa question [41]

I was planning we could marry here on tourist visa if she likes and start all paperwork, then she would return and take care of the things she needs

Based on what I've heard, she should not go back to Poland after marrying you in the U.S. or she might not be able to come back. She should apply for Permanent Residence as soon as you get married in the U.S. and then she'll be allowed to stay as long as her case is in the process.

If she's not ready to stay in the U.S. you should wait to get married until she's ready.
7 Jan 2011
News / Today's holiday ("Three Kings") - Is everything closed in Poland? [25]

Considering bathing was novel and mouthwash non existent...myrrh and frankincense were needed to quell an odorous existence.

Also, myrrh was used for embalming people in those days. Frankincense was used as incense during prayer to God. The gifts are considered foreshadowing that Jesus was offered up as an offering to God and destined to die.
7 Jan 2011
News / Today's holiday ("Three Kings") - Is everything closed in Poland? [25]

If the 3 'wise men' were really kings how come they gave Frankincense & Myrrh as gifts? That's pretty cheap of them.

They were as valuable as gold in those days.

and where were the Kings' entourage? Kings don't travel alone. No Queens, how come?

Because they weren't kings. They were wise men.

....and why didn't Jesus have any 'wise' poor visitors?

He did.
4 Jan 2011
Love / I was raised in Poland. My Family hates my wife because she's American ... [69]

Just wondering if anyone ever want through something like that ... I know polish culture is strict but I think this is ridiculous ...

I know people who have been through the same thing. They married outside of the race and the parents didn't accept it and they didn't speak to them for years and didn't accept the children. It happens more than people realize.
28 Dec 2010
Love / I treat my Polish colleague like I would treat my older sister, Confused [9]

I've already had that conversation with her a long time ago, and she said that it doesn't bother her, but I have a feeling that it does. I refer to her as 'moj najdroższa siostro' all the time, which is supposed to mean 'my dearest sister'. And sometimes she looks at me as if I'm an alien.

Is it possible that she has feelings for you as more than a friend? Maybe when you call her "sister" it bothers her because she doesn't want to be like a sister to you because she wants to be more than that.
23 Dec 2010

And if you are from LA as in los angelos CA then you have no right to be pointing fingers at one particular sex when it comes to lies as you live in the second largest liar state in the country

That's a lie! hehe.
10 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Polish Americans and religion [28]

I would have never guessed

You should also know that Mr. D is passionate about proving who is and who isn't really Polish. If you don't speak fluent Polish, your Polish ancestors and even your Polish DNA disintegrate and cease to exist.
10 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Polish Americans and religion [28]

I don't want to start a heated discussion here.

She's speaking the truth, though.
29 Nov 2010
History / Christopher Colombowicz: America's discoverer Polish not Portuguese, claim historians [60]

"Discovered America", this is always the language used. Discovered for who?
Surely the first people to discover America were the natives. Perhaps centuries before the Vikings, the Mayan and Aztec might have travelled from their lands and "Discovered" America.

Yes, the natives did travel from Asia to the Americas as we all know but the explorers were talking about discovering the land that no one else but the natives had found or inhabited. They probably figured the natives had always been there.
29 Nov 2010
History / Christopher Colombowicz: America's discoverer Polish not Portuguese, claim historians [60]

My Spanish aint' that good so could anyone tell me if it would be Ladislarez (patterned on Spanish patroynmics such as Gonzalez, Perez, Sanchez, Fenandez et al), or does that hold only for indigenously Spanish Christian names? Władysław is Ladislao in Spanish.

This is just a guess but Władysławic would probably be translated to Ladeslavo because slavic is eslavo in Spanish. From there it might become Ladeslaves for "the son of" but I doubt those names exist. Ladislao is probably correct for both names or maybe even Ladislaos to make it plural.
29 Nov 2010
History / Christopher Colombowicz: America's discoverer Polish not Portuguese, claim historians [60]

The Irish got there long before other Europeans. Saint Brendan

Isn't there a calendar written in stone in a cave somewhere in the U.S. that proves that the Irish or "Celts" were there long before the others?

I always thought Amerigo Vespucci is credited for having discovered America and that's where the name America came from.

And the Chinese are also thought to have discovered America.
23 Nov 2010
Genealogy / DNA Testing in Poland. Is it popular? [81]

The government has a program called CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) and you can download the software and type your autosomal DNA markers into it and see if you have any matches. They give you the closest matches to your DNA markers but it's a list of countries in general, like just "Poland". It's free but the last time I checked you needed Excel software.

Was the National Geographic DNA project big in the U.S?

That was very big in the U.S. They had the documentary on TV and I seem to remember them offering free tests for men to add them to the project.
22 Nov 2010
Genealogy / DNA Testing in Poland. Is it popular? [81]

They have a slew of test results from people who have either purchased the test or from prisoners. A lot of those companies use DNA from the prison system DNA bank but they also go to countries and get DNA from volunteers, like Sibera for example.

We've found documents online of people who have practically all the same markers as my Dad except for one difference and they live in the surrounding area of his birthplace but further out. That's how you can tell someone is not as closely related but still from the same tribe.
22 Nov 2010
Genealogy / DNA Testing in Poland. Is it popular? [81]

I am not sure I understand this, you are saying that your father's haplogroup matches that of people living only in (for example) Poznan and only those that have been tested there or have relations from there?

Not just his haplogroup but his particular set of markers. All of his exact matches are from his hometown, meaning thousands, maybe millions of people in the world have been tested and his exact matches are only from that same location.
22 Nov 2010
Genealogy / DNA Testing in Poland. Is it popular? [81]

That's why I think it's voodoo science (for now) to charge people money for such a general indicator.

I'm not as familiar with Y-DNA as with mtDNA but mtDNA seems more recent and you can have a variety of markers and still belong to the same haplogroup.

My dad took the mtDNA test years ago and his haplogroup is thousands of years old and he has about twenty exact matches so far. We all exchanged information and they were all born in the same place as my dad or their parents or grandparents were. I mean within just miles of each other.

Then I took an autosomal test from a different company and I got matched to the same exact place where my dad was born.

It just seems weird to think that I'm not related to any of those people because the haplogroup is so old and that the location has nothing to do with my own ancestry on his maternal line.

Did you know that Island has been genetically mixed with american Indians ? It means that the Vikings really were first in American :) or should we call this land Vinland ?

Many places overseas have American Indian DNA including England and Spain, among others. I've seen stories about people in England who are stunned to find out that they Native American DNA. Native Americans were taken overseas after the Europeans encountered them and some escaped. But also, the Siberians or Mongolians who have the same DNA traveled that way, as opposed to the Americas.
21 Nov 2010
Genealogy / DNA Testing in Poland. Is it popular? [81]

On the chart, there's a greenish color in Africa and a purple color for Native Americans. When an African American or a Native American has the test done and gets those haplogroups as their results, does that mean they are related to African and Native American from thousands of years ago but they are not related to any other Africans or Native Americans today?

by the way, I have to go now....more later.
21 Nov 2010
Genealogy / DNA Testing in Poland. Is it popular? [81]

With an 18000 year old gene, it is safe to say you have relatives everywhere.

But fathers and sons, brothers, and cousins still carry those genes today and produce matches. Not all matches are that far back.

It's like saying that my dad and brother are related 18,000 years ago because they have the same DNA.
21 Nov 2010
Genealogy / DNA Testing in Poland. Is it popular? [81]

But despite that, it seems that the sites that can tell for money that you're "Polish" from your genes are just a scam.

But they don't claim that they can tell you that you're Polish or any other ancestry. At least, I've never seen that, but they do find your DNA matches to other people throughout the world. If your DNA markers match a large group of people in Poland it's up to you to decide what to think of that. But you obviously have some relatives over there.
21 Nov 2010
Genealogy / DNA Testing in Poland. Is it popular? [81]

DNA tests are good when someone doesn't know their paper records. I've known people who don't know who their fathers are or maybe anything about their family's history. They take the tests because they want to know what their ancestry might be.
20 Nov 2010
Genealogy / DNA Testing in Poland. Is it popular? [81]

You can go on a holiday with only $179? No wonder people think Americans are rich. That's how much we spend just going to the supermarket. hehe.

The 46 marker test on ancestry.com is $179. It isn't too over the top in my opinion as far as cost goes.

By the way, I only paid $99 because I ordered the test some time ago. The prices keep rising. It's better to take advantage of the current price than to wait until it doubles and then you can't afford it.
20 Nov 2010
Genealogy / DNA Testing in Poland. Is it popular? [81]

I've been tested and so have my parents and the results were very accurate. Females can only find their haplogroup on their mother's maternal line and our haplogroup on that side isn't Polish but our autosomal DNA had matches in Poland, from the northwestern part of the country. From what I understand, a lot of those DNA results are from prisoners. eek.
10 Nov 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

Wow. They're putting up a huge statue of Jesus in Poland? I'm amazed because they would never allow that in the U.S. Poland seems to have a lot more freedom of "religious" expression. There was a much smaller cross in the desert of California to honor the memory of fallen soldiers. It was isolated and hardly visible and on private land but an organization fought in court to have it removed. When they were denied, someone cut it down.
5 Nov 2010
Love / Broken Heart due to the mother of my Polish girlfriend [23]

A problem in the situation is the biggest for the mother of the girl. I think she doesn't see opportunities for them to be together.

Yeah, he explained that about her. But is it really the mother's decision? The mother is in control. She's the one who will decide who her daughter will marry and the daughter will obey.
5 Nov 2010
Love / Broken Heart due to the mother of my Polish girlfriend [23]

And don't mothers play even more of a role in their daughters lives in the Polish culture?

That's true for many cultures, where the children are taught that family is important, even the men. I had a boyfriend whose mother was a nightmare, so controlling. I left because I couldn't take it anymore, but I never would have asked him to leave his own mother for me. Like the greeting cards say, sometimes love means letting go. hehe.